Create multiple PDF files from one input PDF file, split using bookmarks -

I've been working on a VB.NET project to dynamically create report packs in PDF format using a SQL database and a number of input PDF templates. To cut a long story short, due to the way that Business Objects creates the input files it will be much more efficient to allow input of compiled PDF reports rather than individual report template pages. In order for this to work however, we would need to split the input PDF files into sections using the Bookmarks created by BOBJ. We are not sure how many pages will be in the range of each bookmark but require a consistent naming convention of the split files so that the next part of the process can pick the correct templates up and merge them in the required combinations.
The second part of this process is designed and working well using a .Net library called PDFSHARP. I have used the samples on their website to write some code which splits an input PDF file into one section per page of the input file, but do not understand how to split it using the bookmarks.
If I could understand how to parse the PDF and read in the meta data for the bookmarks which contain the start page and end page and the name of the bookmark then I think I could finish it.
An example of the input PDF format is here:
There are 5 bookmarks (TID01, TID02 ...) and 6 pages. Section TID04 would have two pages output.
The file names I would need would be in the format of "ExamplePDF_TID01.pdf"
Any help to move forward would be greatly appreciated. - Looking on the wiki for the project it seems that it isn't very active any more and whilst other people have asked questions about this in the past there aren't any answers that I can find.
Code to Split by Page:
Sub Splitfiles()
Dim inputdir As String = "O:\Transformation\Standardisation\Input PDFs"
Dim outputdir As String = "O:\Transformation\Standardisation\Input PDFs\output\"
'inputdir = folder path containing input files
Dim fileEntries As String() = Directory.GetFiles(inputdir)
Dim filename As String
Dim pdfpage As PdfPage
Dim ccid As String
Dim pageid As Integer
Dim outputfilename As String
For Each filename In fileEntries
Dim importdoc As PdfDocument = PdfReader.Open(filename, PdfSharp.Pdf.IO.PdfDocumentOpenMode.Import)
Dim count As Integer = importdoc.PageCount
Dim x = 0
Do Until x = count
Dim outputdoc As PdfDocument = New PdfDocument
pdfpage = importdoc.Pages(x)
ccid = Strings.Right(filename, Len(filename) - Len(inputdir)) 'expand this to find CC ID
ccid = Strings.Left(ccid, Len(ccid) - 4)
pageid = x
outputfilename = outputdir & ccid & "_" & pageid & ".pdf"
x = x + 1
End Sub
And the code I started to split by bookmark but couldn't finish:
Sub SplitPDFByBookmark()
Dim inputfile As String = "O:\Transformation\Standardisation\Input PDFs\Business Sub Area Report - Project Management - FY16_FP02 - 17062016_0709.PDF"
Dim outputdir As String = "O:\Transformation\Standardisation\Input PDFs\output\"
'inputdir = folder path containing input files
'Dim fileEntries As String() = Directory.GetFiles(inputdir)
Dim filename As String
Dim pdfpage As PdfPage
Dim ccid As String
Dim pageid As Integer
Dim outputfilename As String
filename = inputfile
'For Each filename In fileEntries
Dim importdoc As PdfDocument = PdfReader.Open(filename, PdfSharp.Pdf.IO.PdfDocumentOpenMode.Import)
Dim count As Integer = importdoc.PageCount
Dim x = 0
For Each bookmark In importdoc.Outlines
Dim outputdoc As PdfDocument = New PdfDocument
pdfpage = importdoc.Pages(importdoc.Outlines.)
pageid = x
outputfilename = outputdir & "OutputFile_" & pageid & ".pdf"
x = x + 1
End Sub
Thanks in advance for your help!


Why would my Libreoffice Basic script fail to make PDFs with working links?

I've written a script using Libreoffice Basic that pulls data from a calc file and puts it in a writer doc and then exports the doc as a PDF. While that works there is an unwanted effect, none of the links work in the PDF. If I manually export the PDF, the links work. How do I alter the script so that the PDFs created will have working links too?
Script follows (links to example PDFs at the end):
REM Making example pdfs based on writer file while pulling data from a calc file
Dim strPath As String
Dim objWriterDoc As Object
Dim objCalcDoc As Object
Dim objCalcSheet as Object
Dim objCalcCellForID as Object
Dim objCalcCellForName as Object
Dim rg as Object
Dim lngRows as Long
Dim args()
Dim PDFargs(1) As New ""
Dim Watermarkargs(4) As New ""
REM set PDF export args
PDFargs(0).Name = "FilterName"
PDFargs(0).Value = "writer_pdf_Export"
PDFargs(1).Name = "FilterData"
PDFargs(1).Value = Array(Array("UseLosslessCompression",0,false,,_
REM open the writer file
strPath = ConvertToUrl("/home/wrg/Downloads/example.odt")
objWriterDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL(strPath, "default", 0, args())
REM open the calc list
strPath = ConvertToUrl("/home/wrg/Downloads/example_list.ods")
objCalcDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL(strPath, "default", 0, args())
objCalcSheet = objCalcDoc.Sheets(0)
REM select the cols of all the needed rows
PTListRanage = objCalcSheet.getCellRangeByName("A1:B10")
REM set watermark params
Watermarkargs(0).Name = "Text"
Watermarkargs(0).Value = "Init" ' Will change this to custom text based on the calc file '
Watermarkargs(1).Name = "Font"
Watermarkargs(1).Value = "Malgun Gothic Semilight"
Watermarkargs(2).Name = "Angle"
Watermarkargs(2).Value = 315 ' Degrees, int '
Watermarkargs(3).Name = "Transparency"
Watermarkargs(3).Value = 88 ' Percent, int '
Watermarkargs(4).Name = "Color"
Watermarkargs(4).Value = 12632256 ' FF0000 = Red; number only '
document = objWriterDoc.CurrentController.Frame
oDispHelper = createUnoService("")
REM main loop of dataset
lngRows = PTListRanage.Rows.Count - 1
For r = 0 To lngRows
objCalcCellForID = objCalcSheet.getCellByPosition(0,r)
objCalcCellForName = objCalcSheet.getCellByPosition(1,r)
REM process the row if there is a name to process
If objCalcCellForName.String <> "" Then
REM set the WhoFor text field
if objWriterDoc.getTextFieldMasters.hasByName("") then
oVar = objWriterDoc.getTextFieldMasters.getByName("")
oVar.DependentTextFields(0).content = objCalcCellForName.String
msgbox "WhoFor not found"
end if
REM set the WhoForID text field
if objWriterDoc.getTextFieldMasters.hasByName("") then
oVar = objWriterDoc.getTextFieldMasters.getByName("")
oVar.DependentTextFields(0).content = objCalcCellForID.String
msgbox "WhoForID not found"
end if
REM add text watermark
Watermarkargs(0).Value = "For ID "+objCalcCellForID.String ' Which text will be shown as the watermark '
oDispHelper.executeDispatch(document, ".uno:Watermark", "", 0, Watermarkargs())
REM export to PDF format
strPath = ConvertToURL("/home/wrg/Downloads/example("+objCalcCellForID.String+").pdf")
objWriterDoc.storeToURL(strPath, PDFargs())
End If
Next r
REM close all the files we opened
Links to example PDFs, manually made with working links and script made links don't work. Also, here is a zip that includes PDFs, writer file, calc file, and bas file.

VB ListBox list ftp directories and remove multiple lines based on number in folder name

I do get a lot of help from this website searching for a solution but at this point I'm completely stuck. I'm not a programmer, still was able to get that far.
The idea of my little project is to download newest version of a program (folder) from FTP server. Unzip files and update current program folder with new files. But before that backup the exiting program folder to a different FTP address.
What I'm struggling with is a way they post program versions (folders) on FTP:
folder structure on FTP
I can't really predict what would be the next folder to download because e.g. for program version:
it might be:
what ever is being released.
There is an ini file on C drive that holds the current program version. I was able to retrieve that information by reading the line, removing the unnecessary characters and splitting the string:
Dim wersja1 As String = File.ReadAllLines("C:\Windows\file.ini").FirstOrDefault(Function(x) x.Contains("WERSJA="))
Dim characterToRemove1 As String = "WERSJA="
Dim wersja2 As String = Replace(wersja1, characterToRemove1, "")
Dim characterToRemove2 As String = "T"
Dim wersja3 As String = Replace(wersja2, characterToRemove2, "")
Dim wersja4 As String() = wersja3.Split(New Char() {"."c})
Dim w1 As String = wersja4(0)
Dim w2 As String = wersja4(1)
Dim w3 As String = wersja4(2)
e.g. from a line:
I get:
w1 = 7
w2 = 6
w3 = 5
Then I change the last one (w3) to a two digits number (because of the way folders are named on FTP):
If w3 < 10 Then
w3 = "0" & w3
w3 = w3
End If
So if:
w3 = 5 >> I get 05
w3 = 16 >> I get 16
So far, so good.
In the next step I would like to see a filtered list of program versions (folders) in a ListBox or 2 ListBoxes. I would like to filter the list to see only folder with a bigger number than the current program version, so I can choose the correct one to download.
Why this way? Because if current version is e.g.
and there are 3 new ones e.g.:
I need to download all of them one by one, update program files and start the program to update sql database in order they were released. I can't skip any version on update.
Dim FTPurl As String = ""
Dim FTPwersja As String = "WERSJA_NOWY_TEMPLATE_*"
Dim FTPlog As String = "xxx"
Dim FTPpass As String = "yyy"
Dim clsRequest As FtpWebRequest = System.Net.WebRequest.Create(FTPurl & FTPwersja)
clsRequest.Credentials = New System.Net.NetworkCredential(FTPlog, FTPpass)
clsRequest.Method = System.Net.WebRequestMethods.Ftp.ListDirectory
Dim listResponse As FtpWebResponse = clsRequest.GetResponse
Dim reader As StreamReader = New StreamReader(listResponse.GetResponseStream())
'folder list
While reader.Peek >= 0
End While
'remove empty lines
For i As Integer = ListBox1.Items.Count - 1 To 0 Step -1
If ListBox1.GetItemText(ListBox1.Items(i)) = String.Empty Then
End If
Next i
The above code gives me this result.
I found this code that enables filtering of ListBox but I have no clue on how to convert it to an loop so I would see only folders with bigger numbers than the current version of program:
'filter result in list box
Dim items = From it In ListBox1.Items.Cast(Of Object)()
Where it.ToString().IndexOf("7.5", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) >= 0
Dim matchingItemList As List(Of Object) = items.ToList()
'ListBox1.Items.Clear() 'add to list
For Each item In matchingItemList
ListBox1.Items.Remove(item) 'remove from list
'ListBox1.Items.Add(item) 'add to list
I also have this code to catch choice and prevent crash when clicked on empty line :
Private Sub ListBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) _
Handles ListBox1.SelectedIndexChanged
Dim LB1choice = ListBox1.SelectedItem.ToString()
Label5.Text = LB1choice
Catch ex As Exception
ListBox1.SelectedIndex = 0
End Try
End Sub
The ideal would be 2 ComboBoxes where 1st would display e.g.
and based on the choice 2nd ComboBox would list newer subfolders in it e.g.
for the 1st one, and:
for the 2nd one.
I much appreciate if anyone could help me this because it's beyond my skills.

Select text between key words

This is a follow on question to Select block of text and merge into new document
I have a SGM document with comments added and comments in my sgm file. I need to extract the strings in between the start/stop comments so I can put them in a temporary file for modification. Right now it's selecting everything including the start/stop comments and data outside of the start/stop comments.
Dim DirFolder As String = txtDirectory.Text
Dim Directory As New IO.DirectoryInfo(DirFolder)
Dim allFiles As IO.FileInfo() = Directory.GetFiles("*.sgm")
Dim singleFile As IO.FileInfo
Dim Prefix As String
Dim newMasterFilePath As String
Dim masterFileName As String
Dim newMasterFileName As String
Dim startMark As String = "<!--#start#-->"
Dim stopMark As String = "<!--#stop#-->"
searchDir = txtDirectory.Text
Prefix = txtBxUnique.Text
For Each singleFile In allFiles
If File.Exists(singleFile.FullName) Then
Dim fileName = singleFile.FullName
Debug.Print("file name : " & fileName)
' A backup first
Dim backup As String = fileName & ".bak"
File.Copy(fileName, backup, True)
' Load lines from the source file in memory
Dim lines() As String = File.ReadAllLines(backup)
' Now re-create the source file and start writing lines inside a block
' Evaluate all the lines in the file.
' Set insideBlock to false
Dim insideBlock As Boolean = False
Using sw As StreamWriter = File.CreateText(backup)
For Each line As String In lines
If line = startMark Then
' start writing at the line below
insideBlock = True
' Evaluate if the next line is <!Stop>
ElseIf line = stopMark Then
' Stop writing
insideBlock = False
ElseIf insideBlock = True Then
' Write the current line in the block
End If
End Using
End If
This is the example text to test on.
<chapter id="Chapter_Overview"> <?Pub Lcl _divid="500" _parentid="0">
<title>Learning how to gather data</title>
<para0 verdate="18 Jan 2019" verstatus="ver">
<applicabil applicref="xxx">
</applicabil>Three-Button Trackball Mouse</title>
<para>This is the example to grab all text between start and stop comments.
Things to note: the start and stop comments ALWAYS fall on a new line, a document can have multiple start/stop sections
I thought maybe using a regex on this
(<section>[\w+\w]+.*?<\/section>)\R(<\?Pub _gtinsert.*>\R<pgbrk pgnum.*?>\R<\?Pub /_gtinsert>)*
Or maybe use IndexOf and LastIndexOf, but I couldn't get that working.
You can read the entire file and split it into an array using the string array of {"<!--#start#-->", "<!--#stop#-->"} to split, into this
Element 0: Text before "<!--#start#-->"
Element 1: Text between "<!--#start#-->" and "<!--#stop#-->"
Element 2: Text after "<!--#stop#-->"
and take element 1. Then write it to your backup.
Dim text = File.ReadAllText(backup).Split({startMark, stopMark}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)(1)
Using sw As StreamWriter = File.CreateText(backup)
End Using
Edit to address comment
I did make the original code a little compact. It can be expanded out into the following, which allows you to add some validation
Dim text = File.ReadAllText(backup)
Dim split = text.Split({startMark, stopMark}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
If split.Count() <> 3 Then Throw New Exception("File didn't contain one or more delimiters.")
text = split(1)
Using sw As StreamWriter = File.CreateText(backup)
End Using

Is it possible to rename the files after copying from source folder?

I copy some test images from source folder.. but i want to make their image name become "001,002" .. and so on.
For Each path As ListViewItem In listbat1.Items
For Each Ftif As String In Directory.GetFiles(path.SubItems(0).Text, "*.tif")
'For n As Integer = 0 To listbat1.Items.Count - 1
Dim Finfo As New FileInfo(Ftif)
My.Computer.FileSystem.CopyFile(Ftif, txtdirectory.Text & imgdir & Finfo.Name & ".tif")
Is it possible ? if so, can you help me? pls ..
If you want to rename your file using a progressive counter, then you could easily do it using the ToString with a formatting expression. In this example D3 means convert the input number to a string using three numbers and padding with zero if the number is not converted to enough character.
Dim counter as Integer = 0
For Each path As ListViewItem In listbat1.Items
For Each Ftif As String In Directory.GetFiles(path.SubItems(0).Text, "*.tif")
Dim Finfo As New FileInfo(Ftif)
Dim destFile = Path.Combine(txtDirectory.Text, imgdir, counter.ToString("D3") + ".tif")
My.Computer.FileSystem.CopyFile(Ftif, destFile)
Counter = Counter + 1
Notice also that building a path should always be done using the Path class

replacing inner text of an invalid xml file

I want to replace inner text of the tag of an XML file. The XML file I have is not well formed so we cannot use LINQ-TO-XML. Is there another way to accomplish this?
<conf-start ISO-8601-date="2011-05-31"><day>31</day><month>Jan</month><year>2011</year></conf-start>
Within the XML file I just want to replace Jan to 01.
Note : The month name can change in different files and also the
Can change. So basically is it possible to find the expression to replace the above line in an invalid XML file.
i tried this,
Dim filePath As String = TextBox1.Text
Dim directory1 As String = Path.GetDirectoryName(filePath)
Dim split As String() = filePath.Split("\")
Dim parentFolder As String = split(split.Length - 2)
Dim yourXml = XDocument.Load(TextBox1.Text & "\" & parentFolder & ".xml").Root
' Change each monthname to the number of the month
For Each elem In yourXml...<conf-start>.<day>.<month>
elem.Value = DateTime.ParseExact(elem.Value, "MMMM", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).Month
' save file
yourXml.Save(TextBox1.Text & "\" & parentFolder & ".xml")
but in some files i get errors such as xlink is an undeclared prefix and in some other files i get different errors
Try This
Dim y = "<conf-start iso-8601-date=""2011-05-31""><day>31</day><month>Jan</month><year>2011</year></conf-start>"
Dim Match = Regex.Match(y, "<month>([^>]*)<\/month>").Groups(1).ToString
Regex.Replace(y, Match, DateTime.ParseExact(Match, "MMM", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture).Month.ToString)
It will give you OP Like
<conf-start iso-8601-date="2011-05-31"><day>31</day><month>01</month><year>2011</year></conf-start>
try this code :
Dim ds As New DataSet
If Not ds Is Nothing Then
ds.Tables("conf-start").Rows(0)("month") = DateTime.ParseExact(ds.Tables(0).Rows(0)("month"), "MMM", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture).Month.ToString
End If