Emailing Ranges Instead Of Rows - vba

I am attempting to run through sheet 2 of an Excel workbook to email ranges to customers.
The ranges would be A1:B30,C1:D30,E1:F30 and so on with their account number in A1 & email in B1 and information below.
Every time I try to run the email it comes up with:
Run Time Error 1004
and then goes on to error
Object has been moved or deleted
Is there another way of emailing ranges or a way to amend this code?
Sub EmailRanges()
Dim cr As Range
Set cr = [b1]
ActiveWorkbook.EnvelopeVisible = True
Do While cr <> ""
cr.Offset(, -1).Resize(30, 2).Select
With ActiveSheet.MailEnvelope
.Introduction = " Good Morning"
.Item.To = cr
.Item.Subject = "Just testing, sorry for filling you inbox ^_^ "
.item.Send ' to send
.Item.Display ' to test
End With
MsgBox cr & " receives " & Selection.Address
Set cr = cr.Offset(, 2)
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
MsgBox "The Customers Have Been Notified"
End Sub

You need to be more explicit about your references (workbook, sheet, ...).
Thx to #Ralph :
A range can be only selected if the sheet is activated first. Otherwise, you'll get an error.
This run smoothly on my computer :
Sub Email_Ranges()
Dim rG As Range
Dim RangeToSend As Range
Dim CustomerMail As String
Set rG = ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet.[b1]
ActiveWorkbook.EnvelopeVisible = True
Do While rG.Value <> vbNullString
CustomerMail = rG.Value
Set RangeToSend = rG.Offset(, -1).Resize(30, 2)
'With RangeToSend.Parent.MailEnvelope
''Uncomment below if you get an error
With Selection.Parent.MailEnvelope
.Introduction = "Good Morning"
With .Item
.To = CustomerMail
.Subject = "Just testing, sorry for filling your inbox ^_^ "
.display 'to test
.Send 'to send
End With
End With
Debug.Print CustomerMail & " receives " & RangeToSend.Address
Set rG = rG.Offset(, 2)
ActiveWorkbook.EnvelopeVisible = False
End Sub


why does my VBA code that works in module not work as expected when assigned to a worksheet and a button

I have a workbook that is essentially an automated test, marking and feedback tool for end of topic tests for students. On the '701Test' sheetThey input their teaching group via a drop down list and the select their from subsequent list. They answer the multiple choice questions and press a button when finished. The button takes them to a 'results' page which gives their marks for each question, give feedback for incorrect answers and gives a total score. They then hit the finish button which generates a PDF copy of the mark sheet in their my documents folder and then emails a copy to themselves and the Schools email account. At this point I also wanted to post the final score to the students record on a central registry using a loop through the student list to find the name and offset to post the Score value from the 'Results' page and finally return to the test page. This last bit I wrote the code for in a module and it executes perfectly, but when added to the main code and run from the button the loop part fails to execute but the return to the test page does work, but no error is recorded for the loop failure.
Here is the 'Results' page code in full the 'With Central reg' bit at the bottom is the problem, any help is greatly appreciated.
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim IsCreated As Boolean
Dim PdfFile As String, Title As String
Dim OutlApp As Object
Dim cell As Range
Dim Students As Range
Title = Range("D1").Value
sname = Range("B2").Value
PdfFile = CreateObject("WScript.Shell").SpecialFolders("MyDocuments") & "\" & sname & Title & ".pdf"
With ActiveSheet
.ExportAsFixedFormat Type:=xlTypePDF, Filename:=PdfFile, Quality:=xlQualityStandard, IncludeDocProperties:=True, IgnorePrintAreas:=False, OpenAfterPublish:=False
End With
On Error Resume Next
Set OutlApp = GetObject(, "Outlook.Application")
If Err Then
Set OutlApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
IsCreated = True
End If
OutlApp.Visible = True
On Error GoTo 0
With OutlApp.CreateItem(0)
.Subject = Title
.to = Range("B2").Value ' <-- Put email of the recipient here"
.CC = "" ' <-- Put email of 'copy to' recipient here
.Body = "Hi," & vbLf & vbLf _
& "Yr 7 701 EOT test attached in PDF format." & vbLf & vbLf _
& "Regards," & vbLf _
& "KDS ICT Dept" & vbLf & vbLf
.Attachments.Add PdfFile
Application.Visible = True
End With
If IsCreated Then OutlApp.Quit
Set OutlApp = Nothing
With CentralReg
For Each cell In Range("A2:A250")
If cell = Range("Results!B2").Value Then
cell.Offset(0, 4).Activate
ActiveCell.Value = Range("Results!B27").Value
End If
End With
End Sub
I believe you are trying to refer to CentralReg which is a worksheet, which means you should qualify it as such.
Also, you should not dim variables that are similar to defined objects/properties in VBE. Try MyCell instead of cell (good practice, not required).
I am assuming you want to see if the value on sheet CentralReg in Column A is equal to sheet Result B2. If this condition is met, your MyCell will take on the value equal sheet Result B27
Dim MyCell As Range
Dim Result, NewValue as Variant
Result = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Result").Range("B2")
NewValue = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Result").Range("B27")
With ThisWorkbook.Sheets("CentralReg")
For Each MyCell In .Range("A2:A250")
If MyCell = Result Then MyCell.Offset(, 4) = NewValue
Next MyCell
End With
That with statement is useless as nothing actually uses it within the construct.
Delete with CentralReg and End with and it will work.
alternatively if CentralReg IS something like a sheet then you need to precede your code with a . so this: Range("A2:A250") becomes this: .Range("A2:A250") and so on, the . tells the code that it is related to whatever your with construct surrounds

How to copy Outlook mail message into excel using Macros

I've searched all google and I've tried some suggestions from stack overflow to achieve results but they seem to not work towards my specific goal. Wondering if anyone here can help me.
I work in a call center where I receive emails with agents productivity data on an hourly basis and it's beginning to be a lot of manual work. How can I get a macro to copy the email body and paste it to an excel sheet automatically? or I can run it daily.
This is an example of how the data looks
Hourly Productivity
The specific data I need to copy:
Agent Login | Agent Name | Average Talk Time | Total Talk Time | Calls Answered | Total ACW
I would also love to be able to include the date and hours of the productivity if possible? on the picture you will be able to see the time for it. (8:00 AM - 9:00 AM)
I would really appreciate any help in this.
Thanks in advance.
I think this should pretty much do what you want.
Sub Extract()
On Error Resume Next
Set myOlApp = Outlook.Application
Set mynamespace = myOlApp.GetNamespace("mapi")
Set myfolder = myOlApp.ActiveExplorer.CurrentFolder
Set xlobj = CreateObject("excel.application.14")
xlobj.Visible = True
xlobj.Worksheets("Sheet1").Name = "Statusmail"
'Set the header
xlobj.Range("a" & 1).Value = "Absender"
xlobj.Range("a" & 1).Font.Bold = "True"
xlobj.Range("b" & 1).Value = "Date"
xlobj.Range("b" & 1).Font.Bold = "True"
xlobj.Range("c" & 1).Value = "Task"
xlobj.Range("c" & 1).Font.Bold = True
xlobj.Range("d" & 1).Value = "Planed-date"
xlobj.Range("d" & 1).Font.Bold = True
xlobj.Range("e" & 1).Value = "deadline"
xlobj.Range("e" & 1).Font.Bold = True
xlobj.Range("f" & 1).Value = "finished"
xlobj.Range("f" & 1).Font.Bold = True
xlobj.Range("g" & 1).Value = "time effort"
xlobj.Range("g" & 1).Font.Bold = True
xlobj.Range("h" & 1).Value = "description"
xlobj.Range("h" & 1).Font.Bold = True
For i = 1 To myfolder.Items.Count
Set myitem = myfolder.Items(i)
msgtext = myitem.Body
xlobj.Range("a" & i + 1).Value = myitem.To
xlobj.Range("b" & i + 1).Value = myitem.ReceivedTime
xlobj.Range("c" & i + 1).Value = msgtext
End Sub
here is some code to get you started, it processes all selected messages, so select just one message of interest
it prints the message body type and body text into the "immediate window"
Public Sub exploreEmailMessage()
Dim currentItem As Object ' drag "currentItem" onto "Watches" window, or use: right-click ... Add Watch
For Each currentItem In Application.ActiveExplorer.Selection ' check Watches window after this line is executed
If currentItem.Class = olMail Then
Debug.Print "************************************"
Debug.Print currentItem.ReceivedTime
Debug.Print "************************************"
Debug.Print Array("Unspecified", "Plain", "HTML", "RichText")(currentItem.BodyFormat)
Debug.Print "************************************"
Debug.Print currentItem.Body
Debug.Print "************************************"
Debug.Print currentItem.HTMLBody
Debug.Print "************************************" ' copy text in "immediate window" and paste into text editor for analysis
End If
End Sub

How to ignore specific word from a group of words in a cell and send one email to group of people?

I am new to VBA. I am working hard and learning it but there is a point where I am stuck now. If someone please help me out then I shall be grateful.
I have a drop down list in excel like
Sales/Acquisition Manager (AM) Alina (
Acquisition Project Manager (APM) Benny(
Manufacturing Julia(
Application please select (drop down list so I can choose)
AE external sensor responsible please select (Drop down list so I can choose)
I have made a separate row (row 59 Col A) where I have combined these values from the above rows.
I have to make a macro to send 1 email to these multiple people. I have written a code for sending email but I am stuck at another point. I have written code which replaces the words please select with “ ” whenever it finds it in row 59 but unfortunately that code changes the line permanently which I don’t want.
What I want is that whenever it finds the words please select in a row it just ignores it and and also doesn't change the format of cell. Means when I again change some new value by drop down list so it got changed.
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim the_string As String
the_string = Sheets("Schedule_team").Range("A59")
the_string = Replace(the_string, "please select", " ")
Sheets("Schedule_team").Range("A59") = the_string
MsgBox (Sheets("Schedule_team").Range("A59"))
Dim i As Integer, Mail_Object, Email_Subject, o As Variant, lr As Long, x As Variant
Set Mail_Object = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
x = Cells (59, 1).Value
With Mail_Object.CreateItem(o)
' .Subject = Range("B1").Value
.To = x
' .Body = Range("B2").Value
' .Send
.display 'disable display and enable send to send automatically
End With
MsgBox "E-mail successfully sent", 64
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Set Mail_Object = Nothing
End Sub
Pull the contents of A59 into the string, replace as needed, then just use that string instead of copying it back to the sheet.
Untested, just used your code
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim Mail_Object as Object
Dim the_string As String
the_string = Sheets("Schedule_team").Range("A59")
the_string = Replace(the_string, "please select", " ")
Set Mail_Object = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
With Mail_Object.CreateItem(o)
' .Subject = Range("B1")
.To = the_string
' .Body = Range("B2")
' .Send
.Display 'disable display and enable send to send automatically
End With
MsgBox "E-mail successfully sent", 64
End Sub

How to filter out a specific word from group of words in a cell

Hallo all i am trying to figure out the issue i have tried but not got successful. Can anyone please help me out in this . I shall be grateful to you.
I have a drop down list in excel like
Sales/Acquisition Manager (AM)-------------------------------Alina (
Acquisition Project Manager (APM)--------------------------Benny(
Manufacturing ----------------------------------------------------Julia(
Application ---------------------------------------------------------please select (drop down list so I can choose)
AE external sensor responsible-------------------------------please select (Drop down list so I can choose)
I have made a separate row (row 59 Col A) where I have combined these values from the above rows.
I have to make a macro to send 1 email to these multiple people. I have written a code for sending email but I am stuck at some point. I have written a code which replaces the word please
select with “ ” whenever it finds in row 59 but unfortunately that code changes the line permanently which I don’t want.
What I want is that whenever it finds a word please select in a row it just ignores it and and also don’t change the format of cell. Means when I again change some new value by drop down list so it got changed. I shall be really grateful to you if you please help me out in this . Thanks a lot.please check the attached pics also.enter image description hereenter image description here
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim the_string As String
the_string = Sheets("Schedule_team").Range("A59")
the_string = Replace(the_string, "please select", " ")
Sheets("Schedule_team").Range("A59") = the_string
MsgBox (Sheets("Schedule_team").Range("A59"))
Dim i As Integer, Mail_Object, Email_Subject, o As Variant, lr As Long, x As
Set Mail_Object = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
x = Cells (59, 1).Value
With Mail_Object.CreateItem(o)
' .Subject = Range("B1").Value
.To = x
' .Body = Range("B2").Value
' .Send
.display 'disable display and enable send to send automatically
End With
MsgBox "E-mail successfully sent", 64
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Set Mail_Object = Nothing
End Sub
You don't put quotes around the_string inside the Replace()
the_string = Replace("the_string", "please select", " ")
should be:
the_string = Replace(the_string, "please select", " ")
Here's a slight refactoring of your code which removes the need for that variable:
Sub RemoveHypens()
With Sheets("Home").Range("A59")
.Value = Replace(.Value, "please select", " ")
End with
End Sub
EDIT: based on your updated question -
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim the_string As String
Dim i As Integer, Mail_Object, Email_Subject, o As Variant
Dim lr As Long
the_string = Sheets("Schedule_team").Range("A59").Value
the_string = Replace(the_string, "please select", " ")
Set Mail_Object = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
With Mail_Object.CreateItem(o)
'.Subject = Range("B1").Value
.To = the_string
'.Body = Range("B2").Value
.display 'disable display and enable send to send automatically
End With
MsgBox "E-mail successfully sent", 64
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Set Mail_Object = Nothing
End Sub

Excel VBA Email Rows to a Single Recipient

I have a worksheet that tracks invoices and I am trying to generate an auto-emailer that if a cell in column 12 contains AUTOEMAIL it will combine all of the rows with a similar email address which I've generated using a TRIM function. It will pull all of the like rows (Email Addresses based on column 15) into a LotusNotes Email. Ron De Bruin has some fantastic examples on his site. I attempted to write a loop which attempts to loop through and copy all rows based on an email address. When I go to run, the code does nothing but no errors are presented. There are instances online of this done in Outlook, but they don't apply to LotusNotes as the issue is late vs early binding. I'm newer to VBA automation as well.
Sub Send_Data()
Dim noSession As Object, noDatabase As Object, noDocument As Object
Dim vaRecipient As Variant
Dim rnBody As Range
Dim Data As DataObject
Const stSubject As String = "TEST"
Const stMsg As String = "TEST"
Const stPrompt As String = "Please select the range:"
lastrow = Range("N" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).row
For Each Cell In Range("N8:N" & lastrow)
If WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Range("N8:N" & Cell.row), Cell) = 1 Then
If Cells(Cell.row, 11) = "AUTOEMAIL" Then
rnBody = "Hello" & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & _
On Error Resume Next
'The user canceled the operation.
If rnBody Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
On Error GoTo 0
'Instantiate Lotus Notes COM's objects.
Set noSession = CreateObject("Notes.NotesSession")
Set noDatabase = noSession.GETDATABASE("", "")
'Make sure Lotus Notes is open and available.
If noDatabase.IsOpen = False Then noDatabase.OPENMAIL
'Create the document for the e-mail.
Set noDocument = noDatabase.CreateDocument
'Copy the selected range into memory.
'Retrieve the data from then copied range.
Set Data = New DataObject
'Add data to the mainproperties of the e-mail's document.
With noDocument
.Form = "Memo"
.SendTo = vaRecipient
.Subject = stSubject
'Retrieve the data from the clipboard.
.Body = stMsg & " " & Data.GetText
.SaveMessageOnSend = True
End With
With noDocument
.PostedDate = Now()
.Send 0, vaRecipient
End With
Set noDocument = Nothing
Set noDatabase = Nothing
Set noSession = Nothing
AppActivate "Microsoft Excel"
Application.CutCopyMode = False
MsgBox "Complete!", vbInformation
End If
End If
Next Cell
End Sub
I set the email body range as a Prompt Box where the user could highlight the cells and then another prompt box in which it asked for the email that was created using a TRIM() function. I realized that the way the code was set-up would not allow for what I wanted to do. The new method works quite well