Notification when laptop is switch on (boot) - notifications

I need to know, is that possible to get a notification through email whenever my laptop is switched on or is connected to internet ?
An alternative is to get notification when set service 'Starts' on system boot.
Need C# code for this service.

If you have a web site somewhere and access to the log files, install wget or curl and then run this command:
wget -q
Just search the error logs for this string to see when your laptop came online. Put the command in a BAT/CMD file and tell Windows to run it once the computer starts with the scheduler.


Desired port for google cloudSQL connection is not able to be used

I am following the steps here, to setup a CloudSQL DB in Google Cloud Platform. I'm stuck at the step with:
./cloud_sql_proxy -instances="[YOUR_INSTANCE_CONNECTION_NAME]"=tcp:3306
I get the message below:
2018/02/07 19:44:10 listen tcp bind: address already in use
I've tried: lsof -i tcp:3306 but nothing shows up. Alternatively, I am able to start a connection to tcp:3307, but that's not what's required in the tutorial, and may prevent the rest of the tutorial from working. When I do lsof -i tcp:3307 however, I am able to see the PID, and kill the SQL connection.
How is the port address 3306 already in use?? Even rebooted my computer.
My Steps I took to fix
I stop Mysql on my local machine
brew services stop mysql
But I had a problem of giving a directory for
Directory to use for placing Unix sockets representing database instances as seen by the console error
Then I did
sudo mkdir /cloudsql; sudo chmod 777 /cloudsql
My Final Script
./cloud_sql_proxy -instances=MyInstanceConnName=tcp:3306 -projects=myproject -dir=/cloudsql/
UPDATE: After trying to dig through many methods to kill the sql process, find out whats actually running on it, joining the gcloud slack group to ask around, etc etc, I ended up uninstalling mysql, and reinstalling it. Fixed it. :shrug:

Windows could not start the Apache CouchDB service on Local Computer

I have installed CouchDB on my Windows machine but while starting the CouchDB service, I am getting a message like:
Windows could not start the Apache CouchDB service on Local Computer. The service did not return an error. This could be an internal Windows error or an internal service error. If the problem persists, please contact your system administrator.
As the service is not running, I am unable to access Fauxton too.
I am using Windows 7. CouchDB is 2.0.0. Port 5984 is not in use.
I don't think your question is a duplicate of because you are on Windows 7, and the problem described there is for Windows 10 with the creators update.
But maybe the solution fixes your problem as well? Here is the procedure:
Download the prelease build 2.2.4-101 from
Stop the CouchDB service through the Windows Services dialog (paused is not enough)
Overwrite nssm.exe in <CouchDbInstallDir>\bin with the one from the downloaded ZIP file (make sure you pick the right version 32 bit / 64 bit)
Start the CouchDB service
Issue it's happening since the last updates released by Microsoft. I'm not completely aware of what's causing it, but I think it's something related to CouchDB service not been able to start using Local Administrator rights.
However I've managed to start the service manually, by doing so:
Open Command Prompt - in the Search from the Start Menu or Task Bar type "cmd"
Run it as an Administrator - right click on the Command Prompt application and choose "Run as administrator" option /this is really IMPORTANT as it will allow the service to have administrator access/
Navigate to the folder where CouchDB is install - default path is "D:/CouchDB", but could be anywhere else; you have to find it
Go to the "bin" folder in there
Type "couchdb" as a command to start the service
You will see a message showing after this - "kernel-poll not supported; "K" parameter ignored"
If it adds some error messages after it or closes the whole terminal, you're making some things bad from this guide, so follow it strictly.
You can now open up the Fauxton application in the browser like normal from here - http://localhost:5984/_utils/
Keep in mind that you have to leave the cmd opened in order the service to be working as expected. As far as I saw no information was lost, so it's all good.
This is a temporary solution though, as we are waiting a relase from either Microsoft or Apache to solve the issue, or at least give us more explanation about it.
i just met the same problem.
the cause is space, you have to install CouchDB in a path without any space, even Program Files folder, because there is a space between Program and Files...

I want to send the following web page request using a cronjob with raspberry pi

can anyone point me in the right direction?
I want to send the following webpage request using a cron job with raspberry pi,
Install curl using aptitude install curl, then crontab -e and...
0 * * * * curl >/dev/null
(This runs once on each full hour - adjust as necessary of course.)
This throws away the answer; if you need it, you can save it to some file, or course. Errors will be mailed to whatever mail account you let your mails get forwarded to, by cron.

What happens to a process in an EC2 instance when I get a 'Broken Pipe' error on ssh?

I am using some EC2 instances to run some large jobs I can not run locally. The issue I am seeing is that after a while (X hours since the process started) my connection on my shell gives me a broken pipe error
ubuntu#ip-10-122-xxx-xxx:~/stratto/ode$ Write failed: Broken pipe
The instance is still there because I can reconnect with no problems, but how can I reconnect and get back at seeing the logs of the process as before the 'Broken Pipe'
Any tip much appreciated,
Redirect your output to a file and then run the program "nohup ..." to ensure the disconnect doesn't kill it. Use "tail -f" to monitor the redirected file.
Note: Originally said to use "tee" but that won't work. I think a straight redirect and then tail on the file works.
You can use screen to run processes in the cloud even when you are not connected to the server.
sudo apt install screen
To specifically address the issue described in the original post (e.g. connecting to AWS EC2 instances) I a basic example and a more advanced example of using screen.
You can use "screen". Detach from it and ping to So there ssh session will be active through out the installation.

Tornado stopped running on AWS immediately after I terminate my remote session

I'm using SSH to remotely launch Tornado on Amazon Web Service. It works fine when I launch it by:
However, after my SSH session times out or terminated, the Tornado server is also stopped immediately, so I can't access the webpage anymore. I did quite some search but couldn't find an answer on Google.
How can I keep Tornado and the site running after my SSH session terminated?
The process will shut down when you logout if it's running in the foreground or if it tries to write to stdout and the terminal it's outputting to no longer exists. Try starting the server with
nohup python &
The nohup command redirects output to a file, and the & at the end runs the command in the background. Alternatively, you can use the screen utility which allows you to detach a terminal and reattach it in a different ssh session (see the screen man page for details).
While all the above solutions solve the immediate problem, what you might really need to run such processes in production, control them (start/restart/stop) is supervisor. It is python based and its more useful when you have to run multiple instances of tornado behind nginx.
In addition to nohup as Kevin has mentioned, you can also use disown command if you are using bash:
disown <job-id>