Strange Issue: Application does not show in Main Menu after installation - symbian

I am developing an application for Symbian S60 V3. The application can be run properly on Simulator on PC. It can be transferred to Phone. On Phone, it can be clicked to installed. But after installation, I cannot find the installed application for running. It just disappear.
Is there any hint ?

Did you create the application with user interface? If it's just some bacjground process without icon and GUI then it won't be visible.
Did you check under Applications link (or Installed or whatever it is called in different systems).
Do you see your app listed in Settings -> Application Manager?


Why can't I deploy UWP app on a new Lumia phone? (developer mode enabled)

I created an app and I could run it on my Lumia 640 for testing. I have not submitted my App to Windows Store yet, as the debugging is unfinished. I just deployed it on my phone with Developer Modeenabled and it ran just fine.
But now I bought a new phone (same model), enabled Developer Mode and tried to deploy. However, when I tried installing the App on the new phone, it won't display on my App list. Restarting the phone did nothing, Logged in with my Microsoft account for the phone and nothing. I just don't know what I'm missing.
Has anyone else experienced this issue?
I'm missing the files in Dependencies folder which will create with the .appx file. I need to install these files first, and now all fine.

Deploy UWP to windows phone stopped working

I'm building UWP application and deploy it to a lumia930 for testing.
I just click
Store => Create app packages => No Windows Store => Auto increment
version and Create.
When finished the whole app packages is copied to the phone and I install the certificate and the program.
It used to work fine but suddenly the program didnt show up anymore in the apps list. The current version is 1.0.31.
What can I do to fix this?
On the phone devices, you need to manually install all the dependencies from the Dependencies/ARM folder of your app before installing the appxbundle. Failing to do so will result in a silent failure of the installation.
Another option is to turn on the device portal on the phone from settings > update & security > for developers.
One done, get the displayed url and open it from your computer web browser. Under the apps section, you will find the "install app" subsection which will properly deploy the application. you will have to manually declare the dependencies.

OSX How to display only one icon in dockbar for same application launched from 2 different locations

I have an application with FinderSync extension support.
I want to achieve silent update for this application. The only approach that I came up with at this moment, is installing the new version of the app into ~/Library/Application Support/../..., and whenever clicks the app from /Applications, redirect the user to Application Support one.
That means I will end up with two versions for the same app. One in /Applications and the other one in Application Support.
I have some issues after launching the application from both above locations.
If the user first starts the App from /Applications, selects Keep in dock, closes the app, updates the app by copying the new app to App Support and after that starts the app from App Support, I will end up with two dock icons.
Whenever I start the application, the FinderSync extension is automatically installed by the OS. It can be viewed in System Preferences->Extensions. Once the user quits the app and deletes the bundle, the OS automatically deletes the extension, so is no longer available in Extensions pref pane. However if I opened the application from both above locations, deleting the app from /Applications does not remove entirely the FinderSync extension from Extensions pref pane. Only after I remove the second application(the one from App Support), the FinderSync extension is removed from Extensions pref pane.
Are there any ways to overcome the above issues?
Please note that I have another question posted on a similar topic, while attempting to get rid of the above behavior using another technique, but I gave up using that approach a while ago:
OSX two dock icons for same application

IBM Worklight 6.1 - Unable to pull app to device using MTWW

First off let me be clear. I have several iOS devices. On the devices that have 7.0.6 I have no issues. When I updated one of the devices to 7.1 I'm having an issue. Let me explain.
On the iOS device that has 7.1 I navigate to the workbench URL and then I go to Manage applications and select install. I then get this message "Cannot install applications because the certificate for >ip address< is not vald. This process works on devices that have 7.0.6. I'm assuming there are issues with the new iOS update.
Now I did some searching and I found something that said there's an issue when trying to download an app from a HTTP site, so I changed a Web Reports setting (found in Eclipse Preferences -> Test -> Performance Test Reports -> Web Reports) to "Security is required to access reports". Thus it changed the port number to "8443". I then navigate back to the workbench URL using the https : // ip:port and try to install the app again. This time it just says Cannot open.
Any ideas on this?
Here is a workaround to be able to test with iOS 7.1
1) Get the zip of instrumented Application from developer or other who can run on a Mac and who has the source code for Application. [ file]
2) Use RTWec "Add Application to list..." button and brows to the zip to "import" it into RTWec.
3) UnZip the zip and use iTunes (for Windows) "Add File to Library..." menu to navigate in zip folder to the instrumented iOS Device application [XXXXXXXX.ipa in “instrumented/iOS Device” folder]
4) Plug in iDevice to Windows using USB, select the App, click associated "Install" button, then "Sync" iTunes.
5) Now test as usual...
MTWW in Worklight and (to be released, soon) does not support iOS 7.1.
Work is under way to provide support in a future release of Worklight.

Terminate and replace app with earlier version to do upgrade install

I'm a newbie in Mac OSx & Objective-C development.
I'd like to ask some help on how to terminate as well as replacing an existing app (with an earlier version) when a later version of the app is being installed or upgraded?
I am aware about updating an app when a new version is available in the App Store or an external server. I've got that covered already. But this one is an implementation for a mac with no internet connection. Upgrading is done manually by installing the app whenever there's a new version available.
Behavior when installing:
It should check if there's an existing copy of the app in the system. It should prompt the user to continue and remove the app or cancel the installation.
If an existing copy of the app is currently running, it should prompt the user to quit the running copy of the app or cancel the installation. When the user selects to quit the app, it should automatically terminate the app and continue with the installation. The app with the previous version should be replaced by the newly installed copy of the app with the later version.
Any help would be much appreciated.
The PackageMaker can do all of this for you. Prepare an installer using this app by Apple. If you are using Mountain Lion then download it from "Auxiliary tools for Xcode"
Launch the application and click the edit button in the actions tab below preinstall actions.
In the sheet that is presented add the Quit application action.