SQL First In First Out Loyalty Point - sql

fellow developers and analysts. I have some experience in SQL and have resorted to similar posts. However, this is slightly more niche. Thank you in advance for helping.
I have the below dataset (edited. Apology)
CREATE TABLE CustomerPoints
CustomerID INT,
[Date] Date,
Points INT
INSERT INTO CustomerPoints
(1, '20150101', 500),
(1, '20150201', -400),
(1, '20151101', 300),
(1, '20151201', -400)
and need to turn it into (edited. The figures in previous table were incorrect)
Any positive amount of points are points earned whereas negative are redeemed. Because of the FIFO (1st in 1st out concept), of the second batch of points spent (-400), 100 of those were taken from points earned on 20150101 (UK format) and 300 from 20151101.
The goal is to calculate, for each customer, the number of points spent within x and y months of earning. Again, thank you for your help.

I have already answered a similar question here and here
You need to explode points earned and redeemed by single units and then couple them, so each point earned will be matched by a redeemed point.
For each of these matching rows calculate the months elapsed from the earning to the redeeming and then aggregate it all.
For FN_NUMBERS(n) it is a tally table, look at other answers I have linked above.
p as (select * from CustomerPoints),
e as (select * from p where points>0),
r as (select * from p where points<0),
ex as (
select *, ROW_NUMBER() over (partition by CustomerID order by [date] ) rn
from e
join FN_NUMBERS(1000) on N<= e.points
rx as (
select *, ROW_NUMBER() over (partition by CustomerID order by [date] ) rn
from r
join FN_NUMBERS(1000) on N<= -r.points
j as (
select ex.CustomerID, DATEDIFF(month,ex.date, rx.date) mm
from ex
join rx on ex.CustomerID = rx.CustomerID and ex.rn = rx.rn and rx.date>ex.date
-- use this select to see points redeemed in current and past semester
select * from j join (select 0 s union all select 1 s ) p on j.mm >= (p.s*6)+(p.s) and j.mm < p.s*6+6 pivot (count(mm) for s in ([0],[2])) p order by 1, 2
-- use this select to see points redeemed with months detail
--select * from j pivot (count(mm) for mm in ([0],[1],[2],[3],[4],[5],[6],[7],[8],[9],[10],[11],[12])) p order by 1
-- use this select to see points redeemed in rows per month
--select CustomerID, mm, COUNT(mm) PointsRedeemed from j group by CustomerID, mm order by 1
output of default query, 0 is 0-6 months, 1 is 7-12 (age of redemption in months)
CustomerID 0 1
1 700 100
output of 2nd query, 0..12 is the age of redemption in months
CustomerID 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 0 700 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 0
output from 3rd query, is the age of redemption in months
CustomerID mm PointsRedeemed
1 1 700
1 11 100


SQL Divide previous row balance by current row balance and insert that value into current rows column "Growth"

I have a table where like this.
I need to take the previous row of each column and divide that amount by the current row.
Ex: Row 1 calculation should = Row 2 Balance / Row 1 Balance (22644455/22855547 = .99% )
Row 2 calculation should = Row 3 Balance / Row 2 Balance etc....
Table is just a Temporary table I created titled #MonthlyLoanBalance2.
Now I just need to take it a step further.
Let me know what and how you would go about doing this.
Thank you in advance!
Insert into #MonthlytLoanBalance2 (
left(ProcessDate,4) as 'Year',
SUBSTRING(CAST(x.ProcessDate as varchar(38)),5,2) as 'Month',
sum(x.currentBalance) as Balance
,ROW_NUMBER()over (order by ProcessDate desc) as RowNum
distinct LoanServiceKey,
where LoanStatus = 'Open'
and LoanTypeKey = 0
and ProcessDate in (select DateKey from dimDate
where IsLastDayOfMonth = 'Y'
and DateKey > convert(varchar, getdate()-4000, 112)
) x
group by ProcessDate
order by ProcessDate desc;``
I am assuming your data is already prepared as shown in the table. Now you can try Lead() function to resolve your issue. Remember format() function is used for taking only two precision.
FORMAT((ISNULL(LEAD(Balance,1) OVER (ORDER BY RowNum), 1)/Balance),'N2') Calculation
FROM #MonthlytLoanBalance2

Querying the same column for 3 different values

I'm trying hard to extract the data in the format I need, but unsuccessful til now.
I have the following table
id_ticket, date_ticket, office_ticket, status_ticket
I need the query to return me, for EVERY MONTH, and always for the same OFFICE:
the number of tickets (COUNT) with any status
the number of tickets (COUNT) with status = 5
the number of tickets (COUNT) with status = 6
The query I made to return ONLY the total amount of tickets with any status was this. It worked!
COUNT (id_ticket) as TotalTicketsPerMonth,
'sYear' = YEAR (date_ticket),
'sMonth' = MONTH (date_ticket)
FROM crm_vw_Tickets
WHERE office_ticket = 1
YEAR (date_ticket), MONTH (date_ticket)
ORDER BY sYear ASC, sMonth ASC
Returning the total amount of ticket with status=5
COUNT (id_ticket) as TotalTicketsPerMonth,
'sYear' = YEAR (date_ticket),
'sMonth' = MONTH (date_ticket)
FROM crm_vw_Tickets
WHERE office_ticket = 1 AND status_ticket = 5
YEAR (date_ticket), MONTH (date_ticket)
ORDER BY sYear ASC, sMonth ASC
But I need the return to be something like:
Year Month Total Status5 Status6
2018 1 15 5 3
2018 2 14 4 5
2018 3 19 2 8
Thank you for your help.
You are close. You can use a CASE Expression to get what you need:
COUNT (id_ticket) as TotalTicketsPerMonth,
SUM(CASE WHEN status_ticket = 5 THEN 1 END) as Status5,
SUM(CASE WHEN status_ticket = 6 THEN 1 END) as Status6,
'sYear' = YEAR (date_ticket),
'sMonth' = MONTH (date_ticket)
FROM crm_vw_Tickets
WHERE office_ticket = 1
GROUP BY YEAR (date_ticket), MONTH (date_ticket)
ORDER BY sYear ASC, sMonth ASC
The following code builds off JNevill's answer to include summary rows for "missing" months, i.e. those with no tickets, as well as months with tickets. The basic idea is to create a table of all of the months from the first to the last ticket, outer join the ticket data with the months and then summarize the data. (Tally table, numbers table and calendar table are more or less applicable terms.)
It is a Common Table Expression (CTE) that contains several queries that work step-by-step toward the result. You can see the results of the intermediate steps by replacing the final select statement with one of the ones commented out above it.
-- Sample data.
declare #crm_vw_Tickets as Table ( id_ticket Int Identity, date_ticket Date, office_ticket Int, status_ticket Int );
insert into #crm_vw_Tickets ( date_ticket, office_ticket, status_ticket ) values
( '20190305', 1, 6 ), -- Shrove Tuesday.
( '20190501', 1, 5 ), -- May Day.
( '20190525', 1, 5 ); -- Towel Day.
select * from #crm_vw_Tickets;
-- Summarize the data.
-- Get the minimum and maximum ticket dates for office_ticket 1.
Limits as (
select Min( date_ticket ) as MinDateTicket, Max( date_ticket ) as MaxDateTicket
from #crm_vw_Tickets
where office_ticket = 1 ),
-- 0 to 9.
Ten ( Number ) as ( select * from ( values (0), (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), (8), (9) ) as Digits( Number ) ),
-- 100 rows.
TenUp2 ( Number ) as ( select 42 from Ten as L cross join Ten as R ),
-- 10000 rows. We'll assume that 10,000 months should cover the reporting range.
TenUp4 ( Number ) as ( select 42 from TenUp2 as L cross join TenUp2 as R ),
-- 1 to the number of months to summarize.
Numbers ( Number ) as ( select top ( select DateDiff( month, MinDateTicket, MaxDateTicket ) + 1 from Limits ) Row_Number() over ( order by ( select NULL ) ) from TenUp4 ),
-- Starting date of each month to summarize.
Months as (
select DateAdd( month, N.Number - 1, DateAdd( day, 1 - Day( L.MinDateTicket ), L.MinDateTicket ) ) as StartOfMonth
from Limits as L cross join
Numbers as N ),
-- All tickets assigned to the appropriate month and a row with NULL ticket data
-- for each month without tickets.
MonthsAndTickets as (
select M.StartOfMonth, T.*
from Months as M left outer join
#crm_vw_Tickets as T on M.StartOfMonth <= T.date_ticket and T.date_ticket < DateAdd( month, 1, M.StartOfMonth ) )
-- Use one of the following select statements to see the intermediate or final results:
--select * from Limits;
--select * from Ten;
--select * from TenUp2;
--select * from TenUp4;
--select * from Numbers;
--select * from Months;
--select * from MonthsAndTickets;
select Year( StartOfMonth ) as SummaryYear, Month( StartOfMonth ) as SummaryMonth,
Count( id_ticket ) as TotalTickets,
Coalesce( Sum( case when status_ticket = 5 then 1 end ), 0 ) as Status5Tickets,
Coalesce( Sum( case when status_ticket = 6 then 1 end ), 0 ) as Status6Tickets
from MonthsAndTickets
where office_ticket = 1 or office_ticket is NULL -- Handle months with no tickets.
group by StartOfMonth
order by StartOfMonth;
Note that the final select uses Count( id_ticket ), Coalesce and an explicit check for NULL to produce appropriate output values (0) for months with no tickets.

Query to get top product gainers by sales over previous week

I have a database table with three columns.
WeekNumber, ProductName, SalesCount
Sample data is shown in below table. I want top 10 gainers(by %) for week 26 over previous week i.e. week 25. The only condition is that the product should have sales count greater than 0 in both the weeks.
In the sample data B,C,D are the common products and C has the highest % gain.
Similarly, I will need top 10 losers also.
What I have tried till now is to make a inner join and get common products between two weeks. However, I am not able to get the top gainers logic.
The output should be like
Product PercentGain
C 400%
D 12.5%
B 10%
This will give you a generic answer, not just for any particular week:
select top 10 product , gain [gain%]
SELECT product, ((curr.salescount-prev.salescount)/prev.salescount)*100 gain
(select weeknumber, product, salescount from tbl) prev
(select weeknumber, product, salescount from tbl) curr
on prev.weeknumber = curr.weeknumber - 1
AND prev.product = curr.product
where prev.salescount > 0 and curr.salescount > 0
order by gain desc
If you are interested in weeks 25 and 26, then just add the condition below in the WHERE clause:
and prev.weeknumber = 25
If you are using SQL-Server 2012 (or newer), you could use the lag function to match "this" weeks sales with the previous week's. From there on, it's just some math:
SELECT TOP 10 product, sales/prev_sales - 1 AS gain
FROM (SELECT product,
LAG(sales) OVER (PARTITION BY product
ORDER BY weeknumber) AS prev_sales
FROM mytable) t
WHERE weeknumber = 26 AND
sales > 0 AND
prev_sales > 0 AND
sales > prev_sales
ORDER BY sales/prev_sales
this is the Query .
select top 10 product , gain [gain%]
SELECT curr.Product, ( (curr.Sales - prev.Sales ) *100)/prev.Sales gain
(select weeknumber, product, sales from ProductInfo where weeknumber = 25 ) prev
(select weeknumber, product, sales from ProductInfo where weeknumber = 26 ) curr
on prev.product = curr.product
where prev.Sales > 0 and curr.Sales > 0
order by gain desc

Need to calculate the average of cost based on a per fiscal week basis

I hope someone can help with this issue I have, which is I am trying to work out a weekly average from the following data example:
Practice ID Cost FiscalWeek
1 10.00 1
1 33.00 2
1 55.00 3
1 18.00 4
1 36.00 5
1 24.00 6
13 56.00 1
13 10.00 2
13 24.00 3
13 30.00 4
13 20.00 5
13 18.00 6
What I want is to group by the Practice ID but work out the average for each practice (there are over 500 of these not just those above) and work this out for each week so for example at Week 1 there will be no average, but Week 2 will be the average of Weeks 1 and 2, then Week 3 will be the average of Weeks 1, 2 and 3 and then so on. I need to then show this by Practice ID and for each Fiscal Week.
At the moment I have some code that is not pretty and there has to be an easier way, this code is:
I pass all the data into a table variable then using a CTE I then use case statements to set each individual week like:
CASE WHEN fiscalweek = 1 THEN cost ELSE 0 END AS [1],
CASE WHEN fiscalweek = 2 THEN cost ELSE 0 END AS [2],
CASE WHEN fiscalweek = 3 THEN cost ELSE 0 END AS [3]
This would then bring back the week 1 cost and so on into it's own column e.g. 1, 2, 3 etc. , then I've used a second CTE to sum the columns for each week so for example to work out week 6 I would use this code:
sum([1]) as 'Average Wk 1',
sum([1]+[2])/2 as 'Average Wk 2',
sum([1]+[2]+[3])/3 as 'Average Wk 3',
sum([1]+[2]+[3]+[4])/4 as 'Average Wk 4',
sum([1]+[2]+[3]+[4]+[5])/5 as 'Average Wk 5'
sum([1]+[2]+[3]+[4]+[5]+[6])/6 as 'Average Wk 6'
I've thought about various different ways of working out this average accurately in T-SQL so I can then drop this into SSRS eventually. I've thought about using a While..Loop, Cursor but failing to see an easy way of doing this.
You are looking for the cumulative average of the averages. In databases that support window/analytic functions, you can do:
select fiscalweek, avg(cost) as avgcost,
avg(avg(cost)) over (order by fiscalweek) as cumavg
from practices p
group by fiscalweek
order by 1;
If you don't have window functions, then you need to use some form of correlated subquery or join:
select p1.fiscalweek, avg(p1.avgcost)
from (select fiscalweek avg(cost) as avgcost
from practices p
group by fiscalweek
) p1 join
(select fiscalweek avg(cost) as avgcost
from practices p
group by fiscalweek
) p2
on p12 <= p1
group by p1.fiscalweek
order by 1;
I do want to caution you that you are calculating the "average of averages". This is different from the cumulative average, which could be calculated as:
select fiscalweek,
(sum(sum(cost)) over (order by fiscalweek) /
sum(count(*)) over (order by fiscalweek)
) avgcost
from practices p
group by fiscalweek
order by 1;
One treats every week as one data point in the final average (what you seem to want). The other weights each week by the number of points during the week (the latter solution). These can produce very different results when weeks have different numbers of points.
I dont know If I fully understand the question:But Try Executing this: should help you:
create table #practice(PID int,cost decimal,Fweek int)
insert into #practice values (1,10,1)
insert into #practice values (1,33,2)
insert into #practice values (1,55,3)
insert into #practice values (1,18,4)
insert into #practice values (1,36,5)
insert into #practice values (1,24,6)
insert into #practice values (13,56,1)
insert into #practice values (13,10,2)
insert into #practice values (13,24,3)
insert into #practice values (13,30,4)
insert into #practice values (13,20,5)
insert into #practice values (13,18,6)
select * from #practice
select pid,Cost,
(select AVG(cost) from #practice p2 where p2.Fweek <= p1.Fweek and p1.pid = p2.pid) WeeklyAVG,
Fweek,AVG(COST) over (Partition by PID) as PIDAVG
from #practice p1;
I think this would work:
SELECT t1.pid,
SELECT SUM(t.cost)/COUNT(t.cost)
FROM tablename AS t
WHERE t.pid = t1.pid
AND t.fiscalweek <= t1.fiscalweek
) AS average
FROM tablename AS t1
GROUP BY t1.pid, t1.fiscalweek
To take into account for fiscal weeks without an entry you can simply exchange
SELECT SUM(t.cost)/COUNT(t.cost)
SELECT SUM(t.cost)/t1.fiscalweek
to calculate from week 1 or
SELECT SUM(t.cost)/(t1.fiscalweek - MIN(t.fiscalweek) + 1)
to calculate from the first week of this practice.
If all practice averages should start the same week (and not necessarily week no 1) then you'd have to find the minimum of all week numbers.
Also, this won't work if you're calculating across multiple years, but I assume that is not he case.

SQL query to identify seasonal sales items

I need a SQL query that will identify seasonal sales items.
My table has the following structure -
ProdId WeekEnd Sales
234 23/04/09 543.23
234 30/04/09 12.43
432 23/04/09 0.00
I need a SQL query that will return all ProdId's that have 26 weeks consecutive 0 sales. I am running SQL server 2005. Many thanks!
Update: A colleague has suggested a solution using rank() - I'm looking at it now...
Here's my version:
DECLARE #NumWeeks int
SET #NumWeeks = 26
SELECT s1.ProdID, s1.WeekEnd, COUNT(*) AS ZeroCount
FROM Sales s1
ON s2.ProdID = s1.ProdID
AND s2.WeekEnd >= s1.WeekEnd
AND s2.WeekEnd <= DATEADD(WEEK, #NumWeeks + 1, s1.WeekEnd)
WHERE s1.Sales > 0
GROUP BY s1.ProdID, s1.WeekEnd
HAVING COUNT(*) >= #NumWeeks
Now, this is making a critical assumption, namely that there are no duplicate entries (only 1 per product per week) and that new data is actually entered every week. With these assumptions taken into account, if we look at the 27 weeks after a non-zero sales week and find that there were 26 total weeks with zero sales, then we can deduce logically that they had to be 26 consecutive weeks.
Note that this will ignore products that had zero sales from the start; there has to be a non-zero week to anchor it. If you want to include products that had no sales since the beginning, then add the following line after `WHERE s1.Sales > 0':
OR s1.WeekEnd = (SELECT MIN(WeekEnd) FROM Sales WHERE ProdID = s1.ProdID)
This will slow the query down a lot but guarantees that the first week of "recorded" sales will always be taken into account.
FROM Sales
WHERE Sales <> 0
) s1
FROM Sales
WHERE Sales <> 0
) s2
ON s1.ProdId = s2.ProdId
AND s1.rownum + 1 = s2.rownum
AND DateAdd(WEEK, 26, s1.WeekEnd) = s2.WeekEnd;