How to handle shared resources with pthread mutex - locking

I have a question regarding mutex and pthreads.
If there is a shared flag, lets call it (F1). And there are multiple threads.
But only one thread (T1) can raise/cease the flag and all other threads (T2..Tn) only reads or pulls the status.
Is it enough if T1 uses mutex_lock/mutex_unlock when the flag F1 will be set with a new value?
Should all other threads also use mutex_lock/mutex_unlock even that they are only going to read the status from F1?
F1 = true;
if(F1) {
/* Do something */
F1 = true;
if(F1) {
/* Do something */

You can use the single-writer-multiple-readers idiom.
If your use case is as simple as the example you posted, you might consider a lock-free version involving atomic flags.

Under the pthreads model, the readers do need to perform a synchronisation operation as well. This can be a pthread_mutex_lock() / pthread_mutex_unlock() pair in both the readers and writer as you've described, or alternatively metalfox's suggestion of a reader-writer lock.


Is it possible to implement direct jumps (i.e., GOTO) in Rust?

I'm exploring optimizations for the HVM, a parallel functional runtime written in Rust. The way it works by spawning several threads, and then having each one busy on a main work loop where tasks are popped and executed. It works more or less like this:
// Modes
enum Mode {
Visiting, // visits a node
Reducing, // applies a rewrite rule
Fetching, // pops a local task
Stealing, // steals a global task
// Main loop
loop {
match mode {
Visiting => { ... do stuff ... }
Reducing => { ... do stuff ... }
Fetching => { ... do stuff ... }
Stealing => { ... do stuff ... }
// Change mode with:
mode = Mode::Visiting;
continue 'main;
I expected Rust's compiler to optimize that to a goto, but, to my surprise, it doesn't. In an attempt to improve the situation, I've replaced the Mode enum by two booleans, and adjusted my loop as follows:
// Modes
let mut a : bool;
let mut b : bool;
// Main loop
loop {
if a {
if b {
... do stuff ...
} else {
... do stuff ...
} else {
if b {
... do stuff ...
} else {
... do stuff ...
// Change mode with:
a = true;
b = true;
continue 'main;
To my surprise, this small change resulted in a ~15% improvement on the overall performance of HVM's runtime! This is still not ideal though. If I was in C, I'd just have labels, and jump via GOTO. My question is: can I change my Rust code in a way that will let the compiler optimize to the expected jumping code? I.e., something like this?
// Main loop:
loop {
'visiting { ... do stuff ... }
'reducing { ... do stuff ... }
'fetching { ... do stuff ... }
'stealing { ... do stuff ... }
// Change mode with:
goto 'visiting

boost::asio: how can I make some clients listen to server and other client read/write to server at the same time

I am a novice about boost::asio, I write a server, some clients can connect to it and keep listening.
class socket_server {
~socket_server() { io_context.stop(); };
int server_process();
boost::asio::io_context io_context;
int socket_server::server_process() {
try {
server s(io_context, "/var/run/socket");
INFO("server_process, start run\n");;
} catch (std::exception &e) {
std::cerr << "Exception: " << e.what() << "\n";
return 0;
class server {
server(boost::asio::io_context &io_context, const std::string &file)
: acceptor_(io_context, stream_protocol::endpoint(file)), socket_id_(0) {
void do_accept();
stream_protocol::acceptor acceptor_;
int socket_id_;
void server::do_accept() {
INFO("do accept\n");
[this](std::error_code ec, stream_protocol::socket socket) {
if (!ec) {
INFO("new session create\n");
std::make_shared<session>(std::move(socket), socket_id_++)->start();
class session : public std::enable_shared_from_this<session> {
session(stream_protocol::socket sock, int socket_id)
: socket_(std::move(sock)), socket_id_(socket_id) {}
~session() { socket_id_--; }
void start();
void do_read();
void do_write(std::array<char, 1024> data);
int get_id() { return socket_id_; }
// The socket used to communicate with the client.
stream_protocol::socket socket_;
// Buffer used to store data received from the client.
std::array<char, 1024> data_;
int socket_id_;
void session::start() { do_read(); }
void session::do_read() {
INFO("in do_read\n");
auto self(shared_from_this());
[this, self](std::error_code ec, std::size_t length) {
if (!ec) {
if (request.find("listen") != std::string::npos) {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(unsol_mutex);
} else {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(send_mutex);
if (send_cond.wait_for(lock, std::chrono::seconds(2)) ==
std::cv_status::timeout) {
ERROR("response time out\n");
In do_read(), I found when a client is listening (block in unsol_cond.wait(lock)), another client can not go to do_read().
Is it due to make_shared session? Is there a better implementation suggestion?
You're using blocking synchronization primitives in async code. That's an anti-pattern.
Firstly, as you noticed, the blocking operations will prevent the event loop from progressing.
Secondly, holding locks across async calls is often a bug (it doesn't guard the critical execution during execution of the async operation).
For simple integration with Asio proactor model, you can often
use a strand instead.
Under the hood, it will end up using mutexes, just like now, but only
if the concurrency model requires it. That mainly depends on the
execution context used and/or how many threads are running the
Use a queue with a async send-chain. I have quite a few answers on this site that show you how to do that.
I would gladly demonstrate, but the code is too incomplete, and the naming doesn't really give me an idea what things mean ("listen"/"unsol"?, nothing ever signals those conditions so... hard to guess what they do in reality)

Run multiple tasks sequentially after emitter response

I am trying to create a communication controller for a hardware device that always responds with some delay. If I would only request one value, I could create a Single<ByteArray> and do the final conversion in .subscribe{ ...}.
But when I request more than one value I need to make sure that the second request happens after the first request has been fully closed.
Is that something that I can do with RxJava, e.g. defer? Or should I create a queue on my own and handle the sequence of events manually with my queue?
We're using RxJava anyway (and I'm obviously new to it) and of course it would be nice to use it for this purpose as well. But is that a good use-case?
Code that I could use, but that wouldn't be generic enough:
.doFinally { /* dispose code */ }
{ /* onSuccess */ }
{ /* onError */ }
.let { disposable = it }
{ /* onError */ }
All code for the next request in the queue could be put in the inner onSuccess and then the next one in that onSuccess. That would be executed sequentially but that wouldn't be generic enough. Any other class that makes a request would end up spoiling my sequence.
I am searching for a solution that builds up the queue automatic in the hardware communication controller class.
Long time passed, the project developed and we got a solution long time ago. Now I wanted to share it here:
fun writeSequential(data1: ByteArray, data2: ByteArray) {
disposable = hardwareWrite(data1)
/* handle results.
it.first will be the first response,
it.second the second. */
{ /* handle error */ }
fun hardwareWrite(data: ByteArray): Disposable {
var emitter: SingleEmitter<ByteArray>? = null
var single = Single.create<ByteArray> { emitter = it }
return hardware.write(data)
{ hardwareRead(emitter) },
{ /* onError */ }
fun hardwareRead(emitter: SingleEmitter<ByteArray>): Disposable {
return hardware.receiveResult()
.timeout( /* your timeout */ )
.single( /* default value */ )
.doFinally( /* cleanup queue */ )
{ emitter.onSuccess(it) }
{ emitter.onError(it) }
The solution is not perfect and now I see that the middle part doesn't do anything with the disposable result.
Also in out example it's a bit more complicated as hardwareWrite doesn't fire immediatelly but gets queued. This way we assure that the hardware is accessed sequentially and the result don't get mixed up.
Still I hope this might help someone, who is looking for a solution, and is maybe new to kotlin and/or RxJava stuff (like I was in the beginning of the project).

StackExchange.Redis - LockTake / LockRelease Usage

I am using Redis with StackExchange.Redis. I have multiple threads that will at some point access and edit the value of the same key, so I need to synchronize the manipulation of the data.
Looking at the available functions, I see that there are two functions, TakeLock and ReleaseLock. However, these functions take both a key and a value parameter rather than the expected single key to be locked. The intellisene documentation and source on GitHub don't explain how to use the LockTake and LockRelease functions or what to pass in for the key and value parameters.
Q: What is the correct usage of LockTake and LockRelease in StackExchange.Redis?
Pseudocode example of what I'm aiming to do:
//Add Items Before Parallel Execution
redis.StringSet("myJSONKey", myJSON);
//Parallel Execution
Parallel.For(0, 100, i =>
//Some work here
var myJSONObject = redis.StringGet("myJSONKey");
redis.StringSet("myJSONKey", myNewJSON);
//More work here
There are 3 parts to a lock:
the key (the unique name of the lock in the database)
the value (a caller-defined token which can be used both to indicate who "owns" the lock, and to check that releasing and extending the lock is being done correctly)
the duration (a lock intentionally is a finite duration thing)
If no other value comes to mind, a guid might make a suitable "value". We tend to use the machine-name (or a munged version of the machine name if multiple processes could be competing on the same machine).
Also, note that taking a lock is speculative, not blocking. It is entirely possible that you fail to obtain the lock, and hence you may need to test for this and perhaps add some retry logic.
A typical example might be:
RedisValue token = Environment.MachineName;
if(db.LockTake(key, token, duration)) {
try {
// you have the lock do work
} finally {
db.LockRelease(key, token);
Note that if the work is lengthy (a loop, in particular), you may want to add some occasional LockExtend calls in the middle - again remembering to check for success (in case it timed out).
Note also that all individual redis commands are atomic, so you don't need to worry about two discreet operations competing. For more complexing multi-operation units, transactions and scripting are options.
There is my part of code for lock->get->modify(if required)->unlock actions with comments.
public static T GetCachedAndModifyWithLock<T>(string key, Func<T> retrieveDataFunc, TimeSpan timeExpiration, Func<T, bool> modifyEntityFunc,
TimeSpan? lockTimeout = null, bool isSlidingExpiration=false) where T : class
int lockCounter = 0;//for logging in case when too many locks per key
Exception logException = null;
var cache = Connection.GetDatabase();
var lockToken = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); //unique token for current part of code
var lockName = key + "_lock"; //unique lock name. key-relative.
T tResult = null;
while ( lockCounter < 20)
//check for access to cache object, trying to lock it
if (!cache.LockTake(lockName, lockToken, lockTimeout ?? TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10)))
Thread.Sleep(100); //sleep for 100 milliseconds for next lock try. you can play with that
RedisValue result = RedisValue.Null;
if (isSlidingExpiration)
//in case of sliding expiration - get object with expiry time
var exp = cache.StringGetWithExpiry(key);
//check ttl.
if (exp.Expiry.HasValue && exp.Expiry.Value.TotalSeconds >= 0)
//get only if not expired
result = exp.Value;
else //in absolute expiration case simply get
result = cache.StringGet(key);
//"REDIS_NULL" is for cases when our retrieveDataFunc function returning null (we cannot store null in redis, but can store pre-defined string :) )
if (result.HasValue && result == "REDIS_NULL") return null;
//in case when cache is epmty
if (!result.HasValue)
//retrieving data from caller function (from db from example)
tResult = retrieveDataFunc();
if (tResult != null)
//trying to modify that entity. if caller modifyEntityFunc returns true, it means that caller wants to resave modified entity.
if (modifyEntityFunc(tResult))
//json serialization
var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(tResult);
cache.StringSet(key, json, timeExpiration);
//save pre-defined string in case if source-value is null.
cache.StringSet(key, "REDIS_NULL", timeExpiration);
//retrieve from cache and serialize to required object
tResult = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<T>(result);
//trying to modify
if (modifyEntityFunc(tResult))
//and save if required
var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(tResult);
cache.StringSet(key, json, timeExpiration);
//refresh exiration in case of sliding expiration flag
cache.KeyExpire(key, timeExpiration);
catch (Exception ex)
logException = ex;
cache.LockRelease(lockName, lockToken);
if (lockCounter >= 20 || logException!=null)
//log it
return tResult;
and usage :
public class User
public int ViewCount { get; set; }
var cachedAndModifiedItem = GetCachedAndModifyWithLock<User>(
"MyAwesomeKey", //your redis key
() => // callback to get data from source in case if redis's store is empty
//return from db or kind of that
return new User() { ViewCount = 0 };
TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10), //object expiration time to pass in Redis
user=> //modify object callback. return true if you need to save it back to redis
if (user.ViewCount< 3)
return true; //save it to cache
return false; //do not update it in cache
TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10), //lock redis timeout. if you will have race condition situation - it will be locked for 10 seconds and wait "get_from_db"/redis read/modify operations done.
true //is expiration should be sliding.
That code can be improved (for example, you can add transactions for less count call to cache and etc), but i glad it will be helpfull for you.

What is the reason that setDefaultUseCaches(false) of URLConnection is eagerly called in the org.apache.catalina.core.JreMemoryLeakPreventionListener

This question could be a bit difficult to find the answer. It's a questions in one series with What is the reason that Policy.getPolicy() is considered as it will retain a static reference to the context and can cause memory leak. You can read it so you may know more background.
Graped the source code from org.apache.cxf.common.logging.JDKBugHacks and also from org.apache.catalina.core.JreMemoryLeakPreventionListener.
There is a piece of code. Here it is.
URL url = new URL("jar:file://dummy.jar!/");
URLConnection uConn = new URLConnection(url) {
public void connect() throws IOException{
The comment said
* Several components end up opening JarURLConnections without
* first disabling caching. This effectively locks the file.
* Whilst more noticeable and harder to ignore on Windows, it
* affects all operating systems.
* Those libraries/components known to trigger this issue
* include:
* - log4j versions 1.2.15 and earlier
* - javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext.newInstance()
However I can hardly understand it. Why did they eagerly call setDefaultUseCaches(false) and why on Windows it's harmful that by default cache is true? I cannot find any clue in
I myself find an answer. Any one can correct me if you think I am wrong.
in I assume this is the default implementation of There is a piece of code below.
If cache is set to true, then it will not close the JarFile's connection. Which means it is locked.
class JarURLInputStream extends {
JarURLInputStream (InputStream src) {
super (src);
public void close () throws IOException {
try {
} finally {
if (!getUseCaches()) {
jarFile.close(); //will not close
public void connect() throws IOException {
if (!connected) {
/* the factory call will do the security checks */
jarFile = factory.get(getJarFileURL(), getUseCaches());
/* we also ask the factory the permission that was required
* to get the jarFile, and set it as our permission.
if (getUseCaches()) {
jarFileURLConnection = factory.getConnection(jarFile);
if ((entryName != null)) {
jarEntry = (JarEntry)jarFile.getEntry(entryName);
if (jarEntry == null) {
try {
if (!getUseCaches()) {
jarFile.close(); //will not close
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new FileNotFoundException("JAR entry " + entryName +
" not found in " +
connected = true;