Concatenate files in S3 using AWS Lambda - amazon-s3

Is there a way to use Lambda for S3 file concatenation?
I have Firehose streaming data into S3 with the longest possible interval (15 minutes or 128mb) and therefore I have 96 data files daily, but I want to aggregate all the data to a single daily data file for the fastest performance when reading the data later in Spark (EMR).
I created a solution where Lambda function gets invoked when Firehose streams a new file into S3. Then the function reads (s3.GetObject) the new file from source bucket and the concatenated daily data file (if it already exists with previous daily data, otherwise creates a new one) from the destination bucket, decode both response bodies to string and then just add them together and write to the destination bucket with s3.PutObject (which overwrites the previous aggregated file).
The problem is that when the aggregated file reaches 150+ MB, the Lambda function reaches its ~1500mb memory limit when reading the two files and then fails.
Currently I have a minimal amount of data, with a few hundred MB-s per day, but this amount will be growing exponentially in the future. It is weird for me that Lambda has such low limits and that they are already reached with so small files.
Or what are the alternatives of concatenating S3 data, ideally invoked by S3 object created event or somehow a scheduled job, for example scheduled daily?

I would reconsider whether you actually want to do this:
The S3 costs will go up.
The pipeline complexity will go up.
The latency from Firehose input to Spark input will go up.
If a single file injection into Spark fails (this will happen in a distributed system) you have to shuffle around a huge file, maybe slice it if injection is not atomic, upload it again, all of which could take very long for lots of data. At this point you may find that the time to recover is so long that you'll have to postpone the next injection…
Instead, unless it's impossible in the situation, if you make the Firehose files as small as possible and send them to Spark immediately:
You can archive S3 objects almost immediately, lowering costs.
Data is available in Spark as soon as possible.
If a single file injection into Spark fails there's less data to shuffle around, and if you have automated recovery this shouldn't even be noticeable unless some system is running full tilt at all times (at which point bulk injections would be even worse).
There's a tiny amount of latency increase from establishing TCP connections and authentication.
I'm not familiar with Spark specifically, but in general such a "piped" solution would involve:
A periodic trigger or (even better) an event listener on the Firehose output bucket to process input ASAP.
An injector/transformer to move data efficiently from S3 to Spark. It sounds like Parquet could help with this.
A live Spark/EMR/underlying data service instance ready to receive the data.
In case of an underlying data service, some way of creating a new Spark cluster to query the data on demand.
Of course, if it is not possible to keep Spark data ready (but not queriable ("queryable"? I don't know)) for a reasonable amount of money, this may not be an option. It may also be possible that it's extremely time consuming to inject small chunks of data, but that seems unlikely for a production-ready system.
If you really need to chunk the data into daily dumps you can use multipart uploads. As a comparison, we're doing light processing of several files per minute (many GB per day) from Firehose with no appreciable overhead.

You may create a Lambda function that will be invoked only once a day using Scheduled Events and in your Lambda function you should use Upload Part - Copy that does not need to download your files on the Lambda function. There is already an example of this in this thread


Avoid session shutdown on BigQuery Storage API with Dataflow

I am implementing an ETL job that migrates a non partitioned BigQuery Table to a partitioned one.
To do so I use the Storage API from BigQuery. This creates a number of sessions to pull Data from.
In order to route the BigQuery writes to the right partition I use the File Loads methods.
Streaming inserts was not the option due to the limitation of 30 days.
Storage Write API seems to be limited identifying the partition.
By residing to the File Load Method the Data are being written to GCS.
The issue is that this takes too much time and there is the risk of the sessions to close.
Behind the scenes the File Load Method is a complex one with multiple steps. For example writings to GCS and combining the entries to a destination/partition joined file.
Based on the Dataflow processes it seems that nodes can execute workloads on different parts of the pipeline.
How can I avoid the risk of the session closing? Is there a way for my Dataflow nodes to focus only on the critical part which is write to GCS first and once this is done, then focus on all the other aspects?
You can do a Reshuffle right before applying the write to BigQuery. In Dataflow, that will create a checkpoint, and a new stage in the job. The write to BigQuery would start when all steps previous to the reshuffle have finished, and in case of errors and retries, the job would backtrack to that checkpoint.
Please note that doing a reshuffle implies doing a shuffling of data, so there will be a performance impact.

Replicate & Update SQL Server DB to AWS

We need to sync a client's on-premise SQL Server DB to AWS and keep it updated on a scheduled basis.
By client's request I feel forced to ask the following:
Is there any way to do this without RDS, DMS &/or EC2?
I believe this could be achieved in a somewhat unorthodox way through AWS Lambda, but since the original SQL Server DB contains a few +50gb tables I think the Lambda function would constantly run out of memory.
I've looked everywhere and haven't found an answer yet.
That's certainly possible with Lambda but it presents some challenges. You would have to split the jobs into tasks that would fit within the limits of the Lambda runtime, which at this time include 15 minutes max execution time, 3,008 MB RAM, and 512 MB disk space. If the CSVs are too large to fit within those limits, and you want the entire CSV to be processed in a single database transaction, then it may not be possible to implement using Lambda.
I would suggest having a process that pushes the CSVs to S3 which can then trigger Lambda functions directly, or add the file ingest tasks to an SQS queue or Kinesis stream to then be processed by Lambda functions.

How to stream data from Amazon SQS to files in Amazon S3

How to quickly create mechanism that reads json data from Amazon SQS and saves it in avro files (may be other format) in s3 bucket, partitioned by date and value of given field in json message?
You can write an AWS Lambda function that gets triggered by a message being sent to an Amazon SQS queue. You are responsible for writing that code, so the answer is that it depends on your coding skill.
However, if each message is processed individually, you will end up with one Amazon S3 object per SQS message, which is quite inefficient to process. The fact that the file is in Avro format is irrelevant because each file will be quite small. This will add a lot of overhead when processing the files.
An alternative could be to send the messages to an Amazon Kinesis Data Stream, which can aggregate messages together by size (eg every 5MB) or time (eg every 5 minutes). This will result in fewer, larger objects in S3 but they will not be partitioned, nor in Avro format.
To get the best performance out of a columnar format like Avro, combine the data into larger files that will be more efficient for processing. So, for example, you could use Kinesis for collecting the data, then a daily Amazon EMR job to combine those files into partitioned Avro files.
So, the answer is: "It's pretty easy, but you probably don't want to do it."
Your question does not define how the data gets into SQS. If, rather than processing messages as soon as they arrive, you are willing for the data to accumulate in SQS for some period of time (eg 1 hour or 1 day), you could then write a program that reads all of the messages and outputs them into partitioned Avro files. This uses SQS as a temporary holding area, allowing data to accumulate before being processed. However, it would lose any real-time reporting aspect.

Flink batching Sink

I'm trying to use flink in both a streaming and batch way, to add a lot of data into Accumulo (A few million a minute). I want to batch up records before sending them to Accumulo.
I ingest data either from a directory or via kafka, convert the data using a flatmap and then pass to a RichSinkFunction, which adds the data to a collection.
With the streaming data, batching seems ok, in that I can add the records to a collection of fixed size which get sent to accumulo once the batch threshold is reached. But for the batch data which is finite, I'm struggling to find a good approach to batching as it would require a flush time out in case there is no further data within a specified time.
There doesn't seem to be an Accumulo connector unlike for Elastic search or other alternative sinks.
I thought about using a Process Function with a trigger for batch size and time interval, but this requires a keyed window. I didn't want to go down the keyed route as data looks to be very skewed, in that some keys would have a tonne of records and some would have very few. If I don't use a windowed approach, then I understand that the operator won't be parallel. I was hoping to lazily batch, so each sink only cares about numbers or an interval of time.
Has anybody got any pointers on how best to address this?
You can access timers in a sink by implementing ProcessingTimeCallback. For an example, look at the BucketingSink -- its open and onProcessingTime methods should get you started.

flink streaming or batch processing

I am tasked with redesigning an existing catalog processor and the requirement goes as belowRequirement I have 5 to 10 vendors(each vendor can have multiple stores) who would provide me with 'XML' file per store. Basically, 1 products xml file per Store, and multiple Store files per Vendor. Max file size can be 500 MB and min can be 100 MB Avg products per file could be 100,000.
Sample xml format could be like this ... ... ...
It doesnt take more than 30 mins to download the file per store, and these files are updated once per day or every 3 to 6 hours.
Now priority requirement is that, the product details are highly unorganized and these files have to organized, processed(10+ processes) and converted to another common object(json) and then file stored in Cassandra.
My technology head advised me to design with Apache Flink and Kafka on top of HDFS, where flink directly stream the files from the vendor servers and start processing them while streaming.
My view was that, either case the files are of finite size and there is not much need to stream them. So thought of having a standalone scheduler come downloader to download and load the files to HDFS. As soon as the files are loaded to HDFS, I can trigger the Flink processing and store the same in Cassandra.
My question here is that, knowing the files are of finite size and finite counts irrespsective of the number of vendors, Is stream processing a overkill or a Batch processing would be a latency burden later?
The question is highly dependent on the tool you will use. If you go for Flink I believe that using the stream is fine and won't create problem in the long run. If you write your functions and jobs properly, moving from DataStream API to DataSet API would be easy, if needed. Batch here introduces an useless delay and without further informations doesn't seem the appropriate approach. I believe it would work fine anyway but it's not clear if latency is a strict requirement.
That said, I believe Flink in itself is an overkill. In this particular use case a more traditional like Spark would be a better option in terms of usability but if you want to invest on Flink, it's totally fine and given the use case, I don't think you will need any particular library that is present/integrated with spark but missing on Flink.