How'd multi-GPU programming work with Vulkan? - gpu

Would using multi-GPUs in Vulkan be something like making many command queues then dividing command buffers between them?
There are 2 problems:
In OpenGL, we use GLEW to get functions. With more than 1 GPU, each GPU has its own driver. How'd we use Vulkan?
Would part of the frame be generated with a GPU & the others with other GPUs like use Intel GPU to render UI & AMD or Nvidia GPU to render game screen in labtops for example? Or would a frame be generated in a GPU & the next frame in an another GPU?

Updated with more recent information, now that Vulkan exists.
There are two kinds of multi-GPU setups: where multiple GPUs are part of some SLI-style setup, and the kind where they are not. Vulkan supports both, and supports them both in the same computer. That is, you can have two NVIDIA GPUs that are SLI-ed together, and the Intel embedded GPU, and Vulkan can interact with them all.
Non-SLI setups
In Vulkan, there is something called the Vulkan instance. This represents the base Vulkan system itself; individual devices register themselves to the instance. The Vulkan instance system is, essentially, implemented by the Vulkan SDK.
Physical devices represent a specific piece of hardware that implements the interface to a GPU. Each piece of hardware that exposes a Vulkan implementation does so by registering its physical device with the instance system. You can query which physical devices are available, as well as some basic properties about them (their names, how much memory they offer, etc).
You then create logical devices for the physical devices you use. Logical devices are how you actually do stuff in Vulkan. They have queues, command buffers, etc. And each logical device is separate... mostly.
Now, you can bypass the whole "instance" thing and load devices manually. But you really shouldn't. At least, not unless you're at the end of development. Vulkan layers are far too critical for day-to-day debugging to just opt out of that.
There are mechanisms, core in Vulkan 1.1, that allow individual devices to be able to communicate some information to other devices. In 1.1, only certain kinds of information can be shared across physical devices (namely, fences and semaphores, and even then, only on Linux through sync files). While these APIs could provide a mechanism for sharing data between two physical devices, at present, the restriction on most forms of data sharing is that both physical devices must have matching UUIDs (and therefore are the same physical device).
SLI setups
Dealing with SLI is covered by two Vulkan 1.0 extensions: KHR_device_group and KHR_device_group_creation. The former is for dealing with "device groups" in Vulkan, while the latter is an instance extension for creating device-grouped devices. Both of these are core in Vulkan 1.1.
The idea with this is that the SLI aggregation is exposed as a single VkDevice, which is created from a number of VkPhysicalDevices. Each internal physical device is a "sub-device". You can query sub-devices and some properties about them. Memory allocations are specific to a particular sub-device. Resource objects (buffers and images) are not specific to a sub-device, but they can be associated with different memory allocations on the different sub-devices.
Command buffers and queues are not specific to sub-devices; when you execute a CB on a queue, the driver figures out which sub-device(s) it will run on, and fills in the descriptors that use the images/buffers with the proper GPU pointers for the memory that those images/buffers have been bound to on those particular sub-devices.
Alternate-frame rendering is simply presenting images generated from one sub-device on one frame, then presenting images from a different sub-device on another frame. Split-frame rendering is handled by a more complex mechanism, where you define the memory for the destination image of a rendering command to be split among devices. You can even do this with presentable images.

In vulkan you need to enumerate the devices and select the one you want to work with. There will be nothing stopping you from trying to work with 2 different ones separately. Each vulkan call needs at least 1 parameter as context. The loader layer will then forward the call to the correct driver. Or you can load the functions for each device separately to avoid the loader's trampoline.
A generated frame will need to be forwarded to the card that is connected to the screen for display. So it's more likely that 1 GPU is responsible for graphics and the others are used for physics.
Only a single device can be connected to a specific surface at a time so that device needs to get the rendered frame to copy it into the renderable image that gets pushed to the screen.

Device group is the way to go. Look at the vulkan specification for documentation. Vulkan handle all the dispatch to the others GPUs (when they are connected by sli/crossfire). All you need to do is to tell vulkan how the dispatch is done (for example dispatch one frame on a GPU and the next on another one). If you need to do compute work you will need to address each GPU individually. Please find a link for a reference:


Do I need to create all the surfaces before creating the device?

just a quick question here...
So, as you know, when you create a Vulkan device, you need to make sure the physical device you chose supports presenting to a surface with vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceSupportKHR() right?, that means, you need to create the surface before creating the device.
Now lets say that at run-time, the user may press a button which makes a new window open, and stuff is going to be drawn to that window, so you need a new surface right?, but the device has already been created...
Does this mean I have to create all the surfaces before I create the device or do I have to recreate the device, but, if need to recreate it, what happens with all the stuff that has been created/allocated from that device?
Does this mean I have to create all the surfaces before I create the device or do I have to recreate the device
If the physical device cannot draw to the surface... then you need to find a physical device which can. This could happen if you have 2 GPUs, and each one is plugged into a different monitor. Each GPU can only draw to surfaces that are on their monitor (though sometimes there are ways for implementations to get around this).
So if the physical device for the logial VkDevice you're using cannot draw to the surface, you don't "recreate" the device. You create a new device, one which is almost certainly unable to draw to the surface that the old device could draw to. So in this case, you'd need 2 separate devices to render to the two surfaces.
But for most multi-monitor cases this isn't an issue. If you have a single GPU with multi-monitor output support, then any windows you create will almost certainly be compatible with that GPU. Integrated GPU + discrete GPU cases also tend to support the same surfaces.
The Vulkan API simply requires that you check to see if there is an incompatibility, and then deal with it however you can. Which could involve moving the window to the proper monitor or other OS-specific things.

How the GPU process non-graphic data in parallel?

As the introduction of programmable shaders in graphic pipeline enabled GPGPU concept which makes use of GPU as a general processing engine suited for parallel data.
However, as far as I know, because GPU is still used for graphic processing a lot compared to GPGPU, it makes use of lots of fixed graphic pipeline stages that cannot be programmed.
If my understanding is correct, when one data is processed by the GPU regardless of the type of data (graphic or general), it should be processed through the fixed graphic pipeline which includes programmable stages and non-programmable fixed stages.
Does that mean non-graphical processing should go through graphical processing stages even though it doesn't make use of it? Or can it bypass those fixed stages used for graphics? If one can explain how the GPU pipeline works for GPGPU I would appreciate it.
GPGPU completely bypasses the rendering pipeline, but the pipeline is still used today.
GPUs consist of two main parts (in relation to your question). The first one is the processing part, which consists of the memory, registers, warp units, dispatchers and streaming processors. The other part is a set of controllers, that are responsible for geometry processing and the graphics pipeline. Those controllers just issue commands for the Streaming Processors on how to process the data for each of the steps of the rendering pipeline, either hardwired or based on user supplied shaders. NVidia calls them "PolyMorph Engine", AMD "Geometric Processor".
Historically, some of those controllers were hardwired to do things a single way, so you could only programm the vertexshader, fragmentshader and pixelshader. The tesselation controller e.g. was hardwired on the GPU and not user programmable. As demands grew, more and more of those controllers became user-programmable and today most of them are completely programmable (Wikipedia).
In the beginning days of GPGPU, the only way to do computing was to hack the available shaders by using a texture with your input data on a full-screen face to calculate the result and then read the rendered image back (See slide 26 on this introduction).
With CUDA, NVidia allowed users not only to program the shaders/polymorph Engine, but also directly interact with the Streaming processors and execute code on those (See slide 31 & 32).
This does not mean, that the graphics pipeline became obsolete, but now there is a way to completely bypass it and directly run code on the GPU processors. Nvidia has a nice explanation on how the pipeline works today, where you can also see both the PolyMorph Engine and the Streaming Processors here.
The Graphics pipeline still helps the dev by offloading repetitive and more complicated parts of the process, like managing the memory, managing warps, passing data and all that stuff. Theoretically you could probably write your own pipeline directly on the StreamingProcessors using CUDA and then render the result, but it would be tedious. Just how writing a GPGPU-Code using Shaders would be tedious.
Although old GPUs have pipelines hardcoded in the chip, modern GPU itself is just a large ASIC that can compute vectorized data at stupid fast speed. It is human who defines what it can do. So the render pipeline is defined in the graphics library like OpenGL, not in GPU. Thus, GPU does not care what it is computing, as long as it is vectorized data, it can do all the computation needed and give you a result.

Does TensorFlow use all of the hardware on the GPU?

The NVidia GP100 has 30 TPC circuits and 240 "texture units". Do the TPCs and texture units get used by TensorFlow, or are these disposable bits of silicon for machine learning?
I am looking at GPU-Z and Windows 10's built-in GPU performance monitor on a running neural net training session and I see various hardware functions are underutilized. Tensorflow uses CUDA. CUDA has access, I presume, to all hardware components. If I know where the gap is (between Tensorflow and underlying CUDA) and whether it is material (how much silicon is wasted) I can, for example, remediate by making a clone of TensorFlow, modifying it, and then submitting a pull request.
For example, answer below discusses texture objects, accessible from CUDA. NVidia notes that these can be used to speed up latency-sensitive, short-running kernels. If I google "TextureObject tensorflow" I don't get any hits. So I can sort of assume, barring evidence to the contrary, that TensorFlow is not taking advantage of TextureObjects.
NVidia markets GPGPUs for neural net training. So far it seems they have adopted a dual-use strategy for their circuits, so they are leaving in circuits not used for machine learning. This begs the question of whether a pure TensorFlow circuit would be more efficient. Google is now promoting TPUs for this reason. The jury is out on whether TPUs are actually cheaper for TensorFlow than NVidia GPUs. NVidia is challenging Google price/performance claims.
None of those things are separate pieces of individual hardware that can be addressed separately in CUDA. Read this passage on page 10 of your document:
Each GPC inside GP100 has ten SMs. Each SM has 64 CUDA Cores and four texture units. With 60 SMs,
GP100 has a total of 3840 single precision CUDA Cores and 240 texture units. Each memory controller is
attached to 512 KB of L2 cache, and each HBM2 DRAM stack is controlled by a pair of memory
controllers. The full GPU includes a total of 4096 KB of L2 cache.
And if we read just above that:
GP100 was built to be the highest performing parallel computing processor in the world to address the
needs of the GPU accelerated computing markets serviced by our Tesla P100 accelerator platform. Like
previous Tesla-class GPUs, GP100 is composed of an array of Graphics Processing Clusters (GPCs), Texture
Processing Clusters (TPCs), Streaming Multiprocessors (SMs), and memory controllers. A full GP100
consists of six GPCs, 60 Pascal SMs, 30 TPCs (each including two SMs), and eight 512-bit memory
controllers (4096 bits total).
and take a look at the diagram we see the following:
So not only are the GPCs and SMS not seperate pieces of hardware, but even the TPCs are just another way to reorganize the hardware architecture and come up with a fancy marketing name. You can clearly see TPC doesn't add anything new in the diagram, it just looks like a container for the SMs. Its [1 GPC]:[5 TPCs]:[10 SMs]
The memory controllers are something all hardware is going to have in order to interface with RAM, it happens that more memory controllers can enable higher bandwidth, see this diagram:
where "High bandwidth memory" refers to HBM2 a type of video memory like GDDR5, in other words, video RAM. This isn't something you would directly address in software with CUDA any more than you would do so with X86 desktop machines.
So in reality, we only have SMs here, not TPCs an GPCs. So to answer your question, since Tensor flow takes advantage of cuda, presumably its going to use all the available hardware it can.
EDIT: The poster edited their question to an entirely different question, and has new misconceptions there so here is the answer to that:
Texture Processing Clusters (TPCs) and Texture units are not the same thing. TPCs appear to be merely an organization of Streaming Multiprocessors (SM) with a bit of marketing magic thrown in.
Texture units are not a concrete term, and features differ from GPU to GPU, but basically you can think of them as the combination of texture memory or ready access to texture memory, which employs spatial coherence, versus L1,L2,L3... cache which employ temporal coherence, in combination of some fixed function functionality. Fixed functionality may include interpolation access filter (often at least linear interpolation), different coordinate modes, mipmapping control and ansiotropic texture filtering. See the Cuda 9.0 Guide on this topic to get an idea of texture unit functionality and what you can control with CUDA. On the diagram we can see the texture units at the bottom.
Clearly these are completely different from the TPCs shown in the first picture I posted, which at least according to the diagram have no extra functionality associated with them and are merely a container for two SMs.
Now, despite the fact that you can address texture functionality within cuda, you often don't need to. The texture units fixed function functionality is not all that useful to Neural nets, however, the spatially coherent texture memory is often automatically used by CUDA as an optimization even if you don't explicitly try to access it. In this way, TensorFlow still would not be "wasting" silicon.

Tensorflow Device vs DeviceContext

I am implementing a new Device for Tensorflow. I would like some clarification between the Device and the DeviceContext. I have read this question but I think I need a bit more info.
Should it be that each device in my system has one Device instance, with the device instance maintaining information about that physical device? Then the DeviceContext should be maintaining runtime information about this device.
In the other question, the answers state that the GPU device maintains several device contexts, one for each stream, with streams given particular jobs (copying vs executing). It sounds like the kernel ops bound to specific device contexts, and if so, when/where does that occur?
Since the GPUDevice has multiple contexts per device, I would argue that you do not need to have one context per device. As such, I would agree that the device class would contain minimal data about the actual hardware which the device context would behave as more of a runtime control of the device (handling memory allocation, data transfer, execution, etc.) judging by the names of the functions in the context
The binding of kernel ops to contexts in GPUs occurs in the FillContextMap where the computation graph nodes are attached to device contexts.

TensorFlow Device Contexts, Streams and Context Switching

In the GPUDevice code, I noticed that one GPUDeviceContext is made per stream.
Is the purpose of this so that every context can control one OpKernelContext and then as the various streams need to be executed, then the contexts can just be switched which handles pushing different data/code onto the GPU and then executing.
Do the various streams get registered as different devices (ie. '/gpu:0' and '/gpu:1')?
Per this, ThreadPoolDevice's don't have contexts, but if I were to add contexts into ThreadPoolDevice, would they fit best as a sort of ThreadContext?
For GPU, we maintain a few streams for execution: a compute stream (on which most computational kernels run), and some memcopy streams (for executing memcopies between host and device and vice versa). This is done to overlap communication and computation on GPU devices, but is particular to the way that we use GPUs. One could easily also just create one GPU stream for all computation and communication and it would be correct, although slower.
We want to give the computation stream to kernels that do computation, and the memcopy stream to the kernels that do copying. We create a GPUDeviceContext object for each stream, and then pass the right device context object to the OpKernelContext.
So the particular implementations here reflect the properties of the asynchronous hardware device (GPU), which is why the ThreadPoolDevice doesn't have these sorts of mechanisms. On CPU all computation is synchronous, so there is no need for an abstraction such as streams.
The execution model of the custom hardware will likely determine what kind of state and management a custom device support will require in TensorFlow.