How do I set the status to "Off Work" for Skype for Business API? - skype-for-business

All the other statuses can be updated. But I am not understanding on what to pass if it is a "Off - Work" scenario. Any help would be appreciated.

The "Off Work" presence state is a actually the "Away" presence state with a activity id set to "off-work". The "activity" has a bunch of Custom Token's setup for each language that is installed so it displays correctly text for the current system setup. e.g. "Off Work" in English.
You can reproduce this yourself or you can use the pre-created PresenceState.UserOffWork value.
await Task.Factory.FromAsync(
The above example is assuming you are using a UCMA UserEndpoint (endpoint).
Lync Client SDK:
For the Lync Client SDK you need to publish an Away presence type with the activity id of "off-work":
var publishData = new Dictionary<PublishableContactInformationType, object>
{PublishableContactInformationType.Availability, ContactAvailability.Away},
{PublishableContactInformationType.ActivityId, "off-work"}


How to create "Round Robin Call Forwarding Function" in Twilio Stack

I have researched high and low through multiple websites and have not found a single fully documented solution for round-robin call forwarding with-in the Twilio stack; let alone within Twilio Studio. The last time this question was asked in detail was in 2013 so your help is greatly appreciated. I am looking to find a solution to the following to educate myself and others:
[Round Robin Scenario]
Mentioned by Phil Krnjeu on Aug 1 '13 at 23:04, "I'm trying to create a website that has a phone number on it (say, a phone number for a school). When you call that number, it has different secretary offices (A,B,C, D). I want to create something where the main number is called, and then it goes and calls phone number A the first time, the second time someone calls the main number, number B is called, C, then D. Once D is called (which would be the 4th call), the 5th call goes back to A."
The response to the above question was to use an IVR Screening & Recording application which requires the caller to pick an agent which is not a true Round Robin solution. The solution I am looking for and many others require the system to know which agent is in a group and which agent is next to receive a call.
[Key Features Needed]
Ability to add forwarding numbers as identified above A, B, C, D as a group or IVR extensions such as 1 = Management, 2 = Sales and etc...
Set a subsequent calling rule that notates in a DB of some sort. Caller A through D, for example, equals 1 unsuccessful. When caller A has been forwarded a call it now equals 0 successful then the script stops and allows the call to be answered by the user or its voicemail. Then the next call comes in and is forwarded to user B and assigned a 0 successful value, then the script stops.
After the caller finishes the call or finishes leaving a voicemail the script needs to end the call.
[Final Destination]
The round-robin should finalize its call with the forwarded phone numbers voicemail.
[Known Issues]
Forwarding a call to multiple numbers not stopping when someone answers
Once this question is posted I am sure someone will ask in the near future what if I wanted the call to be forwarded to a Twilio voicemail instead of using the forwarded phone number's voicemail which could be let's say a cell phone. I do not necessarily need this feature, however, making an additional comment would be very helpful to the community. Thank you for your time.
I have limited knowledge of programming besides having the ability to review articles posted by other users. One article I researched in detail that did not work for me was, "IVR: Screening & Recording with PHP and Laravel."
The solution I am looking for first would be to make this code through the new Twilio Studio interface if that is not possible then any other solution would be helpful to all.
Sam here from the Twilio Support Team. You can build what you've described using Twilio's Runtime suite, Studio, and Functions.
I wrote a blog post with detailed instructions and screenshots here, and I've included a summarized version below as well.
First, you need to create a serverless Variable which will be used as the round robin counter. The variable must be inside an Environment, which is inside a Service. This is the only part of the application where you will need your own laptop. You can see how to create these with any of the SDKs or using curl in the docs.
Create a Service
Create an Environment
Create a Variable
Be sure to copy the SIDs of your Service, Environment, and Variable since you will need that for your function.
For convenience, this is how you create the Variable in NodeJS.
const accountSid = 'your_account_sid';
const authToken = 'your_auth_token';
const client = require('twilio')(accountSid, authToken);'ZSXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX')
.create({key: 'key', value: 'value'})
.then(variable => console.log(variable.sid));
Create the following Environment Variables here in the console and save set them equal to their respective SID that you saved earlier.
Next, make sure you check the Enable ACCOUNT_SID and AUTH_TOKEN checkbox above the Environment Variables section under Credentials.
Be sure your Twilio Client version in the Dependencies section is set to the latest, so we can be sure it includes the Serverless resources. At the time of writing (March 2020), the default Client version does not include them, so we upgraded to 3.41.1, which was the latest.
Go here in the console and create a blank Function.
Copy and paste the following code and replace the numbers with the ones you would like to include in your Round Robin (make sure the environment variables you just created match what's in the code).
exports.handler = function(context, event, callback) {
// Number List
let numbers = [
"+18652142345", //Sam
"+18651092837", //Tina
"+19193271892", //Matt
// Copy and paste line above to add another number.
// Initialize Twilio Client
let client = context.getTwilioClient();
// Fetch Round Robin Ctr
.then(variable => {
// Use counter value to determine number to call
let number = numbers[variable.value];
// Create var with new ctr value
let ctr = variable.value;
// Check if current counter value is less than RR length (i.e. the number of numbers in round robin)
// If so, increment
if(ctr == numbers.length-1) {
ctr = 0;
// Otherwise reset ctr
else ctr++;
// Update counter value
.update({value: ctr})
.then(resp => {
// Return number to call
let response = {number};
// Return our counter value and a null error value
callback(null, response);
Click the red plus sign to create a new Flow here.
Give the Flow a name and click Next.
Scroll to the bottom of the templates and click 'Import from JSON' and click Next.
Paste the Flow JSON shown here and click Next.
Click the RoundRobin function widget and select the Function you just created under the Default service.
Click the FunctionError widget, click MESSAGING & CHAT CONFIG, and change the SEND MESSAGE TO number to a number that you would like to notify by text in the event of a Function failure.
Click the DefaultNumber widget and change the default number that will be forwarded to in the event of a Function failure.
Click the Publish button at the top of your Flow.
Go here in the console.
Click the Twilio number you would like to configure.
Scroll down to the A CALL COMES IN dropdown in the Voice section and select Studio Flow.
Select your new Flow in the Select a Flow dropdown to the right.
Click Save at the bottom.
And that's it. You're now all set to test!

IBM Domino 10 - integrating with Resource Reservations via Domino Data Services API

We're trying to integrate with IBM Domino via REST API to pull out information about reservations/events in a specific room and also be able to create new events/reservations remotely. We already integrated with other services such as Microsoft Exchange, but IBM seems to be the toughest of them all.
I studied deeply into it and read thousands of articles & stack overflow questions, and got pretty far but still can't make any real use out of it.
What I currently plan on doing is this:
Pull information about reservations from /api/data/collections/name/($Reservations) or ($Calendar)
Create events/reservations using the documents api, POSTing to /api/data/documents?form=Reservation, I already tried doing it and my reservation even showed in Domino Admin (not in Notes client though), but it had some errors (probably just some json problem on my side)
While it looks kinda clear and easy, it really isn't. I have a few questions:
How can I get reservations/calendar for a specific room? ($Calendar) returns all events in the database, not even including in which room it is, to get that information I would need to additionally query each reservation by it's unid and that would probably kill the entire app
Is there any way I could filter/search the /api/data/documents to return only documents whose form field has a value of Reservation or any other value? This way I could get all the reservation documents without querying each of the documents directly (/api/data/documents only returns the href to the document without any interesting data), I wouldn't also need to additionally enable DAS for each view I want to use.
What are the fields like $25 returned in the json, and how can I know what's their purpose if they don't have any real name? They often contain interesting data, such as the room name.
I also looked into the FreeBusy api service, and it's pretty interesting and I could easily use it to look for reservations (/busytimes) in the room I want, if it ever returned what resource/reservation is causing the busy time. It just shows the start and end time, nothing else..
I also read suggestions that one should create a 'main' user to handle the reservations and use his calendar api (/api/calendar/events), but afaik it can't be done that way.
However I tried creating events in the users calendar in specified room, and kinda got it to work by adding the following attendee in the json |(PHP syntax, actually):
'organizer' => [ 'email' => 'admin/' ],
'attendees' => [
'role' => 'req-participant',
'userType' => 'room',
'status' => 'accepted',
'rsvp' => true,
'email' => '',
But it doesn't really get displayed in the room reservations, unlike normal events created in IBM Notes. It also cannot be edited or deleted in IBM Notes, and it has "Accepted: " in front of the subject, and it says "attendance is delegated for admin". To delete it, I need to delete it via API through its unid directly. x-lotus-noticetype is being set to A so I guess it's not being treated as a meeting but as an notice, no idea why though.
I'd really like some help or suggestions on how I could get this working, are there any other ways that would have any sense?
After struggling a lot and reading Dave's reply, I think it would be a good solution to have a single user that would do the reservations via calendar api, because the direct data api probably won't work. I could just only pull the list of all reservations from Rooms database ($Calendar) or ($Reservations) view, or make some sort of my own view.
However! I cannot get the calendar method to work on my local IBM Domino server. Dave pointed to me that I need to specify a valid email (internet address) of the organizer, so I set my user's internet address to testmail#test.test (test.test is mapped to in the hosts file). Now as soon as I try to use that address like that:
"organizer": {
"email": "testmail#test.test"
I cannot even create the event/reservation (through /mail/admin.nsf/api/calendar/events), it's returning 500 internal error with cserror 1026, and Domino logs
[CS API]> Error | calendarapi.c(379) : There was an error sending out notices to meeting participants. (0x8E4)
Error connecting to server test/test: The remote server is not a known TCP/IP host.
So it has a problem with sending the notice, and doesn't create the event at all. I thought it may not work with localhost, so I set my users email to an external mail service, and I even received the email, but the event was still created incorrectly (x-lotus-noticetype A is being added automatically and overrides whatever I send as the value), it's not visible in the Room Reservations database.
Here's the json object of an event created via Notes client:
"events": [
"summary":"Notes client meeting",
"location":"Test room\/Test site#test",
"start": {
"tzid":"Central European Standard Time"
"end": {
"tzid":"Central European Standard Time"
"attendees": [
"displayName":"Test room\/Test site",
"organizer": {
"x-lotus-broadcast": {
"x-lotus-notesversion": {
"x-lotus-appttype": {
As you can see, Notes is able to create the event with testmail#test.test successfully.
Now here's an event created with my API, but with admin/test#test.test as the organizer's email (because normal email doesn't let me create the event):
"events": [
"summary":"Api reservation test",
"location":"Test room\/Test site#test\r\nCN=Test room\/O=Test site",
"description":"API Generated event\r\n",
"start": {
"end": {
"attendees": [
"displayName":"Test room\/Test site",
"organizer": {
"x-lotus-broadcast": {
"x-lotus-notesversion": {
"x-lotus-noticetype": {
"x-lotus-appttype": {
As you can see, the organizer's & chair emails were automatically updated by Lotus to testmail#test.test, and theorethically everything should work but it doesnt. In Notes, I see the event as 'Accepted: Api reservation test' and I cannot modify things like the room, or don't have the option to delete it from right click menu (I can delete it with Del keyboard button though)
The only difference is that x-lotus-noticetype get's added, and I don't even know why
Edit 2:
I got it to work! Dave pointed that I may have some configuration issue, so I re-installed the server & setup everything again (including the mail services), I used admin#test.test and the meeting was succesfully created & added to the room reservations. Server console only showed that the message was delivered.
HOWEVER! I was able to create as many identical meetings as I wanted, they weren't added to the reservations database but they were succesfully created in my calendar (with the room assigned to them) without any errors (not even in the sever console), this is obviously bad. Is there any way to check (externally, through API) if the reservation was created succesfully, and prevent it's creation if the room is busy at that moment? Notes client prompts an error when the room is busy. I could probably use FreeBusy api, however that would require another HTTP request before each reservation attempt, but if that's the only way then I'll just take it. I see that the status field of the attendeed room is set to declined, but the response from POST still contains needs-action so I'd need to do some delayed request once again to check if the status has changed to declined or not.
Also, while it works, I still don't know how I could obtain a list of reservations in a selected room? The already existing views in Reservations database don't give many details, and they need to be exclusively enabled DAS services in order to work. Is there any other way that could work properly?
Another thing is, is there any way I could get current user's email address to use for the reservations, or can I only 'hardcode' it manually? Same goes for room's email. Currently, I need to have:
User name
User password
User mail database (/mail/admin.nsf/)
User email
Room email
and if I'd want to read some data from the Reservations database directly, then I'd also need to have the path to that database. This isn't really user-friendly, I'd like to automate some things if possible. Otherwise the integration may be impossible to make.
The reservation database was designed to manage reservations either (1) directly through it's own UI, or (2) indirectly by auto-processing notifications from calendar users. By using the DAS data API, you are asserting you can manage reservations (3) programmatically -- by manipulating the low-level document items. You might get this to work, but I don't think the reservation database was designed with that in mind.
That's why I think this answer is the best option. It leverages auto-processing (#2 above) and saves you from dealing with the internal design of reservation documents. If you use this approach, you should give the DAS calendar API a list of attendees like this:
In other words, status must be "needs-action" -- not "accepted" as shown in your original post. Also, make sure you are using the correct email address for both the organizer and the target room. The above example shows an Internet-style address for the room, but administrators don't always give a room an Internet address.

Bloomberg API - How to get user entitlements for user subscription

i'm just trying to check user entitlements for user subscription data from bloomberg api's data feeds.
For this i tried to run Bloombergs example "EntitlementsVerificationSubscriptionExample". As it seems to be working at first sight, on second sight i recognized, that there aren't any entitlements for the data i receive from the api.
that means:
public void processSubscriptionDataEvent(Event eventObj, Session session)
foreach(Message msg in eventObj)
bool needsEntitlement = msg.HasElement(Name.GetName("EID"));
is always 'false', as there is never a field called "EID" available.
Is there something wrong on bloomberg service site or better, is there any kind of documentation available, how to use user entitlements within data subscriptions?
thanks in advance,
First, you need to subscribe to the "EID" field, as it's not returned by default.
If the field either is not returned in the message, or had Null value, then that means data in this message does not require entitlements. Otherwise, call the following function and pass the EID value:
bool bEntitled = userIdentity.hasEntitlements(EID);
Function return value indicates whether user is entitled or not.
Data that does not require entitlements can be shared with users who are registered in EMRS (in case of B-Pipe), or with any terminal user within the firm (in case of SAPI) with no further entitlement check. Users who are not registered in EMRS or those who are non-terminal users should not have access to either B-Pipe data, or SAPI data, respectively. seems to be jumping randomly between stories

I have two separate simple stories on my bot,
the first one takes in the word "Debug", sends "test" then runs a function that outputs context stuff to the console called test_context()
the second one takes in an address, runs a function that changes the context called new_session(), then sends a confirmation of the change to the user structured like "your location has been changed to {address}"
when I type directly into the test console it seems to correctly detect the stories and run the corresponding functions, but when I try to use it through the Node.js API it seems to act completely randomly.
Sometimes when typing in an address it will run test_context() followed by new_session(), then output no text, sometimes it will just output the test text followed by the address text and run no functions, sometimes it will act correctly.
The same behavior happens when inputting "Debug" as well.
The back end is set up correctly, as 2 other stories seem to be working perfectly fine.
Both of these stories were working fine earlier today, I have made no changes to the wit stories themselves and no change to the back-end has even touched the debug function.
Is this a known issue?
I encountered this problem as well.
It appears to me as when you do not handle setting context variables in the story from correctly (by setting them to null for example), it messes up the story. As a developer it is your own responsability to handle the story correctly "client side", so I can understand lets weird stuff happen when you do not do this. Maybe decided to jump stories to keep their bot from crashing, still remains a bit mysterious to me. Maybe your problem is of a different kind, just sharing a similair observation and my solution.
Exactly for reasons of testing I created three stories;
handle greetings
tell what the weather in city x is
identify when you want to plan a meeting
The bot is connected to facebook and I handle actions (like planning a meeting) on my nodejs express server.
I said to the bot "I want to plan a meeting tomorrow", resulting in a wit date/time. One timeslot by the way. This is going ok. Then I sent the message "I want to plan a meeting this morning". This resulted in TWO date/time variables in the context. In turn, my code could not handle this; two timestamps resulted in null (probably json message getting more complicated and I try to get the wrong field). This in turn resulted in null for the context variable that had to be returned.
So what I did is to catch the error for when the context variable is not filled and just fill in [wit.js could not find date]. This fixed the problem, even though I now of course need to handle this error better.
Old code:
'createAppointment': ({sessionId, context, text, entities}) => {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
const myDateTime = firstEntityValue(entities, 'datetime');
console.log('the time trying to send ',myDateTime);
createAppointment(context, myDateTime)
context.appointmentText = myDateTime
return resolve(context);
New, working code:
'createAppointment': ({sessionId, context, text, entities}) => {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
const myDateTime = firstEntityValue(entities, 'datetime');
console.log('the time trying to send ',myDateTime);
createAppointment(context, myDateTime)
context.appointmentText = myDateTime
return resolve(context);
} else {
context.appointmentText = '[wit.js could not find date]'
return resolve(context);
Hope this helps

I am trying to use Yodlee/executeUserSearchRequest as a RESTful request and need an answer on how to call

I am working with the Yodlee services in c# and using the RESTful api. So far I have successfully connected and logged in with my CobrandSession and UserSessionToken in the development environment. I used the sample apps provided in c# and with some advice from shreyans i got an app working. What I got working was
1) Get YodleeAuthentication
2) Get UserAuthentication
3) Get ItemSummaries
I am now trying to get the full transaction details for each of the Items (i.e. collections of accounts that are an Item)
reading the Docs here it states that I need to call executeUserSearchRequest and then paginate through the results using the getUserTransactions. So I am stuck at this point. I dont really want a search which has parameters I just want ALL transactions for this account that I can see.
However, I am using the variables as defined in that page :-
var request = new RestRequest("/jsonsdk/TransactionSearchService/executeUserSearchRequest", Method.POST);
request.AddParameter("cobSessionToken", param.CobSessionToken);
request.AddParameter("userSessionToken", param.UserSessionToken);
request.AddParameter("transactionSearchRequest.containerType", param.ContainerType);
request.AddParameter("transactionSearchRequest.higherFetchLimit", param.HigherFetchLimit);
request.AddParameter("transactionSearchRequest.lowerFetchLimit", param.LowerFetchLimit);
request.AddParameter("transactionSearchRequest.resultRange.endNumber", param.EndNumber);
request.AddParameter("transactionSearchRequest.resultRange.startNumber", param.StartNumber);
request.AddParameter("transactionSearchRequest.searchFilter.currencyCode", param.CurrencyCode);
request.AddParameter("transactionSearchRequest.searchFilter.postDateRange.fromDate", param.FromDate);
request.AddParameter("transactionSearchRequest.searchFilter.postDateRange.toDate", param.ToDate);
request.AddParameter("transactionSearchRequest.searchFilter.transactionSplitType.splitType", param.SplitType);
request.AddParameter("transactionSearchRequest.ignoreUserInput", param.IgnoreUserInput);
request.AddParameter("transactionSearchRequest.searchFilter.itemAcctId", param.ItemAcctId);
var response = RestClientUtil.GetBase().Execute(request);
var content = response.Content;
return new YodleeServiceResultDto(content);
As per the response from shreyans in this posting Getting Error "Any one of [**] of transactionSearchFilter cannot be NULL OR Invalid Values I am not putting in the ClientId and the ClientName
The documentation doesn't specify the format of the dates but the example seems to tell me that its american date format. And specifies a parameter saying IgnoreUserinput, but doesnt have a parameter for user input so this is confusing
When I make a call using this format I get an error response
var getSearchResult = yodleeExecuteUserSearchRequest.Go(yodleeExecuteUserSearchRequestDto);
{"errorOccured":"true","exceptionType":"Exception Occured","refrenceCode":"_60ecb1d7-a4c4-4914-b3cd-49182518ca5d"}"
But I get no error message in this and I have no idea what I have done wrong or where to look up this error, can somebody who has used Yodlee REST Api point me in the right direction as I need to get this researched quickly....
thanks your your help, advice, corrections and pointers....
Here is the list of parameters which you can try
1) For a specific ItemAccountId all transactions
2) For a Specific account (itemAccountId) with start and end dates