Usage of scipy.optimize.fmin_slsqp for Integer design variable - optimization

I'm trying to use the scipy.optimize.slsqp for an industrial-related constrained optimization. A highly non-linear FE model is used to generate the objective and the constraint functions, and their derivatives/sensitivities.
The objective function is in the form:
obj=a number calculated from the FE model
A series of constraint functions are set, and most of them are in the form:
cons = real number i - real number j (calculated from the FE model)
I would like to try to restrict the design variables to integers as that would be what input into the plant machine.
Another consideration is to have a log file recording what design variable have been tried. if a set of design variable (integer) is already tried for, skip the calculation, perturb the design variable and try again. By limiting the design variable to integers, we are able to limit the number of trials (while leaving the design variable to real, a change in the e.g. 8th decimal point could be regarded as untried values).
I'm using SLSQP as it is one of the SQP method (please correct me if I am wrong), and the it is said to be powerful to deal with nonlinear problems. I understand the SLSQP algorithm is a gradient-based optimizer and there is no way I can implement the restriction of the design variables being integer in the algorithm coded in FORTRAN. So instead, I modified the file to the following (where it calls the python extension built from the FORTRAN algorithm):
slsqp(m, meq, x, xl, xu, fx, c, g, a, acc, majiter, mode, w, jw)
for i in range(len(x)):
The code stops at the 2nd iteration and output the following:
Optimization terminated successfully. (Exit mode 0)
Current function value: -1.286621577077517
Iterations: 7
Function evaluations: 0
Gradient evaluations: 0
However, one of the constraint function is violated (value at about -5.2, while the default convergence criterion of the optimization code = 10^-6).
1. Since the FE model is highly nonlinear, I think it's safe to assume the objective and constraint functions will be highly nonlinear too (regardless of their mathematical form). Is that correct?
2. Based on the convergence criterion of the slsqp algorithm(please see below), one of which requires the sum of all constraint violations(absolute values) to be less than a very small value (10^-6), how could the optimization exit with successful termination message?
IF ((ABS(f-f0).LT.acc .OR. dnrm2_(n,s,1).LT.acc).AND. h3.LT.acc)
Any help or advice is appreciated. Thank you.


How to perform dynamic optimization for a nonlinear discrete optimization problem with nonlinear constraints, using non-linear solvers like SNOPT?

I am new to the field of optimization and I need help in the following optimization problem. I have tried to solve it using normal coding to make sure that I got he correct results. However, the results I got are different and I am not sure my way of analysis is correct or not. This is a short description of the problem:
The objective function shown in the picture is used to find the optimal temperature of the insulating system that minimizes the total cost over a given horizon.
[This image provides the mathematical description of the objective function and the constraints] (
The data of the problems are as follow:
Problem data:
This is the curve I want to obtain
2- Optimization variable:
3- Model type:
The model is a nonlinear cost function with non-linear constraints and it is solved using non-linear solver SNOPT.
4-The meaning of the symbols in the objective and constrained functions
The optimization is performed over a prediction horizon of N years.
T_ref is The reference temperature.
Represent the degree of polymerization in the kth year.
X_DP Represents the temperature of the insulating system in the kth year.
h is the time step (1 year) of the discrete-time model.
R is the ratio of the load loss at the rated load to the no-load loss.
E is the activation energy.
A is the pre-exponential constant.
beta is a linear coefficient representing the cost due to the decrement of the temperature.
I have developed the source code in MATLAB, this code is used to check if my analysis is correct or not.
I have tried to initialize the Ut value in its increasing or decreasing states so that I can have the curves similar to the original one. [This is the curve I obtained] (
I have tried to simulate the problem using conventional coding without optimization and I got the figure shown above.
close all; clear all;
Utt=[80,80.7894736842105,81.5789473684211,82.3684210526316,83.1578947368421,... % The value of Utt given here represent the temperature increament over a predictive horizon.
Utt1 = [95,94.2105263157895,93.4210526315790,92.6315789473684,91.8421052631579,... % The value of Utt1 given here represent the temperature decreament over a predictive horizon.
Xdp =zeros(N,N);
Xdp1 =zeros(N,N);
for L=1:N-1
for k=1:N-1
Xdq(k+1,L) =(1/Xdp(k,L))+A*exp((-1*E)/(R*(Utt(k)+273)))*24*365*h;
Xdq1(k+1,L) =(1/Xdp1(k,L))+A*exp((-1*E)/(R*(Utt1(k)+273)))*24*365*h;
% MATLAB code
for j =1:N-1
Ut1(j)= -p1*(Utt(j)-Tref);
Ut2(j)= -p2*(Utt1(j)-Tref);
Total= table(X1,Xf);
Tdiff =a*(Total.Xf-Total.X1);
Total22= table(X22,X2f);
Tdiff22 =a*(Total22.X2f-Total22.X22);
ob1 = min(obj);
ob2 = min(obj2);
hold on

SLSQP in ScipyOptimizeDriver only executes one iteration, takes a very long time, then exits

I'm trying to use SLSQP to optimise the angle of attack of an aerofoil to place the stagnation point in a desired location. This is purely as a test case to check that my method for calculating the partials for the stagnation position is valid.
When run with COBYLA, the optimisation converges to the correct alpha (6.04144912) after 47 iterations. When run with SLSQP, it completes one iteration, then hangs for a very long time (10, 20 minutes or more, I didn't time it exactly), and exits with an incorrect value. The output is:
Driver debug print for iter coord: rank0:ScipyOptimize_SLSQP|0
Design Vars
{'alpha': array([0.5])}
Nonlinear constraints
Linear constraints
{'obj_cmp.obj': array([0.00023868])}
Driver debug print for iter coord: rank0:ScipyOptimize_SLSQP|1
Design Vars
{'alpha': array([0.5])}
Nonlinear constraints
Linear constraints
{'obj_cmp.obj': array([0.00023868])}
Optimization terminated successfully. (Exit mode 0)
Current function value: 0.0002386835700364719
Iterations: 1
Function evaluations: 1
Gradient evaluations: 1
Optimization Complete
Finished optimisation
Why might SLSQP be misbehaving like this? As far as I can tell, there are no incorrect analytical derivatives when I look at check_partials().
The code is quite long, so I put it on Pastebin here:
aerofoil coordinates (NACA64-012):
You asked two questions whos answers ended up being unrelated to eachother:
Why is the model so slow when you use SLSQP, but fast when you use COBYLA
Why does SLSQP stop after one iteration?
1) Why is SLSQP so slow?
COBYLA is a gradient free method. SLSQP uses gradients. So the solid bet was that slow down happened when SLSQP asked for the derivatives (which COBYLA never did).
Thats where I went to look first. Computing derivatives happens in two steps: a) compute partials for each component and b) solve a linear system with those partials to compute totals. The slow down has to be in one of those two steps.
Since you can run check_partials without too much trouble, step (a) is not likely to be the culprit. So that means step (b) is probably where we need to speed things up.
I ran the summary utility (openmdao summary on your model and saw this:
============== Problem Summary ============
Groups: 9
Components: 36
Max tree depth: 4
Design variables: 1 Total size: 1
Nonlinear Constraints: 0 Total size: 0
equality: 0 0
inequality: 0 0
Linear Constraints: 0 Total size: 0
equality: 0 0
inequality: 0 0
Objectives: 1 Total size: 1
Input variables: 87 Total size: 1661820
Output variables: 44 Total size: 1169614
Total connections: 87 Total transfer data size: 1661820
Then I generated an N2 of your model and saw this:
So we have an output vector that is 1169614 elements long, which means your linear system is a matrix that is about 1e6x1e6. Thats pretty big, and you are using a DirectSolver to try and compute/store a factorization of it. Thats the source of the slow down. Using DirectSolvers is great for smaller models (rule of thumb, is that the output vector should be less than 10000 elements). For larger ones you need to be more careful and use more advanced linear solvers.
In your case we can see from the N2 that there is no coupling anywhere in your model (nothing in the lower triangle of the N2). Purely feed-forward models like this can use a much simpler and faster LinearRunOnce solver (which is the default if you don't set anything else). So I turned off all DirectSolvers in your model, and the derivatives became effectively instant. Make your N2 look like this instead:
The choice of best linear solver is extremely model dependent. One factor to consider is computational cost, another is numerical robustness. This issue is covered in some detail in Section 5.3 of the OpenMDAO paper, and I won't cover everything here. But very briefly here is a summary of the key considerations.
When just starting out with OpenMDAO, using DirectSolver is both the simplest and usually the fastest option. It is simple because it does not require consideration of your model structure, and it's fast because for small models OpenMDAO can assemble the Jacobian into a dense or sparse matrix and provide that for direct factorization. However, for larger models (or models with very large vectors of outputs), the cost of computing the factorization is prohibitively high. In this case, you need to break the solver structure down more intentionally, and use other linear solvers (sometimes in conjunction with the direct solver--- see Section 5.3 of OpenMDAO paper, and this OpenMDAO doc).
You stated that you wanted to use the DirectSolver to take advantage of the sparse Jacobian storage. That was a good instinct, but the way OpenMDAO is structured this is not a problem either way. We are pretty far down in the weeds now, but since you asked I'll give a short summary explanation. As of OpenMDAO 3.7, only the DirectSolver requires an assembled Jacobian at all (and in fact, it is the linear solver itself that determines this for whatever system it is attached to). All other LinearSolvers work with a DictionaryJacobian (which stores each sub-jac keyed to the [of-var, wrt-var] pair). Each sub-jac can be stored as dense or sparse (depending on how you declared that particular partial derivative). The dictionary Jacobian is effectively a form of a sparse-matrix, though not a traditional one. The key takeaway here is that if you use the LinearRunOnce (or any other solver), then you are getting a memory efficient data storage regardless. It is only the DirectSolver that changes over to a more traditional assembly of an actual matrix object.
Regarding the issue of memory allocation. I borrowed this image from the openmdao docs
2) Why does SLSQP stop after one iteration?
Gradient based optimizations are very sensitive to scaling. I ploted your objective function inside your allowed design space and got this:
So we can see that the minimum is at about 6 degrees, but the objective values are TINY (about 1e-4).
As a general rule of thumb, getting your objective to around order of magnitude 1 is a good idea (we have a scaling report feature that helps with this). I added a reference that was about the order of magnitude of your objective:
p.model.add_objective('obj', ref=1e-4)
Then I got a good result:
Optimization terminated successfully (Exit mode 0)
Current function value: [3.02197589e-11]
Iterations: 7
Function evaluations: 9
Gradient evaluations: 7
Optimization Complete
Finished optimization
alpha = [6.04143334]
time: 2.1188600063323975 seconds
Unfortunately, scaling is just hard with gradient based optimization. Starting by scaling your objective/constraints to order-1 is a decent rule of thumb, but its common that you need to adjust things beyond that for more complex problems.

Can I use a lookup table instead of a 5 degree polynomial equation between three variables in a non-linear optimization model?

I am having a non-linear optimization model with several variables and a certain function between three of them should be defined as a constraint. (Let us say, that the efficiency of a machine is dependent on the inlet and outlet temperatures). I have calculated some values in a table to visualize the dependency for T_inlets and T_outlets. It gives back a pretty ugly surface. A good fit would be something like a 5 degree polynomial equation if I wanted to define a function directly, but I do not think that would boost my computation speed... So instead I am considering simply having the created table and use it as a lookup table. Is a non-linear solver able to interpret this? I am using ipopt in Pyomo environment.
Another idea would be to limit my feasible temperature range and simplify the connection...maybe with using peace-wise linearization. Is it doable with 3d surfaces?
Thanks in advance!

Quadratic (programming) Optimization : Multiply by scalar

I have two - likely simple - questions that are bothering me, both related to quadratic programming:
1). There are two "standard" forms of the objective function I have found, differing by multiplication of negative 1.
In the R package quadprog, the objective function to be minimized is given as −dTb+12bTDb and in Matlab the objective is given as dTb+12bTDb. How can these be the same? It seems that one has been multiplied through by a negative 1 (which as I understand it would change from a min problem to a max problem.
2). Related to the first question, in the case of using quadprog for minimizing least squares, in order to get the objective function to match the standard form, it is necessary to multiply the objective by a positive 2. Does multiplication by a positive number not change the solution?
EDIT: I had the wrong sign for the Matlab objective function.
Function f(b)=dTb is a linear function thus it is both convex and concave. From optimization standpoint it means you can maximize or minimize it. Nevertheless minimizer of −dTb+12bTDb will be different from dTb+12bTDb, because there is additional quadratic term. Matlab implementation will find the one with plus sign. So if you are using different optimization software you will need to change d→−d to get the same result.
The function −dTb+12bTDb where D is symmetric and convex and thus has unique minimum. In general that is called standard quadratic programming form, but that doesn't really matter. The other function dTb−12bTDb is concave function which has unique maximum. It is easy to show that for, say, bounded function f(x) from above the following holds:
Using the identity above value b∗1 where −dTb+12bTDb achieves minimum is the same as the value b∗2 which achieves maximum at dTb−12bTDb, that is b∗1=b∗2.
Programmatically it doesn't matter if you are minimizing −dTb+12bTDb or maximizing the other one. These are implementation-dependent details.
No it does not. ∀α>0 if x∗=argmaxxf(x), then x∗=argmaxxαf(x). This can be showed by contradiction.

Errors to fit parameters of scipy.optimize

I use the scipy.optimize.minimize ( ) function with method='L-BFGS-B.
An example of what it returns is here above:
fun: 32.372210618549758
hess_inv: <6x6 LbfgsInvHessProduct with dtype=float64>
jac: array([ -2.14583906e-04, 4.09272616e-04, -2.55795385e-05,
3.76587650e-05, 1.49213975e-04, -8.38440428e-05])
nfev: 420
nit: 51
status: 0
success: True
x: array([ 0.75739412, -0.0927572 , 0.11986434, 1.19911266, 0.27866406,
The x value correctly contains the fitted parameters. How do I compute the errors associated to those parameters?
TL;DR: You can actually place an upper bound on how precisely the minimization routine has found the optimal values of your parameters. See the snippet at the end of this answer that shows how to do it directly, without resorting to calling additional minimization routines.
The documentation for this method says
The iteration stops when (f^k - f^{k+1})/max{|f^k|,|f^{k+1}|,1} <= ftol.
Roughly speaking, the minimization stops when the value of the function f that you're minimizing is minimized to within ftol of the optimum. (This is a relative error if f is greater than 1, and absolute otherwise; for simplicity I'll assume it's an absolute error.) In more standard language, you'll probably think of your function f as a chi-squared value. So this roughly suggests that you would expect
Of course, just the fact that you're applying a minimization routine like this assumes that your function is well behaved, in the sense that it's reasonably smooth and the optimum being found is well approximated near the optimum by a quadratic function of the parameters xi:
where Δxi is the difference between the found value of parameter xi and its optimal value, and Hij is the Hessian matrix. A little (surprisingly nontrivial) linear algebra gets you to a pretty standard result for an estimate of the uncertainty in any quantity X that's a function of your parameters xi:
which lets us write
That's the most useful formula in general, but for the specific question here, we just have X = xi, so this simplifies to
Finally, to be totally explicit, let's say you've stored the optimization result in a variable called res. The inverse Hessian is available as res.hess_inv, which is a function that takes a vector and returns the product of the inverse Hessian with that vector. So, for example, we can display the optimized parameters along with the uncertainty estimates with a snippet like this:
ftol = 2.220446049250313e-09
tmp_i = np.zeros(len(res.x))
for i in range(len(res.x)):
tmp_i[i] = 1.0
hess_inv_i = res.hess_inv(tmp_i)[i]
uncertainty_i = np.sqrt(max(1, abs( * ftol * hess_inv_i)
tmp_i[i] = 0.0
print('x^{0} = {1:12.4e} ± {2:.1e}'.format(i, res.x[i], uncertainty_i))
Note that I've incorporated the max behavior from the documentation, assuming that f^k and f^{k+1} are basically just the same as the final output value,, which really ought to be a good approximation. Also, for small problems, you can just use np.diag(res.hess_inv.todense()) to get the full inverse and extract the diagonal all at once. But for large numbers of variables, I've found that to be a much slower option. Finally, I've added the default value of ftol, but if you change it in an argument to minimize, you would obviously need to change it here.
One approach to this common problem is to use scipy.optimize.leastsq after using minimize with 'L-BFGS-B' starting from the solution found with 'L-BFGS-B'. That is, leastsq will (normally) include and estimate of the 1-sigma errors as well as the solution.
Of course, that approach makes several assumption, including that leastsq can be used and may be appropriate for solving the problem. From a practical view, this requires the objective function return an array of residual values with at least as many elements as variables, not a cost function.
You may find lmfit ( useful here: It supports both 'L-BFGS-B' and 'leastsq' and gives a uniform wrapper around these and other minimization methods, so that you can use the same objective function for both methods (and specify how to convert the residual array into the cost function). In addition, parameter bounds can be used for both methods. This makes it very easy to first do a fit with 'L-BFGS-B' and then with 'leastsq', using the values from 'L-BFGS-B' as starting values.
Lmfit also provides methods to more explicitly explore confidence limits on parameter values in more detail, in case you suspect the simple but fast approach used by leastsq might be insufficient.
It really depends what you mean by "errors". There is no general answer to your question, because it depends on what you're fitting and what assumptions you're making.
The easiest case is one of the most common: when the function you are minimizing is a negative log-likelihood. In that case the inverse of the hessian matrix returned by the fit (hess_inv) is the covariance matrix describing the Gaussian approximation to the maximum likelihood.The parameter errors are the square root of the diagonal elements of the covariance matrix.
Beware that if you are fitting a different kind of function or are making different assumptions, then that doesn't apply.