Need to sub count in a count - sql

In the following, we get a count of how many times a patient did not show for an medical appointment (NOSHOW). It is based on if they did not show for the current day, then we display their count of this from the past. How can I get also the department that they did not show for? We have 6 different medical department so the manager wants to see if the problem is only for say dental, or for all. This will assist them from perhaps not booking someone etc.
SELECT Distinct
Appt_DateTime j,
Patient_Name j,
Appt_Status j,
Appt_Sched_Department_ID j,
Appt_Sched_Department_Descr j,
Patient_id j,
Patient_number j,
Appt_NoShow_Date j,
ISNULL(P.NotShowCount,0) AS NotShowCount
vwGenPatInfo vwGenPatInfo j
INNER JOIN vwGenPatApptInfo vwGenPatApptInfo ON vwGenPatInfo.Patient_ID=vwGenPatApptInfo.Patient_ID
SELECT Patient_ID, COUNT(Appt_Status) AS NotShowCount
FROM (SELECT Appt_DateTime, Appt_Status, Appt_Sched_Department_ID, Appt_Sched_Department_Descr, Appt_NoShow_Date, Patient_ID
FROM vwGenPatapptInfo AS vwGenPatApptInfo
WHERE (Appt_Status = 'N') AND (Appt_DateTime < DATEADD(day, DATEDIFF(day, 0, GETDATE()), - 1))) AS L
Patient_ID) AS P ON vwGenPatInfo.Patient_ID=P.Patient_ID
the data currently is like this: the last number is the count of previous noshows. So we want to break this down like Adult Medicine_NS 3, Dental_NS 9. the datetime showing is the noshow from previous day. The call room will call them to re-schedule.
Patient_Name Appt_Sched_Departmen Appt_NoShow_Date Previous No Show Count
8/31/2016 No Shows 8/30/2016
Sinca Blay Adult Medicine 8/30/2016 12:05:46PM 12
Wiske Semns Adult Medicine 8/30/2016 5:25:32PM 4
Rose Alhar Adult Medicine 8/30/2016 5:57:01PM 6

You could use analytic, aggregate and ranking window functions for this.
Here is an untested query to give you an idea:
SELECT Patient_ID,
FROM (SELECT app.Patient_ID,
app.Appt_DateTime AS Appt_NoShow_Date_Today,
ORDER BY app.Appt_DateTime DESC) AS Appt_NoShow_Date_Prev,
OVER (PARTITION BY app.Patient_ID) AS NotShowCount,
ORDER BY app.Appt_DateTime DESC) AS rn
FROM vwGenPatApptInfo app
INNER JOIN vwGenPatInfo pat
ON pat.Patient_ID = app.Patient_ID
WHERE app.Appt_Status = 'N'
) AS base
WHERE rn = 1
AND Appt_NoShow_Date_Today >= DATEADD(day, DATEDIFF(day, 0, GETDATE()), 0)
ORDER BY Appt_Sched_Department_ID,
The inner query gets all records with status 'N', but adds information:
Appt_NoShow_Date_Prev: the Appt_DateTime value of the next record if the records are sorted by descending Appt_DateTime (for the same patient: this is the "window").
NotShowCount: The number of records in that window.
rn: the sequential record number in that window, again when records are sorted by descending Appt_DateTime.
The outer query only keeps the records with rn = 1, which means: the record with the most recent Appt_DateTime per patient. As a second condition, this Appt_DateTime must be today (after last midnight): this makes sure we only list patients which were absent today.


Using a date field for matching SQL Query

I'm having a bit of an issue wrapping my head around the logic of this changing dimension. I would like to associate these two tables below. I need to match the Cost - Period fact table to the cost dimension based on the Id and the effective date.
As you can see - if the month and year field is greater than the effective date of its associated Cost dimension, it should adopt that value. Once a new Effective Date is entered into the dimension, it should use that value for any period greater than said date going forward.
EDIT: I apologize for the lack of detail but the Cost Dimension will actually have a unique Index value and the changing fields to reference for the matching would be Resource, Project, Cost. I tried to match the query you provided with my fields, but I'm getting the incorrect output.
FYI: Naming convention change: EngagementId is Id, Resource is ConsultantId, and Project is ProjectId
I've changed the images below and here is my query
,_cte(HoursWorked, HoursBilled, Month, Year, EngagementId, ConsultantId, ConsultantName, ProjectId, ProjectName, ProjectRetainer, RoleId, Role, Rate, ConsultantRetainer, Salary, amount, EffectiveDate)
select sum(t.Duration), 0, Month(t.StartDate), Year(t.StartDate), t.EngagementId, c.ConsultantId, c.ConsultantName, c.ProjectId, c.ProjectName, c.ProjectRetainer, c.RoleId, c.Role, c.Rate, c.ConsultantRetainer,
c.Salary, 0, c.EffectiveDate
from timesheet t
left join Engagement c on t.EngagementId = c.EngagementId and Month(c.EffectiveDate) = Month(t.EndDate) and Year(c.EffectiveDate) = Year(t.EndDate)
group by Month(t.StartDate), Year(t.StartDate), t.EngagementId, c.ConsultantName, c.ConsultantId, c.ProjectId, c.ProjectName, c.ProjectRetainer, c.RoleId, c.Role, c.Rate, c.ConsultantRetainer,
c.Salary, c.EffectiveDate
select * from _cte where EffectiveDate is not null
select _cte.HoursWorked, _cte.HoursBilled, _cte.Month, _cte.Year, _cte.EngagementId, _cte.ConsultantId, _cte.ConsultantName, _cte.ProjectId, _Cte.ProjectName, _cte.ProjectRetainer, _cte.RoleId, _cte.Role, sub.Rate, _cte.ConsultantRetainer,_cte.Salary, _cte.amount, sub.EffectiveDate
from _cte
outer apply (
select top 1 EffectiveDate, Rate
from Engagement e
where e.ConsultantId = _cte.ConsultantId and e.ProjectId = _cte.ProjectId and e.RoleId = _cte.RoleId
and Month(e.EffectiveDate) < _cte.Month and Year(e.EffectiveDate) < _cte.Year
order by EffectiveDate desc
) sub
where _cte.EffectiveDate is null
I'm struggling with writing the query that goes along with this. At first I attempted to partition by greatest date. However, when I executed the join I got the highest effective date for every single period (even those prior to the effective date).
Is this something that can be accomplished in a query or should I be focusing on incremental updates of the destination table so that any effective date / time period in the past is left alone?
Any tips would be great!
Try this one:
; with _CTE as(
select p.* , c.EffectiveDate, c.Cost
from period p
left join CostDimension c on = and p.Month = DATEPART(month, c.EffectiveDate) and p.year = DATEPART (year, EffectiveDate)
select * from _CTE Where EffectiveDate is not null
select, _CTE.Month, _CTE.Year, sub.EffectiveDate, sub.Cost
from _CTE
outer apply (select top 1 EffectiveDate, Cost
from CostDimension as cd
where cd.Id = and cd.EffectiveDate < DATETIMEFROMPARTS(_CTE.Year, _CTE.Month, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)
order by EffectiveDate desc
) sub
where _Cte.EffectiveDate is null

Trying to create a SQL query

I am trying to create a query that retrieves only the ten companies with the highest number of pickups over the six-month period, this means pickup occasions, and not the number of items picked up.
I have done this
FROM customer
JOIN (SELECT manifest.pickup_customer_ref reference,
DENSE_RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY manifest.pickup_customer_ref ORDER BY COUNT(manifest.trip_id) DESC) rnk
FROM manifest
INNER JOIN trip ON manifest.trip_id = trip.trip_id
WHERE trip.departure_date > TRUNC(SYSDATE) - interval '6' month
GROUP BY manifest.pickup_customer_ref) cm ON customer.reference = cm.reference
WHERE cm.rnk < 11;
this uses dense_rank to determine the order or customers with the highest number of trips first
Hmm well i don't have Oracle so I can't test it 100%, but I believe your looking for something like the following:
Keep in mind that when you use group by, you have to narrow down to the same fields you group by in the select. Hope this helps at least give you an idea of what to look at.
select TOP 10
count(*) as 'count'
from customer c
inner join mainfest m on m.pickup_customer_ref = c.reference
inner join trip t on t.trip_id = m.trip_id
where t.departure_date < DATEADD(month, -6, GETDATE())
group by c.company_name, m.pickup_customer_ref
order by 'count', c.company_name, m.pickup_customer_ref desc

Counting concurrent records based on startdate and enddate columns

The table structure:
PersonnelId int
GroupId int
StaffingStartDateTime datetime
StaffingEndDateTime datetime
How can I get a list of staffing records, given a date and a group id that employees belong to, where the count of present employees fell below a threshold, say, 3, at any minute of the day?
The way my brain works, I would call a stored proc repeatedly with each minute of the day, but of course this would be horribly inefficient:
FROM DailyRosters
WHERE GroupId=#GroupId
AND StaffingStartTime <= #TimeParam
AND StaffingEndTime > #TimeParam
AND COUNT(GroupId) < 3
HAVING COUNT(PersonnelId) < 3
Edit: If it helps to refine the question, employees may come and go throughout the day. Personnel may have a staffing record from 0800 - 0815, and another from 1000 - 1045, for example.
Here is a solution where I find all of the distinct start and end times, and then query to see how many other people are clocked in at the time. Everytime the answer is less than 4, you know you are understaffed at that time, and presumably until the NEXT start time.
with meaningfulDtms(meaningfulTime, timeType, group_id)
select distinct StaffingStartTime , 'start' as timeType, group_id
from DailyRosters
select distinct StaffingEndTime , 'end' as timeType, group_id
from DailyRosters
select COUNT(*), meaningfulDtms.group_id, meaningfulDtms.meaningfulTime
from DailyRosters dr
inner join meaningfulDtms on dr.group_id = meaningfulDtms.group_id
and (
(dr.StaffingStartTime < meaningfulDtms.meaningfulTime
and dr.StaffingEndTime >= meaningfulDtms.meaningfulTime
and meaningfulDtms.timeType = 'start')
(dr.StaffingStartTime <= meaningfulDtms.meaningfulTime
and dr.StaffingEndTime > meaningfulDtms.meaningfulTime
and meaningfulDtms.timeType = 'end')
group by meaningfulDtms.group_id, meaningfulDtms.meaningfulTime
having COUNT(*) < 4
Create a table with all minutes in the day with dt at PK
It will have 1440 rows
this will not give you count of zero - no staff
select allMiuntes.dt, worktime.grpID, count(distinct(worktime.personID))
from allMinutes
join worktime
on allMiuntes.dt > worktime.start
and allMiuntes.dt < worktime.end
group by allMiuntes.dt, worktime.grpID
having count(distinct(worktime.personID)) < 3
for times with zero I think the best way is a master of grpID
but I am not sure about this one
select allMiuntes.dt, grpMaster.grpID, count(distinct(worktime.personID))
from grpMaster
cross join allMinutes
left join worktime
on allMiuntes.dt > worktime.start
and allMiuntes.dt < worktime.end
and worktime.grpID = grpMaster.grpID
group by allMiuntes.dt, grpMaster.grpID
having count(distinct(worktime.personID)) < 3

Detecting duplicates which fall outside of a date interval

I searched in SO but couldnt find a direct answer.
There are patients, hospitals, medical branches(ER,urology,orthopedics,internal disease etc), medical operation codes (examination,surgical operation, MRI, ultrasound or sth. else) and patient visiting dates.
Patient visits doctor, doctor prescribes medicine and asks to come again for control check.
If patient returns after 10 days, (s)he has to pay another examination fee to the same hospital. Hospitals may appoint a date after 10 days telling there are no available slots in following 10 days, in order to get the examination fee.
Table structure is like:
Patient Hospital Medical Branch Medical Op. Code Date
1 H1 M0 P1 01/05/2011
5 H1 M1 P9 03/05/2011
3 H2 M0 P2 09/05/2011
1 H1 M0 P1 14/05/2011
3 H1 M0 P2 20/05/2011
5 H1 M2 P9 25/05/2011
1 H1 M0 P3 26/05/2011
Here, visiting patients no. 3 and 5 does not constitute a problem as patient no. 3 visits different hospitals and patient no.5 visits different medical branches. They would pay the examination fee even if they visited within 10 days.
Patient no.1, however, visits same hospital, same branch and is subject to same process (P1: examination) on 01/05 and 14/05.
26/05 doesnt count because it is not medical examination.
What I want to flag is same patient, same hospital, same branch and same medical operation code (that is specifically medical examination : P1 ), with date range more than 10 days.
The format of resulting table:
H1 x a
H2 y b
H3 z c
Once again, it's analytic functions to the rescue.
This query uses the LAG() function to link a record in YOUR_TABLE with the previous (defined by DATE) matching record (defined by PATIENT_ID) in the table.
select hospital_id
, count(*) as total_num_of_patients
, sum (out_of_range) as num_of_patients_out_of_range
from (
select patient_id
, hospital_id
, case
when hospital_id_1 = hospital_id_0
and visit_1 > visit_0 + 10
and med_op_code_1 = med_op_code_0
then 1
else 0
end as out_of_range
from (
select patient_id
, hospital_id as hospital_id_1
, date as visit_1
, med_op_code as med_op_code_1
, lag (date) over (partition by patient_id order by date) as visit_0
, lag (hopital_id) over (partition by patient_id order by date) as hopital_id_0
, lag (med_op_code) over (partition by patient_id order by date) as med_op_code_0
from your_table
where med_op_code = 'P1'
group by hospital_id
Caveat: I haven't tested this code, so it may contain syntax errors. I will check it the next time I can access an Oracle database.
This is a little rough, as I haven't got an Oracle DB to hand, but the key feature is the same: the analytical function LAG(). Along with its companion function, LEAD(), they're great for helping to deal with things like periods of activity.
Here's my attempt at the code:
select, COUNT(n.patient_id) as patients_out_of_date_range
from (
select *
from (
select d.*, lag(date, 1) over (partition by d.patient_id,, d.medical_branch, d.medical_op_code order by as prev_date
from datatable d inner join
select d.patient_id,, d.medical_branch, d.medical_op_code
from datatable d
where d.medical_op_code = 'P1'
group by d.patient_id,, d.medical_branch, d.medical_op_code
having COUNT( > 1
) t on d.patient_id = t.patient_id and = and d.medical_branch = t.medical_branch and d.medical_op_code = t.medical_op_code
) m
where date - prev_date > 10
) n
group by
Like I say, this isn't tested, but it should at least get you started in the right direction.
Some references:
I think this is what you're trying for:
WITH Patient_Visits (Patient_Id, Hospital_Id, Branch_Id, Visit_Date, Visit_Order) as (
SELECT Patient_Id, Hospital_Id, BranchId, Visit_Date,
ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY Patient_ID, Hospital_Id, Branch_Id,
ORDER_BY Patient_Id, Hospital_Id, Branch_Id, Visit_Date)
FROM Hospital_Visits
WHERE Procedure_Id = 'P1'),
Hospital_Recent_Visits (Hospital_Id, Recent_Visitor_Count) as (
SELECT a.Hospital_Id, COUNT(DISTINCT a.Patient_Id)
FROM Patient_Visits as a
JOIN Patient_Visits as b
ON b.Hospital_Id = a.Hospital_Id
AND b.Branch_Id = a.Branch_Id
AND b.Patient_Id = a.Patient_Id
AND b.Visit_Order = a.Visit_Order - 1
AND b.Visit_Date + 10 > a.Visit_Date
GROUP BY a.Hospital_Id, a.Patient_Id),
Hospital_Patient_Count (Hospital_Id, Patient_Count) as (
SELECT Hospital_Id, COUNT(DISTINCT Patient_Id)
FROM Hospital_Visits
GROUP BY Hospital_Id, Patient_Id)
SELECT a.Hospital_Id, b.Patient_Count, c.Recent_Visitor_Count
FROM Hospitals as a
LEFT JOIN Hospital_Patient_Count as b
ON b.Hospital_Id = a.Hospital_Id
LEFT JOIN Hospital_Recent_Visits as c
ON c.Hospital_id = a.Hospital_Id
Please note that this was written and tested against a DB2 system. I think Oracle databases have the relevant functionality, so the query should still work as written. However, DB2 appears to lack some of the OLAP functions Oracle has (my version, at least), which could be useful in knocking out some of the CTEs.

sql query to find customers who order too frequently?

My database isn't actually customers and orders, it's customers and prescriptions for their eye tests (just in case anyone was wondering why I'd want my customers to make orders less frequently!)
I have a database for a chain of opticians, the prescriptions table has the branch ID number, the patient ID number, and the date they had their eyes tested. Over time, patients will have more than one eye test listed in the database. How can I get a list of patients who have had a prescription entered on the system more than once in six months. In other words, where the date of one prescription is, for example, within three months of the date of the previous prescription for the same patient.
Sample data:
Branch Patient DateOfTest
1 1 2007-08-12
1 1 2008-08-30
1 1 2008-08-31
1 2 2006-04-15
1 2 2007-04-12
I don't need to know the actual dates in the result set, and it doesn't have to be exactly three months, just a list of patients who have a prescription too close to the previous prescription. In the sample data given, I want the query to return:
Branch Patient
1 1
This sort of query isn't going to be run very regularly, so I'm not overly bothered about efficiency. On our live database I have a quarter of a million records in the prescriptions table.
Something like this
select p1.branch, p1.patient
from prescription p1, prescription p2
where p1.patient=p2.patient
and p1.dateoftest > p2.dateoftest
and datediff('day', p2.dateoftest, p1.dateoftest) < 90;
should do... you might want to add
and p1.dateoftest > getdate()
to limit to future test prescriptions.
This one will efficiently use an index on (Branch, Patient, DateOfTest) which you of course should have:
SELECT Patient, DateOfTest, pDate
SELECT TOP 1 DateOfTest AS last
FROM Patients pp
WHERE pp.Branch = p.Branch
AND pp.Patient = p.Patient
AND pp.DateOfTest BETWEEN DATEADD(month, -3, p.DateOfTest) AND p.DateOfTest
DateOfTest DESC
) pDate
FROM Patients p
) po
On way:
select d.branch, d.patient
from data d
where exists
( select null from data d1
where d1.branch = d.branch
and d1.patient = d.patient
and "difference (d1.dateoftest ,d.dateoftest) < 6 months"
This part needs changing - I'm not familiar with SQL Server's date operations:
"difference (d1.dateoftest ,d.dateoftest) < 6 months"
select a.branch, a.patient
from prescriptions a
join prescriptions b
on a.branch = b.branch
and a.patient = b.patient
and a.dateoftest > b.dateoftest
and a.dateoftest - b.dateoftest < 180
group by a.branch, a.patient
This assumes you want patients who visit the same branch twice. If you don't, take out the branch part.
FROM Prescriptions P1
JOIN Prescriptions P2
ON P2.Branch = P1.Branch
AND P2.Patient = P2.Patient
AND P2.DateOfTest <> P1.DateOfTest
) AS SubQuery
WHERE DATEDIFF(day, SubQuery.DateOfTest, SubQuery.DateOfOtherTest) < 90