We would like to move our api test created using karate framework to karate framework 1.0.1. I see that there is no such class as ScriptBridge which is used by us to attach screenshots and get information about test status, tags of currently running scenario.
What is the equivalent for the ScriptBridge class?
My question is related with Attaching screenshots to json report where I asked how to attach screenshots to report.
Short answer to your question, the class you are looking for is ScenarioBridge.
But the HTML reporting has been overhauled and hopefully you will be able to achieve what you need without hacking into internal classes. There is a somewhat undocumented doc keyword, you will find an example in the link below. If you feel helpers for handling images need to be part of Karate, do contribute or suggest a feature request.
Please read this: https://stackoverflow.com/a/66822585/143475
I’ve searched here and in the Select2 forum and I’ve found just one answer regarding the issues related to test automation and the dynamic nature of ID that are generated by Select2.
AFAIK at my company, we are using Select2 integrated with Bootstrap 3.7 and for some Select2 use cases we have got same findings done here -> https://medium.com/#kcmueller.
I’m preparing a webinar regarding test automation using TestCafe & TestCafe Studio and when trying to use this -> Select2 Github ChangeLog Page as a playground, I’ve seen that on select with option groups, id are created in what seems a random/dynamic way, making impossible any kind of automation that does not depends on finding/clicking things by position.
In addition, I’m not able to find documentation that explains how the ID of the main select2 element is generated. In the Select2 example page id is s2id_e1 for a plain select with id e1.
I’m very confused, because I’m not able to find any documentation that will allow me to understand what is the algorithm used, if algorithm changes according the select characteristics: single selection, multiple selection, option groups.
Hope my explanation is clear.
Any hint?
Any documentation?
Any option other to develop some kind of adapter, as I’ve read in the only post I’ve found regarding test automation?
Thanks a lot
I don't know if it's possible to make Select2 to generate consistent IDs, but it's not a problem if you are using TestCafe. TestCafe provides a lot of ways to locate an item despite its ID and position. For example, the item highlighted in the screenshot can be accessed via Selector('.select2-choice > span').withExactText('Alaska'). The full description of TestCafe selectors can be found here.
We are using serenity reports for both platforms to run automation scripts but not sure how to differentiate the features or scenarios in the reports to say which platform is belonged to. I have used tags still no use as those tags are shown for both platforms. Could someone suggest or help me to solve this issue would be a great favour please?
Serenity Version used: 2.0.30
Attached screenshot of a report
Thanks in Advance
I think you're looking for a context property or/and tag injection feature. It's nicely described on authors blog here https://johnfergusonsmart.com/running-tests-different-environments-browsers-serenity-bdd/.
I want to add a similar feature to a tool I'm making. I'm interested in how it works code-wise. I want to be able get an html page and exclude all but the article.
The Readability project does something similar for chrome and iOS. I'm not sure how it detects the content automatically but I know that Readability has an API for people who want to integrate it's features. You might want to check that out.
If you're working with Ruby, you could use Pismo. It extracts an article from a given document.
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We would like to prepare the software usage documentation for a web application. This mainly contains the screen shots ( along with relevant documentation ) in most of the pages. Also we would like to have a top menu links using which we can jump to the corresponding pages.
Please suggest the tools which can be useful to fulfil the above requirements.
Dr Explain is pretty nice.
It will analyze your page and create a list of controls, buttons, etc. that need callouts.
If you write your documentation with a particular documentation tool in mind, outputting to HTML is relatively simple. LaTex, markdown (with Pandoc in mind), reStructuredText (with Pandoc or Sphinx in mind), AsciiDoc (with DocBook tools in mind) and DocBook (with Docbook tools in mind--see Pandoc).
All of those formats would allow you to easily organize your documentation then export them into HTML however you deem appropriate (probably by major heading, then build a simplistic wrapper around the files). Sphinx can also just output web-based documentation (see Python.org's documentation).
For screenshots I suggest using a standalone app on your platform of choice, Ideally one that lets you do annotation within the program. Skitch for Mac, Jing for Windows, Shutter shutter-project.org or Jing in linux.
Finally I would suggest also doing screencasts as they can be especially helpful to show off the interestingness/power of a web-app.
This may be overkill for your project, but I've favored preparing documentation in docbook (xml), since it's fantastically portable/convertable.
To simplify the document creation, you could turn to http://www.oxygenxml.com/, but you can also do the same work in just about any other xml (or even text) editor.
Once your document is prepared, it's trivial to generate html (multi-page, or single page), and pdf versions.
I don't know what king of language you are writing your code, but in the case of Java, you can use Maven.
With maven you can use many plugins, like JavaDoc, site that create a site with many informations about your API/software and contains the top menu that you want.
This is a screenshot of the site that maven generates: link
I hope these could help!
I'm sure there's some awesome tool out there that integrates everything needed for usage documentation but I'll tell you what I use!
I use wink to grab screenshots of the application in use. I tend to fire it up and just grab loads of screenshots as I walk through the application, or even just a part of the application. Next, I edit the project in wink to remove redundant screen captures, re-order them and position the mouse on each frame. I then add highlighting which is usually just a nice box around the part of the screen I am demonstrating. Wink allows you to overlay the images with informational boxes and arrows, I then export the project as html and use the numbered, exported png images as the base for my documentation.
I tend to drag them into OpenOffice Writer (or whatever you are using for typesetting) and supplement them with more information - ie a few paragraphs top explain what the user is doing and why.
We use acrobat to output this documentation and providing your table of contents is done properly, it can insert bookmarks in the pdf to enable jumping to relevant sections.
The main benefit we get from wink is that it is very easy to re-grab shots when things change and it can output to flash to provide nice, snazzy demos of small pieces of functionality for posting on the web.