Is it possible to rename the files after copying from source folder? -

I copy some test images from source folder.. but i want to make their image name become "001,002" .. and so on.
For Each path As ListViewItem In listbat1.Items
For Each Ftif As String In Directory.GetFiles(path.SubItems(0).Text, "*.tif")
'For n As Integer = 0 To listbat1.Items.Count - 1
Dim Finfo As New FileInfo(Ftif)
My.Computer.FileSystem.CopyFile(Ftif, txtdirectory.Text & imgdir & Finfo.Name & ".tif")
Is it possible ? if so, can you help me? pls ..

If you want to rename your file using a progressive counter, then you could easily do it using the ToString with a formatting expression. In this example D3 means convert the input number to a string using three numbers and padding with zero if the number is not converted to enough character.
Dim counter as Integer = 0
For Each path As ListViewItem In listbat1.Items
For Each Ftif As String In Directory.GetFiles(path.SubItems(0).Text, "*.tif")
Dim Finfo As New FileInfo(Ftif)
Dim destFile = Path.Combine(txtDirectory.Text, imgdir, counter.ToString("D3") + ".tif")
My.Computer.FileSystem.CopyFile(Ftif, destFile)
Counter = Counter + 1
Notice also that building a path should always be done using the Path class


Writing Fixed width text files from excel vba

This is the output of a program.
I have specified what shall be width of each cell in the program and my program shows correct output.
What I want to do is cell content shall be written from right to left. E.g highlighted figure 9983.54 has width of 21. Text file has used first 7 columns. But I want it to use last 7 columns of text file.
Please see expected output image.
I am not getting any clue how to do this. I am not a very professional programmer but I love coding. This text file is used as input to some other program and i am trying to automate writing text file from excel VBA.
Can anyone suggest a way to get this output format?
Here is the code which gave me first output
Option Explicit
Sub CreateFixedWidthFile(strFile As String, ws As Worksheet, s() As Integer)
Dim i As Long, j As Long
Dim strLine As String, strCell As String
'get a freefile
Dim fNum As Long
fNum = FreeFile
'open the textfile
Open strFile For Output As fNum
'loop from first to last row
'use 2 rather than 1 to ignore header row
For i = 1 To ws.Range("a65536").End(xlUp).Row
'new line
strLine = ""
'loop through each field
For j = 0 To UBound(s)
'make sure we only take chars up to length of field (may want to output some sort of error if it is longer than field)
strCell = Left$(ws.Cells(i, j + 1).Value, s(j))
'add on string of spaces with length equal to the difference in length between field length and value length
strLine = strLine & strCell & String$(s(j) - Len(strCell), Chr$(32))
Next j
'write the line to the file
Print #fNum, strLine
Next i
'close the file
Close #fNum
End Sub
'for example the code could be called using:
Sub CreateFile()
Dim sPath As String
sPath = Application.GetSaveAsFilename("", "Text Files,*.txt")
If LCase$(sPath) = "false" Then Exit Sub
'specify the widths of our fields
'the number of columns is the number specified in the line below +1
Dim s(6) As Integer
'starting at 0 specify the width of each column
s(0) = 21
s(1) = 9
s(2) = 15
s(3) = 11
s(4) = 12
s(5) = 10
s(6) = 186
'for example to use 3 columns with field of length 5, 10 and 15 you would use:
'dim s(2) as Integer
'write to file the data from the activesheet
CreateFixedWidthFile sPath, ActiveSheet, s
End Sub
Something like this should work:
x = 9983.54
a = Space(21-Len(CStr(x))) & CStr(x)
Then a will be 14 spaces followed by x:
a = " 9983.54"
Here 21 is the desired column width --- change as necessary. CStr may be unnecessary for non-numeric x.
If you're going to right-justify a lot of different data to different width fields you could write a general purpose function:
Function LeftJust(val As String, width As Integer) As String
LeftJust = Space(width - Len(val)) & val
End Function
The you call it with LeftJust(CStr(9983.54), 21).
Also note that VBA's Print # statement has a Spc(n) parameter that you can use to produce fixed-width output, e.g., Print #fNum, Spc(n); a; before this statement you calculate n: n = 21-Len(CStr(a)).
Hope that helps

Search text file for a ranged value

I want to read and write the same file with StreamReader and StreamWriter. I know that in my code I am trying to open the file twice and that is the problem. Could anyone give me another way to do this? I got confused a bit.
As for the program, I wanted to create a program where I create a text if it doesnt exist. If it exists then it compares each line with a Listbox and see if the value from the Listbox appears there. If it doesnt then it will add to the text.
Dim SR As System.IO.StreamReader
Dim SW As System.IO.StreamWriter
SR = New System.IO.StreamReader("D:\temp\" & Cerberus.TextBox1.Text & "_deleted.txt", True)
SW = New System.IO.StreamWriter("D:\temp\" & Cerberus.TextBox1.Text & "_deleted.txt", True)
Dim strLine As String
Do While SR.Peek <> -1
strLine = SR.ReadLine()
For i = 0 To Cerberus.ListBox2.Items.Count - 1
If Cerberus.ListBox2.Items.Item(i).Contains(strLine) = False Then
End If
MsgBox("Duplicates Removed!")
If your file is not that large, consider using File.ReadAllLines and File.WriteAllLines.
Dim path = "D:\temp\" & Cerberus.TextBox1.Text & "_deleted.txt"
Dim lines = File.ReadAllLines(path) 'String() -- holds all the lines in memory
Dim linesToWrite = Cerberus.ListBox2.Items.Cast(Of String).Except(lines)
File.AppendAllLines(path, linesToWrite)
If the file is large, but you only have to write a few lines, then you can use File.ReadLines:
Dim lines = File.ReadLines(path) 'IEnumerable(Of String)\
'holds only a single line in memory at a time
'but the file remains open until the iteration is finished
Dim linesToWrite = Cerberus.ListBox2.Items.Cast(Of String).Except(lines).ToList
File.AppendAllLines(path, linesToWrite)
If there are a large number of lines to write, then use the answers from this question.

check if a file exists and save a new file with an increment

So I know how to increment. I have the following code working:
Dim startFileName As String = StorageRoot & endFile
Dim endFileName As String = String.Empty
Dim Counter As Integer = 1
Dim myFileInfo As New FileInfo(startFileName)
endFileName = myFileInfo.DirectoryName & IIf(Not myFileInfo.DirectoryName.EndsWith("\"), "\", String.Empty).ToString & _
Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(startFileName) & Counter & myFileInfo.Extension
Counter += 1
Loop Until Not IO.File.Exists(endFileName)
endFile = endFileName
This works. But here's my dilemma. Lets say the following files exist:
And then the user deletes one of them, lets say filename_v3.ext
On the next upload with my above logic, I need a way for it to make it v5 and not v3 again. The way it is now, it loops and stops after v2 and creates a v3 again.
Thanks for the help!
You can get an array of all files that match filename_v*.ext from Directory.GetFiles(path, searchPattern).
Dim files As String() = Directory.GetFiles("c:\SomePath", "filename_v*.ext")
Parse out the numbers after _v, order them, then take the highest + 1.

Nested Loop Not Working

I am trying to read file names from source directory and then read a separate file to rename and move files to target directory. Below code reads the file names but the problem is it only reading the contents of app.ini file only once i.e. for first file name. Code is not looping app.ini as soon as for loops switches to second file name.
Dim di As New IO.DirectoryInfo("D:\Transcend")
Dim diar1 As IO.FileInfo() = di.GetFiles()
Dim dra As IO.FileInfo
If (di.GetFiles.Count > 0) Then
Dim a As Integer = 1
Dim b As Integer = 1
For Each dra In diar1
Using reader2 As New IO.StreamReader("D:\Transcend\test\app.ini")
Do While reader2.Peek() >= 0
Dim line2 = reader2.ReadLine
Do Until line2 Is Nothing
'line2 = reader2.ReadLine()
'Label1.Text = line2
If line2 <> Nothing Then
If line2.Contains("filename" + a.ToString) Then
Dim values() As String = line2.Split(CChar(":")).ToArray
Dim values2() As String = values(1).Split(CChar(";")).ToArray() 'full filename
Dim values3() As String = values(2).Split(CChar(";")).ToArray() 'keyword to be replaced in filename
Dim values4() As String = values(3).Split(CChar(";")).ToArray() 'fullname in place of keyword
Dim values5() As String = values(4).Split(CChar(";")).ToArray 'destination drive letter
Dim values6() As String = values(5).Split(CChar(";")).ToArray 'destination path after drive letter
ComboBox1.Items.Add(values5(0) + ":" + values6(0))
'Label1.Text = dra.Name.ToString
If dra.Name.ToString.Contains(values2(0)) Then
Dim n As String = dra.Name.Replace(values3(0), values4(0))
File.Copy(dra.FullName, values5(0) + ":" + values6(0) + n)
End If
End If
End If
Exit Do
a = a + 1
End Using
b = b + 1
Label1.Text = b
MsgBox("No files!")
End If
ouput image:
Above image is to show the output and error, first line is the filename1 and the next 8 lines are the output of the app.ini file. As you can see as soon as the filename1 changes to the next file name i.e. Autorun.inf in the 9th line of the above image the same 8 lines of app.ini(line 2nd to 9th in the above image) should be reiterated after Autorun.inf file name but app.ini is not getting to read after file name increments to Autorun.inf and then to FreeSoftware(JF).htm.
The only difference between the first and the second file are the a and b values.
On the first run a will start from 1 and it will be incremented for each line in the app.ini file. After reading 8 lines, the final value of a will be 9.
For the second file, the value a isn't reset so it's value will still be 9. This means that the following condition will never be true because the first run only found value from 1 to 8 *.
If line2.Contains("filename" + a.ToString) Then
To fix your issue, you must set the a variable value back to 1 between each file:
Using reader2 As New IO.StreamReader("D:\Transcend\test\app.ini")
a = 1
Do While reader2.Peek() >= 0
* I'm assuming that the filename in your .ini file are sorted (i.e. line containing filename9 isn't listed before filename2) and that no external process changed the content of your .ini file between the first and the second file.

search for filenames in textfiles

I have a powershell script that pulls out lines containing ".html" ".css" and so forth
however what I need is to be able to strip out the entire filename
using a pattern.... the entire pattern is returned example
.........\.html returns
my answer came in VB (with a bunch of work and even more research) I wanted to share with you all the results, it's not pretty but it works. is there an easier way?
I have commented the code to help in understanding.
Private Sub find()
Dim reader As StreamReader = My.Computer.FileSystem.OpenTextFileReader(openWork.FileName)
Dim a As String
Dim SearchForThis As String
Dim allfilenames As New System.Text.StringBuilder
Dim first1 As String
Dim FirstCharacter As Integer
'Dim lines As Integer
SearchForThis = txtFind.Text
a = reader.ReadLine 'reader.Readling
If a = "" Then
a = reader.ReadLine
End If
If a Is Nothing Then 'without this check the for loops run with bad data, but I can't check "a" without reading it first.
For FirstCharacter = 2 To a.Length - SearchForThis.Length ' start at 2 to prevent errors in the ")" check
If Mid(a, FirstCharacter, SearchForThis.Length) = SearchForThis Then ' compare the line character by character to find the searchstring
If Mid(a, FirstCharacter - 1, 1) <> ")" Then ' checks for ")" just before the searchstring (a common problem with my .CSS finds)
For y = FirstCharacter To 1 Step -1
If Mid(a, y, 1) = Mid(a, FirstCharacter + SearchForThis.Length, 1) Then ' compares the character after searchstring till I find another one
Dim temp = Mid(a, y + 1, (FirstCharacter + SearchForThis.Length) - 1 - y) ' puts the entire filename into variable "temp"
allfilenames.Append(temp & Chr(13)) 'adds the contents of temp (and a carrage return) to the allfilenames stringbuilder
y = 1
End If
End If
End If
End If
Loop Until a Is Nothing
Document.Text = allfilenames.ToString
End Sub
(updating for comments... thanks for the input)
each line in the .css search file looks something like this.
addPbrDlg.html:12:<link rel=stylesheet href="swl_styles-5.0o-97581885.css" TYPE="text/css">
addPbrDlg.html:727: html(getFrame(statusFrame).strErrorMessage).css('color','red');
for this I want to return
but not return
basically I want to strip out the file names from HTML code
but if I use a pattern like
it would return something like
t href="swl_styles-5.0o-97581885.css
Finally... there are some variables that I don't need to worry about (due to my personal situation) like I know that all web pages are ".html" all images are ".gif" there are ".css" and ".js" files as well that I want to pull. But because the designers are extremely consistant I know that there aren't any surprise files (.jpg or .htm)
I can also assume that if there is a single quote after the filename, there will be a single quote before. same with double quote.
Thanks for your input so far... I appreciate your time and knowledge.
You need to use Regex and do something like this
Dim files = Regex.Matches("<your whole file text>", "Your regex pattern");
Your regex pattern will look something like this "\Asrc="".+((\.html)|(\.css))"")". This is probably wrong but when you get that straight follow with
Dim fileList as new List(of String)
For Each file as Match in files
' strip " src=" " and last " " "
fileList.Add(file.Value.Substring(5, file.Value.Length - 6))