How to map colums in a table database in to Properties and relation with Fields - sensenet

I'm studying Sensenet Framework and installed successfull on my computer, and now I'm developing our website based on this framework.I read documents on wiki and understood relationship between Database <-> Properties <--> Fields <-> View (you can see the image in this link: For suppose, if I added a new table in to Sensenet's database and desiderate show all datas inside this table to our page, but I don't know how to dev flow by this model: Database <=> Property <=> Field <=> View. ? can you show steps to help me?

Please consider storing your data in the SenseNet Content Repository instead of keeping custom tables in the database. It is much easier to work with regular content items and you will have all the feature the repo offers - e.g. indexing, permissions, and of course an existing UI. To do this, you will have to take the following steps:
Define content types in SenseNet for every entity type you have in your existing db (in the example below this is the Car type).
Create a container in the Content Repository where you want to put your content (in this case this is a Cars custom list under the default site).
Create a command line tool using the SenseNet Client library to migrate your existing data to the Content Repository.
To see the example in detail, please check out this article:
How to migrate an existing database to the Content Repository
The core of the example is really a few lines of code that actually saves content items into the Content Repository (through the REST API):
using (var conn = new SqlConnection(ConnectionString))
await conn.OpenAsync();
using (var command = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM Cars", conn))
using (var reader = await command.ExecuteReaderAsync())
while (await reader.ReadAsync())
var id = reader.GetInt32(0);
var make = reader.GetString(1);
var model = reader.GetString(2);
var price = reader.GetInt32(3);
// Build a new content in memory and fill custom metadata fields. No need to create
// strongly typed objects here as the client Content is a dynamic type.
// Parent path is a Content Repository path, e.g. "/Root/Sites/Default_Site/Cars"
dynamic car = Content.CreateNew(ParentPath, "Car", "Car-" + id);
car.Make = make;
car.Model = model;
car.Price = price;
// save it through the HTTP REST API
await car.SaveAsync();
Console.WriteLine("Car-" + id + " saved.");


RepoDb cannot find mapping configuration

I'm trying to use RepoDb to query the contents of a table (in an existing Sql Server database), but all my attempts result in an InvalidOperationException (There are no 'contructor parameter' and/or 'property member' bindings found between the resultset of the data reader and the type 'MyType').
The query I'm using looks like the following:
public Task<ICollection<MyType>> GetAllAsync()
var result = new List<MyType>();
using (var db = new SqlConnection(connectionString).EnsureOpen())
result = (await db.ExecuteQueryAsync<MyType>("select * from mytype")).ToList();
return result;
I'm trying to run this via a unit test, similar to the following:
public async Task MyTypeFetcher_returns_all()
var sut = new MyTypeFetcher("connection string");
var actual = await sut.GetAllAsync();
The Entity I'm trying to map to matches the database table (i.e. class name and table name are the same, property names and table column names also match).
I've also tried:
putting annotations on the class I am trying to map to (both at the class level and the property level)
using the ClassMapper to map the class to the db table
using the FluentMapper to map the entire class (i.e. entity-table, all columns, identity, primary)
putting all mappings into a static class which holds all mapping and configuration and calling that in the test
providing mapping information directly in the test via both ClassMapper and FluentMapper
From the error message it seems like RepoDb cannot find the mappings I'm providing. Unfortunately I have no idea how to go about fixing this. I've been through the documentation and the sample tutorials, but I haven't been able to find anything of use. Most of them don't seem to need any mapping configuration (similar to what you would expect when using Dapper). What am I missing, and how can I fix this?

Entity Framework Core GetOrAdd Method

I'm working on a post method that should have a really good performance.
I have a value in the request body that will look in the database for the row that is connected with that value and return it and add it as a foreign key.
So how it is now:
Look in the database and check if the data already exists
If no add it to the database
Look that added or already existing data in the database and join it to the entity
So now there are 3 calls to the database
I was wondering if there is some kind of GetOrAdd method that will connect the table to my data if it exists and if it not exists add it to the database so it will most of the time only have 1 call to the database instead of always 3 calls
Please read the following doc
Here is an "Insert or Update" pattern:
public void InsertOrUpdate(Blog blog)
using (var context = new BloggingContext())
context.Entry(blog).State = blog.BlogId == 0 ?
EntityState.Added :
Of note, once you hit SaveChanges() you can expect your in memory object (blog, in this case) to be the same object that is stored in the database, and would not have to make a 3rd call to retrieve it again. EF Core will update the Primary Key with the actual persisted Id.
using (var context = new BloggingContext())
var blog = new Blog {Id = 1, Url = "blablabla" };
await context.SaveChangesAsync();
If a reachable entity has its primary key value set then it will be tracked in the Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.EntityState.Modified state. If the primary key value is not set then it will be tracked in the Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.EntityState.Add state.
This comment is from Entity Framework Core's Update method. You just need to call Update method if entity is exist in Database it will be updated otherwise will be created as new record.

Existing saga instances after applying the [Unique] attribute to IContainSagaData property

I have a bunch of existing sagas in various states of a long running process.
Recently we decided to make one of the properties on our IContainSagaData implementation unique by using the Saga.UniqueAttribute (about which more here
After deploying the change, we realized that all our old saga instances were not being found, and after further digging (thanks Charlie!) discovered that by adding the unique attribute, we were required to data fix all our existing sagas in Raven.
Now, this is pretty poor, kind of like adding a index to a database column and then finding that all the table data no longer select-able, but being what it is, we decided to create a tool for doing this.
So after creating and running this tool we've now patched up the old sagas so that they now resemble the new sagas (sagas created since we went live with the change).
However, despite all the data now looking right we're still not able to find old instances of the saga!
The tool we wrote does two things. For each existing saga, the tool:
Adds a new RavenJToken called "NServiceBus-UniqueValue" to the saga metadata, setting the value to the same value as our unique property for that saga, and
Creates a new document of type NServiceBus.Persistence.Raven.SagaPersister.SagaUniqueIdentity, setting the SagaId, SagaDocId, and UniqueValue fields accordingly.
My questions are:
Is it sufficient to simply make the data look correct or is there something else we need to do?
Another option we have is to revert the change which added the unique attribute. However in this scenario, would those new sagas which have been created since the change went in be OK with this?
Code for adding metadata token:
var policyKey = RavenJToken.FromObject(saga.PolicyKey); // This is the unique field
sagaDataMetadata.Add("NServiceBus-UniqueValue", policyKey);
Code for adding new doc:
var policyKeySagaUniqueId = new SagaUniqueIdentity
Id = "Matlock.Renewals.RenewalSaga.RenewalSagaData/PolicyKey/" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
SagaId = saga.Id,
UniqueValue = saga.PolicyKey,
SagaDocId = "RenewalSaga/" + saga.Id.ToString()
Any help much appreciated.
Thanks to David's help on this we have fixed our problem - the key difference was we used the SagaUniqueIdentity.FormatId() to generate our document IDs rather than a new guid - this was trivial tio do since we were already referencing the NServiceBus and NServiceBus.Core assemblies.
The short answer is that it is not enough to make the data resemble the new identity documents. Where you are using Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), that data is important! That's why your solution isn't working right now. I spoke about the concept of identity documents (specifically about the NServiceBus use case) during the last quarter of my talk at RavenConf 2014 - here are the slides and video.
So here is the long answer:
In RavenDB, the only ACID guarantees are on the Load/Store by Id operations. So if two threads are acting on the same Saga concurrently, and one stores the Saga data, the second thread can only expect to get back the correct saga data if it is also loading a document by its Id.
To guarantee this, the Raven Saga Persister uses an identity document like the one you showed. It contains the SagaId, the UniqueValue (mostly for human comprehension and debugging, the database doesn't technically need it), and the SagaDocId (which is a little duplication as its only the {SagaTypeName}/{SagaId} where we already have the SagaId.
With the SagaDocId, we can use the Include feature of RavenDB to do a query like this (which is from memory, probably wrong, and should only serve to illustrate the concept as pseudocode)...
var identityDocId = // some value based on incoming message
var idDoc = RavenSession
// Look at the identity doc's SagaDocId and pull back that document too!
.Include<SagaIdentity>(identityDoc => identityDoc.SagaDocId)
var sagaData = RavenSession
.Load(idDoc.SagaDocId); // Already in-memory, no 2nd round-trip to database!
So then the identityDocId is very important because it describes the uniqueness of the value coming from the message, not just any old Guid will do. So what we really need to know is how to calculate that.
For that, the NServiceBus saga persister code is instructive:
void StoreUniqueProperty(IContainSagaData saga)
var uniqueProperty = UniqueAttribute.GetUniqueProperty(saga);
if (!uniqueProperty.HasValue) return;
var id = SagaUniqueIdentity.FormatId(saga.GetType(), uniqueProperty.Value);
var sagaDocId = sessionFactory.Store.Conventions.FindFullDocumentKeyFromNonStringIdentifier(saga.Id, saga.GetType(), false);
Session.Store(new SagaUniqueIdentity
Id = id,
SagaId = saga.Id,
UniqueValue = uniqueProperty.Value.Value,
SagaDocId = sagaDocId
SetUniqueValueMetadata(saga, uniqueProperty.Value);
The important part is the SagaUniqueIdentity.FormatId method from the same file.
public static string FormatId(Type sagaType, KeyValuePair<string, object> uniqueProperty)
if (uniqueProperty.Value == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("uniqueProperty", string.Format("Property {0} is marked with the [Unique] attribute on {1} but contains a null value. Please make sure that all unique properties are set on your SagaData and/or that you have marked the correct properties as unique.", uniqueProperty.Key, sagaType.Name));
var value = Utils.DeterministicGuid.Create(uniqueProperty.Value.ToString());
var id = string.Format("{0}/{1}/{2}", sagaType.FullName.Replace('+', '-'), uniqueProperty.Key, value);
// raven has a size limit of 255 bytes == 127 unicode chars
if (id.Length > 127)
// generate a guid from the hash:
var key = Utils.DeterministicGuid.Create(sagaType.FullName, uniqueProperty.Key);
id = string.Format("MoreThan127/{0}/{1}", key, value);
return id;
This relies on Utils.DeterministicGuid.Create(params object[] data) which creates a Guid out of an MD5 hash. (MD5 sucks for actual security but we are only looking for likely uniqueness.)
static class DeterministicGuid
public static Guid Create(params object[] data)
// use MD5 hash to get a 16-byte hash of the string
using (var provider = new MD5CryptoServiceProvider())
var inputBytes = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(String.Concat(data));
var hashBytes = provider.ComputeHash(inputBytes);
// generate a guid from the hash:
return new Guid(hashBytes);
That's what you need to replicate to get your utility to work properly.
What's really interesting is that this code made it all the way to production - I'm surprised you didn't run into trouble before this, with messages creating new saga instances when they really shouldn't because they couldn't find the existing Saga data.
I almost think it might be a good idea if NServiceBus would raise a warning any time you tried to find Saga Data by anything other than a [Unique] marked property, because it's an easy thing to forget to do. I filed this issue on GitHub and submitted this pull request to do just that.

How to display only specific columns of a table in entity framework?

how to display the some specific columns of table instead of whole table in entity framework.
using (DataEntities cxt = new DataEntities())
notes note = cxt.notes.Where(no => == accID).SingleOrDefault();
return notes;
For this purpose, I would suggest you to make use of ViewModel like following :-
notes note = cxt.notes.SingleOrDefault(no => == accID);
var model = new YourViewModel // Your viewModel class
ID = note.ID,
PropertyOne = note.PropertyOne, // your ViewModel Property
PropertyTwo = note.PropertyTwo
You can do this with QueryView.
This implies editing your model directly in XML as there is no designer support for this, but you will get an independant entity with less fields than the original one.
You can then query data base for this truncated entity directly (you will get only fields you need from the data base - no need to get whole entity from DB and trancate it in code)
It is good in scenarios where you want to send this truncated entity to the
with WCF to minimize traffic (e.g. when building big lists on client
that basically need only name and ID and no other entity specific
This QueryView-based entity is read only. To make it writeable you will have to add r/w functionality yourself

How do I install and setup the RavenDb index replication

rI've looked at the questions and indeed the RavenDb docs. There's a little at RavenDb Index Replication Docs but there doesn't seem any guidance on how/when/where to create the IndexReplicationDestination
Our use case is very simple (it's a spike). We currently create new objects (Cows) and store them in Raven. We have a couple of queries created dynamically using LINQ (e.g. from c in session.Query<Cows> select c).
Now I can't see where I should define the index to replicate. Any ideas? I've got hold of the bundle and added it to the server directory (I'm assuming it should be in RavenDB.1.0.499\server\Plugins where RavenDB.1.0.499\server contains Raven.Server.exe)
Edit: Thanks Ayende... the answer below and in the ravendb groups helped. There was a facepalm moment. Regardless here's some detail that may help someone else. It really is very easy and indeed 'just works':
a) Ensure that the plugins are being picked up. You can view these in the statistics - available via the /localhost:8080/stats url (assuming default settings). You should see entries in 'Extensions' regarding to the IndexReplication bundle.
If not present ensure the versions of the DLLs (bundle and server) are the same
b) Ensure the index you want to replicate has been created. They can be created via Client API or HTTP API.
Client API:
public class Cows_List : AbstractIndexCreationTask<Cow>
public Cows_List()
Map = cows => from c in cows select new { c.Status };
Index( x => x.Status, FieldIndexing.Analyzed);
HTTP API (in studio):
.Select(q => new {Status = q.Status})
c) create the replication document. The clue here is DOCUMENT. Like everything stored, it too is a document. So after creating it must be stored in the Db :
var replicationDocument = new Raven.Bundles.IndexReplication.Data.IndexReplicationDestination
Id = "Raven/IndexReplication/Cows_List", ColumnsMapping = { {"Status", "Status"} },
ConnectionStringName = "Reports", PrimaryKeyColumnName = "Id",
TableName = "cowSummaries"
d) Ensure you have the following in the CLIENT (e.g. MVC app or Console)
e) Create the RDBMS schema. I have a table in 'cowReports' :
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[cowSummaries](
[Id] nvarchar NULL,
[Status] nchar NULL)
My particular problem was not adding the index document to the store. I know. facepalm. Of course everything is a document. Works like a charm!
You need to define two things.
a) An index that transform the document to the row shape.
b) A document that tell RavenDB what is the connection string name, the table name, and the columns to map