How to add resource files in intellij from src/main/java directory(intellij 2016) - intellij-idea

I am trying to get this very small project working in intellij(it already works in eclipse). which is generated from the webpieces webserver project. When booting the server, it can't find the html files in src/main/java(ie. the html files are there rather than src/main/resources to keep locality with their controllers).
I tried adding java:.html and java:.tag as I thought that would work according to this document
but that doesn't seem to work. I then also found cmd-; opens a window with resources and you can click on directories to mark them as resource directories. I tried doing that but it won't let me do that on a source directory.
Both gradle and eclipse are all working with this project, but I can't seem to get intellij working. It would be very nice to be able to use intellij on this project.
EDIT: Why put some resources in src/main/java instead of src/main/resources...
It can be very annoying to have to create the same package heirarchy in two directories(and slower as you are doing double the work). Also, you miss the view of controller's relationships to html files. Lastly, some files are referenced like ../example/index.html from the controller and literally it makes more sense to the user then if they are in the same tree. If you did ../../../../src/main/resource/com/buffalo/example/index.html, it actually would not even work as it is a relative classpath reference. After working in both environments, we found the one to be more efficient so even though it flies in the face of best practices, it makes developers faster(so best practices vs. developer speed.....I choose speed personally). BUT NOTE: This is not true on all projects. Most project should stick to src/main/java and src/main/resources.


Sharing resources (json, image, text...) from a kotlin multiplatform module

A task that I thought would be pretty simple turns out a bit more complicated.
I have a .json file inside my Kotlin Multiplatform module and I would like to share it between iOS and Android (to not include it for both platforms separately). My first naive approach was to add it into a folder inside commonMain. Well that did not work (accessing the file from the two platforms results in "null", but I am not even sure that the resource was bundled with the module).
Then I checked these instructions:,
also did not work.
I know about this library: but I would not want to include a library just to share a file.
Is there an easy way to say "include this folder with all its files" inside the Multiplatform module and make it accessible for all platforms? (Accessing the file can be platform dependent, but just the file should be at one place)

IntelliJ different project settings based on used IDE

I have a Git repo with two directories:
backend (PHP/Laravel code)
frontend (TypeScript/Vue code)
I would like that backend is marked as excluded when the project is opened in WebStorm and frontend to be excluded when it is opened in PhpStorm.
This is to ensure that searches/indexing only happen for the files that I would actually edit in that specific IDE.
When I change the excluded directory it seems to automatically apply this to the other IDE as well. Is there some way to keep this setting separate?
I intentionally have both frontend and backend in one repository.
Opening the subdirectories in their own IDEA projects does not seem
to be an option because the Git integration only works when the
project is in the root folder of the repository.
When I change the excluded directory it seems to automatically apply this to the other IDE as well.
It is expected. That's because the project settings are stored in the .idea subfolder. All IDEA-based IDEs use the same .idea settings format. So opening the same folder/project in different IDEs simply makes them use that already-made config (shared between IDEs).
Plus, both PhpStorm and WebStorm use the same module type ID (WEB_MODULE) and can have only 1 module in total in a project. IntelliJ IDEA and some other IDEs (like PyCharm for example) can work with projects that can have more than one module and of different types.
Is there some way to keep this setting separate?
Yes, with the help of a small workaround: you need to store .idea used by another IDE in another place. As simple as that.
The setup and steps:
Lets assume that you have your project in C:\Projects\MyProject.
Make a brand new empty project in another place, e.g. C:\Projects\IDEProjectsStore\MyProject-frontend. It will be used for a frontend.
Go to Settings/Preferences | Directories and remove an existing Content Root (which will be C:\Projects\IDEProjectsStore\MyProject-frontend from the previous step).
Add new Content Root instead -- point to the actual project (C:\Projects\MyProject from step #1)
Save and configure as needed.
What you will have now:
This frontend project will now have its settings stored in C:\Projects\IDEProjectsStore\MyProject-frontend\.idea while another (original project with backend) will have them in C:\Projects\MyProject\.idea.
Projects (project-specific IDE settings) are stored in 2 separate places while they both use the same folder with the code.
Basically: a project in the IDE's eyes is an .idea folder with a parent folder added as a Content Root by default. Our workaround keeps the second project in a different folder while sharing the same Content Root between them. -- that's a ticket that asks for a straightforward way of doing this.
I would like that backend is marked as excluded when the project is opened in WebStorm and frontend to be excluded when it is opened in PhpStorm.
Why do you need two IDEs for this?
In case if you do not know: PhpStorm = WebStorm + PHP + Database. You do not really need WebStorm here. Just install any missing plugins that come bundled with WebStorm.

IntelliJ IDEA - Directories appearing in Project Files but not in Project

So I created an empty project, but when I create a new directory in the Project window, it does not show up. The directory is actually created, and if I navigate to the Project Files list I can see it there, but as far as I can tell there is no way to make even my src folder part of the actual project. This creates all kinds of problems when I have to move/refactor files, and I'm amazed that something so common and simple is so difficult.
You've created a folder, not a package. If ur using maven or grade, can I suggest u use them to generate an intelij project for you. The command escapes me but a quick Google should tell you
You can manually mark your directory as a sources root:

How to prevent Arduino IDE from moving sketch into new directory?

I have a few sketches I'd like to distribute together. All of them use a custom library which resides in the same folder. The current directory structure is totally flat. All .ino files are in a single folder, right next to the .cpp and .h files for the library. This makes it easy to distribute and update.
This would work perfectly, except that each time I open one of the sketches to upload, the Arduino IDE forces me to move it into a subfolder, then it can't find the custom library. Is there any way to disable this behavior, or can anyone suggest a workaround? Thanks!
I tried at first to do all flat and found it never ending battle. Rather than always working around that, I work with it. My example.
Where I have my local repo in some arbitrary location, then have symbolic links in the ./arduino/library/. directory pointing to them appropriate directories in the repo. In the example I have symbolic links for both SdFat and SFEMP3shield in the ./library/. directory. I use windows so rather than links (or the ln -s command) I use "hard junctions".
Note the libraries use a directory structure of ./ardunio/library/foo/example/bar/bar.ino. So I actually do all my projects in the ./example/bar/bar.ino sketch. Also its worth noting that I use an external editor (like notepad++).
This way my repo can have more or less of what I specify it to.

How to set a bundle installation location to its parent bundle directory?

I have a main project App that contains subproject intended to be installed in AppBundleDirectory/Contents/PlugIns.
The default installation directory for plugin.xcodeproj is /Library/Bundles, I'd like to change it to AppBundleDirectory/Contents/PlugIns. I don't think plugin is aware of its parent build directory, so I couldn't find any environment variable to put into the Installation Directory setting.
To sum it up:
Project structure
Wanted generated structure
How should I proceed ?
If your app target depends on your plugin targets, then it's fairly straightforward:
Add a Copy Files phase to your app
Make the Destination "PlugIns" (this is in the drop-down list)
Use the "+" button to choose the plugins.
If the plugins depend on the app, then it's only slightly more complicated. You have to hard-code the name of the app:
Make sure that everyone has the same DSTROOT (using a single Scheme is the easiest way to get this)
Make the plugins INSTALL_PATH be "/" (note the leading /)
Note that it's "PlugIns" not "Plugins". 99.99% of the time it doesn't matter. But every so often you run into that one guy who chooses a case-sensitive file system at install and your plugins don't load. I chased that bug for four months once. Picking it from the Copy Files list is a nice way to be sure to be right.