Why the file id, in telegram bot, not work after some days? - api

I am using telegram API and create php telegram bot. For sending video file with sendVideo method, use file_id like BAADBAADbwADhd7gCEpUooz4V5Q1Ag. But after some days this file_id not worked and I have to upload this video file again. What is the problem?

as you can read in this link:
Can I count on file_ids to be persistent?
For the moment, file_ids for your bot's outgoing files may be recycled
after several thousand files have been sent. This may be changed in
the future. Inbound file_ids can be treated as persistent.
so if you send a file from your server to telegram user (over the bot), the returned file_id can't be permanent. you can forward the file from user to bot and save file_id instead of that.

Telegram updated the FAQ
Can I count on file_ids to be persistent?
Yes, file_ids can be treated as persistent.


Is there any way to transfer Telegram file IDs between different bots?

Many different media types on Telegram have a file_id and file_unique_id property, such as Stickers, Audio, and Document.
The file_id property is unique to each Telegram bot, so one Telegram bot will not report the same file_id as another Telegram bot will, even if it's the same piece of media.
I want to have two Telegram bots communicate with each other, but they are currently unable to do so because the file_id property is meaningless when one bot tries to talk to the other.
The file_unique_id property is consistent between the bots, but it does not seem like you can do much of anything with that identifier.
Is there any way to pass a reference to a file stored on Telegram's servers from one bot to another, without having to re-upload the file on both bots?
Bot can't interact with each other. But there's a workaround,
we can use channels as a medium (with only BotAPI)
Add two bots as admin in channel
Broadcast the messages from Bot A to channel
Now, the Bot B will get these as channel posts and your new fileid
for the same file which will be unique for Bot B (obviously)
You have officially transferred all fileid to Bot B
There aren't any official methods to share fileIds between bots. In fact, you can't even get 2 bots talk to each other, also you won't get bot updates in groups. So bot to bot communication is not possible at all at this moment.
But what you can do is to use Mtproto api and sign-in to telegram as a normal user (with phone number). And follow these steps using the logged in account:
Start both of your bots.
Forward messages you receive from bot 1 to bot 2.
This way you'll be able to access any files in bot 1 in bot 2.
You can use Telethon to write a script that does the job for you, listening to updates coming from bot 1 & forwarding them to bot 2.
Also using normal bot api you should forward received messages to your logged-in account.
The only way is to use a shared channel. Both bots have admin access. However, you may encounter error 429 while transferring the file.
The solution is to send the files to the channel at longer intervals.

Telegram bot receiving commands from other bot

in the documentation of the telegram bot API I found:
Bots with privacy mode enabled will receive:
Commands explicitly meant for them (e.g., /command#this_bot).
General commands from users (e.g. /start) if the bot was the last bot
to send a message to the group.
So I created two bots - invited both in a group and had "firstbot" to fire /cmd#otherbot something commands. The "otherbot" echos everything it reads.
I (in the client) I can write - "otherbot" doesn't see it - which is correct due to privacy settings.
I i write /cmd#otherbot - "otherbot" receives and echos this - also correct.
BUT - when I let "firstbot" emit /cmd#otherbot in the group "otherbot" doesn't see it.
Am I doing something wrong - or am I miss-leaded by the documentation?
I use C# with Telegram.Bot by roundrobin.
Bots can't see messages meant for other bots, regardless of privacy modes.
Why doesn't my bot see messages from other bots?
Bots talking to each other could potentially get stuck in unwelcome loops. To avoid this, we decided that bots will not be able to see messages from other bots regardless of mode.
Recently I came across with this problem, that one bot can't read messages from another bot.
But I've found a solution: instead of using the Telegram Bot API, you can use TDLib (Telegram Database library) to read the messages.
I am using python, so with this short piece of code I am able to read messages from a bot:
from telegram.client import Telegram
tg = Telegram(
database_encryption_key='changehere' )
def new_message_handler(update):
message_content = update['message']['content']
message_text = message_content.get('text', {}).get('text', '').lower()
# do what you want with the message
I guess that the same can be extended for other languages.
With this approach combined with Bot Telegram API, you are able to:
read messages from a bot (with Telegram Database library)
send that message with another bot (with Telegram Bot API)

How to know if user has seen a message sent by my bot in Telegram?

I'm developing a Telegram bot, and I want to know whether a user, that has started a private chat with my bot, has seen a certain message sent by bot, and to know when has he seen it.
Is it possible to do so?
Thank you very much.
That's currently not possible.
I'm using this solution.
Create a channel specially for your bot
Let your robot send message from this channel to users, you can use forward method.
Now you can see how many users have seen your message
Telegram Bot API has limit functionality. There is absolutely no way to get message view count at the time of this comment.
Usually TDLib can be used instead of Telegram Bot. It is Telegram client library. You can use it directly or make it as services for BOT to call.
For example. use TdApi.GetMessage to get the message, and the returned message has field of interactionInfo which contains forwardCount or viewCount.
perhaps this answer help you :
in the end of your message place
link example : yoursite.com\checkvisit.php?id=1234
when user open message link automatic run for telegram ...
you can understand message was read
you must in checkvisit.php set to check db if id exist and not read set it to read
then id in db remove or disable
but this method simple - telegram must add 1 parameter to return this
sorry my english not good
it is not possible yet , you might want to search for Madeline bot

Telegram groups, supergroups, and channels

I'm new to Telegram. I need a clarification about one of the features of Telegram.
After creating groups or channels in Telegram, is there a way to know which recipients have received the message, and which recipients have actually read the message?
I know this functionality is available in Whatsapp, I was wondering whether Telegram also provide this functionality.
No telegram doesn't have that functionality yet. The moment you send a message to either a group, supergroup or channel, it is perceived as sent and read, however channels show you the actual number of people who have read the message.
You can however see the most active users by time spent on a supergroup using a third-party bot like ComStatbot.
Normal groups on telegram are the equivalent to Whats App groups. I recommend you to always convert to supergroup due to more functions.

Send email to pushbullet?

The website "PushBullet.com" is webwashed(filtered) by our proxy, at work.
But I really need to send some notifications to my devices.
Is there a way to send them thru the good old email protocol ?
So there is no officially supported feature for this, but you can sort of fake it using the existing email-to-push feature.
Send a push to an email address that is not a pushbullet account, such as yourgmailaccount+randomstring#gmail.com. It will have a from address of someotherrandomstring#pushbulletuseremail.com.
You can then send emails to that address, and they should show up in your pushes list.
Proposed method with random strings in email address doesn't work.
This method works. Not an email, just pure notification as required.
The library developer suggests also command line notification send. Simple and handy.
I was looking to do something similar so I could get pushbullet notifications from cron jobs, and came across this:
I haven't gotten a chance to try it yet but I think this will do what you're wanting. Just tested it, and it works really well if you're able to run a postfix server.
I use Zapier for this (you can do it with a free account).
Set up a Zap to search for new mail under a label (I use "pushbullet-notify"), and send any message there to Pushbullet.
Then in Gmail just create filters for any mails you want PB notifications on, applying the same label.
The notification may be delayed up to 15 minutes from the time the email is received and labeled (free accounts check every 15 minutes).