match two pattern in log file and output as table - awk

I need to match two patterns in a log file and need to get the output as a table if possible. The log file has several lines with the words I want to match, here is an example of the log file:
Seed for random set to: uuzTjCqMVRk=
--out /home/ALL/ADRL.GLND.FET-EnhA
--max-shift False
--min-shift False
p-value = 0.542
Seed for random set to: P2+shGCxj70=
--out /home/ALL/BLD.CD14.MONO-EnhA
--max-shift False
--min-shift False
p-value = 0.737
I would like to get an output like this (tab delimited to export as text file):
Group Pvalue
BLD.CD14.MONO-EnhA 0.737
I would like to do it in bash if it is possible
This is what I have tried:
grep 'out' file.log | awk '{print $0}' > file1.txt
grep 'p-value' file.log | awk '{print $0}' > file2.txt
paste -d"\t" file1.txt file2.txt > pval.txt

$ awk -F'[/ ]' -v OFS='\t' 'BEGIN{print "Group","Pvalue"} (NR%7)==2{g=$NF} (NR%7)==6{print g, $NF}' file
Group Pvalue
BLD.CD14.MONO-EnhA 0.737
or if you prefer:
$ awk -F'[/ ]+' -v OFS='\t' 'BEGIN{print "Group","Pvalue"} $2=="--out"{g=$NF} $1=="p-value"{print g, $NF}' file
Group Pvalue
BLD.CD14.MONO-EnhA 0.737

Zero error-checking:
awk '/--out/ { sub(".*/","",$2);printf "%s\t",$2; } /p-value = / { print $3; }' < file.log
If a line has --out, prints the base name of the path followed by a tab. If a line has p-value =, prints the number and a newline.
awk is nice, in this case, because you can modify the lines you match. Thinking in terms of grep, you'd have to deploy additional tools (like sed) to get the parts you wanted, then reassemble them into a useful form. Your use of grep and paste is valiant, and with tweaking would work, at the cost of many more processes and deployed tools.
You could do this in one bigger block of awk pattern matching, which would be more bullet-proof. I'll leave as exercise for the reader.


How can I print only lines that are immediately preceeded by an empty line in a file using sed?

I have a text file with the following structure:
So you can see that some lines of text are preceeded by an empty line.
I understand that sed has the concept of two buffers, a pattern space buffer and a hold space buffer, so I'm guessing these need to come in to play here, but I'm unclear how to specify them to accomplish what I need.
In my contrived example above, I'd expect to see the following lines outputted:
sed is for doing s/old/new on individual lines, that is all. Any time you start talking about buffers or doing anything related to multi-lines comparisons you're using the wrong tool.
You could do this with awk:
$ awk -v RS= -F'\n' 'NR>1{print $1}' file
but it would fail to print the first non-empty line if the first line(s) in the file were empty so this may be what you want if you want lines of all space chars considered to be empty lines:
$ awk 'NF && !p{print} {p=NF}' file
and this otherwise:
$ awk '($0!="") && (p==""){print} {p=$0}' file
All of the above will work even if there are multiple empty lines preceding any given non-empty line.
To see the difference between the 3 approaches (which you won't see given the sample input in the question):
PS1> printf '\nfoo\n \nbar\n\netc\n' | cat -E
PS1> printf '\nfoo\n \nbar\n\netc\n' | awk -v RS= -F'\n' 'NR>1{print $1}'
PS1> printf '\nfoo\n \nbar\n\netc\n' | awk 'NF && !p{print} {p=NF}'
PS1> printf '\nfoo\n \nbar\n\netc\n' | awk '($0!="") && (p==""){print} {p=$0}'
You can use the hold buffer easily to print the line before the blank like this:
sed -n -e '/^$/{x; p;}' -e h input
But I don't see an easy way to use it for your use case. For your case, instead of using the hold buffer, you could do:
sed -n -e '/^$/ba' -e d -e :a -e n -e p input
But I would do this with awk.
awk 'NR!=1{print $1}' RS= FS=\\n input-file
awk 'p;{p=/^$/}' file
above command does these for each line:
if p is 1, print line;
if line is empty, set p to 1.
if lines consisting of one or more spaces are also considered empty:
awk 'p;{p=!NF}' file
to print non-empty lines each coming right after an empty line, you can use this:
awk 'p*!(p=/^$/)' file
if p is 1 and this line is not empty (1*!(0) = 1*1 = 1), print this line;
otherwise (1*!(1) = 1*0 = 0, 0*anything = 0), don't print anything.
note that this one may not work with all awks, a portable version of this would look like:
awk 'p*(/./);{p=/^$/}' file
if lines consisting of one or more spaces are also considered empty:
awk 'p*NF;{p=!NF}' file
see them online here, and here.
If sed/awk is not mandatory, you can do it with grep:
grep -A 1 '^$' input.txt | grep -v -E '^$|--'
You can use sed to match a range of lines and do sub-matches inside the matches, like so:
# - use the "-n" option to omit printing of lines
# - match lines between a blank line (/^$/) and a non-blank one (/^./),
# then print only the line that contains at least a character,
# i.e, the non-blank line.
sed -ne '
/^$/,/^./ {
/^./{ p; }
}' input.txt
tested by gnu sed, your data in 'a':
$ sed -nE '/^$/{N;s/\n(.+)/\1/p}' a
add -i option precedes -n to real editing

Bash how to split file on empty line with awk

I have a text file ( and I want to split it into multiple files. The split should occur everytime an empty line is found. The filenames should be progressive (,, ..)
I found this answer that suggests using awk, but I can't make it work with my desired naming convention
awk -v RS="" '{print $0 > $1".txt"}' file
I also found other answers telling me to use the command csplit -l but I can't make it match empty lines, I tried matching the pattern '' but I am not that familiar with regex and I get the following
bash-3.2$ csplit ""
csplit: : unrecognised pattern
Input file:
Desired output:
Another fix for the awk:
$ awk -v RS="" '{
split(FILENAME,a,".") # separate name and extension
f=a[1] NR "." a[2] # form the filename, use NR as number
print > f # output to file
close(f) # in case there are MANY to avoid running out f fds
In any normal case, the following script should work:
awk 'BEGIN{RS=""}{ print > ("A" NR ".in") }' file
The reason why this might fail is most likely due to some CRLF terminations (See here and here).
As mentioned by James, making it a bit more robust as:
awk 'BEGIN{RS=""}{ f = "A" NR ".in"; print > f; close(f) }' file
If you want to use csplit, the following will do the trick:
csplit --suppress-matched -f "A" -b "" '/^$/' '{*}'
See man csplit for understanding the above.
Input file content:
$ cat
AWK file content:
print $0 >> "A"n".in"
awk -f ctrl.awk
$ cat
$ cat
$ cat
PS: One-liner execution without AWK file:
awk 'BEGIN{n=1}{if(NF!=0){print $0 >> "A"n".in"}else{n++}}'

Exact string match in awk

I have a file test.txt with the next lines
1997 100 500 2010TJ
2010TJXML 16 20 59
I'm using the next awk line to get information only about string 2010TJ
awk -v var="2010TJ" '$0 ~ var {print $0}' test.txt
But the code print the two lines. I want to know how to get the line containing the exact string
1997 100 500 2010TJ
the string can be placed in any column of the file.
Several options:
Use a gawk word boundary (not POSIX awk...):
$ gawk '/\<2010TJ\>/' file
An actual space or tab or what is separating the columns:
$ awk '/^2010TJ /' file
Or compare the field directly to the string:
$ awk '$1=="2010TJ"' file
You can loop over the fields to test each field if you wish:
$ awk '{for (i=1;i<=NF;i++) if ($i=="2010TJ") {print; next}}' file
Or, given your example of setting a variable, those same using a variable:
$ gawk -v s=2010TJ '$0~"\\<" s "\\>"'
$ awk -v s=2010TJ '$0~"^" s " "'
$ awk -v s=2010TJ '$1==s'
Note the first is a little different than the second and third. The first is the standalone string 2010TJ anywhere in $0; the second and third is a string that starts with that string.
Try this (for testing only column 1) :
awk '$1 == "2010TJ" {print $0}' test.txt
or grep like (all columns) :
gawk '/\<2010TJ\>/ {print $0}' test.txt
\< \> is word boundarys
another awk with word boundary
awk '/\y2010TJ\y/' file
note \y matches either beginning or end of a word.

awk printing the second to last record of a file

I have a file set up like
Words on
many line
More Words
on many lines
Even More Words
on many lines
and I would like to output the second to last record of this file where the record is delimited by % after each block of text.
I have used:
awk -v RS=\% ' END{ print NR }' $f
to find the number of records (1136). Then I did
awk -v RS=\% ' { print $(NR-1) }' $f
awk -v RS=\% ' { print $(NR=1135) }' $f
Neither of these worked, and, instead, displayed a record towards the beginning of the file and a many blank lines.
"You know, of course, that the Tasmanians, who never committed adultery, are
now extinct."
-- M. Somerset Maugham
This output had many, many more blank lines and contains a record near the middle of the file.
awk -v RS=\% 'END{ print $(NR-1) }' $f
returns a blank line. The same command with different $(NR-x) values also returns a blank line.
Can someone help me to print the second to last record in this case?
You can do:
awk '{this=last;last=$0} END{print this}' file
Or, if you don't mind having the entire file in memory:
awk '{a[NR]=$0} END{print a[NR-1]}' file
Or, if it is just line count (or record count) based, you can keep a rolling deletion going so you are not too piggish on memory:
$ seq 999999 | tail -2
$ seq 999999 | awk '{a[NR]=$0; delete a[NR-3]} END{print a[NR-1]}'
If they are blocks of text the same method works if you can separate the blocks into delimited records.
$ echo "$txt"
Words on
many line
More Words
on many lines
Even More Words
on many lines
You can do:
$ echo "$txt" | awk -v RS=\% '{a[NR]=$0} END{print a[NR-1]}'
Even More Words
on many lines
$ echo "$txt" | awk -v RS=\% '{a[NR]=$0} END{print a[NR-2]}'
More Words
on many lines
If you want to not print the leading and trailing \n you can do:
$ echo "$txt" | awk 'BEGIN{RS="%\n"} {a[NR]=$0} END{printf a[NR-2]}'
Words on
many line
Finally, if you know the specific record you want to print, do it this way in awk:
$ seq 999999 | awk -v mrk=1135 'NR==mrk{print; exit}'
If you want a random record, you can do:
$ awk -v min=1 -v max=1135 'BEGIN{srand()
NR==tgt{print; exit}' file
Does the solution have to be with awk? Just using head and tail would be simpler.
tail -2 file.txt | head 1 > justthatline.txt
The best way for this would be to use the BEGIN construct.
awk 'BEGIN{RS="%\n"; ORS="%\n"}(NR>=2){print}' file
RS and ORS set the input file and output record separators respectively.

Using file redirects to input a variable search pattern to awk

I'm attempting to write a small script in bash. The script's purpose is to pull out a search pattern from file1.txt and to print the line number of the matching search from file2.txt. I know the exact place of the pattern that I want in file1.txt, and I can pull that out quite easily with sed and awk e.g.
sed -n 3p file1.txt | awk '{print $4}'
The part that I'm having trouble with is passing that information again to awk to use as a search pattern in file2.txt. Something along the lines of:
awk '/search_pattern/{print NR}' file2.txt
I was able to get this code working in two lines of code by storing the output of the first line as a variable, and passing that variable to awk in the second line,
myVariable=`sed -n 3p file1.txt | awk '{print $4}'`
awk '/'"$myVariable"'/{print NR}' file2.txt
but this seems "inelegant". I was hoping there was a way to do this in one line of code using file redirects (or something similar?). Any help is greatly appreciated!
You can avoid sed | awk with
awk 'NR==3{print $4; exit 0}' file1.txt
You can do your search with:
search=$(awk 'NR==3{print $4; exit 0}' file1.txt)
awk -v search="$search" '$0 ~ search { print NR }' file2.txt
You could even write that all on one line, but I don't recommend that; clarity is more important than brevity.
In principle, you could use:
awk 'NR==3{search = $4; next} FNR!=NR && $0 ~ search {print NR}' file1.txt file2.txt
This scans file1.txt and finds the search pattern; then it scans file2.txt and finds the lines that match. One line — even moderately clear. There'll be lots of matches if there isn't a column 4 on line 3 of file1.txt.