I am using Server and Xcode 8. I saw a new feature, to isolate the testing, for each integration bot a new Xcode is launched. But it can not quit itself after the integration is completed :) and then Xcode crashes and no integration tests can be runned.
Is there a solution for this?
If your goal is to terminate Xcode after the integration completes, you might be able to accomplish this by adding a "Post-Integration Script" on the "Triggers" tab of the the Bot configuration screen.
A bash script like this:
kill $(ps aux | grep 'Xcode' | awk '{print $2}')
would be executed on the completion of integration and kill and active Xcode process.
I am able to successfully run shell scripts and create and configure shell script run configurations in IntelliJ. However, I can't set breakpoints. When I try to put a breakpoint in the gutter or elsewhere as with regular Java debugging, no breakpoint appears. Has anyone had success with this, and if so how?
I'm using IntelliJ 2018.3.6 Community Edition.
Shell script debugging is supported only by the paid BashSupport Pro plug-in. You would also need the latest IntelliJ IDEA version to use it.
BashSupport Pro adds advanced features for shell scripts to your
JetBrains IDE. You can debug Bash scripts, run bats-core tests and
work efficiently with shell scripts.
I'm trying to spin up docker container when I run a particular configuration in intellij, which I have done successfully by adding a 'Before Launch external tool command', as described here:
IntelliJ IDEA: Running a shell script as a Run/Debug Configuration
What doesn't seem obvious though is how I stop the container when the program has finished running? There doesn't seem to be any options for after.
How do I run a shell script when my run configuration finishes? (Either by reaching it's end, or being forcefully stopped).
I'm trying to add a step on my Jenkins server for testing my iOS app automatically. I know how to deploy the TestStudio app on the simulator but I have to:
run the Test Studio app on the simulator from the Terminal console
execute the test (still from terminal)
I think that using terminal commands is the best solution to integrate this operation in a Jenkins job,but if anybody comes up with a better idea I would be more than happy to hear that. Any idea how to perform these tasks?
Currently it is not possible to execute Test Studio for iOS tests from the command line.
Our next major version, due out in early 2013, includes an API automation framework. With that you can write coded unit tests that can be triggered from the command line and integrated with Jenkins.
I am using the lanterna library for Java to write a basic console based GUI. The library includes a Swing-based Terminal as well as the ability to output to the system's terminal application.
In IDEA, When I try to use the system terminal functionality with this library it outputs to the IDE terminal. Is there a way to make IntelliJ IDEA direct stdout to the system terminal instead?
IntelliJ IDEA doesn't have such feature. You can run the app in the real terminal and use Remote debugging instead.
I wrote a few nunit tests that I've run successfully in nunit on win7, and via MonoDevelop on my mac.
What I'd like to do now is run these tests non-stop (or until I kill it). I can't see any way to tell MonoDevelop to keep running over and over, so I'm trying to do this via the commandline.
Is there a way to run the MonoDevelop testing tool from the command line? I don't need reporting (my tests already report internally), just re-triggering every few minutes.
If there was a commandline tool, I could just wrap it in fabric or a shell script and just run it over and over...
Why don't you just use the normal nunit command line? It is contained with the standard Mono installation, available as nunit-console command.