Sql query to find max value within 60 seconds - sql

Suppose I have a table like below (with different ids) ... here for example took 99 ...
id hist_timestamp DP mints Secnds value
99 2016-08-01 00:09:40 1 9 40 193.214
99 2016-08-01 00:10:20 1 10 20 198.573
99 2016-08-01 00:12:00 1 12 0 194.432
99 2016-08-01 00:52:10 1 52 10 430.455
99 2016-08-01 00:55:50 1 55 50 400.739
99 2016-08-01 01:25:10 2 25 10 193.214
99 2016-08-01 01:25:50 2 25 50 193.032
99 2016-08-01 01:34:30 2 34 30 403.113
99 2016-08-01 01:37:10 2 37 10 417.18
99 2016-08-01 01:38:10 2 38 10 400.495
99 2016-08-01 03:57:00 4 57 0 190.413
99 2016-08-01 03:58:40 4 58 40 191.936
Here I have a value column, starting from the first record I need to find max value within next 60 seconds which will result in below. In the group of those 60 seconds, I need to select one record with max value.
id hist_timestamp DP mints Secnds value
99 2016-08-01 00:10:20 1 10 20 198.573
99 2016-08-01 00:12:00 1 12 0 194.432
99 2016-08-01 00:52:10 1 52 10 430.455
99 2016-08-01 00:55:50 1 55 50 400.739
99 2016-08-01 01:25:10 2 25 10 193.214
99 2016-08-01 01:34:30 2 34 30 403.113
99 2016-08-01 01:37:10 2 37 10 417.18
99 2016-08-01 03:57:00 4 57 0 190.413
99 2016-08-01 03:58:40 4 58 40 191.936
How to build SQL query to get desired output?
Thanks !!!

it's simple. Use GROUP BY with MAX() function.
select max(value) as value
from table
where hist_timestamp between '2016-08-01 00:10:00' and '2016-08-01 00:10:59'
group by value
This gives you max unique value. Hope it helps
EDIT: if you need more complicated query, like max value for every 60seconds from first date you got in the table, you would need for example recursive CTE or more complicated query with group by


What is the best why to aggregate data for last 7,30,60.. days in SQL

Hi I have a table with date and the number of views that we had in our channel at the same day
date views
03/06/2020 5
08/06/2020 49
09/06/2020 50
10/06/2020 1
13/06/2020 1
16/06/2020 1
17/06/2020 102
23/06/2020 97
29/06/2020 98
07/07/2020 2
08/07/2020 198
12/07/2020 1
14/07/2020 168
23/07/2020 292
No we want to see in each calendar date the sum of the past 7 and 30 days
so the result will be
date sum_of_7d sum_of_30d
01/06/2020 0 0
02/06/2020 0 0
03/06/2020 5 5
04/06/2020 5 5
05/06/2020 5 5
06/06/2020 5 5
07/06/2020 5 5
08/06/2020 54 54
09/06/2020 104 104
10/06/2020 100 105
11/06/2020 100 105
12/06/2020 100 105
13/06/2020 101 106
14/06/2020 101 106
15/06/2020 52 106
16/06/2020 53 107
17/06/2020 105 209
18/06/2020 105 209
so I was wondering what is the best SQL that I can write in order to get it
I'm working on redshift and the actual table (not this example) include over 40B rows
I used to do something like this:
select dates_helper.date
, tbl1.cnt
, sum(tbl1.cnt) over (order by date rows between 7 preceding and current row ) as sum_7d
, sum(tbl1.cnt) over (order by date rows between 30 preceding and current row ) as sum_7d
from bi_db.dates_helper
left join tbl1
on tbl1.invite_date = dates_helper.date

In Azure Data bricks I want to get start dates of every week with week numbers from datetime column

This is a sample Data Frame
Date Items_Sold
12/29/2019 10
12/30/2019 20
12/31/2019 30
1/1/2020 40
1/2/2020 50
1/3/2020 60
1/4/2020 35
1/5/2020 56
1/6/2020 34
1/7/2020 564
1/8/2020 6
1/9/2020 45
1/10/2020 56
1/11/2020 45
1/12/2020 37
1/13/2020 36
1/14/2020 479
1/15/2020 47
1/16/2020 47
1/17/2020 578
1/18/2020 478
1/19/2020 3578
1/20/2020 67
1/21/2020 578
1/22/2020 478
1/23/2020 4567
1/24/2020 7889
1/25/2020 8999
1/26/2020 99
1/27/2020 66
1/28/2020 678
1/29/2020 889
1/30/2020 990
1/31/2020 58585
2/1/2020 585
2/2/2020 555
2/3/2020 56
2/4/2020 66
2/5/2020 66
2/6/2020 6634
2/7/2020 588
2/8/2020 2588
2/9/2020 255
I am running this query
use my_items_table;
select weekofyear(Date), count(items_sold) as Sum
from my_items_table
where year(Date)=2020
group by weekofyear(Date)
order by weekofyear(Date)
I am getting this output. (IMP: I have added random values in Sum)
Week Sum
1 | 300091
2 | 312756
3 | 309363
4 | 307312
5 | 310985
6 | 296889
7 | 315611
But I want in which with week number one column should hold a start date of each week. Like this
Start_Date Week Sum
12/29/2019 1 300091
1/5/2020 2 312756
1/12/2020 3 309363
1/19/2020 4 307312
1/26/2020 5 310985
2/2/2020 6 296889
2/9/2020 7 315611
I am running the query on Azure Data Bricks.
If you have data for all days, then just use min():
select min(date), weekofyear(Date), count(items_sold) as Sum
from my_items_table
where year(Date) = 2020
group by weekofyear(Date)
order by weekofyear(Date);
Note: The year() is the calendar year starting on Jan 1. You are not going to get dates from other years using this query. If that is an issue, I would suggest that you ask a new question asking how to get the first day for the first week of the year.

How to get a row number or ID of where the MAX() value was found

Good day community.
I'm having a hard time trying to figure out a way to achieve the results I try to get. As im not very skilled with SQL queries, I start to lose my mind. What I'm trying to do is to find the highest and lowest grade on a particular test, but I also wish to get the ID or the row number (they are matching) of the rows where the MAX() and MIN() were found.
The table "Results" looks like this:
1 1 3 85 14 2018-11-22 00:00:00.000
2 3 1 41 94 2018-11-23 00:00:00.000
3 2 4 71 54 2018-11-24 00:00:00.000
4 4 2 51 52 2018-12-25 00:00:00.000
5 6 3 74 69 2018-12-01 00:00:00.000
6 3 6 83 57 2018-12-02 00:00:00.000
7 7 4 91 98 2018-12-03 00:00:00.000
8 4 7 88 22 2018-12-04 00:00:00.000
9 5 8 41 76 2018-12-08 00:00:00.000
10 8 5 37 64 2018-12-09 00:00:00.000
The results I get when I run my query...
1 94 85 2018-11-23 00:00:00.000
2 71 52 2018-11-25 00:00:00.000
3 83 14 2018-12-02 00:00:00.000
4 98 51 2018-12-04 00:00:00.000
5 64 41 2018-12-09 00:00:00.000
6 74 57 2018-12-02 00:00:00.000
7 91 22 2018-12-04 00:00:00.000
8 76 37 2018-12-09 00:00:00.000
This is the queries I'm working on.
This query returns the results mentioned above
-- Combine the results of UK and US tests
Combined_Results_Both_Tests AS(
select ResultID as resultID, Test_UK as TestID, Test_UK_Scr as TestScore, TestTakenOn as TestDate from Results
union all
select ResultID as resultID, Test_US as TestID, Test_US_Scr as TestScore, TestTakenOn as TestDate from Results),
--Gets TOP and WORST results of the tests, LastDateTaken (Needs to add ResultID!)
Get_Best_and_Worst_Results_And_LastTestDate AS(
SELECT TestID ,max(TestScore) AS TopScore ,min(TestScore) AS LowScore ,max(TestDate) AS LastDateTestTaken
FROM Combined_Results_Both_Tests
--Final query execution
SELECT * FROM Get_Best_and_Worst_Results_And_LastTestDate
I've tried to achieve my desired results with something like this, which doesn't work and is also very inefficient. What I mean that it doesn't work, it is filled with dublicates, whenever the match is found on US and UK tests.
--Gets ReslutID of Min and Max values
Get_ResultID_Of_Results AS(
SELECT * FROM Get_Best_and_Worst_Results_And_LastTestDate A
(SELECT ResultID FROM Results res
WHERE (A.TestID = res.Test_UK AND A.TopScore = res.Test_UK_Scr) OR
(A.TestID = res.Test_US AND A.TopScore = res.Test_UK_Scr) OR
(A.TestID = res.Test_UK AND A.LowScore = res.Test_UK_Scr) OR
(A.TestID = res.Test_US AND A.LowScore = res.Test_UK_Scr) OR
(A.TestID = res.Test_UK AND A.TopScore = res.Test_US_Scr) OR
(A.TestID = res.Test_US AND A.TopScore = res.Test_US_Scr) OR
(A.TestID = res.Test_UK AND A.LowScore = res.Test_US_Scr) OR
(A.TestID = res.Test_US AND A.LowScore = res.Test_US_Scr)) D)
SELECT * FROM Get_ResultID_Of_Results
This is the results I'm trying to achieve (extra columns that would state where Max value and Min value was found) that would state the ResultID from Results table. Also, the row numbers match the ResultIDs in the table.
TestID|TopScore|LowScore|LastDateTestTaken |MaxValueLocID|MinValueLocID|
1 94 85 2018-11-23 00:00:00.000 2 1
2 71 52 2018-11-25 00:00:00.000 3 4
3 83 14 2018-12-02 00:00:00.000 6 1
4 98 51 2018-12-04 00:00:00.000 7 4
5 64 41 2018-12-09 00:00:00.000 10 9
6 74 57 2018-12-02 00:00:00.000 5 6
7 91 22 2018-12-04 00:00:00.000 7 8
8 76 37 2018-12-09 00:00:00.000 9 10
Asking for any help with the solution, theoretical or even practical. Thank you!
If I follow correctly, you want to unpivot the data and aggregate:
select v.testid, max(v.score), min(v.score) max(v.TestTakenOn)
from results r cross apply
(values (Test_UK, TestUK_Scr, TestTakenOn),
(Test_US, TestUS_Scr, TestTakenOn)
) v(testid, score, TestTakenOn)
group by v.testid;
Then you can modify this using window functions:
select v.testid, max(v.score), min(v.score) max(v.TestTakenOn),
max(case when seqnum_desc = 1 then resultid end) as resultid_max,
max(case when seqnum_asc = 1 then resultid end) as resultid_min
from (select r.resultid, v.*,
row_number() over (partition by v.testid order by v.score asc) as seqnum_asc,
row_number() over (partition by v.testid order by v.score desc) as seqnum_desc
from results r cross apply
(values (Test_UK, TestUK_Scr, TestTakenOn),
(Test_US, TestUS_Scr, TestTakenOn)
) v(testid, score, TestTakenOn)
) v
group by v.testid;
with allScores (TestId, Score, TestTakenOn, valueLoc) as
select [Test_UK], [TestUK_Scr],[TestTakenOn], ResultId from scores
union all
select [Test_US], [TestUS_Scr],[TestTakenOn], ResultId from scores
maxMin (TestId, MaxScore, MinScore, LastTestDate) as (
select TestId, Max(score), Min(score), Max(TestTakenOn)
from allScores
group by TestId
select mm.*, a1.valueLoc as MaxValueLoc, a2.ValueLoc as MinValueLoc
from maxMin mm
inner join allScores a1
on mm.TestId = a1.TestId and mm.MaxScore = a1.score
inner join allScores a2
on mm.TestId = a2.TestId and mm.MinScore = a2.score;
DBFiddle demo

Getting average of product sales each day and calculate number of days that have positive sales

I have this table TARGETSALE that have the following columns
01/09/2014 52 1 1 50
02/09/2014 52 1 1 -10
03/09/2014 52 1 1 50
04/09/2014 52 1 1 50
05/09/2014 52 1 1 40
06/09/2014 52 1 1 -10
07/09/2014 53 1 1 -5
08/09/2014 53 1 1 0
09/09/2014 53 1 1 10
10/09/2014 53 1 1 20
11/09/2014 53 1 1 30
12/09/2014 53 1 1 40
13/09/2014 53 1 1 0
01/09/2014 52 1 2 20
02/09/2014 52 1 2 0
03/09/2014 52 1 2 0
04/09/2014 52 1 2 10
05/09/2014 52 1 2 20
06/09/2014 52 1 2 10
07/09/2014 53 1 2 -10
08/09/2014 53 1 2 10
09/09/2014 53 1 2 -10
10/09/2014 53 1 2 20
11/09/2014 53 1 2 20
12/09/2014 53 1 2 40
13/09/2014 53 1 2 0
01/09/2014 52 1 3 30
02/09/2014 52 1 3 30
03/09/2014 52 1 3 5
04/09/2014 52 1 3 0
05/09/2014 52 1 3 10
06/09/2014 52 1 3 -10
07/09/2014 53 1 3 -10
08/09/2014 53 1 3 -10
09/09/2014 53 1 3 20
10/09/2014 53 1 3 10
11/09/2014 53 1 3 40
12/09/2014 53 1 3 10
13/09/2014 53 1 3 10
"targetsales" shows how much over the target the sales is, where negative means how far below the target the sales was. How can I do the following:
1. I need to get the average for all the product for each day. Something like this:
01/09/2014 1 33.33
02/09/2014 1 -1.67
...and so on
And then I need to have another query that shows how many days within those two weeks that there's positive average sales. Something like this:
1 53 9
Above just an example not a real result.
Sorry, hope this not too confusing. Thank you so much.
In Oracle, the date type might still have a time component. If you do not know if this is there, then use trunc() to remove it:
select trunc(date), branch, avg(targetreach)
from targetsale
group by truncdate, branch
order by 1, 2;
For the second query, you want to use case:
select branch, count(distinct case when targetreach > 0 then date end) as DaysWithPositiveSales
from targetsales
group by branch;
If you know there is one row per date per branch -- and the time component of the date is empty -- then the distinct is not necessary.

How to verify whether records exist for the last x days (calendar days) in SQL not using the between key word

Want verify whether my table is having the records for the last 6 consecutive days in SQL
45 9/1/2013 1
31 10/1/2013 1
32 11/1/2013 1
30 11/24/2013 1
27 11/25/2013 1
28 11/26/2013 1
29 11/26/2013 1
33 11/26/2013 1
26 11/30/2013 1
25 12/1/2013 1
34 12/1/2013 1
24 12/2/2013 1
35 12/3/2013 1
36 12/3/2013 1
44 12/4/2013 1
46 12/6/2013 1
47 12/6/2013 1
Is this what you want?
FLIGHT_DATE > dateadd(day,-6,datediff(day,0,getdate()))