iOS Watch Simulator size becomes Large - size

I encounter something weird today.
Been using watch app sim with scale 100% all the while. And the size is small as one would expect for a watch.
But today, I terminated the watch sim, and rerun the app and suddenly the size has become larger. Like almost the size of iPhone6S simulator at 50% scale.
Here is a picture.
Question is this normal? How can I get back the original size?

In the Simulator, sometimes scale does get reset.
Shortcut to scale up and down is press command + 1 or command + 2 or command + 3. It will scale it properly.
You can check with Windows -> Scale.


Image size changing from Expo to App Store

When running my application in Expo all images look fine and lovely, it's just when I deploy to the app store suddenly my images are huge.
I made sure that I follow Expo's standard on image spec as written here;
Even weirder is the images look fine on iPhone X but the size is off on iPhone 7 (but on that same iPhone 7 in Expo everything looks ok). So just wondering if anyone has experienced any issues going from Expo to App Store with images and if they did how did they solve them?
Note: I am yet to deploy to Google play so haven't been able to see the effects there yet.
All input greatly appreciated
Just try to use WIDTH and HEIGHT from Dimensions
And then set width to your image by multiplication of WIDTH on some coefficient.

Does it matter if the app has always the highest density images

Im building multiple apps in React-native and I know that there its possible to put in multiple images that have a different density. React-native selects them automatically in the tag. I know for native Android and iOS they do the same.
I get it if you want to have some changes for lower density devices. Maybe a other design of a icon or something like that. But what if you have the 3x and then resize it to a 2x and 1x. Then you have the same image but with a smaller file.
Now my question is does it really matter to add the 2x and 1x if I already have the 3x? I don't see any performance of quality issues with that.
I guess (but not sure) it can give a RAM issues with large amount of images shows simultaneously.
Plus a famous android developer says that Android has an issue with downscale big images.

WinRT Surface DirectX Black Screen

I'm having a strange and irritating problem on WinRT Surface tablet when using DirectX (hosted in BackgroundSwapChainPanel). Basically once in a while (like once a day, or few times a week / while testing for few hours every day), half of my 3D scene goes black, like on the picture below (cut vertically or sometimes horizontally):
While this happens, the DirectX is still rensponsive and i have full control of the app.
I don't think posting code makes any sense ( i'm simply using standard SwapChain and resizing viewport and back texture whenever screen size changes - actually getting screen size from Core Window). This only happens once in a while : ( when i try to explicitly force this - like by splitting screen between two / switching between apps / and so on, I CANNOT repeat this error - viewport always resizes correctly. Then sometimes just using the app, this will happen.
Did anybody had any experience similliar to this ? Any ideas what is causing this ?
Thanks in advance,

iOS App won't use 4 inch size even with default-568h#2x image

Everything I read (including on Stack) keeps saying that in order to have an app use the entire 4" iPhone screen you simply have to add a default-568h#2x.png image with a resolution of 1136 x 640.
I've added this image and when I run on a 4" iPhone simulator everything (including the launch image) renders windowed with the black bars at the top and bottom. I've tried deleting and re-adding the image, made sure it shows up as the 4" launch image in the Target summary tab, and adjusted all of the simulated metrics sizes in my storyboard to be Retina 4 full screen. Even with all of this, I'm still getting the old 3.5" window.
Is there something I'm missing or doing wrong?
You spelled Default-568h#2x.png wrong. Remember that iOS is a case sensitive file system, so the capital "D" matters. (I had a very similar problem -- which is what led me to this question -- because I was missing the "h" )
I'm not certain on what the issue is but a couple more checks you could do would be to make sure you have built the latest version of your project before simulation. The simulator may be launching a previous build that did not have the 4# images
Maybe try temporarily removing your smaller resolution images to see if that makes a difference.
Also make sure when the simulator is open that you have the correct hardware configuration in the hardware tab

how to get the maximum fps in ipad?

I have developed a game for iPhone using coco2d 0.99.3. I want it to work on iPad. I have the new images which are bigger in size and resolution than iPhone images.
Every thing is fine, but I got the fps problem. In iphone simulator I used to get 50 - 60 fps and even in iPhone device I used to get 50 above fps.
But, in ipad simulator the fps is very low, it is below 10fps. I could not understand where is the problem. What should I do to raise the fps ?
Thank You.
this is a common phenomenon among other developers (including myself)
BUT it's nothing to worry about; fps on the real iPad are much higher than the simulator. However, this only seems to happen with large images, so I don't add them till the very end of the development process. You can get reasonable results by doing so.
hope this helps