How can I display a 3D model on a form in a Windows Forms project in VB.Net..? -

I recently started working at a company with many custom applications all written in VB, and which I must support/modify. I see an opportunity to creatively display some critical data to my users, and it seems the best way to do so is a form with a 3D model with a stack of cubes, sort of like a bar chart with three axes. I see the FBX editor in the VSIDE, but I'm not sure if that's appropriate for my idea.
Here is what I would like to do:
Use a Windows Forms form in a VB.Net project (2012 in this case).
Display a 3D model in a frame/box on that form.
Have the ability to programmatically modify that model (add/remove cubes).
Give users a "hand tool" to rotate model left or right (around the Y axis).
GUI editing of the initial model would be helpful, but is not mandatory.
If it were a static model, I could simply plot the lines in a graphics box, but the ability to rotate a "live" model would be outstanding.
I'm new to 3D modeling, so I'm not sure how to approach this. Can anyone suggest a direction for me to go in?

Use WPF.
Create WPF control with 3D and add it to your Windows form with ElementHost control .
Hosting a WPF Composite Control in Windows Forms
With WPF you can "easily" implement 3D components.
3-D Graphics Overview
For your particular case I suggest to get known with 3D Charts if you already didn't do this.
Tutorial: Changing to a 3D Chart


3D-Blocks in Visual Studio UWP

We have a request to create 3D blocks both in cube format and curved formats and place them on a C# VB app. We need the ability to change the colors of the blocks based on some back end code.
It appears from my research that there may be a way to "fake" it with some perspective views in VB or I need to turn to a 3rd party program.
Does anyone know how a person would go about creating 3d blocks inside VB?

Is there a scripting interface for the new type of dock-able floating panels in GMS3?

In GMS3, there seems to be a new kind of floating palette that can be subdivided and has a wider area for UI elements (e.g. Display and Technique Manager). Can such UI panels be generated via DM scripts? The floating panels generated via DLGCreateDialog and RegisterScriptPalette are narrower and have more limited docking behavior, so it seems that it would be beneficial to be able to generate panels that follow the new UI model.
No, these panels ("Technique panels") are currently (GMS 3.1) not supported by script.

Button AND TextBox AND ComboBox Boarder 3D

How can I make BOARDER tools like 3D tools in Visual BASIC6 ? And Is there a problem in the use of OLD Visual BASIC 6 Tools??
Yes, there is a problem using old vb6 tools, it's the same problem as using pascal for application.
You can, however, draw a 3D border to just about any control in winforms, and I imagine that in wpf it's easier. check out ControlPaint class:

Creating chess graphics in Visual Basic

I am creating a multiplayer chess game in Visual Basic.Net and I need to create tiles for the game.
Earlier, I used buttons for the tiles, but then I realized that not only did they look ugly, but the coding part also became a problem. Also, the images of the chess pieces didn't properly fit on the buttons and they became distorted. Also, shifting the image to a different button every time a move was played also became very inefficient.
So, in view of these difficulties, I want to build a proper board, but I have no idea where to start from or what controls to use for the design. Any suggestions?
A Chess Program using VB.NET :
This was coded in VB6 :
You don't wany to use controls for the pieces you should just draw the image directly onto your form. You then have full control of exactly where everything is drawn.
You need to hold some form of data structure that 'remembers' where all your pieces are.
Have a look at this link to GDI+ to help get you started
I would suggest it might be too complicated for a school project. Maybe if you reduce the scope - try for just human vs human.
The chess programming wiki
Bruce Moreland's old page on MinMax and other adversarial search algorithms
I have more links but i cant post any links anymore. It's limited to 2 links only. Im sorry.

How to draw XNA window inside a panel?

I'm developing a 3d Viewer in and xna. It's working very well.
I have now a windows form and an xna render window, but I would like to render it inside a panel in the windows form.
I have searched for info, but it's so hard to adapt it into my application.
How can I do it?
alt text
Here is the application.
IMO, you should keep it separate. It is so much easier because you don't have to worry about managing the graphics device. However if you must know, you can find the winforms series on the xna creator's club site. it shows you how to render to a winforms panel