When should we create new intent in wit.ai - wit.ai

When should I create new intent and when should I add new value to the existing intent ? In wit.ai documents, they didn't talk much about this.
EDIT: Let says I have command for a door. So is it better to have 1 intent door_command with values open_door, close_door, or have 2 intents open_door and close_door.

One intent should do for your case as it is a toggle.


How to create several new records in another SQL table from one button-click

I'm new here. Thanks in advance for your advice.
I’m working on an app which will ask the user how many items they made.
The user will enter a number. My app should then create that many new records in a table called 'Items_Made'.
E.g. The app asks “How many items did you make?”, the user enters “19”, the app then creates 19 new records in the 'Items_Made' table.
I've managed to pull together some code (shown below) that creates ONE new record, but I would like it to create several. I probably need some kind of loop or 'while' function but am unsure how to do so.
var ceateDatasource = app.datasources.Items_Made.modes.create;
var newItem = ceateDatasource.item;
This code successfully creates 1 record. I would like it to be able to create several.
Creating a lot of records via client script is not recommended, especially if you loose connection or the app gets closed by mistake. In my opinion, the best way to handle this would be via server script for two things: First, It's more reliable and second, it's faster. As in the example from the official documentation, to create a record you need to do something like this:
// Assume a model called "Fruits" with a string field called "Name".
var newRecord = app.models.Fruits.newRecord();
newRecord.Name = "Kiwi"; // properties/fields can be read and written.
app.saveRecords([newRecord]); // save changes to database.
The example above is a clear example on how to create only one record. To create several records at once, you can use a for statement like this:
function createRecordsInBulk(){
var newRecords = [];
for(var i=0; i<19; i++){
var newRecord = app.models.Fruits.newRecord();
newRecord.Name = "Kiwi " + i;
In the example above, you initiate newRecords, an empty array that will be responsible for holding all the new records to create at once. Then using a for statement, you generate 19 new records and push them into the newRecords. Finally, once the loop is finished, you save all the records at once by using app.saveRecords and passing the newRecords array as an argument.
Now, all this is happening on the server side. Obviously you need a way to call this from the client side. For that, you need to use the google.script.run method. So from the client side you need to do the following:
google.script.run.withSuccessHandler(function(result) {
All this information is clearly documented on the app maker official documentation site. I strongly suggest you to always check there first as I believe you can get a faster resolution by reading the documentation.
I'd suggest making a dropdown or textbox where the user can select/enter the number of items they want to create and then attach the following code to your 'Create' button:
var createDatasource = app.datasources.Items_Made.modes.create;
var userinput = Number(widget.root.descendants.YourTextboxOrDropdown.value);
for (var i = 0; i <= userinput; i++) {
var newItem = createDatasource.item;
Simple loop with your user input should get this accomplished.

What is the right way to save the process instance id(s) created?

Using Camunda as the tool for orchestration of the microservices. At later time, I find the process_instances_id generated necessary for continuing a particular process by using it in messageEventReceived(). Code as follows:
val processid = getProcessID(key1, key2)
val runtimeService = processengine.getRuntimeService
val subscription = runtimeService.createEventSubscriptionQuery
runtimeService.messageEventReceived(subscription.getEventName, subscription.getExecutionId)
As of this moment the processid is saved and then retrieved from the database using the getProcessID(...) function when necessary. Is this proper?
Does camunda already have the list of process_ids in its own database? If so, how do I retrieve a particular process instance id just giving composite key(s)? Is that even possible?
It is the common way. You can also use the public api to get the process instance and his id via the process definition key.
See the following example from the documentation:
For your given example there is also a simpler way. It is possible to correlate the message via the runtime service.
See this example from the documenation:
.setVariable("payment_type", "creditCard")
You can use
the query supports fluent criteria for filtering, for example on process_key, variables, businessKey ...

CNContact :migration from ABAddressBook : iOSLegacyIdentifier + lastModifcationDate

i have a DB that stores all local user contacts.
now i want to use the new framework (contact framework), my problem is that the CNContact have a new identifier now (no longer the auto-incretntal one) called "identifier" and i can't mach old entries in my DB with a potential update of a contact.
i have 2 questions:
in xcode debugger, i can see _iOSLegacyIdentifier(the old, auto-incremental one) as a property in CNContact, how can i get it without private API calls
i can't see "lastModifcationDate" for the CNContact (in ABAddressBook framework it is called kABPersonModificationDateProperty) how can i get it using the new framework.
[EDIT]: i have open a ticket for Apple about this and here's the answer:
There are no plans to address this based on the following:
1) iOSLegacyIdentifier is private API for CNContact. 2) A modification
date is not offered on CNContact.
To migrate your DB you can to match contacts by name and disambiguate
by manually matching other properties like email addresses or phone
We are now closing this report.
as you can see there's no real solution for this, we have to guess..
you can obtain ContactID (iOSLegacyIdentifier) with new Contact Framework. I use this in my app to find iOSLegacyIdentifier for specific contact, you can modify for your pleasure.
let predicate = CNContact.predicateForContacts(matchingName: "contactName")
let toFetch = [CNContactGivenNameKey, CNContactFamilyNameKey, CNContactIdentifierKey]
let contacts = try self.contactStore.unifiedContacts(matching: predicate, keysToFetch: toFetch as [CNKeyDescriptor])
for contact in contacts{
var diccionario:[String : Any] = contact.dictionaryWithValues(forKeys: ["iOSLegacyIdentifier"])
//With this you can see/obtain iOSLegacyIdentifier
print(diccionario["iOSLegacyIdentifier"] as! Int)
} catch let err{
1.Doesn't exists. There is only private selector
[CNContact iOSLegacyIdentifier];
or you can get the same
[CNContainer CNContainerIOSLegacyIdentifierKey];
Mind that this is not compiled in framework. Use perform selector
2.There is no such property in the new framework. If you disassembly the Contact framework you can see that uniqueId is still used in predicates that touches underlaying core data. But that's a work for you and again dance with private selectors
(blame Apple, not me that there is no way). Take a look at internals of the framework.

Use an AppReceiptId to verify a user's identity in a Windows Store App?

I want to be able to use the AppReceiptId from the result of CurrentApp.GetAppReceiptAsync() and tie it to a username in my backend service, to verify that the user has actually purchased the app.
I know I'm supposed to use CurrentAppSimulator in place of CurrentApp, but CurrentAppSimulator.GetAppReceiptAsync() always returns a different, random value for AppReceiptId. This makes it difficult to test with my service.
Is there a way to make it always return the same value, other than just using a hardcoded one? I'm worried that when I replace CurrentAppSimulator with CurrentApp and submit it to the store, it won't behave the way I expect it to. In the real world, the AppReceiptId won't ever change, right?
The Code I use to get AppReceiptId:
var receiptString = await CurrentAppSimulator.GetAppReceiptAsync();
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
var ReceiptNode = (from s in doc.ChildNodes
where s.NodeName == "Receipt"
select s).Single();
var AppReceiptNode = (from s in ReceiptNode.ChildNodes
where s.NodeName == "AppReceipt"
select s).Single();
var idNode = (from s in AppReceiptNode.Attributes
where s.NodeName == "Id"
select s).Single();
string id = idNode.NodeValue.ToString();
id will always be some random Guid.
CurrentApp.GetAppReceiptAsync().Id is a unique ID for the actual purchase. Although it does technically represent a unique purchase made by a single Windows ID, it doesn't represent the user themselves and I don't think there's any guarantee on the durability of that ID.
Would you be better suited using the Windows Live SDK to track the actual user identity across devices?
At any rate, to answer your original question, no I don't believe there's any way to make it return the same ID all the time. The only logical place for that functionality would be in the WindowsStoreProxy.xml file, and I don't see anything in the schema that would allow you to specify this information.

Understanding Orchard Joins and Data Relations

In Orchard, how is a module developer able to learn how "joins" work, particularly when joining to core parts and records? One of the better helps I've seen was in Orchard documentation, but none of those examples show how to form relations with existing or core parts. As an example of something I'm looking for, here is a snippet of module service code taken from a working example:
.Where(r => r.Title == name)
In this case, a custom TaxonomyPart is joining with a core RoutePartRecord. I've investigated the code, and I can't see how that a TaxononmyPart is "joinable" to a RoutePartRecord. Likewise, from working code, here is another snippet driver code which relates a custom TagsPart with a core CommonPartRecord:
List<string> tags = new List<string> { "hello", "there" };
IContentQuery<TagsPart, TagsPartRecord> query = _cms.Query<TagsPart, TagsPartRecord>();
query.Where(tpr => tpr.Tags.Any(t => tags.Contains(t.TagRecord.TagName)));
IEnumerable<TagsPart> parts =
.Where(cpr => cpr.Id != currentItemId)
.OrderByDescending(cpr => cpr.PublishedUtc)
I thought I could learn from either of the prior examples of how to form my own query. I did this:
List<string> tags = new List<string> { "hello", "there" };
IContentQuery<TagsPart, TagsPartRecord> query = _cms.Query<TagsPart, TagsPartRecord>();
query.Where(tpr => tpr.Tags.Any(t => tags.Contains(t.TagRecord.TagName)));
var stuff =
.Where(ctrPartRecord => ctrPartRecord.ContentItemRecord.ContentType.Name == "Primary")
The intent of my code is to limit the content items found to only those of a particular container (or blog). When the code ran, it threw an exception on my join query saying {"could not resolve property: ContentType of: Orchard.Core.Containers.Models.ContainerPartRecord"}. This leads to a variety of questions:
Why in the driver's Display() method of the second example is the CommonPartRecord populated, but not the ContainerPartRecord? In general how would I know what part records are populated, and when?
In the working code snippets, how exactly is the join working since no join key/condition is specified (and no implicit join keys are apparent)? For example, I checked the data migration file and models classes, and found no inherent relation between a TagsPart and a CommonPartRecord. Thus, besides looking at that sample code, how would anyone have known in the first place that such a join was legal or possible?
Is the join I tried with TagsPart and ContainerPartRecord legal in any context? Which?
Is the query syntax of these examples primarily a reflection of Orchard, of NHibernate, or LINQ to NHibernate? If it is primarily a reflection of NHibernate, then which NHibernate book or article is recommended reading so that I can dig deeper into Orchard?
It seems there is a hole in the documentation regarding these kinds of thoughts and questions, which makes it hard to write a module. Whatever answers can be found for this topic, I'd be glad to compile into an article or community Orchard documentation.
The join is only there to enable the where that follows it. It doesn't mean that the part being joined will be actually brought down from the DB. That will happen no matter what with the latest 1.x source, and will happen lazily with 1.3.
You don't need a condition as you can only join parts this way. The join condition is implicit: parts are joined by the item id.
Yes. What is not legal is that the condition in the where is using data that is not available from the joined part records.
Those examples are all Orchard Content Manager queries, so they are fairly constrained, but also fairly easy to build as long as you don't step outside of their boundaries because so much can be assumed and will happen implicitly. If you need more control, you could use the new HQL capabilities that were added in the latest 1.x drops.
As for holes in the documentation, well, but of course. The documentation that we have today is only covering a very small part of the platform. Your best reference today is the source code. Any contribution you could make to this is highly appreciated by us and by the rest of the community. Let me know if you need help with this.