flink streaming or batch processing - batch-processing

I am tasked with redesigning an existing catalog processor and the requirement goes as belowRequirement I have 5 to 10 vendors(each vendor can have multiple stores) who would provide me with 'XML' file per store. Basically, 1 products xml file per Store, and multiple Store files per Vendor. Max file size can be 500 MB and min can be 100 MB Avg products per file could be 100,000.
Sample xml format could be like this ... ... ...
It doesnt take more than 30 mins to download the file per store, and these files are updated once per day or every 3 to 6 hours.
Now priority requirement is that, the product details are highly unorganized and these files have to organized, processed(10+ processes) and converted to another common object(json) and then file stored in Cassandra.
My technology head advised me to design with Apache Flink and Kafka on top of HDFS, where flink directly stream the files from the vendor servers and start processing them while streaming.
My view was that, either case the files are of finite size and there is not much need to stream them. So thought of having a standalone scheduler come downloader to download and load the files to HDFS. As soon as the files are loaded to HDFS, I can trigger the Flink processing and store the same in Cassandra.
My question here is that, knowing the files are of finite size and finite counts irrespsective of the number of vendors, Is stream processing a overkill or a Batch processing would be a latency burden later?

The question is highly dependent on the tool you will use. If you go for Flink I believe that using the stream is fine and won't create problem in the long run. If you write your functions and jobs properly, moving from DataStream API to DataSet API would be easy, if needed. Batch here introduces an useless delay and without further informations doesn't seem the appropriate approach. I believe it would work fine anyway but it's not clear if latency is a strict requirement.
That said, I believe Flink in itself is an overkill. In this particular use case a more traditional like Spark would be a better option in terms of usability but if you want to invest on Flink, it's totally fine and given the use case, I don't think you will need any particular library that is present/integrated with spark but missing on Flink.


Optimizing Neptune Bulk Load Jobs?

Currently we have an automation engine running to queue up billions of nodes/edges for our Neptune historical load.
The data pulls off Kafka and writes bulk CSVs into S3 to initiate the load. Currently I'm uploading files after each batch pulls a couple million records off the queue.
I'm using oversubscribe param and looked at the high-level docs for bulk optimizations. I'm seeing I can get about 36M records an hour, but looking to go faster. Do I want the output files to be larger? I can only run one job at a time and my queue is constantly filled up to the 65 cap limit.
In general, larger files should give better performance than smaller ones as the worker threads running the load will divide the file up amongst themselves. Larger instances also help the loads go faster. If possible, a db.r5.12xlarge is a good choice when you have a lot of data to load. You can scale it back down again once the volume of writes you need to achieve slows down and a smaller instance will suffice.

Concatenate files in S3 using AWS Lambda

Is there a way to use Lambda for S3 file concatenation?
I have Firehose streaming data into S3 with the longest possible interval (15 minutes or 128mb) and therefore I have 96 data files daily, but I want to aggregate all the data to a single daily data file for the fastest performance when reading the data later in Spark (EMR).
I created a solution where Lambda function gets invoked when Firehose streams a new file into S3. Then the function reads (s3.GetObject) the new file from source bucket and the concatenated daily data file (if it already exists with previous daily data, otherwise creates a new one) from the destination bucket, decode both response bodies to string and then just add them together and write to the destination bucket with s3.PutObject (which overwrites the previous aggregated file).
The problem is that when the aggregated file reaches 150+ MB, the Lambda function reaches its ~1500mb memory limit when reading the two files and then fails.
Currently I have a minimal amount of data, with a few hundred MB-s per day, but this amount will be growing exponentially in the future. It is weird for me that Lambda has such low limits and that they are already reached with so small files.
Or what are the alternatives of concatenating S3 data, ideally invoked by S3 object created event or somehow a scheduled job, for example scheduled daily?
I would reconsider whether you actually want to do this:
The S3 costs will go up.
The pipeline complexity will go up.
The latency from Firehose input to Spark input will go up.
If a single file injection into Spark fails (this will happen in a distributed system) you have to shuffle around a huge file, maybe slice it if injection is not atomic, upload it again, all of which could take very long for lots of data. At this point you may find that the time to recover is so long that you'll have to postpone the next injection…
Instead, unless it's impossible in the situation, if you make the Firehose files as small as possible and send them to Spark immediately:
You can archive S3 objects almost immediately, lowering costs.
Data is available in Spark as soon as possible.
If a single file injection into Spark fails there's less data to shuffle around, and if you have automated recovery this shouldn't even be noticeable unless some system is running full tilt at all times (at which point bulk injections would be even worse).
There's a tiny amount of latency increase from establishing TCP connections and authentication.
I'm not familiar with Spark specifically, but in general such a "piped" solution would involve:
A periodic trigger or (even better) an event listener on the Firehose output bucket to process input ASAP.
An injector/transformer to move data efficiently from S3 to Spark. It sounds like Parquet could help with this.
A live Spark/EMR/underlying data service instance ready to receive the data.
In case of an underlying data service, some way of creating a new Spark cluster to query the data on demand.
Of course, if it is not possible to keep Spark data ready (but not queriable ("queryable"? I don't know)) for a reasonable amount of money, this may not be an option. It may also be possible that it's extremely time consuming to inject small chunks of data, but that seems unlikely for a production-ready system.
If you really need to chunk the data into daily dumps you can use multipart uploads. As a comparison, we're doing light processing of several files per minute (many GB per day) from Firehose with no appreciable overhead.
You may create a Lambda function that will be invoked only once a day using Scheduled Events and in your Lambda function you should use Upload Part - Copy that does not need to download your files on the Lambda function. There is already an example of this in this thread

Hive queries of external tables stored on Google Cloud Storage extremely slow

I have begun testing The Google Cloud Storage connector for Hadoop. I am finding it incredibly slow for hive queries run against it.
It seems a single client must scan the entire file system before starting the job, 10s of 1000s of files this takes 10s of minutes. Once the job is actually running it performs well.
Is this a configuration issue or the nature of hive/gcs? Can something be done to improve performance.
Running CDH 5.3.0-1 in GCE
I wouldn't say it's necessarily a MapReduce vs Hive difference, though there are possible reasons it could be more common to run into this type of slowness using Hive.
It's true that metadata operations like "stat/getFileStatus" have a slower round-trip latency on GCS than local HDFS, on the order of 30-70ms instead of single-digit milliseconds.
However, this doesn't mean it should take >10 of minutes to start a job on 10,000 files. Best-practice is to allow the connector to "batch" requests as much as possible, allowing retrieval of up to 1000 fileInfos in a single round-trip.
The key is that if I have a single directory:
....<lots of files following this pattern>...
If I have my Hive "location" = gs://foobar/allmydata it should actually be very quick, because it will be fetching 1000 files at a time. If I did hadoop fs -ls gs://foobar/allmydata it should come back in <5 seconds.
However, if I have lots of small subdirectories:
....<lots of files following this pattern>...
Then this could go awry. The Hadoop subsystem is a bit naive, so that if you just do hadoop fs -ls -R gs://foobar/allmydata in this case, it will indeed first find the 10000 directories of the form gs://foobar/allmydata/dir-####, and then run a for-loop over them, one-by-one listing the single file under each directory. This for-loop could easily take > 1000 seconds.
This was why we implemented a hook to intercept at least fully-specified glob expressions, released back in May of last year:
7. Implemented new version of globStatus which initially performs a flat
listing before performing the recursive glob logic in-memory to
dramatically speed up globs with lots of directories; the new behavior is
default, but can disabled by setting fs.gs.glob.flatlist.enable = false.
In this case, if the subdirectory layout was present, the user can opt instead to do hadoop fs -ls gs://foobar/allmydata/dir-*/foo*.txt. Hadoop lets us override a "globStatus", so by using this glob expression, we can correctly intercept the entire listing without letting Hadoop do its naive for-loop. We then batch it up efficiently, such that we'll retrieve all 10,000 fileInfos again in <5 seconds.
This could be a bit more complicated in the case of Hive if it doesn't allow as free usage of glob expressions.
Worst case, if you can move those files into a flat directory structure then Hive should be able to use that flat directory efficiently.
Here's a related JIRA from a couple years ago describing the similar problem for how Hive deals with files in S3, still officially unresolved: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HIVE-951
If it's unclear how/why the Hive client is performing the slow for-loop, you can add log4j.logger.com.google=DEBUG to your log4j.properties and re-run the Hive client to see detailed info about what the GCS connector is doing under the hood.

Will doing fork multiple times affect performance?

I need to read log files (.CSV) using fastercsv and save the contents of it in a db (each cell value is a record). The thing is there are around 20-25 log files which has to be read daily and those log files are really large (each CSV file is more then 7Mb). I had forked the reading process so that user need not have to wait a long time but still reading 20-25 files of that size is taking time (more then 2hrs). Now I want to fork reading of each file i.e there will be around 20-25 child process getting created, my question is can I do that? If yes will it affect the performance and is fastercsv able to handle this?
for report in #reports
pid = fork {
PS:I'm using rails 3.0.7 and Its going to happen in server which is running in amazon's large instance(7.5 GB of memory, 4 EC2 Compute Units (2 virtual cores with 2 EC2 Compute Units each), 850 GB of local instance storage, 64-bit platform)
If the storage is all local (and I'm not sure you can really say that if you're in the cloud), then forking isn't likely to provide a speedup because the slowest part of the operation is going to be disc I/O (unless you're doing serious computation on your data). Hitting the disc via several processes isn't going to speed that up at once, though I suppose if the disc had a big cache it might help a bit.
Also, 7MB of CSV data isn't really that much - you might get a better speedup if you found a quicker way to insert the data. Some databases provide a bulk load function, where you can load in formatted data directly, or you could turn each row into an INSERT and file that straight into the database. I don't know how you're doing it at the moment so these are just guesses.
Of course, having said all that, the only way to be sure is to try it!

Distributed datastore

We're trying to add some kind of persistence in our app.
The app generates about 250 entries per second. Each of these entries belong to one of 2M files. For each file, we want to keep the last 10 entries, so we can look them up later.
The way our client application works :
it gets a stream of all the data
it fetches the right file (GET)
it adds the new content
it saves the file back (PUT)
We're looking for an efficient way to store this data that can scale horizontally as the amount of data we're getting is doubling every few weeks.
We initially looked at S3. It works fine, but becomes very expensive very fast (>$1000 monthly just in PUT operations!)
We then gave a shot at Riak. But it seems we can't get more than 60 write/sec on each node, which is very very slow.
Any other solution out there?
There are lots of knobs you can turn in Riak - ask the mailing list if you haven't already and we'll figure out a sane configuration for you. 60 writes/sec is not within the norm.
See: http://lists.basho.com/mailman/listinfo/riak-users_lists.basho.com
What about Hadoop's HDFS spread over Amazon EC2 instances? I know each instance has a good amount of storage space, and you don't have to pay for put/get, only the inbound transfer.
I would suggest looking at CloudIQ Storage from Appistry. Its a fully distributed file store. Its accessible via a REST-based API, and can run on commodity hardware. You can define the number of copies retained on a file by file basis. It supports an Eventually Consistent model so you can balance file consistency with performance.