Calculate average VBA from dynamic table - vba

I ve a table on Excel with the week number and the weight (in Kg.)
Somebody can insert his weight every day during a week or just once or not at all. I can't manage that.
Then my table can literally change. from zero to 7 even more lines a week (like the yellow side of the image).
What I wanna do is to calculate the weight average per week. and then I will have one line for each week, when i got at least one weight (sometimes I won't have any line). We can have week without any weight so then I don't want this line at all. We can also easily have a weight for the week 2 but between the weeks 5 and 6 in the yellow table. That would happen if someone insert his weight after others.
How can I say this two weeks are similar, so we calculate the average for this two weight ?
I hope it's enough clear with this picture

Use formula below in Column C to calculate average(assume Week in column A and Weight in column B)
Average Column Copy->PasteSpecial value only,
then Remove Duplicates base on Week and the new Average Column


Create chart where the columns of the data set are the categories - Report Builder 3.0

I have a very simple chart that I am wanting to add but I can't for the life of me figure it out. The chart is referencing a dataset that returns data like this. It is calculating the sum of each Location and then using Rollup to produce a Total Count for each Week Column
Location CurrentWeek PreviousWeek 2WeeksAgo
======== =========== =========== ===========
North 5 6 3
South 4 3 1
East 8 2 3
West 2 7 0
Total 19 18 7
What I am wanting to do is have the X Axis (horizontal) represented by the CurrentWeek, PreviousWeek, 2WeeksAgo columns and plot the "Total" values from each respective column.
Adding Snip...
Sample Chart
Thanks for adding the image.
So we have a few steps to get to where we need to be - first, we need to transform the data into a format that's easier and more scalable to work with (if we ever add a "3 weeks ago" column, we don't want to have to rework everything). The desired format is:
Date Amount
Current Week 19
1 week ago 18
2 weeks ago 17
Personally - instead of naming stuff "current week", "1 week ago" etc., I would have a WeeksPrior column where 0 would mean the current week, 1 would mean a week ago and so on.
Anyways, to get from your sample table to the more standardized input, we have to use an unpivot (these always hurt my brain, but the docs have some good examples you can use).
--this is hacky, but ordering by (select null) allows us to assign a row number by the default order
FROM (SELECT 'Total' AS Location, 19 AS CurrentWeek, 18 AS PreviousWeek, 7 AS [2WeeksAgo]) x
--This is the test data, replace this with your actual query
UNPIVOT (Value FOR Date IN ([CurrentWeek], [PreviousWeek], [2WeeksAgo])) y
--This unpivots the test data, converting the separate columns into a single [Date] column, and assigning the values to the [Value] column.
This will spit out the following:
Location Value Date Ordinal
Total 19 CurrentWeek 1
Total 18 PreviousWeek 2
Total 7 2WeeksAgo 3
From here, we add the data to the chart. This is pretty straighforward, but there are a few "gotchas" to be wary of.
First, we'll add the Value column as a chart value, and the Ordinal column as a category group.
Let's see what the chart looks like right now by running the report.
Well, it's getting there, but we want our labels on the bottom. To do this, we go into the Ordinal category group's properties and switch the label to the date column. Make sure you're still sorting by Ordinal, since SSRS doesn't know what "1 week ago" means relative to "Current Week", and will sort alphabetically or randomly if you don't tell it to sort by ordinal.
We can also clean up the chart a bit by removing the legend and changing the major tick mark line style to "solid" on the horizontal axis., leaving us something that looks like this:
Adding a label to the vertical axis would probably also help readability, as would adding hover-text to the points on the chart.

Power pivot ytd calculation

Ok, I have watched many videos and read all sorts and I think I am nearly there, but must be missing something. In the data model I am trying to add the ytd calc to my product_table. I don't have unique dates in the product_table in column a and also they are weekly dates. I have all data for 2018 for each week of this year in set rows of 20, incrementing by one week every 20 rows. E.g. rows 1-20 are 01/01/2018, rows 21-40 are 07/01/2018, and so on.
Whilst I say they are in set rows of 20, this is an example. Some weeks there are more or less than 20 so I can't use the row count function-
Between columns c and h I have a bunch of other categories such as customer age, country etc. so there isn't a unique identifier. Do I need one for this to work? Column i is the sales column with the numbers. What I would like is a new column which gives me a ytd number for each row of data which all has unique criteria between a and h. Week 1 ytd is not going to be any different. For the next 20 rows I want it to add week1 sales to week2 sales, effectively giving me the ytd.
I could sumproduct this easily in the data set but I don't want do that. I want to use dax to save space etc..
I have a date_table which does have unique dates in the main_date column. All my date columns are formatted as date in the data model.
I have tried:
This simply replicates the numbers in the sales column, not giving me an ytd as required. I also tried
=calculate(sum(products[sales]) ,datesytd(date_table[main_date]))
I don't know if what I am trying to do is possible. All the youtube clips don't seem to have the same issues I am having but I think they have unique dates in their data sets.
Id love to upload the data but its work stuff on a work computer so cant really. Hope I've painted the picture quite clearly.
Resolved, after googling sumif dax, mike honey had a response that i have adapted to get what i need. I needed to add the filter and earlier functions to my equarion and it ended up like this
Calculate (sum(products[sales]),
filter (sales, sales[we_date] <=earlier(sales[we_date]),
filter (sales, sales[year] =earlier(sales[year]),
filter (sales, sales[customer] =earlier(sales[customer]))
There are three other filter sections i had to add, but this now gives me the ytd i needed.
Hope this helps anyone else

Calculate matrix of values based on column and row totals

I have data that is broken into group totals (rows) and month totals (columns). I need to take the totals and calculate a value for each month within each group. From my screen shot I can find an monthly cell value for the quarter total with the formula
=INT($F3/3); this would ensure that all rows total correctly but does not address the requirement for all columns to total correctly.
For the screen shot I manually added the values to visualize the desired outcome
Group Calculation: (Jan+Feb+Mar)=Q1 group total
Month Calculation: (Group1...Group6)+Inventory = Monthly Total
In the "current result" screen shot the values total correctly by groups however the result is incorrect by month. For example 'Jan' totals to 159.
Current Result
I'm looking for assistance in a formula or vba that would allow the monthly values to total to the group and month total.
Desired Result
It sounds like you are looking to recreate a matrix from the totals of its rows and columns.
First, you need to remove the Inventory totals from the column totals, as those figures do not need to be calculated.
Then, you can get quite close to the answer with the formula =ROUND(RowTotal*ColumnTotal/OverallTotal,0). In this case, the formula in cell B2 would be =ROUND((B$8*$E2)/$E$8,0)
However, since there is rounding involved, you will notice that the values do not add up perfectly. For a matrix this small, your best bet would be to manually fix the problem values. To do so, add formulas to check which columns and rows are improperly totaled. Your check formulas should subtract the totals of each row and column from the desired row and column total. This reveals that cell B3 is the problem, as both column B and row 3 are misaligned.
You can change cell B3 to 48, which will then ensure that all columns and rows total properly. If you had a much larger matrix to solve, you could write some VBA code to automate the check of each column and row.

SSRS Reporting Services calculating 2 sums if parameter is true

I have a simple income and covers served per day report, I need to calculate the variance % difference between this years income and last years income, but excluding any sites that opened this year.
I have the following expression however the results it returns are way out from what I am expecting:
=sum(iif(Fields!New_Site.Value=False And Fields!netSalesLY.Value<>0,CDbl(Fields!netSalesTY.Value/Fields!netSalesLY.Value),CDbl(0)))
New_Site is a Boolean parameter to filter out new/old sites, and both netsalesTY and netsalesLY are integer values.
Any ideas?
The first thing I notice is that you're not referencing the New_Site parameter, you're referencing the New_Site field in your formula. If you wanted to reference the New_Site parameter, you would do it as
Not sure which you are really wanting to use.
Also, I may be misunderstanding what number you're trying to calculate, but if I understand you correctly, you're using the wrong formula. You're not using the percent difference formula, which will return the percent of this years sales related to last years sales, not a difference between the two. If what you want to know is the percent difference between the two years, it would be calculated as:
(Fields!netSalesTY.Value - Fields!netSalesLY.Value) / Fields!netSalesLY.Value
So if last year your netSales were $100,000 and this year they are $85,000, your current formula would return 85%, whereas the formula I just mentioned would return -15%, thus showing the decline in sales. So with the formula I gave you, a negative number would represent a decrease from last year to this year and a positive number would represent an increase from last year to this year.
Hope this helps!

How do I compute an average of calculated averages in MS reportviewer/rdlc?

I've searched here and elsewhere on the web and have not found this exact problem/solution.
I'm building an rdlc report using the MS reportViewer - the report I'm creating is based on an existing spreadsheet where the average price across 6 months is calculated individually for each month, then the average of those prices is calculated as the 6 month period average price. Whether I agree with that methodology or if it's correct is irrelevant, I just need to know how to get an rdlc to do this.
For example:
Month Price1 Price2 Delta
May-12 $31.54 $30.03 $1.51
Jun-12 $36.27 $34.60 $1.67
Jul-12 $44.19 $42.00 $2.19
Aug-12 $38.96 $37.06 $1.90
Sep-12 $36.89 $35.08 $1.81
Oct-12 $35.57 $33.97 $1.60
Average $37.24 $35.46 $1.78
(sorry for the lack of a screen snip, I'm new and the system won't let me post an image...)
I've created a tablix that does the monthly averages computation - I use a group in the table to group the 6 months of data by month (and then hide the hourly price data so you only see the month total row) but I'm stuck on how to calculate the bottom row of the table which is the average of each column. (the average of the averages is not the same as the average of all 6 months of prices from the underlying data - that's what I've learned in this process... IOW, that was my first solution :-) )
What I tried to do to get the average of the averages was give the month total cell a name, MonthlyAvgPrice1, then in the bottom row, used this expression:
As I kind of expected, this didn't work, when I try to run the report, it gets a build error saying "The Value expression for the textrun 'Price1PeriodAvg.Paragraphs[0].TextRuns[0]' uses an aggregate function on a report item. Aggregate functions can be used only on report items contained in page headers and footers."
Hopfully I've explained this well, does anyone know how to do this?
Actually it is not clear from the question that how are you in particular binding the data to the report items, But from the given information what I understand is that you can
Try like this:
Right Click the tablix row and insert a row below
In the cell where you want to have this Average of Averages insert the following expression
and similarly insert expression =Sum(Fields!Price2.Value)/6 and =Sum(Fields!Delta.Value)/6 in the other cells where you want to display the Averages
Of Course, you will change the Field names Price1,Price2 etc to the fields that you are getting the values from.