Tensorflow Device vs DeviceContext - tensorflow

I am implementing a new Device for Tensorflow. I would like some clarification between the Device and the DeviceContext. I have read this question but I think I need a bit more info.
Should it be that each device in my system has one Device instance, with the device instance maintaining information about that physical device? Then the DeviceContext should be maintaining runtime information about this device.
In the other question, the answers state that the GPU device maintains several device contexts, one for each stream, with streams given particular jobs (copying vs executing). It sounds like the kernel ops bound to specific device contexts, and if so, when/where does that occur?

Since the GPUDevice has multiple contexts per device, I would argue that you do not need to have one context per device. As such, I would agree that the device class would contain minimal data about the actual hardware which the device context would behave as more of a runtime control of the device (handling memory allocation, data transfer, execution, etc.) judging by the names of the functions in the context
The binding of kernel ops to contexts in GPUs occurs in the FillContextMap where the computation graph nodes are attached to device contexts.


Rendering Terrain Dynamically with Argument Buffers : Understanding why the particle buffer is not overwritten by the GPU inflight

I am looking through an Apple demo project that is associated with the 2017 WWDC video entitled "Introducing Metal 2" where the developers demonstrate the use of argument buffers. The project is linked here on the page titled "Rendering Terrain Dynamically with Argument Buffers" on the Apple developer website. Here, they synchronize resource writes by the CPU to prevent race conditions with a dispatch_semaphore_t, signaling it when the command buffer finishes executing on the GPU and waiting on it if the CPU is writing data several frames ahead of the GPU. This is consistent with what was shown in a previous 2014 WWDC "Working With Metal: Fundamentals".
I noticed that it seems the APPLParticleRenderer is sending data to be written by the GPU in a compute pass before it finishes reading from that same buffer from the fragment shader from a previous render pass. The resource storage mode of the buffer is MTLResourceStorageModePrivate. My question: does Metal automatically synchronize access to private id<MTLBuffer>s accessible only by the GPU? Do render, compute, and blit passes called from new id<MTLCommandEncoder> have access to the buffer only after other passes have written and read from it (exclusive access)? I have seen that there are guaranteed barriers within tile shaders, where tile memory is accessed exclusively by the kernel before subsequent fragment shaders access the memory.
Lastly, in the 2016 WWDC "What's New in Metal, Part 2", the first presenter, Charles Brissart, at 16:44 mentions that fragment and vertex functions reading and writing from the same buffer must be placed into two render command encoders, but for compute kernels one compute command encoder suffices. This is consistent with what is seen within the particle renderer.
See my comment on the original question for a brief version of this answer.
It turns out that Metal tracks dependencies between commands scheduled to the GPU by default for MTLResource types. The hazardTrackingMode property of a MTLResource is defaulted to MTLHazardTrackingModeTracked (MTLHazardTrackingMode.tracked in Swift) according to the Metal documentation. This means Metal tracks dependencies across commands that modify the resource, as is the case with the particle kernel, and delays execution until prior commands accessing the resource are complete.
Therefore, since the _particleDataPool buffer has a storage mode of MTLResourceStorageModePrivate (storageModePrivate in Swift), it can only be written to by the GPU; hence, no CPU/GPU synchronization is necessary with a semaphore for this buffer and thus no multi-buffer system is necessary for the resource.
Only when a resource can be written to by the CPU while the GPU is still reading from it do we want multiple buffers so the CPU is not idle.
Note that the default hazard tracking mode for a MTLHeap is MTLHazardTrackingModeUntracked (MTLHazardTrackingMode.untracked in Swift), in which case you are responsible for synchronizing resource writes by the GPU
After reading into resource synchronization in Metal, there are some additional points I would like to make that I think further clarify what's going on. Note that the remaining portion is in Swift. To learn more in detail, I recommend reading the "Synchronization" section in the Metal documentation here.
Firstly, a MTLFence is used to synchronize accesses to untracked resources within the execution of a single command buffer. A fence gives you explicit control over when the GPU accesses resources and is necessary when you are working with an untracked resource. Otherwise, Metal will handle this synchronization for you
It is important to note that the automatic management I mention in the answer only occurs within a single command buffer between encoding passes. But this does not mean we need to synchronize across command buffers scheduled in the same command queue since a command buffer is not immediately scheduled for execution. In fact, according to the documentation on the addScheduledHandler(_:) method of the MTLCommandBuffer protocol found here
The device object schedules the command buffer after it identifies any dependencies with work tasks submitted by other command buffers or other APIs in the system.
at which point it would be safe to access these same buffers. Note that within a single render encoding pass, it is important to mention that if a vertex shader writes into a buffer the fragment shader in the same pass reads from, this is undefined. I mentioned this in the original question, the solution being to use two render pass encoders. I have yet to determine why this is not necessary for a compute encoder, but I imagine it has to do with how kernels are executed in comparison to vertex and fragment shaders
In some cases, however, command buffers in different queues created by the same MTLDevice need access to the same resource or depend on one another in some way. In this case, synchronization is necessary because the separate queues schedule their own command buffers without knowledge of the other, meaning there is potential for the two command buffers to be executing concurrently.
To fix this problem, you use an MTLEvent instance created by the device using makeEvent() and encode event signals at specific points in each buffer.
In the event (no pun intended) that you have multiple processors (different CPU cores, CPU and GPU, or multi-GPU), resource synchronization is needed. Here, you create a MTLSharedEvent in place of a MTLEvent that can be used to synchronize across devices and processes. It is essentially the same API as that of the MTLEvent, but involves command queues on different devices.

TensorFlow Device Contexts, Streams and Context Switching

In the GPUDevice code, I noticed that one GPUDeviceContext is made per stream.
Is the purpose of this so that every context can control one OpKernelContext and then as the various streams need to be executed, then the contexts can just be switched which handles pushing different data/code onto the GPU and then executing.
Do the various streams get registered as different devices (ie. '/gpu:0' and '/gpu:1')?
Per this, ThreadPoolDevice's don't have contexts, but if I were to add contexts into ThreadPoolDevice, would they fit best as a sort of ThreadContext?
For GPU, we maintain a few streams for execution: a compute stream (on which most computational kernels run), and some memcopy streams (for executing memcopies between host and device and vice versa). This is done to overlap communication and computation on GPU devices, but is particular to the way that we use GPUs. One could easily also just create one GPU stream for all computation and communication and it would be correct, although slower.
We want to give the computation stream to kernels that do computation, and the memcopy stream to the kernels that do copying. We create a GPUDeviceContext object for each stream, and then pass the right device context object to the OpKernelContext.
So the particular implementations here reflect the properties of the asynchronous hardware device (GPU), which is why the ThreadPoolDevice doesn't have these sorts of mechanisms. On CPU all computation is synchronous, so there is no need for an abstraction such as streams.
The execution model of the custom hardware will likely determine what kind of state and management a custom device support will require in TensorFlow.

How'd multi-GPU programming work with Vulkan?

Would using multi-GPUs in Vulkan be something like making many command queues then dividing command buffers between them?
There are 2 problems:
In OpenGL, we use GLEW to get functions. With more than 1 GPU, each GPU has its own driver. How'd we use Vulkan?
Would part of the frame be generated with a GPU & the others with other GPUs like use Intel GPU to render UI & AMD or Nvidia GPU to render game screen in labtops for example? Or would a frame be generated in a GPU & the next frame in an another GPU?
Updated with more recent information, now that Vulkan exists.
There are two kinds of multi-GPU setups: where multiple GPUs are part of some SLI-style setup, and the kind where they are not. Vulkan supports both, and supports them both in the same computer. That is, you can have two NVIDIA GPUs that are SLI-ed together, and the Intel embedded GPU, and Vulkan can interact with them all.
Non-SLI setups
In Vulkan, there is something called the Vulkan instance. This represents the base Vulkan system itself; individual devices register themselves to the instance. The Vulkan instance system is, essentially, implemented by the Vulkan SDK.
Physical devices represent a specific piece of hardware that implements the interface to a GPU. Each piece of hardware that exposes a Vulkan implementation does so by registering its physical device with the instance system. You can query which physical devices are available, as well as some basic properties about them (their names, how much memory they offer, etc).
You then create logical devices for the physical devices you use. Logical devices are how you actually do stuff in Vulkan. They have queues, command buffers, etc. And each logical device is separate... mostly.
Now, you can bypass the whole "instance" thing and load devices manually. But you really shouldn't. At least, not unless you're at the end of development. Vulkan layers are far too critical for day-to-day debugging to just opt out of that.
There are mechanisms, core in Vulkan 1.1, that allow individual devices to be able to communicate some information to other devices. In 1.1, only certain kinds of information can be shared across physical devices (namely, fences and semaphores, and even then, only on Linux through sync files). While these APIs could provide a mechanism for sharing data between two physical devices, at present, the restriction on most forms of data sharing is that both physical devices must have matching UUIDs (and therefore are the same physical device).
SLI setups
Dealing with SLI is covered by two Vulkan 1.0 extensions: KHR_device_group and KHR_device_group_creation. The former is for dealing with "device groups" in Vulkan, while the latter is an instance extension for creating device-grouped devices. Both of these are core in Vulkan 1.1.
The idea with this is that the SLI aggregation is exposed as a single VkDevice, which is created from a number of VkPhysicalDevices. Each internal physical device is a "sub-device". You can query sub-devices and some properties about them. Memory allocations are specific to a particular sub-device. Resource objects (buffers and images) are not specific to a sub-device, but they can be associated with different memory allocations on the different sub-devices.
Command buffers and queues are not specific to sub-devices; when you execute a CB on a queue, the driver figures out which sub-device(s) it will run on, and fills in the descriptors that use the images/buffers with the proper GPU pointers for the memory that those images/buffers have been bound to on those particular sub-devices.
Alternate-frame rendering is simply presenting images generated from one sub-device on one frame, then presenting images from a different sub-device on another frame. Split-frame rendering is handled by a more complex mechanism, where you define the memory for the destination image of a rendering command to be split among devices. You can even do this with presentable images.
In vulkan you need to enumerate the devices and select the one you want to work with. There will be nothing stopping you from trying to work with 2 different ones separately. Each vulkan call needs at least 1 parameter as context. The loader layer will then forward the call to the correct driver. Or you can load the functions for each device separately to avoid the loader's trampoline.
A generated frame will need to be forwarded to the card that is connected to the screen for display. So it's more likely that 1 GPU is responsible for graphics and the others are used for physics.
Only a single device can be connected to a specific surface at a time so that device needs to get the rendered frame to copy it into the renderable image that gets pushed to the screen.
Device group is the way to go. Look at the vulkan specification for documentation. Vulkan handle all the dispatch to the others GPUs (when they are connected by sli/crossfire). All you need to do is to tell vulkan how the dispatch is done (for example dispatch one frame on a GPU and the next on another one). If you need to do compute work you will need to address each GPU individually. Please find a link for a reference: https://www.ea.com/seed/news/khronos-munich-2018-halcyon-vulkan

How does GPUDirect enforce isolation on a shared device

I have been reading here https://developer.nvidia.com/gpudirect about GPUDirect,
In there example there is a network card attached to the PCIe together with two GPU's and a CPU.
How is isolation enforced between all clients trying to access the network device? Are they all accessing the same PCI BAR of the device?
Is the network device using some kind SR-IOV mechanism to enforce isolation?
I believe you're talking about rDMA, which was supported with the second release of GPU Direct. It's where the NIC card can send/receive data external to the host machine and utilizes peer-to-peer DMA transfers to interact with the GPU's memory.
nVidia exports a variety of functions to kernel space that allow for programmers to look up where physical pages reside on the GPU, itself, and map them manually. nVidia also requires the use of physical addressing within kernel space, which greatly simplifies how other [3rd party] drivers interact with GPU's -- through the host machine's physical address space.
"RDMA for GPUDirect currently relies upon all physical addresses being the same from the PCI devices' point of view."
-nVidia, Design Considerations for rDMA and GPUDirect
As a result of nVidia requiring a physical addressing scheme, all IOMMU's must be disabled in the system, as these would alter the way each card views the memory space(s) of other cards. Currently, nVidia only supports physical addressing for rDMA+GPUDirect in kernel-space. Virtual addressing is possible via their UVA, made available to user space.
How is isolation enforced between all clients trying to access the network device? Are they all accessing the same PCI BAR of the device?
Yes. In kernel space, each GPU's memory is being accessed by it's physical address.
Is the network device using some kind SR-IOV mechanism to enforce isolation?
The driver of the network card is what does all of the work in setting up descriptor lists and managing concurrent access to resources -- which would be the the GPU's memory in this case. As I mentioned above, nVidia gives driver developers the ability to manage physical memory mappings on the GPU, allowing the 3rd party's NIC driver to control what resource(s) are available or not available to remote machines.
From what I understand about NIC drivers, I believe this to be a very rough outline of what's going on under the hood, relating to rDMA and GPUDirect:
Network card receives an rDMA request (whether it be reading or writing).
Network card's driver receives an interrupt that data has arrived or some polling mechanism has detected data has arrived.
The driver processes the request; any address translation is performed now, since all memory mappings for the GPU's are made available to kernel space. Additionally, the driver will more than likely have to configure the network card, itself, to prep for the transfer (e.g. set up specific registers, determine addresses, create descriptor lists, etc).
The DMA transfer is initiated and the network card reads data directly from the GPU.
This data is then sent over the network to the remote machine.
All remote machines requesting data via rDMA will use that host machine's physical addressing scheme to manipulate memory. If, for example, two separate computers wish to read the same buffer from a third computer's GPU with rDMA+GPUDirect support, one would expect the incoming read request's offsets to be the same. The same goes for writing; however an additional problem is introduced if multiple DMA engines are set to manipulate data in overlapping regions. This concurrency issue should be handled by the 3rd party NIC driver.
On a very related note, another post of mine has a lot information regarding nVidia's UVA (Unified Virtual Addressing) scheme and how memory manipulation from within kernel-space, itself, is handled. A few of the sentences in this post were grabbed from it.
Short answer to your question: if by "isolated" you mean how does each card preserve its own unique address-space for rDMA+GPUDirect operations, this is accomplished by relying on the host machine's physical address space which fundamentally separates the physical address space(s) requested by all devices on the PCI bus. By forcing the use of each host machine's physical addressing scheme, nVidia essentially isolates each GPU in that host machine.

Abstraction layers in device drivers

in my project I need to work with device drivers, but have a hard time to understand the naming, scope and function of the abstraction layers. As I see the main layer is HAL - "hardware abstraction layer".
What are the clients of HAL, whom is HAL interfacing?
Are you talking about a specific HAL in windows or linux or something or in general?
When accessing registers from a device driver (code that drives a device, doesnt have to be a kernel thing or have an operating system at all) for example I generally recommend to create functions like PUT32(address,data), data=GET32(address). Or writel and readl, whatever you fancy. The point being to avoid creating a pointer with the address and using that pointer directly. There is a performance gain to the pointer type solution, and performance hit to the abstract PUT32(). Why I use it though is because if the code is clean enough that driver can be used as part of a kernel driver for this os, a kernel driver for that os, run standalone embedded, connect to an hdl simulation of the logic, run on a processor on the same chip, or run on a host computer that reaches into the chip via PCI or jtag, etc. One chunk of code reused from the birth of the logic (hdl sim) to the end user kernel driver.
Perhaps more to your question though think about a uart, you want to send some bytes and receive some bytes right? Create a uart_send() function and a uart_recv() function, everything above the abstraction layer uses these two functions, when you target this code to a specific platform then you implement those functions for the specific uart in that specific hardware. later on you can replace that uart with something else, so long as the new uart can send and receive the code above the abstraction layer does not have to change. Even though you have created an abstraction layer with the functions above, I personally would still use PUT8() and GET8() functions in the implementation of uart_send() and uart_recv() for the specific uart, and in a separate file implement PUT8() and GET8().
How many layers of abstraction between the driver and the actual hardware, how and where are often specific to the task and the hardware.
In computers, a hardware abstraction layer (HAL) is a layer of programming that allows a computer operating system to interact with a hardware device at a general or abstract level rather than at a detailed hardware level. Windows 2000 is one of several operating systems that include a hardware abstraction layer. The hardware abstraction layer can be called from either the operating system's kernel or from a device driver. In either case, the calling program can interact with the device in a more general way than it would otherwise.