Eonsdan-datetimepicker How to set default date in Input when opens first time - datetimepicker

im setting default date in Eonasdan-Bootstrap datetimepicker like this
$('#frmDate').data("DateTimePicker").defaultDate(moment().subtract(14, "days").calendar());
I know useCurrent will not fire. but I want to fire it so that when I open calendar first time it should intialized input with default date


v date picker not calling change event when single date is picked

I am trying to detect the change event of date picker. It was working fine when user selects multiple days from the calendar. But if user selects a single date, change method not get triggered. My attempt is as below.
sendRange(): void {
console.log("executed") // executed for multiple date range selection only
Where I was get wrong and how can I fix it?
use #input it will be invoked when a single date selected when the picker is in range mode
Reactive date picker emits input even when any part of the date (year/month/day) changes, but change event is emitted only when the day (for date pickers) or month (for month pickers) changes. If range prop is set, date picker emits change when both [from, to] are selected.
check the documentation

not able to capture telerik vuejs daterangepicker change event

I'm confused on how to capture the daterange event properly. The goal is to fire another event when the date range is changed (start and end dates are selected). But during debugging, it seems like the daterangepricker change event is fired when the start OR the end date is changed....it's hard to captured the "complete" change event because the change event is triggered when one of the dates is changed...so the state of the date range isn't isolated atomically (after start and end date are selected).
Observe the console.log output in the stackblitz during a date range change, it should be clearly depicted.
The expected behavior of the daterangepicker is that the change event wouldn't fired until the "range" event is completed - the start and end dates are selected.
To reproduce...select 20116-01-01 and try to forward through the dates to 2016-12-31....you can't (I mean you can but the start date is lost), when you start cycling through the months it resets the dates so they end up being "null".
The stackblitz (awesome by the way) is here: https://stackblitz.com/edit/js-mrcw3c

DateTimePicker Default Value

I am using VB.Net 2008.
I have two DateTimePicker. The first has a default value 8/24/2017 1:35 PM (as it was created Aug. 24. The second one has the default value of what is the current date and time. I haven't set their default values in Properties.
It is just weird for me that they have different default values. Anyway, my desired value is the current date and time.
I have also experienced confusion on my previous project regarding DateTimePicker where it has always default time 1:32 PM where time should be disregarded. The format is "Short" and the default value is the current date w/o time.
Can anyone explain why it happens?
Thank you in advance.
In my experience, a DateTimePicker contains the current date and time in its Value property unless you set it otherwise. Why that should not be happening for one of your controls, I don't know. In that case though, I'd suggest simply deleting that control and adding a new one. Hopefully that will behave as expected.
There's no such thing as a DateTimePicker that "disregards" time. The Value property of a DateTimePicker is type DateTime and a DateTime ALWAYS has both a date component and a time component. You can set the Format and optionally CustomFormat properties to show only the date, only the time or only some part thereof but that makes exactly zero difference to what's stored in the Value property.
Just like for any other DateTime value, if you want the Value of a DateTimePicker to represent just a date then you should zero the time. If you want to use the current date without a time then use DateTime.Today, where DateTime.Now would get you the current time as well as the current date. If you want to zero the time of any DateTime value, including the Value of a DateTimePicker, then you get its Date property. Note that that does not affect the original value, but creates a new DateTime value with the same date and the time zeroed, e.g.
Dim selectedDate = myDateTimePicker.Value.Date
Note that DateTime.Today simply returns DateTime.Now.Date.

How to set click event for datepicker in android

I've just created default datepicker from the link http://www.androidpeople.com/android-datepicker-dialog-example .Its working fine.But my problem is when i click date button.,it shown up..and i change the date and click cancel button on date alert.Again when i click date button.,it should shown current date..not previously changed date. i.e.i just need to get current date at each click whatever the date change.
my solve method may be not the better:when you call OnDateSetListener(),you should save the first date,so when you chick the cancen button,you shululd recover it

Make VB.Net DatePicker Required

I have a datepicker in a vb.net clickonce application. I need to make sure that in order to use the application that selecting a valid date is required. Ideally, I would be able to set the value of the datepicker to null and then programatically create Try Catch logic based on datepicker1.value still being null. Unfortunately, it will not allow me to assign a null or blank value to the datepicker. I cannot create my logic based on any real values of the datepicker because who's to say the value picked is not valid. I've tried setting the value to some outrageous date that no one would pick for the application like 1/1/1970, but then the datepicker opens up at 1/1/1970 and drops that date in as soon as it gains focus. I need a way to validate whether or not someone has selected a date, but am stuck and can't find any real help online. I am not looking to set the customformat = "", so please do not respond with that solution. I need the actual value to be blank or something I can run validation against to know that the user has in fact selected a date.
Set the ShowCheckBox property to true. That will make the control look like this...
When the user selects a date, it will check the checkbox. Then when you need the value...
If datePicker.Checked Then
'user has selected a value
'user has NOT selected a value
End If
Can you use the ValueChanged event to set a flag to tell you they've clicked on a date?
You could also use the OnClick method to set a flag to verify the user actually clicked on the DateTimePicker.