HttpRequest not aborted (cancelled) on browser abort in ASP.NET Core MVC -

I wrote the following MVC Controller to test cancellation functionality:
class MyController : Controller
async Task<IActionResult> Get()
await Task.Delay(1000);
CancellationToken token = HttpContext.RequestAborted;
bool cancelled = token.IsCancellationRequested;
return Ok();
Say, I want to cancel the request, so the value 'true' is logged in the controller action above. This is possible server-side if the server implements the IHttpRequestLifetimeFeature. Luckily Kestrel does, and this can be accomplished the following way:
var feature = (IHttpRequestLifetimeFeature) HttpContext.Features[typeof(IHttpRequestLifetimeFeature)];
The problem however is that I want to cancel the request on the client side. For example, in the browser. In pre-core versions of ASP.NET MVC/WebApi the cancellation token would automatically be cancelled if the browser aborted a request. Example: refresh the page a couple of times in Chrome. In the Network tab of the chrome dev tools you can now see the previous (unfinished) request be cancelled.
The thing is: in ASP.NET Core running on Kestrel, I can only see the following entry in the log:
Error -4081 ECANCELED operation canceled
So the abort request from the browser DOES arrive and is handled by the Kestrel webserver. It does however not affect the RequestAborted property of the HttpContext in the controller, because the value 'false' is still logged by the method.
Is there a way to abort/cancel my controller's method, so that the HttpContext.RequestAborted property will be marked as cancelled?
Perhaps I can make something that would subscribe to Kestrel's operation cancelled trigger and call the IHttpRequestLifetimeFeature.Abort() method?
I did some further testing and it seems the HttpRequest IS in fact aborted, but there seems to be some kind of delay before the cancellation actually takes place. The delay is not time-factored, and seems to come straight from libuv (the library where the Kestrel webserver is build on top of). I posted more info on
More updates:
Issue has been moved to another one, because the previous one contained multiple problems.

Turns out that that simply using HttpContext.RequestAborted is indeed the right way, but due to a bug in Kestrel (the order in which FIN/RST packages were handled), the request was not aborted on a browser abort.
The bug should finally be fixed in Kestrel 2.0.
See the updates in my question for more information.


HttpContext.Session in Blazor Server Application

I am trying to use HttpContext.Session in my ASP.NET Core Blazor Server application (as described in this MS Doc, I mean: all correctly set up in startup)
Here is the code part when I try to set a value:
var session = _contextAccessor.HttpContext?.Session;
if (session != null && session.IsAvailable)
session.Set(key, data);
await session.CommitAsync();
When this code called in Razor component's OnAfterRenderAsync the session.Set throws following exception:
The session cannot be established after the response has started.
I (probably) understand the message, but this renders the Session infrastructure pretty unusable: the application needs to access its state in every phase of the execution...
Should I forget completely the DistributedSession infrastructure, and go for Cookies, or Browser SessionStorage? ...or is there a workaround here still utilizing HttpContext.Session? I would not want to just drop the distributed session infra for a way lower level implementation...
(just for the record: Browser's Session Storage is NOT across tabs, which is a pain)
Blazor is fundamentally incompatible with the concept of traditional server-side sessions, especially in the client-side or WebAssembly hosting model where there is no server-side to begin with. Even in the "server-side" hosting model, though, communication with the server is over websockets. There's only one initial request. Server-side sessions require a cookie which must be sent to the client when the session is established, which means the only point you could do that is on the first load. Afterwards, there's no further requests, and thus no opportunity to establish a session.
The docs give guidance on how to maintain state in a Blazor app. For the closest thing to traditional server-side sessions, you're looking at using the browser's sessionStorage.
Note: I know this answer is a little old, but I use sessions with WebSockets just fine, and I wanted to share my findings.
I think this Session.Set() error that you're describing is a bug, since Session.Get() works just fine even after the response has started, but Session.Set() doesn't. Regardless, the workaround (or "hack" if you will) includes making a throwaway call to Session.Set() to "prime" the session for future writing. Just find a line of code in your application where you KNOW the response hasn't sent, and insert a throwaway call to Session.Set() there. Then you will be able to make subsequent calls to Session.Set() with no error, including ones after the response has started, inside your OnInitializedAsync() method. You can check if the response is started by checking the property HttpContext.Response.HasStarted.
Try adding this app.Use() snippet into your Startup.cs Configure() method. Try to ensure the line is placed somewhere before app.UseRouting():
//begin Set() hack
app.Use(async delegate (HttpContext Context, Func<Task> Next)
//this throwaway session variable will "prime" the Set() method
//to allow it to be called after the response has started
var TempKey = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); //create a random key
Context.Session.Set(TempKey, Array.Empty<byte>()); //set the throwaway session variable
Context.Session.Remove(TempKey); //remove the throwaway session variable
await Next(); //continue on with the request
//end Set() hack
app.UseEndpoints(endpoints =>
Background Info
The info I can share here is not Blazor specific, but will help you pinpoint what's happening in your setup, as I've come across the same error myself. The error occurs when BOTH of the following criteria are met simultaneously:
Criteria 1. A request is sent to the server with no session cookie, or the included session cookie is invalid/expired.
Criteria 2. The request in Criteria 1 makes a call to Session.Set() after the response has started. In other words, if the property HttpContext.Response.HasStarted is true, and Session.Set() is called, the exception will be thrown.
Important: If Criteria 1 is not met, then calling Session.Set() after the response has started will NOT cause the error.
That is why the error only seems to happen upon first load of a page--it's because often in first loads, there is no session cookie that the server can use (or the one that was provided is invalid or too old), and the server has to spin up a new session data store (I don't know why it has to spin up a new one for Set(), that's why I say I think this is a bug). If the server has to spin up a new session data store, it does so upon the first call to Session.Set(), and new session data stores cannot be spun up after the response has started. On the other hand, if the session cookie provided was a valid one, then no new data store needs to be spun up, and thus you can call Session.Set() anytime you want, including after the response has started.
What you need to do, is make a preliminary call to Session.Set() before the response gets started, so that the session data store gets spun up, and then your call to Session.Set() won't cause the error.
SessionStorege has more space than cookies.
Syncing (two ways!) the sessionStorage is impossible correctly
I think you are thinking that if it is on the browser, how can you access that in C#? Please see some examples. It actually read from the browser and transfers (use) on the server side.
sessionstorage and localstorage in blazor are encrypted. We do not need to do extra for encryption. The same applies for serialization.

log request for "CORS policy execution failed"

My ASP.NET Core 3.0 in a particular configuration/deployment logs:
[INF] CORS policy execution failed.
[INF] Request origin does not have permission to access the resource.
How can I log at that point the resource that was requested for debugging ?
(note this question is not about the actual issue or solving it)
(note that I am not after globally increasing the log level etc)
Well, that middleware is locked down pretty badly, and I haven't found any sensible way to hook into it.
If you want to replace the CorsMiddleware, you can't just create a decorator that calls Invoke() on the middleware, because you'll have no idea what happened.
Another solution might be to replace the CorsService:ICorsService registration in the service collection with a decorator, and then check the CorsResult after delegating the call to EvaluatePolicy(). That way you could emit an additional log message close to where the original message is emitted.
But there is another possible solution, both very simple and very crude: To check what happened in the request. Albeit that is a bit farther away from the original logged message.
The code below is a delegate added to the pipeline (in Startup/Configure, before .UseCors()) that checks if the request was a preflight request (the same way CorsService does), and if it was successful, i.e. the AccessControlAllowOrigin header is present. If it wasn't successful, it logs a message with the same EventId and source as the CorsService.
app.Use(async (ctx, next) =>
await next();
var wasPreflightRequest = HttpMethods.IsOptions(ctx.Request.Method)
&& ctx.Request.Headers.ContainsKey(CorsConstants.AccessControlRequestMethod);
var isCorsHeaderReturned = ctx.Response.Headers.ContainsKey(HeaderNames.AccessControlAllowOrigin);
if (wasPreflightRequest && !isCorsHeaderReturned)
.LogInformation(new EventId(5, "PolicyFailure"),
$"CORS preflight failed at resource: {ctx.Request.Path}.");
Based on my testing it seems to work. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
It might not be what you were looking for, but who knows, maybe it will be useful for someone.
(Obviously a good way to deal with these things is to use a structured logging solution, like Serilog, and add enrichers to capture additional request information, or add stuff manually to a diagnostic context. But setting that up is quite a bit more involved.)

Hystrix Calls the fallbackMethod even when backend API gets executed

I am trying to implement the Hystrix into our micro-services project. To keep the question simple and concise, I will describe the scenario below:
(a) A call to a backend service which is performing slow at times (e.g. Payment Service)
(b) I have annotated the method with #Hystrix (from where I am making the call to the payment service). Also, I have implemented the corresponding fallback method.
(c) Below is the code snippet for the same.
#HystrixCommand(fallbackMethod = "fallbackProcessPayment")
public String processPayment(User user) throws Exception
// Call the payment service (which is slow in nature) to process the payment for the user....
public String fallbackProcessPayment(User user){
// This is the fallback method for processPayment....
// Gracefully handle the processPayment
In the file timeout is configured as
Current Behavior - As soon as call to the backend Payment service is made from processPayment(..) method, it takes longer (~ 4000 ms) than what I have set in the hystrix.command.getUseCase1.execution.isolation.thread.timeoutInMilliseconds (2000 ms)
and hence Hystrix calls the fallbackProcessPayment (...) but what I also see is the fact that backend Payment service also gets executed albeit slowly.
This is undesired behaviour as Payment is being processed in the background as I also notify the user (through the fallback method) that we are not able to process the payment (because the call was timed out as paymentService took 4 secs to respond whereas Hystrix expected the response in 2 secs (based on timeoutInMilliseconds configuration).
Is there are any configuration which I am missing to make it work properly ???
Any pointer into this would be of great help.
Thanks for your time
Well. This is the expected behaviour of hystrix. You have couple of options.
1. Either increase the timeout
2. In your fallback method check what is the reason for the method to fail. i.e. on which exception. (You can get to know this by adding a argument to your fallback method of type Throwable which will have the exception for which fallback method is triggered). If the failure is due to timeout then you can write a piece of code to check if the previous process completed or not before returning the response.
But the second approach isn't feasible because, If you have set your threshold as 5 and if 5 requests fail due to timeout in succession then the 6th request will directly go to your fallback method. Where checking if previous process completed or not doesn't make sense.

Async ActionResult implementation is blocking

Here I have an MVC 4 application and I am trying to create an Asynchronous ActionResult with in that.
Objective : User has a download PDF Icon on the WebPage, and downloading takes much of time. So while server is busy generating the PDF, the user shall be able to perform some actions in webpage.
(clicking "download PDF" link is sending and ajax request to the server, server is fetching some data and is pushing back the PDF)
What is happening is while I call the ajax to download the PDF it starts the process, but blocks every request until and unless it returns back to the browser. That is simple blocking request.
What I have tried so far.
1) Used AsyncController as a base class of controller.
2) Made the ActionResult to an async Task DownloadPDF(), and here I wrapped the whole code/logic to generate PDF into a wrapper. This wrapper is eventually an awaitable thing inside DownloadPDF()
something like this.
public async Task<ActionResult> DownloadPDF()
string filepath = await CreatePDF();
//create a file stream and return it as ActionResult
private async Task<string> CreatePDF()
// creates the PDF and returns the path as a string
return filePath;
YES, the Operations are session based.
Am I missing some thing some where?
Objective : User has a download PDF Icon on the WebPage, and downloading takes much of time. So while server is busy generating the PDF, the user shall be able to perform some actions in webpage.
async will not do this. As I describe in my MSDN article, async yields to the ASP.NET runtime, not the client browser. This only makes sense; async can't change the HTTP protocol (as I mention on my blog).
However, though async cannot do this, AJAX can.
What is happening is while I call the ajax to download the PDF it starts the process, but blocks every request until and unless it returns back to the browser. That is simple blocking request.
AFAIK, the request code you posted is completely asynchronous. It is returning the thread to the ASP.NET thread pool while the PDF is being created. However, there are several other aspects to concurrent requests. In particular, one common hangup is that by default the ASP.NET session state cannot be shared between multiple requests.
1) Used AsyncController as a base class of controller.
This is unnecessary. Modern controllers inspect the return type of their actions to determine whether they are asynchronous.
YES, the Operations are session based.
It sounds to me like the ASP.NET session is what is limiting your requests. See Concurrent Requests and Session State. You'll have to either turn it off or make it read-only in order to have concurrent requests within the same session.

You must call "WebSecurity.InitializeDatabaseConnection" ... But I already have

I've read through a number of SO questions on this topic, but all seem to be dealing with where you should put this call.
My problem is different: I have already done the WebSecurity.InitializeDatabaseConnection() call, and have set breakpoints so I know it's been executed. But I still get the invalid operation exception saying I have to call it.
Unlike most of the other questions which are encoutering it in an MVC controller action, I'm encountering it an HttpModule I have written to accomplish Authentication for a REST WebAPI controller. The Init call contains the WebSecurity.InitializeDatabaseConnection call. The OnAuthenticationRequest method then extracts username and password information from the request's Authorization header, and calls the ValidateUser method of the SimpleMembershipProvider. This is where I get the exception
You must call the WebSecurity.InitializeDatabaseConnection method
before you call any other method of theWebSecurityclass.
a) why am I getting this exception when I have already fulfilled the conditions not to get it.
b) what can be done about it?
After hours of facing the same problem and setting many many breakpoints I found a solution for my environment, I hope others can benefit from it:
inside Folder App_Start
public class FilterConfig
public static void RegisterGlobalFilters(GlobalFilterCollection filters)
var attr=new InitializeSimpleMembershipAttribute();
// here is the important part
attr.OnActionExecuting(new ActionExecutingContext());
Background: In my app I have 2 views:
/Account/Register: this is part of the standard asp.mvc 4 templates and has the attribute [AllowAnonymous]
/Task: this is the "Index"-View of a todo-list, The TaskController has the attribute [Authorize(Roles="Administrator")]
I always had the problem in the following sitation:
debugging session in browser
successfull login
open the view "/Task" which requires authorization
switch to visual studio and keep the browser open
stop debugging
change some code inside a controller (setting some whitespace is enough)
start debugging session
press refresh in browser
At this point the method "OnActionExecuting" inside the class InitializeSimpleMembershipAttribute was not yet called (determined by setting breakpoints)!
But when I opened a View which doesn't require Authorization (i.e. /Account/Register) the Method "OnActionExecuting" was called. After this I could call /Task without errors.
So the solution was to make a "pseudocall" for "OnActionExecuting" on application-startup.
You should not need to init the database connection every time your HttpModule is called. Just do it once at application start up. Here is an article that explains how to use SimpleMembership for authentication/authorization of Web API calls. There is also a link to source code for the example project.