Playframework - Uploadfile to 2 different folders - file-upload

just starting at play, and I needed to see it it can be used to do my project.
But after reading some docs, I still can't find a way to put uploaded files in more then one place.
I know that there is the attachments folder, and that I can change it directory in the confs, but what I want is another attachments folder, some thing like:
If the user upload a photo it would go to /photos folder;
if the user upload a txt it would go to /docs fodler;
I'm using Play 2.0.1

So after some more research I found this other question:
How can I change uploaded files directory in play 2.0.1?
Basically there is no more attachments path configure in this playframework version, so I need to put this manually in the control, just like the answer in that question.


How do I fix Directus error code 3 when downloading stored files

I can store files to the specified storage location via the GUI. I can see the files are in the storage location.
When I try to download them using the GUI, I get this every time.
{"error":{"code":3,"message":"Unauthorized request","class":"Directus\\Exception\\UnauthorizedException","file":"\/var\/www\/directus\/src\/helpers\/app.php","line":287}}
When I try the links from the File library, I get the same error.
I found some old topics concerning a "_" project. I do not see any "_" entries in my project.php configuration.
Everyone has read permissions for the storage directory.
The rest of the system appears to run without error.
check the folder in the server and what is been set, the default should be, like
So then if you want to access the 300x300 the URL should be like:,h300,fcrop,q80/file-name.jpg

How do I download a file in a custom directory?

I googled it and no help. I am making a program here people register and then they can download some indie games i am creating. But i am having problems with the download function. When i go to download the game / program i am getting a error saying i need a file extension here is the code i am trying
My.Computer.Network.DownloadFile("", "C:\ProgramData\GamingcenterApp\games")
I need it to be like this because it is downloading a games folder that the gaming center will know it is installed so it can open the app.
Thanks GamingBlock
Let me explain what to do. DownloadFile downloads a file to your PC, and not a folder. Here is the fixed code:
My.Computer.Network.DownloadFile("C:\ProgramData\GamingcenterApp\games", "READ_ME.txt")
Folders are purposely not supposed to be downloaded by the DownloadFile call. I haven't tested your code but it could generate an exception.
Argument 1 is the file you want to download from the internet, and Arguement 2 is the file name. Not the directory you want it to download to. Also, You can't set the text in the .txt file by code. And of course this will generate an exception because I tested your code.
If this does not help, Simply comment on this answer and I will try to improve it.

Custom `rsync` command to sync my Documents and Dropbox?

This is what I want to achieve:
Dropbox Directory Structure:
Documents Structure:
Then, I want to do all of my work within the Documents folder. So let's say I make some changes to a file in documentfolder1, then I want to call a command like rsync ... and have all of my changes pushed into Dropbox. I've managed to achieve this with rsync -r --ignore-existing Documents Dropbox but there's a problem. Let's say I delete some files in Documents/documentfolder1/somefile then I want those files in my Dropbox folder to also get deleted. I don't know how to do this.
Any help?
Voted to close, since this question isn't programming-related, but I think you want rsync --delete.
Why not simply use the symbolic links?
Create a symbolic link in the dropbox folder to the Documents folder, and everything will get synced, and you still will work in your Documents location.
just go to your dropbox folder and run
ln -s PATH_TO_DOCUMENTS Documents

Laravel wrong public path file upload

I've deployed laravel with this guide.
On my webserver I have a public_html file now containing all my publicly accesable files and a laravel folder containing the rest, so I've split up the default laravel structure for deployment.
On my development server by default the public folder is resting inside the laravel folder instead of being on the same directory level.
The problem I'm getting though is when I use something like this:
// Upload the file
Input::upload('image', 'public/uploads', $filename);
Same with this.
// Upload the file
Input::upload('image', path('public') . 'uploads', $filename);
Instead of trying to use the uploads folder that is inside my public_html folder it tries looking for a public file inside my laravel folder now.
And I get a
Unable to create the "/uploads" directory
Ofcourse on my development server the public folder is still inside the folder so it's logical.
How do I fix this?
You may try this (add a slash after the folder name)
Input::upload('image', path('public') . 'uploads/', $filename);
Maybe try this....just as a test
Input::upload('image', URL::to_asset('uploads/'), $filename);
You can also try
Intervention/image package.
I'm using this and I find it very easy to use. It also has a resize and crop feature.
It's easy as:
Image::make(Input::file('file')->getRealPath())->save('uploads/' . $filename);
Fixed the paths.php to ../public_html
I've done this before but it failed since I accidentaly uploaded a png and my jcrop function wich crops and saves images failed because it currently onlt takes jpg. So that left me thinking my paths.php settings were no good while they actually were.
Thanks for helping out though everybody!
(I feel like a fool.)
In my case, I got the same problem. Then I created it manually, CHMODed the lil' bastard and it worked fine!
Making a long history short (not so long...): just permission!
If you have the permission to Write/Read to the folder, you'll be cool! If you don't, you change the permissions! If you are unable to change it, put the uploaded files where the permissions allows you to access the file.

automatically place downloaded files in folder bsed on downloads extension suffix

I’m making a simple web browser for work eeh, what I’d like to know is if its possible to save a file of a particular extension to a particular file.
I currently use google chrome when downloading a file it places this (regardless of extension) in a downloads folder without asking where I ant to download this too.
I want to achieve the same except that downloads with the extension .dwg are placed automatically in a folder named DWG DOWNLOADS…
How to achieve this in
In any browser you have a config section.
In Firefox you have;true and;1
you can add your own config to allow different saved folder paths and dynamically modify them depending on the extension of the file you uploaded.
See a complete list of the web browser config with about:config in address bar.
Not real sure what you are asking, but if you are actually making a web browser just check the extension of the file you are requesting to download. If the extension is ".dwg" then save the file to the folder you want.
If you are wanting to automatically move Google Chrome downloads to a different directory, you can use a FileSystemWatcher to monitor for new files in Chrome's download directory and move them to another folder based on each file's extension.