How to get the path of the image stored in the resources folder of a project in winforms -

I have some images stores in the resources folder of a project as shown. I am able to find the images through My.Resorces.arc1/arc2/arc3 but i am not able to locate the image called directions2 stored at the same resources folder.
Can anyone please help me on this

1.Check your image file have proper file extensions [.jpg,.png etc]
2.Rebuild your project and try again.

The path is shown in Resource file. See the


Bundle Resource Images Into One Exe?

I'm new to resources with coding. I just want to create a standalone exe that has a couple of png images bundled inside of it.
Is there a way to do this? I have tried setting the build action of the images to embedded resource but when the program is compiled there seems to be no exe at all. I'm sure there's a simple way that this is done.
Use My.Resources. Don't add the image files to the project in the Solution Explorer yourself. Open the project properties and add the files on the Resources page. If you add Image1.png and Image2.png then you can access them in code using My.Resources.Image1 and My.Resources.Image2. You don't have to do anything extra.

put icons under Resources subfolder

When I tried to archive one of my iOS projects, I got this warning message:
Validate ....
Icon specified in the Info.plist not found under the top level app wrapper: Images/icon.png
I have put all images files under Resources/Images and created folder reference to Images folder in the project. What value I should give to Info.plist for icons images under a folder reference?
This is my current values:
Make sure that folder reference is setup properly. This can happen when the folder path is not specified correctly in relation to the project folder.
Just noticed, where is the itunesartwork.png file? I see it listed in your plist, but not in the folder.

Playframework - Uploadfile to 2 different folders

just starting at play, and I needed to see it it can be used to do my project.
But after reading some docs, I still can't find a way to put uploaded files in more then one place.
I know that there is the attachments folder, and that I can change it directory in the confs, but what I want is another attachments folder, some thing like:
If the user upload a photo it would go to /photos folder;
if the user upload a txt it would go to /docs fodler;
I'm using Play 2.0.1
So after some more research I found this other question:
How can I change uploaded files directory in play 2.0.1?
Basically there is no more attachments path configure in this playframework version, so I need to put this manually in the control, just like the answer in that question.

How to get full file path?

I need to get VS application path.
Hi! In my windows forms application I had added a image file.
Now I want to get the full path of this image file.
Any idea how can i implement it?
As Cody Gray pointed out, if you have added the image as a resource, you can access it in code via the applicable image property in the My.Resources class.
However, if you have added the image file as just a regular file included in your project, you need to set its "Copy to Output Directory" property to either "Copy if newer" or "Copy Always". That way, the file will be copied to your project's bin folder when it is built. Then your code can find it by looking in the executable folder. You could just assume it's in the current directory, but it would be safer to use something like system.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location to get the full path.

Resource file in iPhone app problem

I have an image which is added to the project. In the simulator it appears, but when I build for the device the resource is not included. I also started a new project and nothing. Please help me. What can be the problem?
Please check the extension of image file you are using. This happened with me , I was using .png format in project but file was in .jpeg format
Are you sure you copied the image into project, xcode ask to copy the file in project when you drag file in resource. Also check for your file name is correct (check for case sensitive ).
I deleted the image file and created a new file with the same image and it works... I think it was a bug of the file...