KeystoneJS date picker not selecting - keystonejs

The date picker in the admin UI doesn't seem to set date values on selection. It opens and I can select a date, but it doesn't actually set the value in the input.
version: 0.3.22

My suggestion will be to give 4.0 beta shot.
npm install --save keystone#next
If the issue persists, raise an issue on Github.


Create a custom date picker with react native and expo

I would like to create a box to select the date as in the attached photo.
What do you recommend to create something similar in react native with expo?
I tried using MUI's Mobile DatePicker API, but it doesn't work, errors occur.
I created this box to select the date, but when I go to press it gives me an error.
The error is the following:
Works with Expo. Static version set at 3.x.x (something version 3). So you won't have the full functionality that is described on their docs, but you'll have enough.
expo install #react-native-community/datetimepicker
instead of npm to ensure you get the compatible version.
This library can be a bit difficult to work with. The main suggestion I have for you is to create a custom component on your own that looks like your design. Then wrap it with a TouchableOpacity and onPress set the DateTimePicker to show its modal. Grab the value you need from the onChange result, and pass it to your local state. Dont try anything fancy after that because as I mentioned earlier, the library is difficult to work with and really fights hard against any customization. It works well though and will certainly solve your problem.

Need to show two label in Picker

I want to show two label values in one picker component is it possible to display I have attached a screen shot, please let me know if it is possible.
I recommend you to use this library : react-native-dropdown-picker
npm install react-native-dropdown-picker
here's the documentation
i also created a snack you can check it here

React native date picker component works weird in android

Just replicated my issue here
When running it on android, the date changes to the next day upon clicking the button 'ok' multiple times even though the date in the picker is not changed. Please correct me if I did something wrong. Thanks!
Try removing the prop timeZoneOffsetInMinutes={0}. Which Allows changing of the timeZone of the date picker.

How to make a custom date picker in react-native?

I want to make a date picker as shown in the image below. Can anyone suggest to me which npm package should I use to make such date picker?
date picker
Flatpickr is the one I use in react. You could check if it works with native

Datepicker options not working on Rails

The gems i'm using are twitter-bootstrap-rails and jquery-rails.
Basically what I'm, trying to do is set the minDate on the date picker however none of the options are being accepted.
$(selector).datepicker minDate: 0
Weirdly enough when I do a .on on the datepicker 'changeDate' works.
Any ideas?
EDIT: I just figured out that jquery-ui isn't being loaded with the page. I guess this means I am using the bootstrap datepicker, which I thought needed the jqueryui library, however no matter what I did I couldn't get the site to load jqueryui?
It turns out the downloaded version of bootstra-datepicker wasn't the latest version. I got the latest version on GitHub. Gotta be careful next time!