Can't resolve can't install anything - raspbian

I have raspberry pi 3. And I can't even update it because when I do the update screen is held at I tried to open it in browser, the site is down. What should I do?
And yeah it is perfectly online.

temporarily disabling ipv6 solved my issue (temporarily)
apt -o Acquire::ForceIPv4=true update

From my point, the site is online. Are you sure your Raspberry is connected to the internet?
Also says it is online.
Check your /etc/hosts file for entries which change the location of the Domain in question.

Check the storage of your sd card. If you have a lot of information on it, it might slow down or stop working. If you have a lot of information, you have 2 options:
Remove unwanted information
Install a fresh OS image on it


Google Colab running any cell received javascript related errors

Received a browser white popup saying when executing any cells:
Could not load the JavaScript files needed to display output.
This is probably because your Google account login access has expired or because third-party cookies are not allowed by your browser.
Please reload this page.
I have tried re-login and restarted runtime, and no help. Strange is another notebook is fine.
Update: Just restarting browser and relaunched everything seemed to "fix" this.
For those like me who tried all the given solutions but with no use ,the magic thing that worked for me in the end was to open colab using a vpn!
Restart browser. If someone find a better way, please post.
I got this error on chrome. Every colab notebook I opened had this issue even if it wasn't connected to a runtime.
Restarting the browser didn't help.
Clearing cookies of last 24hours (and restarting my system to be sure!) fixed the issue.
This may be because access to your Google account has expired or because your browser does not allow third-party cookies.
Check your task manager on your laptop and see how full the disk is.
Mine was 100% so I searched “disk cleanup” on my Windows computer And got rid of temporary files and files downloaded from internet, etc. also clear cache and cookies on whatever browser you’re doing. And if you have synced your google chrome and Microsoft edge specifications as the same(cookies, extensions, etc) then get rid of both cache and other stuff on them as well. Also check 3rd party cookies
Using vpn solved this problem for me
The library I'm using by default prints a large amount of info, which caused this problem for me. Restart the browser only works if it doesn't print that much again. Disabling the verbose info printing solved the problem for me.
I found when the notebook is heavy it is throwing up this error. For example there were so many plots in my notebook, that slowed it down and caused this problem. Also make sure you don't have multiple notebooks opened.
Try Cleaning your trash/recycle-bin & temp files.
That worked out for me.
Disabling some AdBlock extensions works for me.

Connecting the Raspberry Pi 3 with a 3G dongle (Qualcomm Modem)

I recently bought a 3G dongle for a project I'm working on. I want my Raspberry Pi to be able to receive SMS messages and respond to them. I got a HSDPA 3g dongle with a 7.2mbps connection. I've set up the dongle on Windows with an A1 (not sure if you guys know this provider) sim and it works fine. I can connect to the internet just fine and also receive text messages (SMS)
However when I try connecting it to my Raspberry Pi (with Raspbian OS) then it doesn't work. It's always show as a "Mass Storage Device".
I tried my luck with usb_modeswitch and wvdial and with Sakis3g as well, but I can't get it to work. My problem with usb_modeswitch and wvdial was that even after I tried everything explained on these 2 blog posts ( ; it still didn't switch to the modem mode. It always stays at the "Mass Storage Mode". I saw an alternative and tried using Sakis3G, but with no luck as well. Seems like their website ( / is offline and you can't download certain .tar.gz folders/files anymore. I tried my luck with this blog post. (
And you guessed it, I couldn't get it to work either. It doesn't let me download the .gz folder/file because the website appears to be down.
It's a very big problem for my project and I would appreciate any help. It's really important. If anyone knows what I can do to fix this, please offer help. I'd really appreciate it.
Trying using tips supplied in this article
Unplug your modem
Open a terminal prompt
Install the usb-modeswitch package by typing in:
sudo apt-get install usb-modeswitch
Reboot Pi
Plug the modem in,
Give it a couple of seconds and then try commands to confirm it worked
ifconfig -a
You should see a new interface (Note the name of it - might be something like wwan0 )
To get this to acquire an IP address, edit the file /etc/network/interfaces and add the lines:
allow-hotplug wwan0
iface wwan0 inet dhcp
Also note that the full version of sakis3G has this usb-modeswitch embedded in it.
You can still download code and look at instructions at old site that's been archived at:

cannot connect to beaglebone black via ethernet or ssh

I cannot connect to my beaglebone black via ssh or usb,
I could connect via ssh/ethernet before I edited a file, and rebooted.
I thnink the file I changed was uEnv.txt and I think I commented out the line about HDMI
Any ideas? do i just need to reinstall the debian OS? via the memory card?
thanks for your help.
If it really was the uEnv.tx-file you don't need to reflash your img.
You can edit the uEnv.txt file again (easly with the plugged USB and explorer). If you comment things out in this file, the driver can't work properly. If you can tell me your img version (that's very usefull if you write it by every question down) I can show you the unmodified uEnv file.
You can easy also google that file.
An alternative way is to reflash the img. Recommendable for new BBB / Linux users. The img an guide is available at
I hope I answered your question, otherwise write again!

Headless Raspbian server diagnostics (on RaspberryPi)

I own a RaspberryPi that I can connect only through ssh. A few days ago it was unsafely powered off. Now when I turn it on I cannot access it. It looks like it turns on but can't get an ip or so.
It is ptovided by fixed IP from router, and when I try to ping this IP, it tells me that the destination host is unreachable.
Is there a way to find out what has happened or the only way is to complete reinstall the OS?
One possibility is that the systems rootfs has been corrupted, this happened to me once with unsafe powerdown on a raspi.
If you have another sd-card, the easiest would be to install a fresh image on it and check if it boots correctly. If not, make an image of your current sd-card, format and reinstall.
Hopefully you've got backups, as there's no guarantee to recover your files if the data has been corrupted.

vlock on raspbian wheezy doesn't work properly

I've set up raspbian "wheezy" (more information here, and image file here) on my recently arrived raspberry-pi (model B, but with 256MB RAM). Since I plan to use it via SSH from other locations, I was looking for a way to lock the console on the actual machine.
Raspbian is the first unix based OS I am working with, so I'm not really familiar with it, but I think I am looking for something like "vlock".
I installed vlock like this:
apt-get install vlock
When I now log into my pi via SSH from my Windows PC vlock works just fine, but when I try using it on the machine itself it shows a strange behaviour.
If I enter a wrong password, I get the usual message:
vlock: Authentication failure
but immediately after that the commandline shows up as if I entered the right one. So basically everyone can just roll his or her head over my keyboard to unlock my pi.
Does anyone know if this is a known bug (or even intended)? Or are there any equivalents to vlock that I could try?
Thanks in advance.
PS: This is my first question on stackoverflow so I hope I provided enough information. If I didn't, feel free to comment/ask.