Access telegram views via bots [closed] - api

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Closed 4 years ago.
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How we could access groups/channel views in telegram for bot is there any API or solution?
I searched so much in net but nothing found
Also is There Any way that bot could delete a post??

Telegram bot API doesn't have any permission to delete a message (only edit for update).
Also you can't access to post view by bot API. you can get only channel members count by bot API.

Telegram official API
Firstly take a look on link above.
For deleting post probably you should use messages.deleteMessages method

Recently in telegram api ver.3 delete message added


How can i get hold on skyscanner API? [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I'm building a platform and i would like to use Skyscanner API, however i've been sending emails for the last couple months requesting the API access and no answer until now. Anyone has a better way to communicate with Skyscanner API team? Thanks in advance.
Try RapidAPI's SkyScanner integration.
You can use the Skyscanner API on RapidAPI Hub. It has a lot of endpoints that you can test and connect to. RapidAPI support team is also very active so that you can pass your request to them. They have up-to-date API there, and everything is working as expected.

Viber messenger API [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm looking for a library to do requests to Viber messenger server.
I need to:
send messages to users;
check sent messages delivery status;
check that a user has Viber account.
I know that Viber has no open API for developers, but maybe someone has experience with reverse engeneering of Viber protocol or some else methods of communication with Viber.
Or if someone can do it, please, write me, I have a suggestion for you.
All I did was createing an applicaion for UIautomate of viber message sending using viber desktop application.
if you want to send bulk messages or messages to your contact do this way.

Where can I find my Yahoo Developer API key(s)? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I just registered for a yahoo developer API key. They did not e-mail me a link to it or information. It has been approved, but I can't figure out where to view the resulting API. All links with google seem to point to the application page, again.
Where the heck can I find my API key?!
ps: I hate you, Yahoo.
I found the answer:
Visit the "My Projects Page" at and click on the project you want the API key for.
When you request the API itself it must be
Yes, there is no link or shortcut visible there to view already approved API.
But I found this, just add ?view to view API you had.
just like this
Hope it helps

Twitter clone with API similar to Twitter? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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As we all know, Twitter consistently has problems keeping their service up and running.
There are literally dozens of Twitter clones out there. Does anybody know of a Twitter clone with an API that is as similar as possible to Twitter's API as possible?
Thank you. is twitter clone based in the opensource solution with a twitter-compatible API:
Take a look at
Now that microblogging has been around for a while, there are some other options than (previously
There are probably more, but this is the first I'd seen - try googling for "microblogging twitter clones" if you haven't yet.

email to api service? does it exist? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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Is there any service that receives emails users send to me, parse the content and call my API?
I would do it myself but don't want to mess with mailservers, cronjobs, etc
I approached this problem a week or so ago whilst trying to provide one of our developers to not write something. There is nothing out of the box or hosted that I've found.
The nearest thing I've seen is a DIY SMTP framework in Python which is quite powerful (Lamson). It allows you to receive email, process it and call external services or store the message content.
Hope this helps.
Google App Engine has a mail API built in, that seems very simple to use, just forward the email to
I will use that, calling the API of my app hosted in heroku.
Thanks Chris for your answer, it is very good to know that a simple email framework exists! also offers this service.