How to pass credentials for BASIC Auth to browser? - xmlhttprequest

I know that when the browser sees a WWW-Authenticate header with the value Basic, it will bring up the login dialog box. If the login succeeds, the browser pretty much handles the credentials via the Authorization header it will send automatically in future requests.
I want to use my own login screen but I want the browser to handle the credentials passed in as if they were passed via the browsers dialog box. Is there a way to pass these credentials to the browser this way or do I have to manually add the Authorization header myself if I use my own login screen?

After successful login, redirect user to


Redirecting to browser from Postman for authentication process

I am trying to perform GET request which need admin consent for authentication when I run the request, postman provide OK response and the response in html script format. But I need to go to the respective website to provide authentication.
I am trying to redirect to website for providing consent to further processing.
Screenshot for Ref

How to use two factor authorization cookie along with single factor authorization cookie

I have a web application with singe factor authorization and now have implemented two-factor authorization. I am using the Microsoft Identity for the log-in. The problem is - so far we have used a cookie to remember the user while providing the username and password. Say that as 'signglefactorcookie'. Now on the authenticator application authorization page(TFA), I have added another cookie for the remember me option. Say that as 'twofactorcookie'. Now how can I make my client request for both cookies when I use the below code?
// Check whether there is a valid session or persistent cookie
// Move to a landing page
Problem scenario
Now the problem is, if I log in to the single-factor authentication page with the correct user name and password and land at the two-factor authentication page.
Open a new tab and try to access the home page getting success since there is a single factor cookie that is recognized which makes the user authorized.
How can I make it in a standard way?

Automate getting access token in Postman using Auth2.0 AuthorizationFlow + PKCE

So I currently have all my requests set up in postman and to be able to make the request to my api I first need to go to the Authorization tab and click "Get Access Token" then a new window appears showing the log in screen from the Identity Server where I can enter the correct username and password to obtain the access token.
I am now wanting to use Postman to test my api however when the access token expires the tests of course fail.
What I want to know is the best way to approach setting up a script that could run the authorization before that request/tests are run.
I can see lots of examples if you only use ClientId and Secret however our Identity Server also requires the user to log in with username and password as that information is needed so that the Identity Info can be included in the returned token as the api called in the request uses this to determine which user to return data for.
Really hitting a brick wall here as I cannot see a way to automate the identity login.
How do others deal with running automated tests against an api protected with IdentityServer login?
You would have to mimic the set of requests and responses that would normally go through the browser. For example, you first make an authorization request. The server responds with a 302 to a login page. You can grab the location header and call the login page. Then you would post the username and password to the login form's action, etc.
You can have a look at this example: this is a set of curl commands which perform such login to an instance of the Curity Identity Server.
You should be able to script it as a series of requests in Postman.

XMLHttpRequest Basic Auth, second request

normally browser stores and adds authentication header automaticly after successfull authentication.
I have a XMLHttpRequest and added the authentication header for basic auth. No problem at all.
Then I try to send a second request to the same url that is basic http protected without adding manually the http request header to this request. Poorly it seems that the browser is not storing the authentication provided in request 1. My goal is to add the authentication handler transparently to every request that follows the first one (like a native browser do).
Any idea? Thanks.
Browser only storing authetication requested from user. So, if you send 1st request w/o authentication fields, browser will prompt user for auth this time, remember credentials and use it for next requests transparently.

Over-ride Browser Authentication Dialog

Is there a way using Java to over-ride the browser authentication dialog box when a 401 message is received from the web server? I want to know when this dialog is being displayed, and instead of it being given to the user, I fill in the credentials for them.
Overview of application:
i wrote the web server, so essentially i want to stop someone from opening an external browser and putting in the localhost and port to gain access to the data being displayed. my app has an embedded web browser linked to my written server. the browser displays decrypted content, so if i force the auth (even for my embedded browser), an external browser would need credentials. if my embedded browser is trying to access the files, i supply the credentials for the user and display the content
If you don't care about the password showing you can construct the URL so it passes the credentials ex. This will by pass the authentication box but will show the user the credentials so also might not be what you are looking for.
SWT 3.5M6 has a new listener within it call AuthenticationListener. It simply listens for authentication event passed from the server and is fired. The code below is what performs the behavior I wanted. It waits for the auth, and if the host is my application, it passes back the credentials. Of course fill in the USER_NAME, PASSWORD and HOST_NAME with appropriate variables. Otherwise it lets the browser auth dialog pop up and makes the user enter the credentials. This code can also be found in the Eclipse SWT snippets page:
webBrowser.addAuthenticationListener(new AuthenticationListener()
public void authenticate(AuthenticationEvent event) {
try {
URL url = new URL(event.location);
if (url.getHost().equals(HOST_NAME))
event.user = USER_NAME;
event.password = PASSWORD;
/* do nothing, let default prompter run */
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
/* should not happen, let default prompter run */
your question is a bit unclear. The whole basic authentication is based on HTTP Headers.
If the browser gets an authorization header than it displays the dialog. The content from the dialog is then send back to the server. There is nothing special about it. It iser username:password in base64 encoded. Have a look at
The problem is how you want to interfere. You would have to capture the authorization header and then for the next request you have to alter the HTTP header to include the credentials.
hope that helps
I think this is mostly browser-dependent behavior and what the server reports to the browser.
For example, Internet Explorer, being a Microsoft product, directly supports automatic sending of Windows credentials (you can modify this behavior in your Internet Settings) after an anonymous request fails in a 401.
Firefox, for example, does not and will always prompt the user even if it was set to remember the id and password via the password manager. IE will also prompt if auto-login fails (such as your Windows credentials still result in a 401 because you're id isn't allowed).
I don't think, as a web developer, you have much control over this besides setting up your server and app to work in the most expected and harmonious way... if you could, this might get into black hat territory.
If you want to control what is displayed to the user for authentication, you can change the auth-method in the login-config section of the web.xml from BASIC to FORM.
Then you can specify what page should be displayed when the user is authenticating, and, I suppose, pre-fill the credentials for them...but doesn't this defeat the whole purpose of security?
Setting up Authentication for Web Applications
Edit after further details:
My only suggestion would be to change the auth-method to CLIENT-CERT and require two-way SSL, where the client is also required to present a certificate to the server. If you install the certificate into your embedded browser (and make sure external browsers can't get the certificate) then you should be OK. And actually this should stop any authentication dialog from being displayed.