Where can I find my Yahoo Developer API key(s)? [closed] - api

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I just registered for a yahoo developer API key. They did not e-mail me a link to it or information. It has been approved, but I can't figure out where to view the resulting API. All links with google seem to point to the application page, again.
Where the heck can I find my API key?!
ps: I hate you, Yahoo.

I found the answer:
Visit the "My Projects Page" at https://developer.apps.yahoo.com/projects and click on the project you want the API key for.

When you request the API itself it must be https://developer.apps.yahoo.com/wsregapp/
Yes, there is no link or shortcut visible there to view already approved API.
But I found this, just add ?view to view API you had.
just like this
Hope it helps


Extension or app for Whatsapp to hide last seen [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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is there any app or extension for Whatsapp to prevent someone from seeing my the last seen time and prevent someone send me message, or just add users who can contact me by whatsapp and rest of them can't see last seen and contact me.
No, there is no such app that can help you with that, as per my knowledge. You can hide your last seen, refer this article. However I am not sure if you can add users on your will to whom you wish to chat with while adding them to your contact list. This can be a trick though.
Also, I would like to mention this is a off topic question and should not be asked here. Please review it and delete if you realize.

Does Wattpad have an API [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Does Wattpad offer any APIs for developers? I looked at their website but I didn't notice it mentioned anywhere. I also saw that there are widgets that I can put on my website, but I'd like to build something beyond what they already have.
Disclosure: Wattpad Head of Product Here.
The API is available at http://developer.wattpad.com. 3 main parts to it:
GET /stories - Search Wattpad stories and get story metadata
Login with Wattpad - OAuth2 Login to your Wattpad account
POST /stories - Post stories to Wattpad (this one is in alpha, launching soon).
There's also some other API's - all the docs are at http://developer.wattpad.com/docs/api.
New API docs are at: https://www.wattpad.com/developer/docs

Where have they hidden the DotNetOpenAuth API documentation? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I am pretty sure I looked in the most common places but I can't seem to find the documentation for the DotNetOpenAuth API. Almost every link forwards to docs.dotnetopenauth.net which doesn't seem to excist.
Does anyone know where they've hidden the docs?
Many thanks :)
Depending on the version you're using:
The site was down for a day or so. But it's back up now.
Here is a copy of the docs. Don't know if its up-to-date but is contains information with better markup than the Google cache;)
EDIT: Site is already online now

Where can I find a detailed documentation for the Instapaper API? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I have already read the Instapaper API page, but it only explains how to:
Authenticate a user.
Add an article to read later.
What I would like is information to programmatically:
Retrieve a list of the articles in the "Read Later" list.
Archive, favourite, put in a folder, delete a given article from the list.
Create and delete folders.
I don't think there's a public API available yet, that would give you the functionality you're requesting.
According to this interview with Marco Arment, the creator of Instapaper, he plans to extend his API in the future:
"[...] I do intend to make a fully
featured API available soon that would
enable third-party developers to make
Instapaper clients if they wish.”
In the meanwhile, Marco Arment has made the full Instapaper API available. The only restriction is, that the API can only used by paid-subscriber accounts (currently 1$/month).

Twitter clone with API similar to Twitter? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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As we all know, Twitter consistently has problems keeping their service up and running.
There are literally dozens of Twitter clones out there. Does anybody know of a Twitter clone with an API that is as similar as possible to Twitter's API as possible?
Thank you.
identi.ca is twitter clone based in the opensource status.net solution with a twitter-compatible API: http://status.net/wiki/API
Take a look at identi.ca:
Now that microblogging has been around for a while, there are some other options than http://status.net (previously http://laconi.ca).
There are probably more, but this is the first I'd seen - try googling for "microblogging twitter clones" if you haven't yet.