How #Tested internally creates object for singleton class? - jmockit

#Tested internally instantiates the class object. But in case of singleton class how #Tested internally creates instance because for singleton private constructor is there.

Private constructors (or fields, methods, etc.) can always be executed/accessed through Reflection.
When #Tested is used, an instance gets created regardless of the constructor's accessibility. This is described in the API documentation:
if there are multiple satisfiable constructors then the one with the most parameters and the widest accessibility (ie, first public, then protected, then package-private, and finally private) is chosen.


How to get only declared members (not inherited) with Kotlin Reflection?

Is there any way to get only the declared members of a class (not inherited) with Kotlin Reflection?
Something equivalent to getDeclaredMethods(), or ...Fields(), in Java, but for members and JVM free, which:
Returns an array containing Method objects reflecting all the declared methods of the class ... but excluding inherited methods.
Or like a binding flag, such as BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly of dotnet.
Because the reflection is based on the class, So the following is only for the kotlin/JVM, not suitable for the Kotlin/JS or Kotlin/Native.
For the Kotlin/JS it supports limit, for detail, you can see this
The only supported parts of the API are: (::class),KType and typeOf
Firstly, you can use the to get the
getDeclaredMethods. That is the java method. Because the Kotlin file after compiled it is still a class. so you can directly use it.
You can also add the kotlin reflect to get the KClass, then use the declaredFunctions to get. Here is the Document
Returns all functions declared in this class. If this is a Java class, it includes all non-static methods (both extensions and non-extensions) declared in the class and the superclasses, as well as static methods declared in the class
For how to get the KClass, you can use the following code
Besides the method, the other property you can also get. such as
Returns all functions and properties declared in this class. Does
not include members declared in supertypes.
Returns all functions declared in this class, including all non-static methods declared in the class and the superclasses, as well as static methods declared in the class.
you can read the document using it.

DefaultContractResolver: CreateContract vs ResolveContract

What is difference between CreateContract and ResolveContract methods of an DefaultContractResolver instance?
If you look at the code, you will notice that ResolveContract is the only public method of DefaultContractResolver (not counting the constructor). This method is defined by the IContractResolver interface, which DefautContractResolver implements. It is used to resolve (that is, get or create) the JsonContract for a particular object type.
The DefaultContractResolver uses caching internally. When ResolveContract is called, it first looks in its cache to see if there is already an existing contract for the given type. If so, it returns it; otherwise, it calls the protected CreateContract method to create the contract and add it to the cache.
So, in short, CreateContract is just an implementation detail of DefaultContractResolver, while ResolveContract is the public interface.

Proper use of private constructors

I was reading about private constructor and found a few points that I couldn't understand. It said, if you declare a constructor as private:
That class cannot be explicitly instantiated from another class
That class cannot be inherited
Should be used in classes containing only static utility methods
My first question: Point 2 says the class cannot be inherited. Well, if you declare a class private then it would still satisfy this property. Is it because, if a class is private, it can still be explicitly instantiated from outside by another class?
My second question: I don't understand point 3. If I have a helper class which is full of static methods, I would never have to instantiate that class to use the methods. So, what is the purpose of a constructor in that class which you are never going to instantiate?
Answer for Java
Question 1 You're confusing a private class, with a class that has a private constructor. Private constructors are used mainly for static classes that are not meant to be instatiated (i.e. they just have a bunch of static methods on them).
Question 2 Exactly there is no need for a constructor so you have to explicitly create a private constructor so that it does not get a default constructer that the JVM will provide if none is defined
An empty class with no methods defined will always be given a no argument constructor by the JVM by default
I take java and c++ as an examples (not the best OO languages known, but very popular) - since you are not defining which languge do you mean.
Ad.2. In these languages you must either call superclass constructor explicitly or it is implicitly called for you. From a subclass you cannot call private methods (only public and protected) - this rule applies to constructors as well. This means if the class has only private constructors, there is no way to call one in subclass constructor. So you cannot subclass such class.
Ad. 3. It is just to avoid confusion - since this class is only a container for utility methods, there is no point in instantiating it. This way you can enforce this rule at compile time.

Getting list of class methods

I'm looking for a way to get a static methods list for a certain class. I only get a list of instance methods with the runtime function class_copyMethodList().
Is there a way to list static methods?
Each Class is itself an Objective-C object, and in turn has an object which is (sort of) its class. You need to get this metaclass object (see also: "[objc explain]: Classes and Metaclasses"), and then ask that for its methods (which will be the class methods* you are after).
From the class_copyMethodList docs:
To get the class methods of a class, use class_copyMethodList(object_getClass(cls), &count)
*There's no such thing as static methods in Obj-C.

metaclass & constructors

It is my understanding that it is difficult to create constructors of classes in Smalltalk and Objective-C. This is because the constructor can't be a message of a class instance because the class Class is not yet defined.
As far as I can tell, the solution is to create a new class whose only instance is itself a class. But how does the constructor work in this situation? I don't understand the process.
I'm talking in terms of Smalltalk. There are two types of things that you could reasonably call constructors here. One is the method that initializes a new instance of a class. The other is the things that initializes a class. Neither of them is difficult.
For instance initialization, the convention is that you implement the "new" method on the class as
^super new initialize
(do the superclass's implementation of new, and then send the "initialize" message to the result and return it)
Lots of classes may already inherit this implementation, so you just need to write an initialize method as
super initialize.
foo := 1.
To initialize a new class, the mechanism is similar. You implement a class method called "initialize", and it will automatically get sent when the class is loaded into a new Smalltalk environment (image).
The solution is to create a method on the class which does all the necessary initialisation of the instance.