Does selenium(codeception) still support Firefox ? - selenium

Hi everyone im having problem with running test on firefox. I did read that firefox is no longer support, but i am not sure. Does anyone know if it is true ?
Selenium build info: version: '3.6.0'
Firefox Version: 57.0

from Firefox 55 onwards, Selenium IDE will no longer work.
Please refer this link link


Which firefox version is compatible with selenium webdriver 3.6.0? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Which Firefox browser versions supported for given Geckodriver version?
(2 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
I'm using Protractor to fulfill my automation needs, The IDE that I'm using is VS code. I was able to run my automation scripts against Chrome, But when it comes to firefox most of my test cases are getting failed. It seems like some compatibility issue to me. Can anyone help me to fix this?
Here are the details of the versions that I currently have on my machine:
Selenium web driver version: 3.6.0
Firefox version: 57.0
Gecko driver version: 0.19.0
I have tried installing firefox version 47.0, But it didn't work. It seems that selenium web driver couldn't connect
According to GeckoDriver documentation
Selenium users must update to version 3.11 or later to use geckodriver
Gecko driver version: 0.19.0 supports Firefox versions from 55 to 62 inclusively
So I believe you have to play with the webdriver-manager, theoretically it should be possible to automate any desktop/mobile browser version given you use matching Selenium Standalone Server / driver / client

Version compatibility of Firefox and the latest Selenium IDE (

I visited
to install the latest Selenium IDE (v 2.9.1) in Firefox.
My Firefox version is 54 (64-bit)
OS: Windows 10 Pro 64-bit (10.0, Build 14393)
But unfortunately "Add to Firefox" button was shown disabled on the site
On that site NOTE was found as:
Note: Selenium IDE will NOT work on Firefox version 55 onwards. Please stay on Firefox version 54 or older.
What can I do to install Selenium IDE on FF 54?
Sad but true, It is no secret by now that Selenium IDE will be deprecated. In fact, it has already stopped working since Firefox 55. Here are some potential replacements that you may consider applying to your project:
Robot Framework
Katalon Studio
Good luck and Good bye Legend.
I think Firefox is not supported Selenium IDE after 53 or 54 version, I have read that blog
Firefox 55 doesn't support Selenium IDE 2.9.1. FF 54 and less are OK.
Installation Selenium IDE on FF 54:
1. Open Firefox 54 and visit
2. Click "Download Anyway" link to download (In my case, it was selenium_ide-2.9.1-fx.xpi)
Open .xpi file you download in Firefox 54 -> Click Install and then Restart Now according to following interface:
I faced the similar issues few weeks ago.Firefox version 55 doesn't support Selenium IDE. You need to downgrade your Firefox browser to Firefox version 54, 53 or below.
For doing so, please refer the link below
Also, you need to delete all your old firefox data before installing older version because it might not work if you don't do so.
Then finally you can add Selenium IDE and it works fine.
I need to run Firefox 54 with Selenium but, like the others on this question, wasn't able to easily install Selenium. I did find a way to do this without going to a 3rd party site by copying the XPI download link (just right click on the disabled Add to Firefox button in the Firefox Add-ons page and copy the location), downloading it within Chrome or another browser, and finally just drag and drop the XPI into Firefox. That worked for me, hope this helps someone else.
Ironically, the best versions of selenium and Firefox that work better, powerful and with more options (according to my experience), are those, Firefox 54.0.1 and selenium 2.9.1. Despite they are deprecated. So I understand well your question and need.
Here you have a trick to install that Selenium version in that Firefox version, getting away the inactive add-on button:
Download manually the selenium version 2.9.1 (as a file) and then add it manually through "Install Add-on from file" in Firefox in the section "Extensions".
This is the link to download selenium 2.9.1:

Selenium 2.53 not working on Firefox 49.0.2

Selenium : 2.53
Firefox : 49.0.2
Windows10 : 32bit
When I execute the selenium webdriver from eclipse get the following error "about:blank&utm_content=firstrun" in firefox
I also faced the same issue. After searching net, I found some of the links where they suggest to downgrade the firefox version. I am using 43.0.1 but you may try 46.0 also.
Selenium WebDriver no longer supports the default Firefox Driver. They are currently working on a new driver, called Marionette, for their new Gecko engine.
More details on Marionette you can find here: Marionette
If you want to use the default driver, you should downgrade your Firefox. Version 45.0.1 works fine for me.

What Selenium and Firefox version is best to use?

Which Selenium and Firefox versions shall I use to start learning Selenium. None of my code from Packt Publishing book "Selenium... a practical guide" is working.
The book says they Selenium Java 2.33.0 and Firefox 17.
Has anyone had any success running the book's code on any latest version of Selenium and Firefox? Please suggest.
Thanks in Advance.
Use selenium 2.53 and firefox 46. Firefox >= 47 use marionette driver, but is in development and some things dont work, like Actions.

How to get Selenium IDE to work on Firefox 32

I just installed the Selenium IDE plugin into Firefox 32 using the "Get Add-ons" feature. When I click on the Selenium button, I get an alert box that says: "You don't have installed Selenium IDE".
Has anyone else ever encountered this problem, and if so, do you know how to solve it?
Bro please do not add selenium addon from firefox as there is selenium IDE 1.2.0 available
as this is a bug in firefox 32, so you have to manually download the addon for firefox 32
go to this website: and download Selnenium IDE 2.8.0 version , it will work.Apart from that if you have more questions please write it down on the same thread, i will be very happy to answer them.