Counting concurrent records based on startdate and enddate columns - sql

The table structure:
PersonnelId int
GroupId int
StaffingStartDateTime datetime
StaffingEndDateTime datetime
How can I get a list of staffing records, given a date and a group id that employees belong to, where the count of present employees fell below a threshold, say, 3, at any minute of the day?
The way my brain works, I would call a stored proc repeatedly with each minute of the day, but of course this would be horribly inefficient:
FROM DailyRosters
WHERE GroupId=#GroupId
AND StaffingStartTime <= #TimeParam
AND StaffingEndTime > #TimeParam
AND COUNT(GroupId) < 3
HAVING COUNT(PersonnelId) < 3
Edit: If it helps to refine the question, employees may come and go throughout the day. Personnel may have a staffing record from 0800 - 0815, and another from 1000 - 1045, for example.

Here is a solution where I find all of the distinct start and end times, and then query to see how many other people are clocked in at the time. Everytime the answer is less than 4, you know you are understaffed at that time, and presumably until the NEXT start time.
with meaningfulDtms(meaningfulTime, timeType, group_id)
select distinct StaffingStartTime , 'start' as timeType, group_id
from DailyRosters
select distinct StaffingEndTime , 'end' as timeType, group_id
from DailyRosters
select COUNT(*), meaningfulDtms.group_id, meaningfulDtms.meaningfulTime
from DailyRosters dr
inner join meaningfulDtms on dr.group_id = meaningfulDtms.group_id
and (
(dr.StaffingStartTime < meaningfulDtms.meaningfulTime
and dr.StaffingEndTime >= meaningfulDtms.meaningfulTime
and meaningfulDtms.timeType = 'start')
(dr.StaffingStartTime <= meaningfulDtms.meaningfulTime
and dr.StaffingEndTime > meaningfulDtms.meaningfulTime
and meaningfulDtms.timeType = 'end')
group by meaningfulDtms.group_id, meaningfulDtms.meaningfulTime
having COUNT(*) < 4

Create a table with all minutes in the day with dt at PK
It will have 1440 rows
this will not give you count of zero - no staff
select allMiuntes.dt, worktime.grpID, count(distinct(worktime.personID))
from allMinutes
join worktime
on allMiuntes.dt > worktime.start
and allMiuntes.dt < worktime.end
group by allMiuntes.dt, worktime.grpID
having count(distinct(worktime.personID)) < 3
for times with zero I think the best way is a master of grpID
but I am not sure about this one
select allMiuntes.dt, grpMaster.grpID, count(distinct(worktime.personID))
from grpMaster
cross join allMinutes
left join worktime
on allMiuntes.dt > worktime.start
and allMiuntes.dt < worktime.end
and worktime.grpID = grpMaster.grpID
group by allMiuntes.dt, grpMaster.grpID
having count(distinct(worktime.personID)) < 3


Calculate time span between two specific statuses on the database for each ID

I have a table on the database that contains statuses updated on each vehicle I have, I want to calculate how many days each vehicle spends time between two specific statuses 'Maintenance' and 'Read'.
My table looks something like this
and I want to result to be like this, only show the number of days a vehicle spends in maintenance before becoming ready on a specific day
The code I written looks like this
drop table if exists #temps1
json_value(VehiclesHistoryStatusID.text,'$.en') as VehiclesHistoryStatus,
datediff(day, VehiclesHistory.CreationTime ,
lead(VehiclesHistory.CreationTime ) over (order by VehiclesHistory.CreationTime ) ) as days,
lag(json_value(VehiclesHistoryStatusID.text,'$.en')) over (order by VehiclesHistory.CreationTime) as PrevStatus,
when (lag(json_value(VehiclesHistoryStatusID.text,'$.en')) over (order by VehiclesHistory.CreationTime) <> json_value(VehiclesHistoryStatusID.text,'$.en')) THEN datediff(day, VehiclesHistory.CreationTime , (lag(VehiclesHistory.CreationTime ) over (order by VehiclesHistory.CreationTime ))) else 0 end as testing
into #temps1
from fleet.VehicleHistory VehiclesHistory
left join Fleet.Lookups as VehiclesHistoryStatusID on VehiclesHistoryStatusID.Id = VehiclesHistory.StatusId
where (year(VehiclesHistory.CreationTime) > 2021 and (VehiclesHistory.StatusId = 140 Or VehiclesHistory.StatusId = 144) )
group by VehiclesHistory.VehicleId ,VehiclesHistory.CreationTime , VehiclesHistoryStatusID.text
order by VehicleId desc
drop table if exists #temps2
select * into #temps2 from #temps1 where testing <> 0
select * from #temps2
Try this
SELECT innerQ.VehichleID,innerQ.CreationDate,innerQ.Status
,SUM(DATEDIFF(DAY,innerQ.PrevMaintenance,innerQ.CreationDate)) AS DayDuration
SELECT t1.VehichleID,t1.CreationDate,t1.Status,
(SELECT top(1) t2.CreationDate FROM dbo.Test t2
WHERE t1.VehichleID=t2.VehichleID
AND t2.CreationDate<t1.CreationDate
AND t2.Status='Maintenance'
ORDER BY t2.CreationDate Desc) AS PrevMaintenance
dbo.Test t1 WHERE t1.Status='Ready'
) innerQ
WHERE innerQ.PrevMaintenance IS NOT NULL
GROUP BY innerQ.VehichleID,innerQ.CreationDate,innerQ.Status
In this query first we are finding the most recent 'maintenance' date before each 'ready' date in the inner most query (if exists). Then calculate the time span with DATEDIFF and sum all this spans for each vehicle.

SQL Rowwise comparison between groups

The following is a snippet of my data:
Create Table Emps(person VARCHAR(50), started DATE, stopped DATE);
Insert Into Emps Values
I want to use T-SQL to get a count of how many persons fulfil the following criteria at least once - multiples should also count as one:
For a person:
One of the dates in 'started' (say s1) is larger than at least one of the dates in 'ended' (say e1)
s1 and e1 are in the same year, to be set manually - e.g. '2021-01-01' until '2022-01-01'
Example expected response
If I put the date range '2016-01-01' until '2017-01-01' somewhere in a WHERE / HAVING clause, the output should be 1 as only p1 has both a start date and an end date that fall in 2016 where the start date is larger than the end date:
s1 = '2016-10-11', and e1 = '2016-10-10'.
Why can't I do this myself
The reason I'm stuck is that I don't know how to do this rowwise comparison between groups. The question requires comparing values across columns (start with end) across rows, within a person ID.
Use conditional aggregation to get the maximum start date and the minimum stop date in the given range.
select person
from emps
group by person
having max(case when started >= '2016-01-01' and started < '2017-01-01'
then started end) >
min(case when stopped >= '2016-01-01' and stopped < '2017-01-01'
then stopped end);
I would choose to use a self-outer-join with an exists correlation, it should be pretty much the most performant, all things being equal.
select Count(*)
from emps e
where exists (
select * from emps e2
where e2.person = e.person
and e2.stopped > e.started
and e.started between '20160101' and '20170101'
and e2.started between '20160101' and '20170101'
You said you plan to set the dates manually, so this works where we set the start date in one CTE, and the end date in another CTE. Then we calculate the min/max for each, and use that criteria in the query where statement.
with min_max_start as (
select person,
min(started) as min_start, --obsolete
max(started) as max_start
from emps
where started >= '2016-01-01'
group by person
min_max_end as (
select person,
min(stopped) as min_stop,
max(stopped) as max_stop --obsolete
from emps
where stopped < '2017-01-01'
group by person
select count(distinct e.person)
from emps e
join min_max_start mms
on e.person = mms.person
join min_max_end mme
on e.person = mme.person
where mms.max_start> mme.min_stop
Output: 1
Try the following:
With CTE as
Select D.person, D.started, T.stopped,
when Year(D.started) = Year(T.stopped) and D.started > T.stopped
then 1
else 0
end as chk
(Select person, started From Emps Where started >= '2016-01-01') D
(Select person, stopped From Emps Where stopped <= '2017-01-01') T
On D.person = T.person
Select Count(Distinct person) as CNT
From CTE
Where chk = 1;
To get the employee list who met the criteria use the following on the CTE instead of the above Select Count... query:
Select person, started, stopped
From CTE
Where chk = 1;
See a demo from db<>fiddle.

List all months with a total regardless of null

I have a very small SQL table that lists courses attended and the date of attendance. I can use the code below to count the attendees for each month
select to_char(DATE_ATTENDED,'YYYY/MM'),
This returns a list as expected for each month that has attendees. However I would like to list it as
January 2
February 0
March 5
How do I show the count results along with the nulls? My table is very basic
1234 01-JAN-15 Fire Safety
108 01-JAN-15 Fire Safety
1443 02-DEC-15 Healthcare
1388 03-FEB-15 Emergency
1355 06-MAR-15 Fire Safety
1322 09-SEP-15 Fire Safety
1234 11-DEC-15 Fire Safety
I just need to display each month and the total attendees for Fire Safety only. Not used SQL developer for a while so any help appreciated.
You would need a calendar table to select a period you want to display. Simplified code would look like this:
select to_char(c.Date_dt,'YYYY/MM')
, COUNT (*)
FROM calendar as c
on tca.DATE_ATTENDED = c.Date_dt
and c.Date_dt between [period_start_dt] and [period_end_dt]
GROUP BY to_char(c.Date_dt,'YYYY/MM')
ORDER BY to_char(c.Date_dt,'YYYY/MM')
You can create your own set required year month's on-fly with 0 count and use query as below.
Select yrmth,sum(counter) from
select to_char(date_attended,'YYYYMM') yrmth,
COUNT (1) counter
Group By Y to_char(date_attended,'YYYYMM')
Union All
Select To_Char(2015||Lpad(Rownum,2,0)),0 from Dual Connect By Rownum <= 12
group by yrmth
order by 1
If you want to show multiple year's, just change the 2nd query to
Select To_Char(Year||Lpad(Month,2,0)) , 0
(select Rownum Month from Dual Connect By Rownum <= 12),
(select 2015+Rownum-1 Year from Dual Connect By Rownum <= 3)
Try this :
SELECT Trunc(date_attended, 'MM') Month,
WHEN course_attended = 'Fire Safety' THEN 1
END) Fire_Safety
FROM training_course_attended
GROUP BY Trunc(date_attended, 'MM')
ORDER BY Trunc(date_attended, 'MM')
Another way to generate a calendar table inline:
with calendar (month_start, month_end) as
( select add_months(date '2014-12-01', rownum)
, add_months(date '2014-12-01', rownum +1) - interval '1' second
from dual
connect by rownum <= 12 )
select to_char(c.month_start,'YYYY/MM') as course_month
, count(tca.course_attended) as attended
from calendar c
left join training_course_attended tca
on tca.date_attended between c.month_start and c.month_end
and tca.course_attended = 'Fire Safety'
group by to_char(c.month_start,'YYYY/MM')
order by 1;
(You could also have only the month start in the calendar table, and join on trunc(tca.date_attended,'MONTH') = c.month_start, though if you had indexes or partitioning on tca.date_attended that might be less efficient.)

Cross referencing results from query's

I need to get an active count of patients who have been discharged in a given time frame, but here is the trick. In this table patients can show up more than once, our system uses an episode based system .
Like in (picture 1).
from patient p
I need no patients to show up in both of these query's.
select * from patient p
where p.case_status = 'a'
select * from patient p
where (p.episode_close_date between '2013-01-01 00:00:00.000' and '2013-06-01 00:00:00.000') and p.case_status = 'i'
I guess, what's the best way to do it, would be that that the highest p.episode_id = 'I'. Any ideas on how to do this?
Thanks in advance.
You can do this with aggregation and a having clause. The having clause counts the number of rows that match each condition -- and you want to set the values to 0 because you want both to return no rows:
select patient_id
from patient p
group by patient_id
having sum(case when p.case_status = 'a' then 1 else 0 end) = 0 and
sum(case when (p.episode_close_date between '2013-01-01 00:00:00.000' and '2013-06-01 00:00:00.000') and
p.case_status = 'i'
then 1 else 0
end) = 0;
Basically, the logic in your first two queries in moved into the separate clauses of the having, to count the rows that match each condition.
Here is how you can see the last episode for each patient:
select p.*
from (select p.*,
max(episode_id) over (partition by patient_id) as maxei
from patients p
) p
where episode_id = maxei;
You may also be able to use this with your logic, but I'm not sure about the interplay between the statuses and the dates in the query.

sql query to find customers who order too frequently?

My database isn't actually customers and orders, it's customers and prescriptions for their eye tests (just in case anyone was wondering why I'd want my customers to make orders less frequently!)
I have a database for a chain of opticians, the prescriptions table has the branch ID number, the patient ID number, and the date they had their eyes tested. Over time, patients will have more than one eye test listed in the database. How can I get a list of patients who have had a prescription entered on the system more than once in six months. In other words, where the date of one prescription is, for example, within three months of the date of the previous prescription for the same patient.
Sample data:
Branch Patient DateOfTest
1 1 2007-08-12
1 1 2008-08-30
1 1 2008-08-31
1 2 2006-04-15
1 2 2007-04-12
I don't need to know the actual dates in the result set, and it doesn't have to be exactly three months, just a list of patients who have a prescription too close to the previous prescription. In the sample data given, I want the query to return:
Branch Patient
1 1
This sort of query isn't going to be run very regularly, so I'm not overly bothered about efficiency. On our live database I have a quarter of a million records in the prescriptions table.
Something like this
select p1.branch, p1.patient
from prescription p1, prescription p2
where p1.patient=p2.patient
and p1.dateoftest > p2.dateoftest
and datediff('day', p2.dateoftest, p1.dateoftest) < 90;
should do... you might want to add
and p1.dateoftest > getdate()
to limit to future test prescriptions.
This one will efficiently use an index on (Branch, Patient, DateOfTest) which you of course should have:
SELECT Patient, DateOfTest, pDate
SELECT TOP 1 DateOfTest AS last
FROM Patients pp
WHERE pp.Branch = p.Branch
AND pp.Patient = p.Patient
AND pp.DateOfTest BETWEEN DATEADD(month, -3, p.DateOfTest) AND p.DateOfTest
DateOfTest DESC
) pDate
FROM Patients p
) po
On way:
select d.branch, d.patient
from data d
where exists
( select null from data d1
where d1.branch = d.branch
and d1.patient = d.patient
and "difference (d1.dateoftest ,d.dateoftest) < 6 months"
This part needs changing - I'm not familiar with SQL Server's date operations:
"difference (d1.dateoftest ,d.dateoftest) < 6 months"
select a.branch, a.patient
from prescriptions a
join prescriptions b
on a.branch = b.branch
and a.patient = b.patient
and a.dateoftest > b.dateoftest
and a.dateoftest - b.dateoftest < 180
group by a.branch, a.patient
This assumes you want patients who visit the same branch twice. If you don't, take out the branch part.
FROM Prescriptions P1
JOIN Prescriptions P2
ON P2.Branch = P1.Branch
AND P2.Patient = P2.Patient
AND P2.DateOfTest <> P1.DateOfTest
) AS SubQuery
WHERE DATEDIFF(day, SubQuery.DateOfTest, SubQuery.DateOfOtherTest) < 90