Can't find extensions to add redis as destination mirth connector - redis

I am new in mirth connector and want to publish message after processing of hl7 file. I tried to find extension for redis but couldn't find anything.
Can anyone help to find redis extension for mirth connector?

This is something you have to do through custom code. The easiest solution that I would do is to download the redis java client. From here you can bring in the jar and reference it inside of javascript connector.
To solve this take a look at:
Use this documentation for how to reference the specific redis methods
Mirth connect to mongo db connectivity
Use this documentation for how to reference external libraries in Mirth connect.
This should give you all that you need to solve the issue.


Kafka S3 Sink basic doubts

Do I really need to use confluent (CLI maybe)? Can I write my custom connector?
How can I write my first Kafka Sink? How to deploy them?
For now, let's assume we have the following details:
Topic: curious.topic
S3 bucket name: curious.s3
Data in the topic: Text/String
My OS: Mac
You start at the documentation for S3 Sink, looking over the configuration properties, and understand how to run Connect itself and deploy any connector (use the REST API); no, confluent CLI is never needed.
You don't need to "write your own sink" because Confluent already has an S3 Sink Connector. Sure, you could fork their open-source repo, and compile it yourself, but that doesn't seem to be what you're asking.
You can download the connector using different command confluent-hub.
Note: pinterest/secor does the same thing, without Kafka Connect.

JMS options in Apache hop

In order to satisfy a certain criterium, there is a need to publish a message to an existing ActiveMQ instance. Currently we use different software and a JMS-based connection to publish and read messages.
I did find about the additional plugins where MQTT is listed. We don't prefer to use that protocol if not required.
I could not find any plugins for Apache Hop that deal with receiving/sending over JMS, so is that an option?
I will unfortunately have to disappoint you in this case.
As far as I know no one has written a plugin to support ActiveMQ yet.
You can create a ticket on our jira to request a community member to create such a transform(s). Or we can support you through our mailing-list if you have specific questions when writing a plugin to support it.

Can Redis Streams be used as source for Flink

I am new to Flink and going through documentation. I found out that Redis can be used as SINK (through Apache Bahir). But there is no mention of using Redis Streams as source, for streaming data. Is it possible to add Redis stream as source to Flink?
I tried googling it but could not find any answers. If this question is already asked please provide the link as i am not able to find it.

Spring Cloud Stream RabbitMQ - Partitioning using header instead of routing key

I was going through the documentation but couldn't find anything related to this, so I'm here just to confirm with you.
We'd like to partition Rabbit queues using Spring Cloud Stream, but would like to do so without using routing keys for it. Is there a way to do it by using headers or properties in the messages?
RabbitMQ plugins allow this but, does spring cloud stream allow it in some way?
Thanks and regards.
You can manually provision whatever exchange type you want and set the declareExchange property to false.

Mule: Do I need a DevKit?

I have a scenario in which I have to isolate every inbound HTTP Connection and store it in a hash storage (like a Hashtable) along withe username & other connection information.
How do I isolate this HTTP connection in a mule flow? I think I might need to install DevKit? That way I could use annotations based java classes and get a handle on the connection.
Or is that an overkill? Because firstly I don't see the devkit tab in my studio. Is there an alternate way of achieving the same?
I did not get the part of isolating the HTTP Connections though , but if you wish to use Devkit you first need to install it in your AnypointStudio
Go into Help >Install New Software >Select Devkit Update Site
If you do not have the Devkit Update Site in your studio do use this link.