How to validate/restrict values in a column as per a specific format in a sql Database - sql

I am working on an application that populates values from sql Database in a format two numeric and alpha character e.g 11G,34H. There is no validation or check for the same.I want to put put checkpoint/validation from Database end.Is it possible to implement via SQL procedure or anything.Can anyone help me with the code.

Try the below query
DECLARE #strtable TABLE (column1 VARCHAR(50))
INSERT INTO #strtable
VALUES ('11H'),('sda'),('175HH'),('1H1'),('282')
INSERT INTO YourTable (Column1)
SELECT Column1
FROM #strtable
WHERE LEN(column1)=3
AND ISNUMERIC(LEFT(column1,2))=1
AND ISNUMERIC(RIGHT(column1,1))!=1
--Output : 11H


How to insert into type text

I wish to insert into an SQL table in a field whose data type is text. However I am informed of an error saying ' check datatype' my Name field is of type nvarchar and my job field is of type text.
INSERT INTO Table1 (Name, Job) VALUES ('John', 'Clerk')
In MS SQL Server, you wont be able to insert string values(with more than 1 characters) in table if the column of type nvarchar. You can only insert only one character using nvarchar.
If you wish to insert some text, please specify the some size with nvarchar.
For example in your case:
Create table Table1(Name nvarchar(5), Job Text)
Insert into Table1(Name, Job) values ('John','Clerk')
This will work.
Hope it will help you out.

Error converting varchar to bigint

I got the error where my data type is varchar, then I want to insert value/input in textboxt = 'smh85670s'.
It appear to be error. As far as I know varchar can accept characters and numbers, but why does it keep throwing this error?
If I insert value '123456' the table can accept that value.
Please guide me. What data type should I use?
Assuming that you are using Stored procedures (which have an insert query) or directly firing an insert query into DB, you must be sending all data as parameters like say #param1, #param2,...
Your insert query will be like
INSERT INTO Sometable ( Amount, textbox,... )
SELECT #param1, #param2 ,...
Just add a cast in this query to make it work
INSERT INTO Sometable ( Amount, textbox,... )
SELECT #param1, CAST(#param2 as varchar),...

SQL Query Finding From Table DataType Declaration

I got some serial keys to find in sql database, such as “A-B-C”,”D-E-F”,”G-H-I”,”J-K-L” and they are stored in tblTemp using ntext data type. These above keys may store in three columns, colA, colB and colC (sometimes store in one column and the rest are null). Sometimes, two serial keys can find in one column (e.g. A-B-C;D-E-F) using “;” seperated. so i wrote the following sql query.
Declare #sa TABLE(var1 nvarchar(Max));
Insert INTO #sa(var1) VALUES (N’A-B-C’);
Insert INTO #sa(var1) VALUES (N’D-E-F’);
Insert INTO #sa(var1) VALUES (N’G-H-I’);
Insert INTO #sa(var1) VALUES (N’J-K-I’);
WHERE colA IN (SELECT var1 FROM #sa);
so i got the following error message.
The data types ntext and nvarchar(max) are incompatible in the equal to operator.
I still need to find for colB and colC. How should write query for this kind of situation?
all suggestions are welcome.
CAST/CONVERT ( your var1 to NTEXT type in your query so that the types are compatible.
colA IN (
You have to convert/cast your search term as an appropriate data type, in this case text.
Try this:
Declare #sa TABLE(var1 nvarchar(Max));
Insert INTO #sa(var1) VALUES (N’A-B-C’);
Insert INTO #sa(var1) VALUES (N’D-E-F’);
Insert INTO #sa(var1) VALUES (N’G-H-I’);
Insert INTO #sa(var1) VALUES (N’J-K-I’);
FROM tblTemp t
FROM #sa s
WHERE t.colA like cast('%'+s.var1+'%' as text)
OR t.colB like cast('%'+s.var1+'%' as text)
OR t.colC like cast('%'+s.var1+'%' as text)
Since all suggestions are welcome.
How about change the datatype on tblTemp to NVARCHAR(MAX)?
NTEXT was deprecated with the introduction of NVARCHAR(MAX) in 2005.

How to insert Japanese characters?

I am writing a procedure with a simple insert statement. It will take #Target as parameter of type nvarchar(200) and this parameter will be inserted to table.
My problem is how to insert Japanese character if parameter is receiving values like this - 'ンプライ'
INSERT INTO [TableName] (Target) VALUES (#Target)
using MS SQL Server 2008
insert into target (Target) values(N 'ンプライ')
Make sure your target datatype is Nvarchar
insert into TableName (Target) values (N 'ンプライ')

SQL Server 2012. Copy row into single column on another table

I am working with SQL Server on the AdventureWorks2012 Database. I am working with triggers. I would like to copy any new inserted row into one single column in another table called AuditTable. Basically whenever I insert into the parson.address table, I would like to copy all of the rows into the AuditTable.prevValue column. I know how to insert etc, I am not sure how to write to one column.
Here is the general idea.
USE [AdventureWorks2012]
ALTER TRIGGER [Person].[sPerson] ON [Person].[Address]
FOR INSERT AS INSERT INTO AdventureWorks2012.HumanResources.AuditTable(PrevValue) select
AddressID,AddressLine1,AddressLine2,City, StateProvinceID, PostalCode, SpatialLocation, rowguid, ModifiedDate FROM Inserted
ERROR: The select list for the INSERT statement contains more items than the insert list. The number of SELECT values must match the number of INSERT columns.
Thank you for any assistance. I have searched loads but cannot find the exact solution anywhere.
The error message says it all - you can't insert 9 columns of different types into a single column. Assuming that your destination AuditTable.PrevValue column is NVARCHAR(), you could flatten your insert as follows, by concatenating the columns and casting non-char columns to n*char:
INSERT INTO AdventureWorks2012.HumanResources.AuditTable(PrevValue)
N'ID : ' + CAST(AddressID AS NVARCHAR(20)) + N'Address: ' + AddressLine1 +
N', ' +AddressLine2 + ....
FROM Inserted
IMO keeping one long string like this makes the Audit table difficult to search, so you might consider adding SourceTable and possibly Source PK columns.
You could also consider converting your row to Xml and storing it as an Xml column, like this:
create table Audit
AuditXml xml
alter trigger [Person].[sPerson] ON [Person].[Address] for INSERT AS
SET #xml =
FOR XML PATH('Inserted')
insert into [MyAuditTable](AuditXml) VALUES (#xml);