I have a sheet called 'Data,' and in Column A of this sheet, there are various text values, blank values, and date values. I'm trying to find a way to copy each of the date values in Column A of 'Data' and paste it into the first row of another sheet 'Chart.' The end result I'm looking for is to create a chart with column headings for each of the dates. There's more to do with the chart that I've been piecing together little-by-little, but I'm pretty stuck on how to accomplish the column headings.
The main piece I'm looking for is how to copy each of just the date values. I've looked a bit into the Find function, but I can't quite get it to hone in on only date values.
Thank you so much for any help!
Public Sub Answer()
Dim DestWS As Worksheet
Dim DestCol As Integer
Dim ColumnA As Variant
Set DestWS = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Chart")
ColumnA = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Data").Columns(1)
DestCol = 1
For Each c In ColumnA
If IsDate(c) Then
DestWS.Cells(1, DestCol) = c
DestCol = DestCol + 1
End If
End Sub
I've got a spreadsheet which is used to record multiple times/dates where services were rendered.
In the spreadsheet the columns I'm interested in comparing start at row 9, column BA-BB, BC-BD, BE-BF, BG-BH, BI-BJ, BK-BL, BM-BN, BO-BP, BQ-BR for each of the rows in minutes. I then want to add all the total differences between the dates and finally compare that total with with AF9 if populated or if that cell is blank AG9.
I want the Macro to loop through all the rows producing a total units for each row at the end of the sheet (Column BU)
The purpose of the spreadsheet is to check that the value populated in either AF or AG is in fact correct if we were to work out the difference in times and convert to units anyway.
What I've been working on so far is:
Sub CalculateDate()
Dim Result, RowNo As Long
Dim FirstDate, SecondDate As Date
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set DateCompare = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Master")
Set DateCompareRng = Support.Range("BA2", Support.Cells(Rows.Count, "BA").End(xlUp).Offset(0, 18))
Set DateCompareArr = DateCompareRng.Value2
RowNo = 1
Do Until DateCompare.Cells(RowNo, 1) = ""
FirstDate = DateCompare.Cells(RowNo, 1)
SecondDate = DateCompare.Cells(RowNo, 2)
DateCompareArr(FirstDate, 3) = DateDiff("m", FirstDate, SecondDate)
RowNo = RowNo + 1
End Sub
The above is my shoddy attempt at amending some logic someone else provided on the forums to a similar question. I don't want to compare specific dates I enter though as the dates will all be different throughout the cells.
I've never used this type of function before in VBA so not really sure on how to go about changing it to suit my needs. If I can manage to loop through of of the start/end times I can probably work out how to loop through additional columns and compare against another 2 columns after that.
Some sample date is:
Start 1 | Start 2
23/03/2018 12:00 | 2018-03-23 16:00 GMT
Difference = (In minutes)
Compare Difference to:
Total Units(Column AF) = 600(this is 600 minutes)
Sorry that this is such a long question. I'm just really stuck with getting started on this problem
I like your attempt, you are on the right track. Below is tested sample code, which I think will provide you with the answer you're seeking. Good luck and happy coding
Public Sub CalculateDate()
'While I don't recommend hard coding the start and end of your range
'for this example, I thought it would simplify things.
'Start of the range is the first cell, which in your example seems
'like BA9
Const RANGE_START As String = "BA9"
'End of the range is the last cell in right most column, which
'in your example was BR. I chose the 18th row, but you could
'make it whatever you need
Const RANGE_END As String = "BR18"
'Declare a worksheet variable as you've done
'And set it to the worksheet in the ActiveWorkbook as you've done
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Master")
'Declare the range that contains the values you need to sum
Dim rngToSum As Range
'And set it to the range in the WorkSheet
'In this case the range will be
Set rngToSum = ws.Range(RANGE_START & ":" & RANGE_END)
'Declare an index to be used in the for loop below
'as we loop through each column in the row the
'code is summing
Dim nDx As Integer
'Declare a range for the row to be worked on
Dim rngRow As Range
'Declare a string value that will hold the
'output range(row, cell)
Dim outStr As String
'Declare an output range variable
Dim outRng As Range
'Declare a variable to hold the summation of the
'row values you want to add together
Dim rowSum As Long
'Outter loop to loop through each of the rows in the
'defined range
For Each rngRow In rngToSum.Rows
'Initialize/Reinitialize the rowSum to 0 for each row
rowSum = 0
'Inner loop to loop throug all the columns in the range
'you want to add together
For nDx = 1 To rngToSum.Columns.Count Step 2
'NOTE--> DateDiff uses lower case N for minutes, not lower case M
'I noticed that in your sample code
rowSum = rowSum + DateDiff("n", rngRow.Value2(1, nDx), rngRow.Value2(1, nDx + 1))
'Completed adding all the columns together
'Assign the outPut row, cell for the output Range
'The formula below will concatenate the
'letter A with the current row number
'For example if the current row number is 9
'outStr will equal A9
outStr = "A" & rngRow.Row
'I always use Value2 since it is faster than the
'Text or Value properties of the range object
ws.Range(outStr).Value2 = rowSum
End Sub
I'm just starting to learn VBA and I've tried to find solutions here but to no avail. I'm seeking a VBA macro for this:
I have a sheet in my workbook called LOG that gets a timestamp in column A when I start to fill the row. Once I've completed a task I use =CONCATENATE in column I to summarize the rows A through H. Column I has the formula content filled down to row 300 or more. Column A is blank until I enter a time-stamp
( "ctrl + :" ).
What I am seeking to do is run a macro through a command button where it will find the last timestamped row in column A, and then select and copy contents (not the formula) of that row in column I to clipboard.
I've tried to modify so many different suggestions I've found in stackoverflow but with little success. I'm not sure really what I'm doing wrong and I've tried so many of them I don't know which I would share with you for an example. Any help would be very appreciated! Thanks again!
1) Define a function to copy some text to the clipboard:
Sub CopyText(Text As String)
'VBA Macro using late binding to copy text to clipboard.
'By Justin Kay, 8/15/2014
Dim MSForms_DataObject As Object
Set MSForms_DataObject = CreateObject("new:{1C3B4210-F441-11CE-B9EA-00AA006B1A69}")
MSForms_DataObject.SetText Text
Set MSForms_DataObject = Nothing
End Sub
Then something like this:
Sub GetLastTimestampAndCopy()
dim ws as worksheet
dim strValue as string
dim lngLastRow as long
set ws = Activeworkbook.Worksheets("LOG")
' Get the last populated cell in the first column
lngLastRow = ws.Cells(ws.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
' Get corresponding value in the same row but in column I
strValue = ws.Cells(lngLastRow, 9).Value
CopyText strValue
End Sub
Execute the second SUB and you should have the value on your clipboard.
I regularly work with data spanning multiple columns and need a convenient way to highlight multiple rows that contain the same value in a specific column, but I need to alternate between highlighted and non-highlighted.
For example, I'll have several rows with data in Column A like:
And what I'd want to do is highlight the first three rows (700105862), then not highlight 700103235, then again, highlight 700108783.
I was wondering if there was a conditional formatting formula that'd make this possible.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you,
if your numbers are divided into chunks of always different numbers repetitions, then you could use this VBA code:
Sub main()
Dim item As Variant
Dim startRow As Long
Dim okHighlight As Boolean
With Range("A1", Cells(Rows.count, 1).End(xlUp))
For Each item In GetUniqueValues(.Cells).Items
If okHighlight Then .Range(.Cells(startRow, 1), .Cells(item, 1)).Interior.ColorIndex = 48
startRow = item + 1
okHighlight = Not okHighlight
End With
End Sub
Function GetUniqueValues(rng As Range) As Dictionary
Dim cell As Range
Dim dict As Dictionary
Set dict = New Dictionary
With dict
For Each cell In rng
.item(cell.Value) = cell.row - rng.Rows(1).row + 1
End With
Set GetUniqueValues = dict
End Function
a Conditional formatting approach is possible on with a helper column
your data are in column A and begin from row 2
column B is free
write the following formula in helper column B cells:
apply conditional formatting to column A with the following formula:
and choosing the format you like to highlight cells
Sure, if you know what ranges you want to highlight you'd simply set the conditional formatting to be between x and y values. Comment on this question with what you dont get and I'll amend the answer accordingly.
Column 1 is in Sheet1 and column 2 is in Sheet2. If the value is not found , then highlight that cell. I am trying to do a vlookup comparing two columns. I think the Syntax is incorrect. Please see my code I was trying below:
Option Explicit
Sub VlookupColoums()
' declarations
Dim lookFor As Range
Dim srchRange As Range
Dim I As Long
Dim vtest As Variant
' start
Set lookFor = Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A13").End(xlUp)
Set srchRange = Sheets("Sheet2").Range("A2").End(xlUp)
vtest = Application.VLookup(lookFor.Rows.Count, srchRange.Rows.Count, 2, False)
' process
For I = 1 To lookFor.Rows.Count
If IsError(vtest) Then
srchRange.Interior.Color = 4
Exit Sub
End If
Next I
End Sub
Assuming you have data on Sheet1!A1:A15 and Sheet2!A1:A10.
Also assuming you want to highlight unique cells (ones withouth at least one identical in the other list) on Sheet2.
Basically you want to format all the cells that if counted on the other list comes up with 0. The steps:
Select all the cells to be evaluated on Sheet2
Go to Home/Styles/Conditional Formatting
Select New Rule, then Use a formula to determine...
Enter this formula: =COUNTIF(Sheet1!$A$1:$A$5,A1)=0
Click on the Format button, and set up a formatting for the unique cells
Profit. :)
I have an XL file with some data to be manipulated. I think I will need to use a VB script to do this - but perhaps there is a simpler way with a formula. Just the same, could someone point out BOTH ways of achieving the following?
I have a column of numeric values (ID) in Sheet 1.
I want to use each ID as an index to lookup a list in Sheet 2.
Sheet 2 has two columns
First column is the index and Second column is the Text String
1 Apple
2 Orange
3 Pear
What I want is to replace the column of IDs in sheet 1 with the looked up text string from Sheet 2!
Thats all...
Please help!
Not a tough situation there. Here are some solutions...
With VBA:
I know you said you're a little new with VB so I tried to explain each line as I went along. Also, the code is free-handed so forgive me if I left an error in there somewhere.
Sub replaceData()
dim i as integer, j as integer 'These are just some variables we'll use later.
dim sheetOne as worksheet, sheetTwo as worksheet, myWb as workbook
dim myData as string, myId as string
set myWB = excel.activeworkbook 'These three lines set your workbook/sheet variables.
set sheetOne = myWB.worksheets("Old Data")
set sheetTwo = myWB.worksheets("New Data")
for i = 1 to sheetTwo.usedrange.rows.count 'This loops through the rows on your second sheet.
myId = sheetTwo.cells(i,1).value 'This assigns the value for your id and the data on your second sheet.
myData = sheetTwo.cells(i,2).value
for j = 1 to sheetOne.usedrange.rows.count 'This loops through the rows on your first sheet.
if sheetOne.cells(j,1).value = myId then 'This checks each row for a matching id value.
sheetOne.cells(j,1).value = myData 'This replaces that id with the data we got from the second sheet.
end if
next j
next i
end sub
With an Excel formula:
Place the following formula in cell C1 of the first worksheet (the
sheet with the IDs you will be replacing). **Note that you will
have to replace the "InsertSheetTwoNameHere" portion with the name
of your second sheet (don't remove those single quotes though). Also
note you will need to replace the "1000" with the number of the last
used row in sheet two.
Next simply drag the handle on the cell that makes it copy itself
(whatever the heck it's called) all the way down to the end of your
Next, copy those cells and then paste them over the IDs using the
Values Only setting.
Hope this helps and good luck.