MT4 Trade Panel - Issues - metatrader4

My English so limited, so I can't write a lot details. But I am trying to get "Hover" mouse hover effect. So which Object Functions help me for that.
You can see that effect below image.

a short version: None
The Full Story:
In spite of a minimalistic composition of the initial Question text, one may realise that any automation, intended to work on top of the MetaTrader Terminal 4 MMI-Add-On elements, that are not integral part of the Chart's GUI-Objects, is not directly accessible from the MQL4-code-base.
Neither in a passive-observer role ( just reading some of the MMI-Add-On element's values ) nor in an active-agent/actor mode ( trying to click / type-in a value / etc ).
This said, one may investigate other technologies to handle the intended functionalities via some O/S-controlled resources, but this direction goes beyond the reach of the MQL4-language contructors.
For further details do not hesitate to click-through to follow the Headline URL.


What is the meaning of 'cimode' in react-i18next and why isn't it properly documented?

I started using react-i18next a few days ago and I am very satisfied with it. However, I've been seeing this 'cimode' language here and there, in some posts and while debugging, but have no clue what it means. I've searched all over, I believe, and can't find any documentation on it.
In my particular case, I am generating some boilerplate code in a new website and created a demo page to show how to use localization in the website. I am generating toggle language buttons from the languages I set on the whitelist and, to my surprise, I have a 'cimode' button. I know I can filter it out and I will, but I would like to know what it should be used for and maybe to see better documentation for it in
From my understanding, CIMODE is used for testing to consistently return the translation key instead of the variant value.
It seems rather hidden on the FAQ.

MetaTrader Terminal [ History Center ] section: missing data within the platform?

I have recently downloaded MT4 & MT5. In both of these platforms where the historical data section should be ( in the dropdown of the tools section ), it is missing in both and I cannot seem to find a way to access this function.
It just doesn't seem to be in the platform at all?
My intention is to carry on with my research on backtesting data.
Step 1) define the problem:
Given the text above, it seems that your MetaTrader Terminal downloads have been installed, but do not allow you to inspect the (Menu)->[Tools]->[History Center]. If this is the case, check this with Support personnel from the Broker company you have downloaded these platforms from, as there are possible ways, how some Brokers may adapt the platform, including the objected behaviour.
Step 2) explain the target behaviour:
Your initial post has mentioned that your intention is to gain access to data due to "research on backtesting data".
If this is the valid target, your goal can be achieved also by taking an MT4 platform from any other Broker, be it with or without data, and next, importing { PERIOD_M1 | PERIOD_M5 | ... }-records, via an MT4 [History Center] F2 import interface. Just enough to follow the product documentation.
If your Quantitative Modelling requires tick-based data with a Market-Access Venue "fidelity", there was no such a way so far available for an end-user to import and resample some externally collected tick-data for MetaTrader Terminal platform.
Step 3) demonstrate your research efforts + steps already performed:
This community will always welcome active members, rather than "shouting" things like "Any idea?" or "ASAP" and "I need this and that, help me!".
Showing efforts, that have been spent on solving the root cause are warmly welcome, as Stack Overflow strongly encourages members to post high quality questions, formulated in a Minimum Complete Verifiable Example of code, that can re-run + re-produce the problem under test. Using PrintScreens for UI-states are ok for your type of issue, to show the blocking state and explain the context.

Can Intellij IDEA (14 Ultimate) generate regex based TODO-comments?

A few years back i worked in a company where i could press CTRL+T and a TODO-comment was generated - say my ID to be identified by other developers was xy45 then the generated comment was:
//TODO (xy45):
Is something available from within Intellij 14 Ultimate or did they write their own plugin for it?
What i tried: Webreserach, Jetbrais documentations - it looks like its not possible out of the box (i however ask before i write a plugin for it) or masked by the various search results regarding the TODO-view (due to bad research skills of mine).
There is no built-in feature in IntelliJ IDEA to generate such comments, so it looks like they did write their own plugin.
Found something that works quite similar but is not boundable to a shortcut:
File -> Settings -> Live Templates
I guess the picture says enoth to allow customization (consult the Jetbrains documentation for more possibilities). E.g. browse to the Live Template section within the settings, add a new Live Template (small green cross, upper right corner in the above picture) and set the context where this Live Template is applicable.
Note: Once you defined the Live Template to be applicable within Java (...Change in the above image where the red exclamation marks are shown) context you can just type "t", "todo" and hit CTRL+Space (or the shortcut you defined for code completion).
I suggest to reconsider using that practice at all. Generally you should not include redundant information which is easily and more reliably accessible through your Version Control System (easily available in Idea directly in editor using Annotate feature). It is similiar to not using javadoc tag #author as the information provided with it is often outdated inaccurate and redundant. Additionaly, I don´t think author of TODO is that much valuable information. Person who will solve the issue will often be completly different person and the TODO should be well documented and descriptive anyway. When you find your own old TODO, which is poorly documented, you often don't remember all the required information even if you were the author.
However, instead of adding author's name, a good practice is to create a task in you issue management system and add identifier of this task to the description of the todo. This way you have all your todos in evidence at one place, you can add additional information to the task, track progress, assign it etc. My experience is that if you don´t use this, todos tend to stay in the code forever and after some time no one remembers clearly the details of the problem. Additionaly, author mentioned in the todo is often already gone working for a different company.
Annotated TODO with issue ID

Conditional check in Selenium IDE

I want to check whether a possibly mandatory field is filled in using selenium. I would very much prefer to do this using the IDE rather than exporting to code.
To be more specific, I want to make sure that a post code field is filled in if the value of the country drop down list is 'United Kingdom'. The post code field can be left blank if the drop down list is set to anything else.
If the consensus is that I have to export and do the test in code, then I will, but I would be a lot happier if I could sort this out just through the IDE.
Unfortunately, Selenium-IDE does not offer any flow control functionality by default. However, the Flow Control plugin introduces a few new commands - while, gotoIf, label and the ...andWait variants. Using these, you should be able to check the currently selected value in the dropdown menu, and jump past a verify command if the value is not "United Kingdom".
Fair warning; it's not the easiest thing in the world to work with. For anything beyond very basic flow control, you'd probably be better off exporting to code anyway. But, it's an option for when you really want to push the IDE!

Capturing variable xpath in selenium IDE

Am trying to capture a element (delete button in gmail) which has variable xpath.
The xpath is something like this-
can somebody kindly help?
No, this is where the IDE falls behind and it's for good reason. It, along with other 'XPath-ified' (e.g using the 'XPath' right-click option in Firebug) tools will only take a guess at where something is located in the DOM.
In that, I mean it's going to walk down the tree and see where it is, in relation to the other elements, i.e it'll walk down one set of tr elements, and know there are 7 of them, therefore it'll know that the first one can be accessed using [1], then the next one can be accessed using [2] etc etc...
It doesn't, or really can't, know what is unique enough for you to use. That's why it's down to you to figure it out.
As for Gmail specifically, I would suggest you either fall back to Gmail's basic mode - so the markup will be easier to deal with or stop completely and use a particular set of API's in whatever language you are using to deal direct with the mailboxes in that account.
Though, if you do this, you'll need to dump the IDE altogether - essentially this is beyond the IDE and is a logical thing you need to decide yourself. The IDE is not designed for this.
Though, a tip would be see what's near the delete button. Is there a static element, that has the same attributes all the time, near it? You can get that element, and walk through to the DOM to your 'delete button'.