I am installing red5 media server. It installed successfully, but when i click to install it shows empty list of demos like the figure attached.How to add demos by adding directly in folder?
Are you having internet connection ? If yes, then you can directly download them. If no, then try these *.war files. Put them in webapps directory of your red5 server.(I haven't tried the 2nd method)
I was using webtop for some time and it was working fine.
Now its started to give this error and if I cancel it, its asking to download some cab Files, which I allowed.
But again when installed it starts showing the same error.
Any suggestions?
This is a required file for Documentum Webtop client side file transfer. Odds are, an update on the PC that you are viewing / editing files, has caused trouble.
Personally I would
back up any checked out files on local PC. By default (I think), would be in %USERPROFILE%\Documentum\CheckedOut
Reboot PC, to free up any processes holding locks on files and folders
Delete local UCF install, by default: %USERPROFILE%\Documentum
Login to Webtop and do fresh clean install
For futher troubles shooting take a look at
or in the new OpenText webtop forums
I am trying to integrate "Hippo CMS" in my "Eclipse Luna". For that i installed "Tomcat 8". But when i am trying to run the tomcat after adding the module to it. It is throwing error
"java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Lorg/slf4j/Logger".
I searched over google, it gives a solution, "That I either did not copy the shared folder correctly, or I did not copy the conf/catalina.properties correctly". But what need to be done, to resolve this issue and start my server?
If you are working locally then you can start your server with the mvn profile 'cargo.run'. This will automatically deploy a tomcat version.
If you need a standalone tomcat then perhaps this page will help you:
I need to update my Windows Phone application tile by downloading and parsing JSON. So I'm using Microsoft HTTP Client Libraries.
And I've always got the exception Use of networking APIs requires the ID_CAP_NETWORKING capability to be defined in the application manifest when I'm trying to debug background task.
But my manifest included ID_CAP_NETWORKING as required (screenshot https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xaf1/t31.0-8/10750111_821340111262044_6461333323674658178_o.jpg).
I don't know what to do. I tried rebuild or recreate the app, but this didn't help. Also I can't find any documentation or an answer on the internet.
Can you please write, what can I do to solve this problem?
This is demo project http://1drv.ms/1yjHm49 with reproduced problem (project's name is 'Meduza. Windows Phone').
I debug my application on Lumia 720 (if it can help).
I re-downloaded your project and now I get your error. So I thought, I must of done something before launching your project that fixed it.
It took me while, but I can get your project to work by doing this
Unzip project to directory
Open Project
Clean Project
Add Internet (Client and Server) in Package.appxmanifest file (make sure you save it before exiting)
Put the break points in your background task
And it works. So a combination of Clean Build + editing the Package.appxmanifest did the trick for me.
I Have set up an Monticello HTTP repository in my Windows pc. After i published my project in pharo 2.0 on to the repository from my Mac. Later i tried to load the project on another 2.0 image in windows and i found this error. Cant Find EOCD position. But i am able to load the project in another image in mac.
Anybody have some idea what must be missing?
The .mcz file that was created by my Pharo image was malformed. After retrying the whole procedure , i managed to publish to the HTTP repository and then was able to load from both windows and mac.
I'm a newbie to Worklight. I have imported module 6.1 from the developerWorks getting started with Worklight sample http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/mobile/worklight/getting-started/
I am getting the error in the error as configured in the javascript
"Can't get cities list. Check database connection"
Does anyone know how to troubleshoot? The connection parameters in "SQLAdapter.xml" are very straight forward.
For the Worklight MySQL adapter request to reach the MySQL database, you need to add the mysql-connector-java-5.1.23-bin.jar to your project.
You can download the MySQL Connector/J file via this URL: http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/connector/j/
Choose "platform Independent" in the dropdown, and click the Download button for the .zip option.
Uncompress the .zip file and copy the mysql-connector-java-5.1.23-bin.jar to yourProject\server\lib.
Got it working. Seems there was a problem with my Eclipse install, or Java on Windows. So I switched back to causing my Eclipse and Java installed on IOS and all is working. Also, the IBM documentation was unclear, but now that I am using mysql-connector-java-5.1.23-bin.jar in my Project\server\lib folder.