Apply a web.config transform within a Teamcity Build Step - msbuild

I am trying to run a MSBuild task on team city that also transforms a web.casper.config file.
I have tried various switches but can;t get this right. Which most likely means there is a different way to achieve my desired result (like publish).
I have tried:-
Basically I want to
- BUILD website.csproj into a custom dir
- THEN apply a web.config transform on web.casper.config
Can anyone help?

One thing that seems to work (not sure if its the best way) is to add a before/after build event on the csproj file for the website e.g.
<Target Name="BeforeBuild">
<Copy SourceFiles="Web.config" DestinationFiles="Web.temp.config"
OverwriteReadOnlyFiles="True" />
<TransformXml Source="Web.temp.config" Transform="Web.$(Configuration).config"
Destination="Web.config" />
<Target Name="AfterBuild">
<Copy SourceFiles="Web.temp.config" DestinationFiles="Web.config"
OverwriteReadOnlyFiles="True" />
<Delete Files="Web.temp.config" />
This basically copies web.config to web.temp.config then uses the casper config to transform.
Source from SO


How to generate files during build using msbuild

Does anyone know how to modify a csproj file in a way to generate code files during build without actually referencing the files?
A process like :
create file,
dynamically reference temporary file during build
compiled assembly has additional members, depending on the files created during build
The purpose of this is to create a way of generating code files using roslyn instead of using t4 templates, which are very awkward to use once you're trying to do something depending on attributes.
Hence i am planning on providing a way to use a special csharp file (for full syntax support) to generate files programatically based on the contents of that special file.
I've spent a couple of weeks looking into resources on the internet (with the topic msbuild), but until now it seems i didn't use the right keywords.
This one has been the most insightful one to me yet:
My guess is, that the correct build target for my purpose should be "BeforeCompile" in order to somehow populate the build process with custom code files.
Does anyone have experience with my issue, or is aware of any particular resources which deal with the task?
Solution i got it working with:
<UsingTask TaskName="DynamicCodeGenerator.DynamicFileGeneratorTask" AssemblyFile="..\DynamicCodeGenerator\bin\Debug\DynamicCodeGenerator.dll" />
<Target Name="DynamicCodeGeneratorTarget" BeforeTargets="BeforeBuild;BeforeRebuild">
<Output ItemName="Generated" TaskParameter="GeneratedFilePaths" />
<Compile Include="#(Generated)" />
<FileWrites Include="#(Generated)" />
<!-- For clean to work properly -->
Unfortunately i did not get it to work with a propertygroup override as suggested
Update: This link is interesting too:
Generating the code file can be achieved by msbuild task or msbuild inline task. It is up to you to generate the proper code. One thing that you must care of is creating output item parameter in order to append it to the #(Compile) item. You can use $(IntDir) location to locate your newly generated file, and add them to the #(FileWrites) item group in order for Clean target work properly.
When you finish writing your task, you must use it in your project like this:
<UsingTask TaskName="TaskTypeFullName" AssemblyFile="YourAssembly.dll"/>
<!-- Here you need to experiment with [Build/Compile/SomeOther]DependsOn property -->
<Target Name="MyCodeGenerator">
<Output ItemName="Generated" TaskParameter="GeneratedFiles" />
<Compile Include="#(Generated)" />
<FileWrites Include="#(Generated)" /> <!-- For clean to work properly -->
I wanted to use a bash script to generate code for a project using dotnet core on Linux. Here is what worked for me. And thanks #stukselbax, I built this off of your answer.
<Target Name="GenerateProtocolBuffers" BeforeTargets="BeforeBuild;BeforeRebuild">
<Exec Command="./" Outputs="proto/*.cs">
<Output ItemName="Generated" TaskParameter="Outputs" />
<Compile Include="#(Generated)" />
<FileWrites Include="#(Generated)" />
Note that the script I'm using to generate the code is called Replace this with your own.

Incremental Build of Nuget Packages

I want to execute an msbuild project which uses batching to determine that one or more csproj projects have been freshly-built, and therefore require fresh nuget packaging. The script I've made so far seems like a reasonable start, but it the incremental-build mechanism isn't working. The MainBuild target executes every time, no matter what.
Here is what I have:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project ToolsVersion="4.0" DefaultTargets="MainBuild" xmlns="">
<Configuration Condition=" '$(Configuration)'=='' ">Debug</Configuration>
<Nuspec Include="$(MSBuildProjectDirectory)\plugins\*\*.nuspec" />
<Target Name="MainBuild"
Outputs="%(Nuspec.RootDir)%(Nuspec.Directory)%(FileName).pkg" >
<Inputs Include="%(Nuspec.RootDir)%(Nuspec.Directory)bin\$(Configuration)\*.dll" />
<Outputs Include="%(Nuspec.RootDir)%(Nuspec.Directory)%(FileName).pkg" />
<Message Text="INPUTS: %(Inputs.FullPath)" />
<Message Text="OUTPUTS: #(Outputs->'%(FullPath)')" />
<Copy SourceFiles="#(Inputs)" DestinationFiles="#(Outputs->'%(FullPath)')" />
The Copy task is just a debugging placeholder for calling-out to nuget and creating a new package.
The idea is that if any files in the bin\Debug directory are newer than the corresponding .nuspec file (found two folders above bin\Debug), then the MainBuild target should execute.
Any ideas?
p.s. The Inputs and Outputs attributes of the Target presumably each create an item. I think it strange that the items created can't be referenced inside the target. In the above example, I had to make a target-interna dynamic ItemGroup to re-create the items, just so that I could access them. Is there a way around that?
I read this in the MSBuild Batching documentation
If a task inside of a target uses batching, MSBuild needs to determine
if the inputs and outputs for each batch of items is up-to-date.
Otherwise, the target is executed every time it is hit.
Which may be the cuprit. Try changing your copy target to use batching instead of an ite transform (I don't think using item metadata in an item group satisfies the above requirement).
<Target Name="MainBuild"
Outputs="%(Nuspec.RootDir)%(Nuspec.Directory)%(FileName).pkg" >
<Inputs Include="%(Nuspec.RootDir)%(Nuspec.Directory)bin\$(Configuration)\*.dll" />
<Outputs Include="%(Nuspec.RootDir)%(Nuspec.Directory)%(FileName).pkg" />
<Message Text="INPUTS: %(Inputs.FullPath)" />
<Message Text="OUTPUTS: #(Outputs->'%(FullPath)')" />
<Copy SourceFiles="#(Inputs)" DestinationFiles="%(Outputs.FullPath)" />
It looks like the number of inputs may be different than the number of outputs (I suspect there is more than one .dll files in the output directory for each project), which will also cause the target to execute.

MSBuild CreateItem condition include based on config file

I'm trying to select a list of test dlls that contain corresponding config files
I have to use a createItem as the dlls are not available at the time of the script loading
<CreateItem Include="$(AssemblyFolder)\*.Tests.dll"
<Output TaskParameter="Include" ItemName="TestBinariesWithConfig"/>
Is there a condition I can use or is this the wrong approach?
ok, to clarify, I need to construct a xUnit.Net project file. I need to do this because I'm running the tests through the xUnit.Console runner via nCover (don't ask!) but the long and short of it is I can only use a project file. The problem I'm having is when I have a test dll with an associated .config file. Without the config file, the test runner will fail.
This means I need to conditionally add an extra attribute (config-file) in the test project file.
The project template file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- SAMPLE <assembly filename="Tests.dll" shadow-copy="false" config-file="Tests.dll.config" /> -->
<!-- #TARGETS# -->
The FileUpdate task for the test dlls with no config file.
Regex="<!-- #TARGETS# -->"
ReplacementText="<!-- #TARGETS# -->%0D%0A<assembly filename='$(AssemblyFolder)\%(TestBinaries.FileName)%(TestBinaries.Extension)' shadow-copy='false' />"
So I need a way to conditionally add the extra attribute in the FileUpdate task depending on whether there is a corresponding config file for the test dll.
You could just use the MSBuild Task output as a source for your CreateItem Task.
<Project xmlns="">
<ProjectReferences Include="*.*proj" />
<Target Name="BuildMyProjects">
ItemName="AssembliesBuiltByChildProjects" />
<Target Name="AddConfigMetadata" DependsOnTargets="BuildMyProjects">
ItemName="MySourceItemsWithMetadata" />
<Target Name="WhatEverYouLikeToDo" DependsOnTargets="AddConfigMetadata">
<Message Text="%(MySourceItemsWithMetadata.config-file)" />
Your problem discription isn't really clear to me, but your .Tests.dll's should always be available because you should build your project first before testing it. Whenever you've build your project, you can run the CreateItem task. The CreateItem is a good approach to retrieve the .dll's but you don't need a condition for it.
So in your build file you should have something like this:
- Build project/solution
-> .dll's will be created
- Execute CreateItem
- Do something with the Item
With this awnser I'm assuming you're trying to automate your tests?

msbuild fileupdate setup project

I'm looking to use the fileUpdate task from to modify image src's as part of our web setup project so that they will point to a static img sub domain (or later a CDN)
I can run a task within a given project with:
<Import Project="$(MSBuildExtensionsPath)\MSBuildCommunityTasks\MSBuild.Community.Tasks.Targets" />
<Target Name="AfterBuild">
ReplacementText="$1" />
However, I dont want to overwrite the original css source file, but want to run this as part of our deployment project that produces an msi.
This is done using a web setup project (.vdproj) which also uses a custom actions project which is just a standard .csproj
My questions are:
How can I run this task in the setup project so that I replace content in the files that go into the .msi?
Is there a way to use wildcards for the files - ideally I want to say do this for ALL .css files?
In order to achieve this you need to use an item group to create the list for you
<Import Project="$(MSBuildExtensionsPath)\MSBuildCommunityTasks\MSBuild.Community.Tasks.Targets" />
<Target Name="AfterBuild">
<CssFiles Include='$(SolutionRoot)\**\*.css' />
ReplacementText="$1" />

MSBuild passing parameters to CallTarget

I'm trying to make a reusable target in my MSBuild file so I can call it multiple times with different parameters.
I've got a skeleton like this:
<Target Name="Deploy">
<!-- Deploy to a different location depending on parameters -->
<Target Name="DoDeployments">
<CallTarget Targets="Deploy">
<!-- Somehow indicate I want to deploy to dev -->
<CallTarget Targets="Deploy">
<!-- Somehow indicate I want to deploy to testing -->
But I can't work out how to allow parameters to be passed into the CallTarget, and then in turn the Target itself.
MSBuild targets aren't designed to receive parameters. Instead, they use the properties you define for them.
<Target Name="Deploy">
<!-- Use the Environment property -->
However, a common scenario is to invoke a Target several times with different parameters (i.e. Deploy several websites). In that case, I use the MSBuild MSBuild task and send the parameters as Properties:
<Target Name="DoDeployments">
<MSBuild Projects ="$(MSBuildProjectFullPath)"
Targets="Deploy" />
<MSBuild Projects ="$(MSBuildProjectFullPath)"
Targets="Deploy" />
$(MSBuildProjectFullPath) is the fullpath of the current MSBuild script in case you don't want to send "Deploy" to another file.
You can 'foreach' over an ItemGroup with a target, only you have to do it in declaritive manner. You can even have additional metadata in items, like in the code example:
<What Include="Dev">
<How>With bugs</How>
<What Include="Test">
<How>With tests</How>
<What Include="Chicken">
<How>Deep fried</How>
<Target Name="Deploy">
<Message Text="#(What), %(How)" />
Using an item group as a scalar value #(What) inside a target does the trick, and %(How) references a metadata element in a foreach item.
It's a natural way of doing things in msbuild, for example you can find this pattern everywhere in project files generated with Visual Studio.
There might be a better way to do this in MSBuild, but in Ant, I would use global properties to carry information from one task to the next. It was a lousy solution, but I didn't see a better way at the time. You should be able to do this in MSBuild, but bear in mind that you will need to use the CreateProperty task to dynamically assign a property.
On the other hand, it's pretty easy to implement tasks in C# (or VB or whatever). Maybe that's a better solution for you.
PropertyName="filename" />
<CallTarget Targets="Deploy"/>
<Message Text="$(filename)"/>
PropertyName="filename" />
<Message Text="$(filename)"/>
<CallTarget Targets="Deploy"/>