How to restore data base using InfluxD - backup

I am using influxd and have created the back up using
influxd backup -database grpcdb /opt/data
I can see that files are created under /opt/data directory
Now, i want to restore same datafiles with different database name on same machine.
influxd restore -database grpcdb1 /opt/data
but getting below mention error
restore: -datadir is required to restore
Here i am providing same data path. Not sure what is missing.

I found a way for doing that.
Important thing:
Data can only by exported when Influxdb instance is running.
Data can only be imported when Influxdb instance is not running.
Export data:
sudo service influxdb start (Or leave this step if service is already running)
influxd backup -database grpcdb /opt/data
Import Data:
sudo service influxdb stop
influxd restore -metadir /var/lib/influxdb/meta /opt/data
influxd restore -database grpcdb -datadir /var/lib/influxdb/data /opt/data
sudo service influxdb start

You were missing -datadir /var/lib/influxdb/data
Don't forget to restore metadata first as Ammad wrote.


redis.exceptions.ResponseError: MISCONF Redis is configured to save RDB snapshots

I'm with this problem when I try to save to redis. Introducing the message below.
MISCONF Redis is configured to save RDB snapshots, but it's currently unable to persist to disk. Commands that may modify the data set are disabled, because this instance is configured to report errors during writes if RDB snapshotting fails (stop-writes-on-bgsave-error option). Please check the Red
The redis log file displays this:
Background saving started by pid 73
Write error saving DB on disk: Function not implemented
Has anyone ever experienced this?
I found the answer. You need to wsl 2 To find out the version run below command in PowerShell
wsl -l -v
If it is version 1, run the command below and open ubuntu again
wsl --set-version 2
More information:

MARS Backup (system state) backup failing - Windows server 2012

MARS Backup - system state backup failing
I am having issues with few servers, where the system state is not getting backup.
MARS system backup failure
I did follow the article below and attempt it, by changing the scratch folder to different location, it did not made any difference.
How do I change the cache location for the MARS agent?
Run this command in an elevated command prompt to stop the Backup engine:
Net stop obengine
If you have configured System State backup, open Disk Management and unmount the disk(s) with names in the format "CBSSBVol_".
By default, the scratch folder is located at \Program Files\Microsoft Azure Recovery Services Agent\Scratch
Copy the entire \Scratch folder to a different drive that has sufficient space. Ensure the contents are copied, not moved.
Update the following registry entries with the path of the newly moved scratch folder.
Table 2Registry path Registry Key Value
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Azure Backup\Config
New scratch folder location
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Azure Backup\Config\CloudBackupProvider
New scratch folder location
Restart the Backup engine at an elevated command prompt:
command Copy
Net stop obengine
Net start obengine
Run an on-demand backup. After the backup finishes successfully using the new location, you can remove the original cache folder.
Can I please have some advice, as I have got few servers where the system state is not being backed up.
This is actually a failure in the Windows Server Backup operation. See this KB article for steps on how you can modify required registry keys to fix the Windows Server Backup failures.

PostgreSQL Query To Create A Directory

Files are being written to a directory using the COPY query:
Copy (SELECT * FROM animals) To '/var/lib/postgresql/data/backups/2020-01-01/animals.sql' With CSV DELIMITER ',';
However if the directory 2020-01-01 does not exist, we get the error
could not open file "/var/lib/postgresql/data/backups/2020-01-01/animals.sql" for writing: No such file or directory
PostgeSQL server is running inside a Docker container with the volume mapping /mnt/backups:/var/lib/postgresql/data/backups
The Copy query is being sent from a Node.js app outside of the Docker container.
The mapped host directory /mnt/backups was created by Docker Compose and is owned by root, so the Node.js app sending the COPY query is unable to create the missing directories due to insufficient permissions.
The backup file is meant to be transferred out of the Docker container to the Docker host.
Question: Is it possible to use an SQL query to ask PostgreSQL 11.2 to create a directory if it does not exist? If not, how will you recommend the directory creation be done?
Using Node.js 12.14.1 on Ubuntu 18.04 host. Using PostgreSQL 11.2 inside container, Docker 19.03.5
An easy way to solve it is to create the file directly into the client machine. Using STDOUT from COPY you can let the query output be redirected to the client standard output, which you can catch and save in a file. For instance, using psql in the client machine:
$ psql -U your_user -d your_db -c "COPY (SELECT * FROM animals) TO STDOUT WITH CSV DELIMITER ','" > file.csv
Creating an output directoy in case it does not exist:
$ mkdir -p /mnt/backups/2020-01/ && psql -U your_user -d your_db -c "COPY (SELECT * FROM animals) TO STDOUT WITH CSV DELIMITER ','" > /mnt/backups/2020-01/file.csv
On a side note: try to avoid exporting files into the database server. Although it is possible, I consider it a bad practice. Doing so you will either write a file into the postgres system directories or give the postgres user permission to write somewhere else, and it is something you shouldn't be comfortable with. Export data directly to the client either using COPY as I mentioned or follow the advice from #Schwern. Good luck!
Postgres has its own backup and restore utilities which are likely to be a better choice than rolling your own.
When used with one of the archive file formats and combined with pg_restore, pg_dump provides a flexible archival and transfer mechanism. pg_dump can be used to backup an entire database, then pg_restore can be used to examine the archive and/or select which parts of the database are to be restored. The most flexible output file formats are the “custom” format (-Fc) and the “directory” format (-Fd). They allow for selection and reordering of all archived items, support parallel restoration, and are compressed by default. The “directory” format is the only format that supports parallel dumps.
A simple backup rotation script might look like this:
date=`date -Idate`
mkdir -p `dirname $file`
pg_dump $url -w -Fc --table=$table -f $file
To avoid hard coding the database password, -w means it will not prompt for a password and instead look for a password file. Or you can use any of many Postgres authentication options.

Restoring Firebird 2.5 with fbsvcmgr

I'm configuring live backup and restore scripts to have "replicated" firebird dbs on main and reserve servers.
Backup doing fine:
"C:\Program Files\Firebird\Firebird_2_5\bin\nbackup" -B 0 "D:\testdb\LABORATORY_DB.FDB" D:\testdb\lab_FULL.fbk -user SYSDBA -pass masterkey -D OFF
Copying file to the remote server as well:
net use R: \\fbserv2\reserve
xcopy /Y D:\testdb\lab_FULL.fbk R:\
But restoring on remote side
"C:\Program Files\Firebird\Firebird_2_5\bin\fbsvcmgr.exe" fbserv2:service_mgr -user SYSDBA -password masterkey -action_nrest -dbname d:\reservedb\LABORATORY_DB.FDB -nbk_file d:\reserve\lab_FULL.fbk
caused an error:
Error (80) creating database file: d:\reservedb\LABORATORY_DB.FDB via copying from: d:\reserve\lab_FULL.fbk
The only way to restore database is to manually delete an old d:\reservedb\LABORATORY_DB.FDB before restoring. GBAK has the option to overwrite restorig db file, while fbsvcmgr seems to be not. Is there any other option? Did I miss something?
You can't restore over an existing database using nbackup. You either need to
delete the old database first and then restore,
or restore under a different name, delete the old database, and rename the new database to its final name.
See also the nbackup documentation, chapter Making and restoring backups:
If the specified database file already exists, the restore fails and you get an error message.
As far as I know it was a design decision to not allow overwriting an existing database. Gbak indeed has that option, but only for historic reasons; if it were built today, it would likely not have that option.

Backup and restore with VirtualBox

A VirtualBox's newbie here. I created a snapshot of a VM by using this command line:
VBoxManage snapshot VMName take BackupName
Then I used this to check:
VBoxManage showvminfo VMName
and I saw a snapshot was created with the name BackupName. I didn't find an "actual" snapshot BackupName, I found a file filename.sav in SnapShots folder.
My intention was to create a snapshot of this VM, copy it to another host machine and restore it there. Since I couldn't find the "snapshot" BackupName, so I copied sav file to new host and used this command:
VBoxManage adoptsate filename.sav
But it didn't work. Can anyone help me how to copy that "snapshot" and restore it in a new host. Thanks a lot
First, get a list of the Virtual Machines installed on your host at the command line:
vboxmanage list vms
Sample Output
"UbuntuVM" {77743eca-e338-471c-b824-60c5c5c22b6f}
"Windows XP SP3" {3818afc4-189d-4441-8f35-07284c930a4b}
"Windows XP SP3 Clone" {79b40316-225a-43a1-9ddf-22a51c280d4e}
Find the one you want to export to a different host, and export to a file called Ubuntu.ova like this:
vboxmanage export UbuntuVM -o Ubuntu.ova