Selecting and switching to veryhidden Sheet not working properly - vba

I have been writing a few macros lately to navigate around sheets / change visibility / import-export data etc. I normally just embed the macros as buttons on the sheets.
Normally this works well, however, I do keep experiencing an issue where with a macro, or a userform I unhide a veryhidden sheet, select it and exit the macro, or form.
I do this though via:
With Sheets("Sheet1")
.visibile = xlsheetvisible
End With
When I then try to manipulate the sheet - e.g. type in a cell, delete data from cell, or insert / delete rows using the GUI rather than doing it via code, the operations happen on the original sheet with the button that called the form or macro. rather than the new one....
Is anyone else experiencing this? Am I doing something wrong?

Give worksheet object for cells while referring the editing
for ex... sheets().range().paste
or activate the sheet which you want to manipulate before your code (which manipulates the sheet)

Found the Solution!!!
Upon further investigation it seems like this is only broken in Office 2013. I tried it on Office 2010 and it worked fine.
The solution is to invoke the vbModeless command after so that would be:
Userform1.Show vbModeless
Not perfect, if you want the user to dismiss the Userform before going back to the worksheet, but hey -it's a workaround :)
Let's hope Office 2016 will fix the bug (I'll be upgrading later this month)


Prevent excel from closing when closing userform

I hope you can help me with this issue, I couldn't find any answer nor on google nor here. So here's the point:
I have to userforms. One of them opens on Worksheet_Open. In the Background I can still see the worksheet and the excel application. But when I click outside of the userform or close it, the application window disapears too. But in the open processes I can still see excel open.
My intention is to have the Excel window always open (in the background) so that when I close the UserForm the Excel Tables will be visible.
What do I have to code for that? To hide the userform didn't work for me...
Thanks in advance.
Hi there if you want to use both excel and your Userform at the same time then go to your Userform property and make ShowModal = False

Run-time Error '32809' and Active X controls changed name

Huge problem here. I sent an excel form (a workbook with several sheets, thousands of active x controls and many many macros) to several people that they need to fill and return to me. Only one of the completed form I received is now completely impossible to use. All active X controls have changed name. If I select one I see the old name, but if I click on it the macro doesn't start and if I try to see its code it opens a new empty Macro with the new control name_click (Ex: a button called cmd_button1 opens a Macro called cmd_button2_click). When I start the Macro in VBA, I get the Run-time Error '32809' every time the code wants to unprotect sheets or to change the visible value of a sheet.
I looked on other posts and every solution I found would require a huge amount of work. What happened? Is there an easy solution to this?
Thank you.
I saved the workbook in .xlsx and copy/pasted all my macros back, transfered the forms and modules back then saved it back to .xlsm and now the buttons call the macros and no run time errors occur anymore.

View Code When Modal Dialog Is Open In Excel

This may be a stupid question, but I feel like I'm in a pickle. I have a modal UserForm that opens when an Excel workbook is opened. When the UserForm is closed, the Excel workbook is saved and closed. I need to be able to view my code, but I can't seem to figure out how to do that because if I close the modal dialog box, the workbook closes. Does anyone know how I can view my code? I really apologize if this is a stupid question, but I can't seem to figure it out.
Thanks for you time and effort.
Without restarting the workbook i.e when the userform is shown in modal, you can use CTRL + Shift + Pause/Break to get into the VBE
Depending on laptops the key combination might change. Here is another which you can try.
Fn + Pause/Break
Hold the shift key when opening the workbook. This allows you to open office applications with macros not running and can be useful in situations like this.
Then view the macros (hit Alt+F11 to open it this editor).
The two other suggestions are good. For easiest debugging, I'd put the code that opens the userform in a separate routine and then call that routine from Workbook_Open. That way you can run and debug your code without having to re-open the workbook.
Then your ThisWorkbook module might look something like this:
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
End Sub
Sub MyUserformProcedure()
End Sub
You could then comment out the line in Workbook_Open and call MyUserformProcedure, and uncomment the line when you're finished debugging.

Excel won't show the workbooks worksheets

I have an Excel Workbook containing three worksheets. However all sheets seem to be hidden dispite that their visibility is set to xlSheetVisible (Found by looking at the worksheet properties in the VBA editor).
This is what I have tried so far to solve the problem.
Searched Google for help, but all similar problems have been solved by changing the Visibility from xlSheetHidden to xlSheetVisible. But in my case that setting is already set to xlVisible.
By using VBA I have tried to activate a sheet without any result.
By reading this you might have guessed that I am able to see and access the worksheets from the VBA editor.
Despite that looking at the normal Excel userinterface, all buttons are disabled and clicking at the office/file button in the topleft corner doesn't allow me to save the workbook. However if I make any changes to the VBA itself and tries to close the workbook then Excel asks whether or not I would like to save the workbook.
Everything you describe leads me to believe you're hiding the workbook window, not the worksheets. When a workbook window is hidden, all the sheets become hidden and much of the functionality from the toolbar greys out.
In the Visual Basic Editor, you'd also be able to see all of the worksheets and their visibility would be xlVisible, yet they cannot be seen on the screen. This is because they ARE visible, but the window which displays them is not.
Please try clicking the View tab in the toolbar, and then under the Window pane, click Unhide.
If this doesn't work, then try toggling visibility of the workbook.
It sounds like this may really be your problem...

excel vba - only enable cell edits through code

I have an excel tool that gathers information from a user based on their login information. The information is stored in cells on one of the worksheets. If I wanted to lock these cells so they can't be updated manually, how can I go about doing that? If someone else logs in, obviously these cells would change. I hope to do it through VBA.
I only want to lock 6 cells... everything else should be editable...
You can protect the worksheet with a password like this:
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Sheets("sheetName").Protect Password:="YourPassword", UserInterfaceOnly:=True
End Sub
That will prevent users from manually making changes to the worksheet without entering the password. Your VBA code will still be able to make changes because you've set UserInterfaceOnly to True.
Note that users could easily view this password by navigating to the code through the Visual Basic editor. You can password protect the code as well, though: just right-click on the module, click on VBAProject Properties and go to the Protection tab.
See this page for more information: Excel VBA: Macro Code To Run Macros On Protected Worksheets & Sheets.
If these cells are the only ones on the sheet you want to protect, then just change the cell properties of the remaining cells by changing Locked property to false and leave the cells in question as Locked then protect the sheet using UserInterfaceOnly set to true (but realize that this doesn't work for all possible macro changes, so I usually avoid it.)
There are other methods that could work, but I think this is the best solution for you. If not, please add a comment to let me know.