What Selenium and Firefox version is best to use? - selenium

Which Selenium and Firefox versions shall I use to start learning Selenium. None of my code from Packt Publishing book "Selenium... a practical guide" is working.
The book says they Selenium Java 2.33.0 and Firefox 17.
Has anyone had any success running the book's code on any latest version of Selenium and Firefox? Please suggest.
Thanks in Advance.

Use selenium 2.53 and firefox 46. Firefox >= 47 use marionette driver, but is in development and some things dont work, like Actions.


Does selenium(codeception) still support Firefox ?

Hi everyone im having problem with running test on firefox. I did read that firefox is no longer support, but i am not sure. Does anyone know if it is true ?
Selenium build info: version: '3.6.0'
Firefox Version: 57.0
from Firefox 55 onwards, Selenium IDE will no longer work.
Please refer this link link

Use most recent browser version with JMeter Selenium Webdriver

Im trying to use JMeter with the Selenium WebDriver plugin to do some testing. I know that it requires Firefox v. 26, however I find this to be pretty useless given that testing on anything besides the most recent browser version is pointless, as that is what users will be using.
Using the current WebDriver plugin with Firefox v 50 results in the 'browser.get()' not working. Is there a way to get the plugin to work with Firefox 50?
The latest Selenium/WebDriver Support plugin available via JMeter Plugins manager as of now is version 1.4.0. It comes with selenium-firefox-driver-2.52.0
It means any browser supported by Selenium 2.52.0 will be supported
Looking into Selenium Changelog Selenium 2.52.0 supports Firefox 45 which is an ESR release according to Mozilla FAQ:
I don't know where did you get the information regarding Firefox 26, I would recommend upgrading to Firefox 45 which should be supported till June 2017 and hopefully JMeter Plugins maintainers will upgrade Selenium libraries to version 3 by that time.
In general WebDriver will be always behind the browsers development so you will have to live with the supported versions.
JMeter Plugins Forum
The WebDriver Sampler: Your Top 10 Questions Answered

Selenium 2.53 not working on Firefox 49.0.2

Selenium : 2.53
Firefox : 49.0.2
Windows10 : 32bit
When I execute the selenium webdriver from eclipse get the following error "about:blank&utm_content=firstrun" in firefox
I also faced the same issue. After searching net, I found some of the links where they suggest to downgrade the firefox version. I am using 43.0.1 but you may try 46.0 also.
Selenium WebDriver no longer supports the default Firefox Driver. They are currently working on a new driver, called Marionette, for their new Gecko engine.
More details on Marionette you can find here: Marionette
If you want to use the default driver, you should downgrade your Firefox. Version 45.0.1 works fine for me.

Which Firefox version is compatible with Selenium 2.53.0?

Which Firefox version is compatible with Selenium 2.53.0? I tried Firefox 45.0 and I am getting this exception:
org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException: Failed to connect to binary
FirefoxBinary(/Applications/Firefox.app/Contents/MacOS/firefox-bin) on port 7055; process output follows:
foreignInstall":false,"hasBinaryComponents":false,"strictCompatibility":false,"l ocales":[],"targetApplications":[{"id":"{ec8030f7-c20a-464f-9b0e-13a3a9e97384}","minVersion":"45.0","maxVersion":"45.*"},{"id":"xpcshell#tests.mozilla.org","minVersion":"0","maxVersion":"10"}],"targetPlatforms":[],"multiprocessCompatible":false,"seen":true}
I had the similar problem running Selenium Webdriver 2.53.0 with Firefox 47.0.
Selenium Webdriver 2.53.0 works with Firefox 46.0. You can find the the mentioned version at https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/install-older-version-of-firefox.
Also you could try to add:
System.setProperty("webdriver.firefox.bin","C:\\Users\\AppData\\Local\\Mozilla Firefox\\firefox.exe");
WebDriver driver=new FirefoxDriver();
if it is also not working, then you need to downgrade your FF
hi I had the same problem, I hope you have solved yours, but maybe my answer can help someone else.
i found firefox 26, selenium 2.48.2 and a webdriver that work very good together. here are the download links:

How to get Selenium IDE to work on Firefox 32

I just installed the Selenium IDE plugin into Firefox 32 using the "Get Add-ons" feature. When I click on the Selenium button, I get an alert box that says: "You don't have installed Selenium IDE".
Has anyone else ever encountered this problem, and if so, do you know how to solve it?
Bro please do not add selenium addon from firefox as there is selenium IDE 1.2.0 available
as this is a bug in firefox 32, so you have to manually download the addon for firefox 32
go to this website: http://www.seleniumhq.org/download/ and download Selnenium IDE 2.8.0 version , it will work.Apart from that if you have more questions please write it down on the same thread, i will be very happy to answer them.