I want to send the following web page request using a cronjob with raspberry pi - cron-task

can anyone point me in the right direction?
I want to send the following webpage request using a cron job with raspberry pi,

Install curl using aptitude install curl, then crontab -e and...
0 * * * * curl >/dev/null
(This runs once on each full hour - adjust as necessary of course.)
This throws away the answer; if you need it, you can save it to some file, or course. Errors will be mailed to whatever mail account you let your mails get forwarded to, by cron.


Why doesn't wget send auth field for every access?

i am using wget in a windows.bat loop for accessing my Arduino server every 10 secs. What i see is that in ~half of the accesses, it does not send the "authorization basic..." Field and so the Arduino server reject and send a request to authenticate instead of executing the command and returning ok status. Can someone help me out?
wget is called as follows
wget --user=abc --password=def --append-output=wgetout.txt --output-document=new.html

Cannot ssh into Google-Engine, connecting in a loop

I am unable to connect through SSH to my GCE instance. I was connecting without any problem, the only think I changes was my user name through top right corner of the browser then selected Change Linux Username.
When I try to ssh into my google engine via browser, I keep having following message in a endless loop:
When I try to ssh via cloud shell I also get following error message, (serial console output):
Permission denied (publickey).
ERROR: (gcloud.compute.ssh) [/usr/bin/ssh] exited with return code [255].
[Q] Is there any way to fix this problem? Since I have no access to the engine now, I don't know what to do.
However you could always get back access through serial console then from there you could internally y troubleshoot user/ssh issue.
1) $ gcloud compute instances add-metadata [INSTANCE_NAME] --metadata=serial-port-enable=1
You can then connect to the instance through the serial port
NOTE:The root password have must been already set in order to use the serial port
$ gcloud compute connect-to-serial-port [INSTANCE_NAME]
If you never set the root password you could set it by adding a startup-script to your instance that will set a password as root by running the below command :
NOTE: the instance must be rebooted in order to run the startup script.
3) $ gcloud compute instances add-metadata [instance name] --metadata startup-script='echo "root:YourPasswdHere" | chpasswd'
Reboot the instance run the command on the step "2)" authenticate your self as root with the password that you set on the startup script in the step "3)" .
I had the same problem, It took me several days to figure out what was happening in my case.
To find out, I created a new instance from scratch and started making all modifications I've done to those that eventually couldn't connect to, one by one, exiting the ssh connection and re entering so as to test it.
I've tried it a couple of times, in both cases, the connection was impossible after uninstalling python (I only needed 3.7 version so I was uninstalling all others and installing that one I needed).
My command for uninstalling it was
sudo apt purge python2.7-minimal
sudo apt purge python3.5-minimal
I don't know if it was specifically because of deleting python, or because of using purge (in which case this problem might reproduce if using purge with another program).
I don't even know why would this affect ssh connection.
Could it be that google cloud is somehow using destination python for the ssh web?
In any case, if you are experiencing this problem try to avoid uninstalling anything from the base VM.

Desired port for google cloudSQL connection is not able to be used

I am following the steps here, to setup a CloudSQL DB in Google Cloud Platform. I'm stuck at the step with:
./cloud_sql_proxy -instances="[YOUR_INSTANCE_CONNECTION_NAME]"=tcp:3306
I get the message below:
2018/02/07 19:44:10 listen tcp bind: address already in use
I've tried: lsof -i tcp:3306 but nothing shows up. Alternatively, I am able to start a connection to tcp:3307, but that's not what's required in the tutorial, and may prevent the rest of the tutorial from working. When I do lsof -i tcp:3307 however, I am able to see the PID, and kill the SQL connection.
How is the port address 3306 already in use?? Even rebooted my computer.
My Steps I took to fix
I stop Mysql on my local machine
brew services stop mysql
But I had a problem of giving a directory for
Directory to use for placing Unix sockets representing database instances as seen by the console error
Then I did
sudo mkdir /cloudsql; sudo chmod 777 /cloudsql
My Final Script
./cloud_sql_proxy -instances=MyInstanceConnName=tcp:3306 -projects=myproject -dir=/cloudsql/
UPDATE: After trying to dig through many methods to kill the sql process, find out whats actually running on it, joining the gcloud slack group to ask around, etc etc, I ended up uninstalling mysql, and reinstalling it. Fixed it. :shrug:

What happens to a process in an EC2 instance when I get a 'Broken Pipe' error on ssh?

I am using some EC2 instances to run some large jobs I can not run locally. The issue I am seeing is that after a while (X hours since the process started) my connection on my shell gives me a broken pipe error
ubuntu#ip-10-122-xxx-xxx:~/stratto/ode$ Write failed: Broken pipe
The instance is still there because I can reconnect with no problems, but how can I reconnect and get back at seeing the logs of the process as before the 'Broken Pipe'
Any tip much appreciated,
Redirect your output to a file and then run the program "nohup ..." to ensure the disconnect doesn't kill it. Use "tail -f" to monitor the redirected file.
Note: Originally said to use "tee" but that won't work. I think a straight redirect and then tail on the file works.
You can use screen to run processes in the cloud even when you are not connected to the server.
sudo apt install screen
To specifically address the issue described in the original post (e.g. connecting to AWS EC2 instances) I a basic example and a more advanced example of using screen.
You can use "screen". Detach from it and ping to google.com. So there ssh session will be active through out the installation.

Notification when laptop is switch on (boot)

I need to know, is that possible to get a notification through email whenever my laptop is switched on or is connected to internet ?
An alternative is to get notification when set service 'Starts' on system boot.
Need C# code for this service.
If you have a web site somewhere and access to the log files, install wget or curl and then run this command:
wget -q http://your.site.com/MyLaptopIsConnected
Just search the error logs for this string to see when your laptop came online. Put the command in a BAT/CMD file and tell Windows to run it once the computer starts with the scheduler.