What is the difference between prefetch count vs no ack in rabbitmq - rabbitmq

I need to know what is the difference between prefetch count vs no ack in rabbitmq ?
What is the difference between following statements :-
if i set prefetch count say 10 does 10 consumer threads are created ?
Or --
if i register 10 cosumers will it create 10 threads ?
Which of the above is more efficient

To answer this specifically for spring-amqp.
prefetchCount=10 means the broker allows up to 10 unacked message for each consumer; it does not affect the number of threads.
Use concurrentConsumers to create multiple consumers - which will have one thread each.
auto ack means the broker doesn't require acks (so you can lose messages). Spring AMQP also blocks deliveries (to prefetch count) if the listener can't keep up.

Pre-fetch count: How many messages the consumer should read from queue and kept internally rather than picking one message at a time.
No-Ack: Do not acknowledge back that the consumer is done consuming the message.
Those both are used to fine tune your set-up
To address your second part of the question:
If you set prefetch count to 10, 10 consumers won't be created, but your single consumer will fetch 10 messages at a time.
And if you create 10 consumers it will most likely create 10 threads (or processes). It all depends on how you configure it. Most likely you will be wanting to use a thread pool though

I know this question is old, but part of it was never specifically answered, so for anyone who comes here later looking for answers:
If you don't want new messages sent to you as soon as you acknowledge the previous ones, but instead want a message to be sent to you only when you explicitly request one, then you don't want to set up a "consumer" (in RabbitMQ terminology) at all; specifically, you'll want to use AMQP's basic.get operation (which just fetches a single message without creating a consumer) rather the more common basic.consume operation (which registers a consumer that will be sent messages as they become available).
Different libraries and frameworks will have different ways of accomplishing this; for example, in Ruby, using the Bunny client, you can call message = queue.get instead of queue.subscribe do .... In Spring, you'd do something like GetResponse response = channel.basicGet("some.queue", false);.


Camel RabbitMQ concurrentConsumers and threadPoolsize for messages that must be processed in sequence

I have a camel route processing messages from a RabbitMQ endpoint. I am keeping the defaults for concurrentConsumers (1) and threadPoolSize(10).
I am relative new to RabbitMQ, and still do not quite understand the relationship between the concurrentConsumer and threadPoolSize properties. The messages in my queues need to be processed in sequence, which I think shall be achieved by using a single consumer. However, will using a threadPoolSize value greater than one cause messages to be processed in parallel?
The default value is 10 (source : https://camel.apache.org/components/latest/rabbitmq-component.html)
It won't affect your concurrency. That means the only one consumer will have 10 threads available to use for the process. You can check at exclusiveConsumer if you want only one consumer shared between all your apps (needed if you could have multiple apps targeting the queue)

Rabbitmq max message per second

How to can config rabbitmq queue for consume 20 messages per second? if i have multiple queues,is it possible to do that for each queue?
such as:
q1-> 20 message per second
q2-> 15 message per second
When using message-driven consumers, you would have to do the throttling in the listener itself - add Thread.sleep() - or add an advice to the listener container's advice chain to separate the logic from your business code.
Generally, when wanting to control the rate of consumption, it might be easier to use a RabbitTemplate.receive() operation (or RabbitTempalte.execute() with channel.basicGet() if you want to defer the acknowledgment until the message is processed).
You can't configure queue in RabbitMQ to serve a limited amount of messages per second, you must do it programmatically.
A ugly technique is to use a single listener for that queue (that consumes a message at a time), and add a Thread.sleep(100L) at the beginning of that method for 10 msg/s or a Thread.sleep(66L) for 15msg/s (more generally, wait for 1000/nMesgPerSecond). This guarantees more-or-less a lower bound on time spent by that method.

How to solve message disorder in RabbitMq? [duplicate]

I need to choose a new Queue broker for my new project.
This time I need a scalable queue that supports pub/sub, and keeping message ordering is a must.
I read Alexis comment: He writes:
"Indeed, we think RabbitMQ provides stronger ordering than Kafka"
I read the message ordering section in rabbitmq docs:
"Messages can be returned to the queue using AMQP methods that feature
a requeue
parameter (basic.recover, basic.reject and basic.nack), or due to a channel
closing while holding unacknowledged messages...With release 2.7.0 and later
it is still possible for individual consumers to observe messages out of
order if the queue has multiple subscribers. This is due to the actions of
other subscribers who may requeue messages. From the perspective of the queue
the messages are always held in the publication order."
If I need to handle messages by their order, I can only use rabbitMQ with an exclusive queue to each consumer?
Is RabbitMQ still considered a good solution for ordered message queuing?
Well, let's take a closer look at the scenario you are describing above. I think it's important to paste the documentation immediately prior to the snippet in your question to provide context:
Section 4.7 of the AMQP 0-9-1 core specification explains the
conditions under which ordering is guaranteed: messages published in
one channel, passing through one exchange and one queue and one
outgoing channel will be received in the same order that they were
sent. RabbitMQ offers stronger guarantees since release 2.7.0.
Messages can be returned to the queue using AMQP methods that feature
a requeue parameter (basic.recover, basic.reject and basic.nack), or
due to a channel closing while holding unacknowledged messages. Any of
these scenarios caused messages to be requeued at the back of the
queue for RabbitMQ releases earlier than 2.7.0. From RabbitMQ release
2.7.0, messages are always held in the queue in publication order, even in the presence of requeueing or channel closure. (emphasis added)
So, it is clear that RabbitMQ, from 2.7.0 onward, is making a rather drastic improvement over the original AMQP specification with regard to message ordering.
With multiple (parallel) consumers, order of processing cannot be guaranteed.
The third paragraph (pasted in the question) goes on to give a disclaimer, which I will paraphrase: "if you have multiple processors in the queue, there is no longer a guarantee that messages will be processed in order." All they are saying here is that RabbitMQ cannot defy the laws of mathematics.
Consider a line of customers at a bank. This particular bank prides itself on helping customers in the order they came into the bank. Customers line up in a queue, and are served by the next of 3 available tellers.
This morning, it so happened that all three tellers became available at the same time, and the next 3 customers approached. Suddenly, the first of the three tellers became violently ill, and could not finish serving the first customer in the line. By the time this happened, teller 2 had finished with customer 2 and teller 3 had already begun to serve customer 3.
Now, one of two things can happen. (1) The first customer in line can go back to the head of the line or (2) the first customer can pre-empt the third customer, causing that teller to stop working on the third customer and start working on the first. This type of pre-emption logic is not supported by RabbitMQ, nor any other message broker that I'm aware of. In either case, the first customer actually does not end up getting helped first - the second customer does, being lucky enough to get a good, fast teller off the bat. The only way to guarantee customers are helped in order is to have one teller helping customers one at a time, which will cause major customer service issues for the bank.
It is not possible to ensure that messages get handled in order in every possible case, given that you have multiple consumers. It doesn't matter if you have multiple queues, multiple exclusive consumers, different brokers, etc. - there is no way to guarantee a priori that messages are answered in order with multiple consumers. But RabbitMQ will make a best-effort.
Message ordering is preserved in Kafka, but only within partitions rather than globally. If your data need both global ordering and partitions, this does make things difficult. However, if you just need to make sure that all of the same events for the same user, etc... end up in the same partition so that they are properly ordered, you may do so. The producer is in charge of the partition that they write to, so if you are able to logically partition your data this may be preferable.
I think there are two things in this question which are not similar, consumption order and processing order.
Message Queues can -to a degree- give you a guarantee that messages will get consumed in order, they can't, however, give you any guarantees on the order of their processing.
The main difference here is that there are some aspects of message processing which cannot be determined at consumption time, for example:
As mentioned a consumer can fail while processing, here the message's consumption order was correct, however, the consumer failed to process it correctly, which will make it go back to the queue. At this point the consumption order is intact, but the processing order is not.
If by "processing" we mean that the message is now discarded and finished processing completely, then consider the case when your processing time is not linear, in other words processing one message takes longer than the other. For example, if message 3 takes longer to process than usual, then messages 4 and 5 might get consumed and finish processing before message 3 does.
So even if you managed to get the message back to the front of the queue (which by the way violates the consumption order) you still cannot guarantee they will also be processed in order.
If you want to process the messages in order:
Have only 1 consumer instance at all times, or a main consumer and several stand-by consumers.
Or don't use a messaging queue and do the processing in a synchronous blocking method, which might sound bad but in many cases and business requirements it is completely valid and sometimes even mission critical.
There are proper ways to guarantuee the order of messages within RabbitMQ subscriptions.
If you use multiple consumers, they will process the message using a shared ExecutorService. See also ConnectionFactory.setSharedExecutor(...). You could set a Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor().
If you use one Consumer with a single queue, you can bind this queue using multiple bindingKeys (they may have wildcards). The messages will be placed into the queue in the same order that they were received by the message broker.
For example you have a single publisher that publishes messages where the order is important:
try (Connection connection2 = factory.newConnection();
Channel channel2 = connection.createChannel()) {
// publish messages alternating to two different topics
for (int i = 0; i < messageCount; i++) {
final String routingKey = i % 2 == 0 ? routingEven : routingOdd;
channel2.basicPublish(exchange, routingKey, null, ("Hello" + i).getBytes(UTF_8));
You now might want to receive messages from both topics in a queue in the same order that they were published:
// declare a queue for the consumer
final String queueName = channel.queueDeclare().getQueue();
// we bind to queue with the two different routingKeys
final String routingEven = "even";
final String routingOdd = "odd";
channel.queueBind(queueName, exchange, routingEven);
channel.queueBind(queueName, exchange, routingOdd);
channel.basicConsume(queueName, true, new DefaultConsumer(channel) { ... });
The Consumer will now receive the messages in the order that they were published, regardless of the fact that you used different topics.
There are some good 5-Minute Tutorials in the RabbitMQ documentation that might be helpful:

Send One Message to only one of Multiple Consumers in RabbitMQ

I have a somewhat unique use case with RabbitMQ and I'm not sure how to go about solving the problem. I want to have one queue with multiple consumers bound to it and then have RabbitMQ send out one message to only one consumer at at time and wait for an ACK before sending out another message to any other consumer.
I realize this kills throughput and can essentially starve the other consumers but for me that's OK. The reason for this odd use case is that the service that the consumers talk to can only handle one concurrent request at a time so I need a way to limit this but consumers can also die unexpectedly and I need another consumer to pick up processing the messages if this happens. I know there is the prefetch option but that still allows multiple users to get a and exclusive queues but I'm not sure those accomplish what I want. Is it possible configure RabbitMQ to do this?
No; there is no way to limit competing consumers on the same queue such that there is one and only one message in process across all consumers until the ack is received.
A similar question came up some time ago; I don't remember if it was here or in the Spring forums but I believe the solution was to have the consumers acquire a global lock of some kind, using something like hazelcast, or even a simple database table row lock (with prefetch=1 so each consumer had only one "in process" message which was processed as and when each one got the lock).

RabbitMQ Work Queue Configuration Questions

I have two questions about RabbitMQ Work Queues:
As I understand it from the RabbitMQ tutorials, it seems that if I have a basic queue consumer client (just a basic "Hello, World!" consumer) and then I add a second consumer client for the same queue, then RabbitMQ will automatically dispatch the messages between those two queues in a round robin manner. Is that true (without adding in any extra configuration)?
My consumer clients are configured to only ever receive one message at a time, using (GetResponse response = channel.basicGet("my_queue", false). Since I am only ever receiving one message at a time, is it still necessary to set a prefetchCount (channel.basicQos(1)) for fair dispatch?
Answers to your questions:
However, your two questions 1 and 2 are not compatible. If you are using a consumer, it is designed to have messages pushed to it, and you don't use Basic.Get. When you use a consumer, you will need to use Basic.QoS to specify that the consumer can only "own" one unacknowledged message at a time. RabbitMQ will not push additional messages beyond the QoS limit.
Your alternative is to "pull" from the queue using Basic.Get, and you will control your own destiny as far as how many messages you run at a time.
Does this make sense?