Why can't I deploy UWP app on a new Lumia phone? (developer mode enabled) - windows-phone

I created an app and I could run it on my Lumia 640 for testing. I have not submitted my App to Windows Store yet, as the debugging is unfinished. I just deployed it on my phone with Developer Modeenabled and it ran just fine.
But now I bought a new phone (same model), enabled Developer Mode and tried to deploy. However, when I tried installing the App on the new phone, it won't display on my App list. Restarting the phone did nothing, Logged in with my Microsoft account for the phone and nothing. I just don't know what I'm missing.
Has anyone else experienced this issue?

I'm missing the files in Dependencies folder which will create with the .appx file. I need to install these files first, and now all fine.


Deploy UWP to windows phone stopped working

I'm building UWP application and deploy it to a lumia930 for testing.
I just click
Store => Create app packages => No Windows Store => Auto increment
version and Create.
When finished the whole app packages is copied to the phone and I install the certificate and the program.
It used to work fine but suddenly the program didnt show up anymore in the apps list. The current version is 1.0.31.
What can I do to fix this?
On the phone devices, you need to manually install all the dependencies from the Dependencies/ARM folder of your app before installing the appxbundle. Failing to do so will result in a silent failure of the installation.
Another option is to turn on the device portal on the phone from settings > update & security > for developers.
One done, get the displayed url and open it from your computer web browser. Under the apps section, you will find the "install app" subsection which will properly deploy the application. you will have to manually declare the dependencies.

Mac app: remove trial version when installing licensed App Store version

I've developed a Mac app which I'm going to distribute through the Mac App Store.
I've also made a trial version which I want to distribute through my website. When the trial period has passed, the user is presented a link to the App Store so she can buy the actual licensed app.
What I'd like to know is; what is the best way to make sure that when the App Store version is being installed, the trial version is overwritten? What if the trial version is still running? Should I make sure it is killed? Can the App Store install an app if there already exists one with the same name in the Applications directory? I don't want the user to have 2 apps installed with the same name.
Can anyone point me in the right direction?
make them ONE app .. same bundle identifier.
One app cannot delete another app
but the appstore can OVERWRITE an existing app IIRC

com.facebook.sdk error 2 in distribution

I already had this working in older versions of my app but our newest update shows this error: com.facebook.sdk error 2 when logging in to facebook.
The app works fine in the simulator and device when built in development mode but the error only shows up when its in the App Store and built in distribution mode. I already found tons of information on the internet but thats not working.
I've checked:
sandbox mode is disabled
bundle id is correct
app store id is correct
facebook logging and deep linking are enabled?
Again our older version worked fine in distribution mode. Our newest version of our app uses facebook sdk 3.5.
I unlinked facebook on my device and found out that it returns the wrong app! When pressing the login button safari opens up ask the user for permissions then returns to another app I made (practically the same app but made for a different company). So I deleted all apps on my device and the error was gone.
Double checked the app id on developers.facebook.com and the fbid in my code and thats all correct.
Why is my app returning a different app after giving permissions?
For some reason my phone was mixing up my apps. Uninstalled all and reinstalled and everything worked out fine.

iOS Application update with one Localization language removed

I'm working about one application for iOS. Application is already on App Store. But in new version, I have to remove one from Localization languages (Germany). After this, i observed very strange behaviors: When i deploy application on my phone without old version previous application, then everything is okay - if i has iOS set to Germany, application is in English. But when i deploy it when old version is already installed, then application does not show English translation, but only keys form unexisting Germany version ("terms_header" and so...).
My question is: How application will behave, when i send new version to App Store, and users will updates their phones to new version of my application?
When you update the application on any iOS device, it's bundle resources always get updated. However you can test the scenario using
- Install old application from xcode with localization
- Test if localization is working properly
- Update application with new build from xcode
- Re-test the application by changing language.
During updates only user generated data stay intact and bundle resources get updated.
What happens if you remove the application from the organiser and then reinstall it?
Ok, i found it. There is the way to check, how application will behave when is updatet from App Store:
Remove application from device
Generate Archive from old version of your app via Xcode (Product->Archive)
Distribute archived application as Ad-Hoc Deployment
Repeat points 2 and 3. for NEW version off your application.
Put .ipa file with old version of your app into iTune.
Install it on you device via iTune and synchronize device.
Check old version of application on you device.
Put .ipa file with new version of your app into iTune.
Press "Update" in iTunes, and synchronize device.
Check new version of application on your device.
In this case, my application is works.

Strange Issue: Application does not show in Main Menu after installation

I am developing an application for Symbian S60 V3. The application can be run properly on Simulator on PC. It can be transferred to Phone. On Phone, it can be clicked to installed. But after installation, I cannot find the installed application for running. It just disappear.
Is there any hint ?
Did you create the application with user interface? If it's just some bacjground process without icon and GUI then it won't be visible.
Did you check under Applications link (or Installed or whatever it is called in different systems).
Do you see your app listed in Settings -> Application Manager?