Is it possible for a program cannot find the failure by using dynamic testing, but have fault? - testing

Is it possible for a program cannot find the failure by using dynamic testing, but have fault? any simple example?
Please help! thanks.

Yes. Testing can only prove the absence of bugs for what you tested. Dynamic testing cannot cover all possible inputs and outputs in all environments with all dependencies.
First is to simply not test the code in question. This can be verified by checking the coverage of your test. Even if you achieve 100% coverage there can still be flaws.
Next is to not check all possible types and ranges of inputs. For example, if you have a function that scans for a word in a string, you need to check for...
The word at the start of the string.
The word at the end of the string.
The word in the middle of the string.
A string without the word.
The empty string.
These are known as boundary conditions and include things like:
Negative numbers
Empty strings
Extremely large values
Empty files
Extremely large files
If the code in question keeps state, maybe in an object, maybe in global variables, you have to test that state does not become corrupted or interfere with subsequent runs.
If you're doing parallel processing you must test any number of possibilities for deadlocks or corruption resulting from trying to do the same thing at the same time. For example, two processes trying to write to the same file. Or two processes both waiting for a lock on the same resource. Do they lock only what they need? Do they give up their locks ASAP?
Once you test all the ways the code is supposed to work, you have to test all the ways that it can fail, whether it fails gracefully with an exception (instead of garbage), whether an error leaves it in a corrupted state, and so on. How does it handle resource failure, like failing to connect to a database? This becomes particularly important working with databases and files to ensure a failure doesn't leave things partially altered.
For example, if you're transferring money from one account to another you might write:
my $from_balance = get_balance($from);
my $to_balance = get_balance($to);
set_balance($from, $from_balance - $amount);
set_balance($to, $to_balance + $amount);
What happens if the program crashes after the first set_balance? What happens if another process changes either balance between get_balance and set_balance? These sorts of concurrency issues must be thought of and tested.
There's all the different environments the code could run in. Different operating systems. Different compilers. Different dependencies. Different databases. And all with different versions. All these have to be tested.
The test can simply be wrong. It can be a mistake in the test. It can be a mistake in the spec. Generally one tests the same code in different ways to avoid this problem.
The test can be right, the spec can be right, but the feature is wrong. It could be a bad design. It could be a bad idea. You can argue this isn't a "bug", but if the users don't like it, it needs to be fixed.
If your testing makes use of a lot of mocking, your mocks may not reflect how thing thing being mocked actually behaves.
And so on.
For all these flaws, dynamic testing remains the best we've got for testing more than a few dozen lines of code.


How to quickly analyse the impact of a program change?

Lately I need to do an impact analysis on changing a DB column definition of a widely used table (like PRODUCT, USER, etc). I find it is a very time consuming, boring and difficult task. I would like to ask if there is any known methodology to do so?
The question also apply to changes on application, file system, search engine, etc. At first, I thought this kind of functional relationship should be pre-documented or some how keep tracked, but then I realize that everything can have changes, it would be impossible to do so.
I don't even know what should be tagged to this question, please help.
Sorry for my poor English.
Sure. One can technically at least know what code touches the DB column (reads or writes it), by determining program slices.
Methodology: Find all SQL code elements in your sources. Determine which ones touch the column in question. (Careful: SELECT ALL may touch your column, so you need to know the schema). Determine which variables read or write that column. Follow those variables wherever they go, and determine the code and variables they affect; follow all those variables too. (This amounts to computing a forward slice). Likewise, find the sources of the variables used to fill the column; follow them back to their code and sources, and follow those variables too. (This amounts to computing a backward slice).
All the elements of the slice are potentially affecting/affected by a change. There may be conditions in the slice-selected code that are clearly outside the conditions expected by your new use case, and you can eliminate that code from consideration. Everything else in the slices you may have inspect/modify to make your change.
Now, your change may affect some other code (e.g., a new place to use the DB column, or combine the value from the DB column with some other value). You'll want to inspect up and downstream slices on the code you change too.
You can apply this process for any change you might make to the code base, not just DB columns.
Manually this is not easy to do in a big code base, and it certainly isn't quick. There is some automation to do for C and C++ code, but not much for other languages.
You can get a bad approximation by running test cases that involve you desired variable or action, and inspecting the test coverage. (Your approximation gets better if you run test cases you are sure does NOT cover your desired variable or action, and eliminating all the code it covers).
Eventually this task cannot be automated or reduced to an algorithm, otherwise there would be a tool to preview refactored changes. The better you wrote code in the beginning, the easier the task.
Let me explain how to reach the answer: isolation is the key. Mapping everything to object properties can help you automate your review.
I can give you an example. If you can manage to map your specific case to the below, it will save your life.
The OR/M change pattern
Like Hibernate or Entity Framework...
A change to a database column may be simply previewed by analysing what code uses a certain object's property. Since all DB columns are mapped to object properties, and assuming no code uses pure SQL, you are good to go for your estimations
This is a very simple pattern for change management.
In order to reduce a file system/network or data file issue to the above pattern you need other software patterns implemented. I mean, if you can reduce a complex scenario to a change in your objects' properties, you can leverage your IDE to detect the changes for you, including code that needs a slight modification to compile or needs to be rewritten at all.
If you want to manage a change in a remote service when you initially write your software, wrap that service in an interface. So you will only have to modify its implementation
If you want to manage a possible change in a data file format (e.g. length of field change in positional format, column reordering), write a service that maps that file to object (like using BeanIO parser)
If you want to manage a possible change in file system paths, design your application to use more runtime variables
If you want to manage a possible change in cryptography algorithms, wrap them in services (e.g. HashService, CryptoService, SignService)
If you do the above, your manual requirements review will be easier. Because the overall task is manual, but can be aided with automated tools. You can try to change the name of a class's property and see its side effects in the compiler
Worst case
Obviously if you need to change the name, type and length of a specific column in a database in a software with plain SQL hardcoded and shattered in multiple places around the code, and worse many tables present similar column namings, plus without project documentation (did I write worst case, right?) of a total of 10000+ classes, you have no other way than manually exploring your project, using find tools but not relying on them.
And if you don't have a test plan, which is the document from which you can hope to originate a software test suite, it will be time to make one.
Just adding my 2 cents. I'm assuming you're working in a production environment so there's got to be some form of unit tests, integration tests and system tests already written.
If yes, then a good way to validate your changes is to run all these tests again and create any new tests which might be necessary.
And to state the obvious, do not integrate your code changes into the main production code base without running these tests.
Yet again changes which worked fine in a test environment may not work in a production environment.
Have some form of source code configuration management system like Subversion, GitHub, CVS etc.
This enables you to roll back your changes

In “Given-When-Then” style BDD tests, is it OK to have multiple “When”s conjoined with an “And”?

I read Bob Martin's brilliant article on how "Given-When-Then" can actual be compared to an FSM. It got me thinking. Is it OK for a BDD test to have multiple "When"s?
For eg.
GIVEN my system is in a defined state
WHEN an event A occurs
AND an event B occurs
AND an event C occurs
THEN my system should behave in this manner
I personally think these should be 3 different tests for good separation of intent. But other than that, are there any compelling reasons for or against this approach?
When multiple steps (WHEN) are needed before you do your actual assertion (THEN), I prefer to group them in the initial condition part (GIVEN) and keep only one in the WHEN section. This kind of shows that the event that really triggers the "action" of my SUT is this one, and that the previous one are more steps to get there.
Your test would become:
GIVEN my system is in a defined state
AND an event A occurs
AND an event B occurs
WHEN an event C occurs
THEN my system should behave in this manner
but this is more of a personal preference I guess.
If you truly need to test that a system behaves in a particular manner under those specific conditions, it's a perfectly acceptable way to write a test.
I found that the other limiting factor could be in an E2E testing scenario that you would like to reuse a statement multiple times. In my case the BDD framework of my choice(pytest_bdd) is implemented in a way that a given statement can have a singular return value and it maps the then input parameters automagically by the name of the function that was mapped to the given step. Now this design prevents reusability whereas in my case I wanted that. In short I needed to create objects and add them to a sequence object provided by another given statement. The way I worked around this limitation is by using a test fixture(which I named test_context), which was a python dictionary(a hashmap) and used when statements that don't have same singular requirement so the '(when)add object to sequence' step looked up the sequence in the context and appended the object in question to it. So now I could reuse the add object to sequence action multiple times.
This requirement was tricky because BDD aims to be descriptive. So I could have used a single given statement with the pickled memory map of the sequence object that I wanted to perform test action on. BUT would it have been useful? I think not. I needed to get the sequence constructed first and that needed reusable statements. And although this is not in the BDD bible I think in the end it is a practical and pragmatic solution to a very real E2E descriptive testing problem.

Practice for handling errors in Objective C client code

I’ve seen Objective C code using a collection of practices, raging from passing a pointer of NSError for execution finish status - to using ‎NSAssert - to implementing #throw - to relaying on delegate for status code returned in the callback - to the old c method of returning a boolean/int indicating with 1 being success and co.
I can’t identify a consistent pattern for how should I be handling errors happening in my app running on client devices. For ex, what would you recommend handling for the following cases:
Client attempt to access a network resource, network resource timed out / returned 500?
Unexpected state that should have not even happened reached in logical code section?
Attempt to write to disk failed? (Out of disk space, not permission and code)
Coming from Java, server side practices exceptions the weapon of choice, using Objective C and C is seems that exceptions exist but are not encouraged. NSAssert seems harsh, as it will crash the application, which in most cases is not the optimal solution. So, I’d appreciate a Best practices advice.
Exceptions are used to indicate programmer error and/or non-recoverable errors only. Exceptions should not be used for flow control. NSAssert is more of a development tool. Use NSError for recoverable, user addressable (or caused) errors.
First we have to agree upon the terminology. I think there are two types of bad situations in a program: Errors and Exceptions.
Errors An unwanted situation that can happen but you can recover from it with the program memory being in a consistent state and further execution can continue.
eg1. Client attempt to access a network resource, network resource timed out / returned 500?
eg2. Attempt to write to disk failed? (Out of disk space, not permission and code)
Approach Handle the error the way you want it handled. Show user message, log it to file/console, report it to your back-end if you think it needs to be reported.
Exceptions A state that should never have been reached and may corrupt the memory state of the app in a way that prevents further execution.
This could happen at two levels.
Level 1 A logic error that you have overlooked and is now causing the exception.
eg1. accessing invalid array elements i.e. index out of bound exception.
In the above example, you unconsciously made a programming mistake. You couldn't have handled it because you overlooked it. This will crash the application.
Approach Your approach here should be to identify the bug and fix it. In the process some end users will be affected which is the case with the most meticulous software.
Level 2
As you are programming, you come across a situation that your business logic doesn’t permit.
eg1. Unexpected state that should have not even happened reached in logical code section?
eg2. A database entry that you always expect to be present as per your business logic. For example, let's say you are making an app that requires a currency table with currency names, unicode symbols for currencies and country names. The value from this table are to be shown as a drop down in your UI. You may create a table upon first launch of the app and insert the values or may be you ship the table in the bundle but you always expect it to have the values you are inserting. You make an sqlite select query->sqlite execution succeeds->but no values are returned. Business logic demands that values should be present but for some mysterious reason they are absent.
Here is where most confusion stems from because sometimes you can recover from some of these situations by treating them as errors and displaying a message to the end user. This approach is wrong. This is an exception at business logic level. One that you should prevent from happening.
Approach You should force crash the app here as well using NSAsserts both in development and production mode. This is an aggressive approach and some end users will be affected, but I have read experts advising to adopt an aggressive approach to finding bugs and remedying them rather than pretending they don’t exist or thinking you have smartly covered them all when all you have done is masking exceptions as errors through your “handling tactics”. I believe the experts are right. Coming from Java, you may find it a very objCeee.. way of doing things.
Nils and Bools You should understand that they are just facilitators to reach at the conclusion of whether you treat something as an error or exception. They are not the end in themselves. While writing your methods with return value, you should define what a nil or bool(no) signifies and document your intent on top of the method. Sometimes it would be an error, sometimes it would be an exception, sometimes it could be a normal expected result. While dealing with apple frameworks/third party libraries you should understand what their intent is when they return such values and determine how you want to treat them in your code.
Some other tips
Don’t use #try/catch because experts say so. If you wish to challenge them assuming that Apple has put it there for a reason, Apple is always right, experts(including Apple employees themselves) have got it wrong after all these years, you can go ahead and do it.
Formalize your approach to this->stick to it->document your intent. Don’t think it over and over. Because at some stage error/exceptions/nils/bools would cross the limits of propriety and reach the precincts of taste. You will be better off settling this once and for all and freeing up your time.

How to functionally test an extremely complex system?

I've got a legacy system that processes extremely complex data that's changing every second. The modularity of the system is quite poor so I can't split the business logic into smaller modules to ease functional testing.
The actual test system is: "close your eyes click and pray", which is not acceptable at all. I want to be confident on the changes we commit on the code.
What are the test good practices, the bibles to read, the changes to operate, to increase confidence in such a system.
The question is not about unit testing, the system wasn't designed for that and it takes too much time to decouple, mock and stub all the dependencies and most of all, we sadly don't have the time and budget for that. I don't want to a philosophic debate about functional testing: I want facts that work in real life.
It sounds like you have yourself a black box as regards testing.
To put it simply, it's horrible, but may be all you can do if you can't isolate the system in any way.
You need to insert known data into your system and compare the result with the known output.
You really need known data & output for
normal values - normal data - you'll find out that it can at least seem to do the right thing
erroneous values - spelling errors, invalid values - so you know that it will tell you if the input is rubbish
out of range - -1 on signed integers, values greater than 2.7 billion (assuming 32bit), and so on - so you know it won't crash out on seriously mis-inputted or corrupted data
dangerous - input that would break the SQL, simulate SQL injection
Lastly make sure that all errors are being carefully handled rather than getting logged and the bad/corrupt/null value getting passed on through the system.
Any processes you can isolate and test that way will make debugging easier, as black box testing can't tell you where the error occurred. This means then you need to diagnose the errors based on what happened, more in the style of House MD than a normal debugging session.
Once you have the different data types listed above, you can test all changes in isolation with them, and then in the system as a whole. Over time as you eventually touch most aspect of the system, you'll have test cases for all areas, and be able to say where failure was most likely to have occurred more easily.
Also: make sure you put tracers in your known data so you don't accidentally indicate a stockmarket crash when you're testing the range limits on a module, so you can take it out of the result flow before it ends up on a CEO's desk.
I hope that's some help seems to be the book for these situations.

Should stored procedures check for potential issues when executing?

Let me explain this question a bit :)
I'm writing a bunch of stored procedures for a new product.
They will only ever be called by the c# application, written by the developers who are following the same tech spec I've been given.
I cant go into the real tech spec, so I'll give an close enough example:
In the tech spec, we're having to store file data in a couple of proprietary zip files, with a database storing the names and locations of each file within a zip (eg, one database for each zip file)
Now, lets say that this tech spec states that, to perform "Operation A", the following steps must be done:
1: Calculate the space requirements of the file to be added
2: Get a list of zip files and their database connection strings (call stored proc "GetZips")
2: Find a suitable location within the zip file to store the file (call stored proc "GetSuitableFileLocation" against each database connection, until a suitable one is found)
3: In step 2, you will be provided with a start/end point within the zip to add your file.
Call the "AllocateLocationToFile" stored proc, passing in these values, then add your file to the zip.
OK - so the question is, should "AllocateLocationToFile" re-check the specified start/end points are still "free", and if not, raise an exception?
There was a bit of a discussion about this in the office, and whilst I believe it should check and raise, others believe that it should not, as there is no need due to the developer calling "GetSuitableFileLocation" immediately beforehand.
Can I ask for some valued oppinions?
Generally, it is better to be as safe as possible. A calling code should never rely on an external code (the sps are kind of external). The idea is that you can not predict what would happen in the future. New guys come to the company... the sps are given to another team and so on...
Personally, the fact that B() is right after A() doesn't guarantee anything. To change this for whatever reason is not something to be considered impossible.
A team should never take decisions based on "we are going to maintain this, no problem at all" because they might get fired, the company may sell the product and so on..
My suggestion is to do the checking, profile the code and if it is really a bottleneck to remove it, but write somewhere that THIS CAN BREAK!.
Given that you're manipulating files, with all the potential havoc this can create, I'd say in this scenario the risk (damage component) is high enough to be cautious.
And Svetlozar's right: what if great success does cause re-use, or other added-on applications? Not everyone may be as well-behaved as your team is right now.
One reason why it might be a good idea would involve race conditions. Is it possible two users could call the process at the same time and get the same values? Please at least test this scenario with the currently designed process.